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My UFO meeting with Sr. Air Force personnel

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posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by roadgravel
Would have been nice to get a roll call/attendance for the meeting. Could it be that it is protocol for the presenter to request it and if not them it is skipped.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were holding their cards and just determining what information you had. I meeting with public occasionally would support their stance of openness if ever questioned.

I shook all of their hands before we walked into the meeting room. Each told me their name and who they worked for. But it was so fast I don't remember anyone's name except for Dr. Butler and the Lockheed Martin rep who was wearing a blue dress shirt under his suit coat.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by ufo reality
Not everyone can shell out $300. Right now I'm not one of those who can.

[edit on 24-6-2008 by ufo reality]

Fair enough, but why didn't you ask for the hi-resolution photos from your friend who took them? This seems like a normal thing to do, especially if the pieces are authentic. You would need those photos to prove your case, but now, all we have is another few inconclusive photos to add to the pile of thousands. That and your testimony.

By the way. A digital camera can be purchased with less than $300 (prob. around $150). If you have a credit card, that works too.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 01:45 PM
In my opinion i think this is very good work you have done ufo reality!

I wonder, how many other people have done what you just did?
I'm not here to bash you about this, alot of people are doing just that it seems, i can understand questions about certain things, but other things are just way too much blown up, as picture quality, everything you said, did, did not do, thought you should have done, and so on.

And for those with questions:
These things matters, ofcourse but just keep pushing about it when you have gotten a reply about it wont improve the answer at all.
Asking nicely seems to have been forgotten in this world....

Anyways, you have an applause from me for your work into this ufo reality, keep it up.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 01:47 PM
Thank you, ufo reality, for sharing your experiences here with us. As others have stated, would be nice to have more details, but thank you for stating what you did.

Lockheed officials were probably from Marietta, I imagine...(incidentally, my father no longer works on the Raptor project, he's now a consultant for Sikorsky)....(I'm kind of a lifelong Lockheed brat as some here know)...

Anything stating MJ-12 is basically a hoax. I turn off when I see those words along with some others.

I'm not so sure. While some of those documents are undoubtedly false (they contain facts/events, etc. that have the incorrect dates or can be disproven otherwise), it sure represents a tremendous (and well-researched) effort at falsification if all of them are (the most detailed documents tend to stand up to intense scrutiny, at least in a logical sense). As for why he bought them, you can generally buy much easier to read copies of the docs, than what is available online. Personally, I like seeing the original copies versus just the text of them. MAJIC (Military Assessment Joint Intelligence Committee), and MJ-12 designators have more substantiation, and the alleged members certainly are logical choices for the role. In addition, the detail for some of these documents are incredible for hoaxers.

I don't see why his frament couldn't be silicon as he stated. Just look at the pic here:

Unfortunately, it doesn't support a claim of being ET in origin, however...

As for not finding anything else about a Muncie UFO crash, what about here?

To all, it is certainly fine to ask for more details, etc., but lets all remember some common courtesy and netiquette, eh?

If nothing else, at least the meeting was an interesting experience for you, but the thread title likely set the bar high for expectations, hehe...

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:01 PM
An experience I will carry with me for sure...

[edit on 24-6-2008 by ufo reality]

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

hey bro..interesting story..

do you have any copies of the reptoid pic?


posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:10 PM
Question - have you ever photographed and posted a pic of this fragment here on ATS?

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by sos37
Question - have you ever photographed and posted a pic of this fragment here on ATS?

Yes, in fact in this very thread!

As for the reptoid photo, it's in black and white like I said and I don't have a scanner. I'll work on it though.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:16 PM
Note: I'll add that the names "Dr. Wolf" and "Hoagland" pretty much red flag the crash recovery story for me, but I'll still thank the poster for sharing here on ATS...

Without evidence of machining beyond our capabilities, or a substantial amount of non-terrestrial/non-identifiable would seem you simply have a piece of silicon, and may have been misled by your sources.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:19 PM
Thanks for posting your story. Good that people are trying to further UFO investigations without looking foolish or unscientific.

I'm curious as to why you brought MJ-12 documents when they are almost unanimously considered a fake among the UFO community. There are a few adherents - i.e. Stanton Friedman - but most researchers accept them as clever fakes. Wouldn't this undermine your credibility to the Air Force folks and do more harm than good?

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

whoa there...rewind, what? What letter from Dick Cheney? What are you talking about? Is there another thread of yours that gives more details?

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by 420prajna
reply to post by ufo reality

whoa there...rewind, what? What letter from Dick Cheney? What are you talking about? Is there another thread of yours that gives more details?

It's a brief reply to a letter I wrote him in 2004. Just states thank you for sharing your thoughts and views on the UFO issue. Nothing detailed.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:37 PM
Interesting thread here's my two cents on the meeting.

In regards to your MJ-12 Documents, I feel it is of course possible that the person you showed these to didn't necessarily care what they were, the minute he saw top secret on the document he just didn't want to see it.

I would assume that if you work in classified projects long enough it's just a knee jerk reaction.

As for the meeting itself, while I don't know what happened in muncie, it's very possible (at least in my opinion) that Dr. Butler and the others weren't as concerned about you having a piece of recovered alien craft as they were about you having an important piece of a classified project of some sort wether part of an aircraft or weapon(system).

Once Dr. Butler saw your sample and realised it was either A) not part of a still classified project or B) yes part of a classified project but not a piece important enough to confiscate.

B meaning that he looked at and knew what it was but decided that since it wasn't a part of an operating system but just a small fragment of "slag"(not meant in a derogatory way) that it was most likely easier/safer to pretend he didn't know or care what it was and just let you keep it.

Just my opinion of course and as usual.

I should point at that I'm not a big believer in the MJ-12 Documents perse but again if you were talking to a guy who has spent a number of years working in classified projects I would think just offering someone a chance to read something outside of their clearance range might evoke the knee jerk reaction of "Heck No don't even show it to me".


posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by ufo reality
I shook all of their hands before we walked into the meeting room. Each told me their name and who they worked for. But it was so fast I don't remember anyone's name except for Dr. Butler and the Lockheed Martin rep who was wearing a blue dress shirt under his suit coat.

You could always e-mail to DR. Burke & ask who the other attendees were & who was their employer.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:44 PM
I would do that as soon as I get a response from him to my email where I thanked him for setting up the meeting. Perhaps I won't hear back from him and I don't want to pester him. I think he was flying out of the state today.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:46 PM
I have to say I'm ultimately curious what your background is, level of education, etc, and possibly what if any affiliation you have with any corporation or academic institution...that you'd be granted an hour with these individuals to discuss the UFO issue.

I'm certainly not stiff arming you to say it didn't happen, but I'm rather perplexed as to what the pretense was.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

So you brought a rock, a comic book, a form letter, and a copy of a copy of a picture of a dinosaur, talked for 99% of the time, and took no notes.

Great job!

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:52 PM

Have you all lost your mind? Is this site becoming a huge joke where dreamers make up story after story? This story could only be bought by very immature minds. The Air Force met you why? What credentials do you have? If you DID have any real credentials I can guarantee that you wouldn't be risking them by posting stories like this here. DO you understand the level of sophistication with which our National Reconn Office runs? You don't remember which Agencies where present? You don't own a digital camera? PLEASE stop embarrassing yourself. Actually im embarrassed for you. I am also embarrassed for everyone that humored this post.


posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

If you are a true devoted UFO researcher you would never had agreed to meet military people.. you would not have even contacted them.
And they would have never let you go home with the UFO fragment.

Either you are full of it or now you are in serious danger

[edit on 6/24/2008 by Spiderj]

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:56 PM
Interesting thread.

What worries me about this meeting is that these "bigwigs" were probably there to laugh at you. Most likely the good Dr informed those he reports too about the meeting, likely saying something along the lines of 'I'm meeting a guy to talk about UFO's and he says he's got a fragemnt of one' and they replied 'hmm, I'd like to sit in on that' with the intention of either discovering you had something important that you shouldn;t, at which point this would have been a very different thread, or more likely see it as something insignificant or just rubbish and leave the meeting and have a good laugh about it.

I cannot believe that you know no-one with a scanner or else have no internet cafes or the like in your locale that you could use to scan it. Library? I also cannot believe you know no-one with a camera other than a guy from a forum who then took terible pictures of what could have been amazing evidence. Didn't the place you had it anaylised take pictures they could provide you with?

I don't for one second buy that 'pilots like to buzz their homes in experimental craft' was the bit of 'private information' you didn;t want to share. Your explination that "It's just something I wanted to keep private, nothing more nothing less. I felt like it was something I wanted to keep to myself." is plain ridiculous. Why on earth would you want to keep that to yourself when this place is, and ostensibly you are, all about disclosure? And why would you describe something like that as being 'private'? That I simply cannot fathom.

Personally I believe that they didn;t look at the documents because if they even picked them up to browse, that would instantly give credence to the idea that they might contain something classified. They already knew you didn't because unless you were insane you would have released that info when you found it, not neatly put it in a manilla file and walked into their hands to pretty much say 'hey guys, look what I found!' a half second before the black bag falls over your head and you feel a needle in your arm...

I apologise if you consider anything I've said to be harsh or rude. I thank you for arranging the meeting, going through with it and coming back here to report about it. We need more researchers like you who put in the legwork, and maybe this could have opened a door to future meetings?

Just my 2p...

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