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Freemasonry is NOT a Religion!

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posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
This plays into "The Empire never ended" - theories whereby powerful empires such as the Roman or British Empire continue to dominate in secret...which again plays into another theory of the last 1000 years of history having been a fight between the catholic church and Britian.

We had them beat a while back, I think QE1 had them fixed, what we did do though is take in and assimilate everyone else who was persecuted by Rome.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
We had them beat a while back, I think QE1 had them fixed, what we did do though is take in and assimilate everyone else who was persecuted by Rome.

Yes, but some say the war of the two empires continues hidden from public view. I dont necessarily buy that theory, but its interesting to ponder.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
We had them beat a while back, I think QE1 had them fixed, what we did do though is take in and assimilate everyone else who was persecuted by Rome.

Yes, but some say the war of the two empires continues hidden from public view. I dont necessarily buy that theory, but its interesting to ponder.

There is some truth in it but its a little skewed. The best way I find to explain it is by taking the phrase 'All roads lead to Rome' and adding that all roads that lead away from Rome travel via Britain. This is a favourite historical topic of mine (British reactionism to Rome) though, so I certainly understand your interest.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 10:59 PM



EVERY Followers of any cult will, and always did
everything to manipulate public opinion on their Temples.

Freemasonry like any others, lie, manipulate, use rhetoric and propaganda
strategies to brainwash adepts and hide the truth to populations .

the only difference is, freemasonry dishonestly deny being a religious
cult, hiding it, to avoid negative reaction and attitude against them and
to distorted their vision, of reality to even more easily manipulate innocent
sheep to the Wolf's Temple.

The first work a initiate have to do is to read the story of BOAZ and RUTH,
ancient Christian’s figures in the Bible, Boaz being one of
the first preacher of monotheist, the king Solomon being is great great
great great son.

the Temple of Solomon's, first '' Pope '' is JACHIN and all
freemasonry lodges insides, around the world are
structured to look like the Temple of SOLOMON

All Freemasonry's works are base on religious figure and story to
indoctrinated adepts, they simulate old stories, let the followers live the
exact feeling they want them to feel to manipulate them to indoctrination.

so half is religious manipulation and the second technique of manipulation
is science. Philosophical stories and theories are shown to the adept to
make them feel in a certain way to brainwash their vision of reality into
the reality of freemasonry. One of the philosophical work, initiate have to
study it's the book of The Urantia or the Fifth Epochal Revelation,
Freemason are programmed to believe into the teaching of the Urantia Book,
as a spiritual guide.

even more dangerous than The Church of Scientology

50% hidden religious brainwash strategies
50 % science, philosophical brainwash strategies

You have been warned..!




for more secret on freemasonry
take a look at those thread.

What are the Masonic Secrets?
2 Movies on the masons both a must watch
Who is the most powerful secret society?

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 10:59 PM



our weak point is our habit to underestimate the potential of religious
Cults to slowly and hypocritly infiltrate and corrupted our educational,
political, social system to promote their personal religious Beliefs and Goals.

Freemasonry is worse than scientology

We, the people, can have for our self and children's future...

A world that we have accepted...!


A world that WE... have CHOSEN...!




posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Achilles 13

How odd, you seem to have the ***EXACT*** same posting style and language of Road Warrior - how could it be?

And, like him, you keep posting filth that has already been demonstrated to be incorrect. Freemasonry is by definition, not a religious cult. The peer reviewed literature shows it does not fit any scholarly accepted definition of religion. And that is ***FINAL*** until you provide evidence otherwise - and given what you've provided so far, I won't be holding my breath for it.

While you may believe in made up books, like the "Urantia" book, masons do not.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by Achilles 13

Your 2 post are very interesting Achilles 13, your way, to expose
your beliefs, with very nice artwork is great.

Keep up the good job '' SMART GUY ''


posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Lara Croft Peaceful World

I don't know about the first image, but the second set of images is definetly a rip from some well known and beloved movie and certainly not his orginal work.
Look, I get that pictures that tell you what you want to see and hear are appealing, but you really need to start reading what the people here are trying to tell you.
Telling someone "Hey! You are part of a brain washing cult, and all the good you do is actually evil!" Ain't gonna work. Neither is reusing the same lines over and over.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by ALightinDarkness

Yes, and Achilles, Road and Laura are always sure to give each other at least one post of "oh my god your so smart, what a great post, just amazing, gosh, wish I could be you!"

I must say I like the writing style. If it looked anymore blatantly like a giant piece of propaganda I would have to assume it where an organized antimason group working here.....

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by Achilles 13
One of the philosophical work, initiate have to
study it's the book of The Urantia or the Fifth Epochal Revelation,
Freemason are programmed to believe into the teaching of the Urantia Book,
as a spiritual guide.

I love this, you would be lucky if you could find one in a thousand masons that even know what the Urantia book was. We can't even get them to read Morals and Dogma and you think that they would read a book that is over two thousand pages. Get real, What a joke. I doubt you have even seen a Urantia Book, let along read any of it. This is just another brainwash born again fanatic repeating the same garbage over and over agian. Take care of your own soul and keep you dirty little hands away from mine. I will tend to it myself

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 07:23 AM
Religious indoctrination (if present) is not the same as being a religion. So to answer the question rationally, no, Freemasonry is not a religion when compared to the true definition of the word. I think this has been overly discussed already.

I'd like to edit my post to comment on the brother part though. I, as a Christian, believe all people to be my brothers and sisters, regardless of their intentions or personal beliefs, It is what Jesus has told us, respect for your fellow man no matter what. It keeps my feet on the ground. In that sense I find it a bit dangerous that only masons regard each other as brothers, I must say I kind of feel left out. I'd love to be your brother regardless of what secret society you are linked to, I'd love to get the same respect you show for your fellow craftsmen. Sometimes I get the feeling Freemasons put themselves on a higher level because of their inner friendship, after all they are enlightened, and the outsiders aren't. This might cause conceitedness and self complacency. Could someone elaborate on this and show me where I am wrong?

[edit on 27-6-2008 by raknjak]

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by raknjak
. In that sense I find it a bit dangerous that only masons regard each other as brothers, I must say I kind of feel left out. I'd love to be your brother regardless of what secret society you are linked to, I'd love to get the same respect you show for your fellow craftsmen.

Freemasonry teaches the universal Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God. In other words, Masons consider all mankind to be "brethren", not only those that belong to the fraternity.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by lost in the midwest

Freemason are always ready to lie, to defend their religious Cult

Originally posted by lost in the midwest

I love this, you would be lucky if you could find one in a thousand masons
that even know what the Urantia book was.

********* Found! *********

Originally posted by lost in the midwest


.....I believe in the teachings of the Urantia Book.

[edit on 6-5-2008 by lost in the midwest]


LET ME CLEAR SOMETHING HERE, for all *** Paranoid *** freemasonry's Knight...!



I USE Achilles 13 '' *** style *** '' man ,
and that is because it is a great style of posting.

Achilles 13 got a NEW WAY of posting that never
been seen before, it got '' Punch '' and we can really feel and
understand everything he wants to express, plus he his always right...!

He have leadership and STYLE, and i aprove *** 100% ***
of his post and i will fight on his side.....

Freemasons are all jalouse and affraid because he is a real *** LEADER ***,
A leader, who's leading us to the road of truth and the road of Freedom.


---------------------- Me,
i am a warrior man , -----------------

and i will always fight, for Truth, justice and for Freedom with every honest Leader.


'' Achilles 13, your pictures on your last two post, are awesome ''

RoadWarrior 31

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by Road Warrior 31

And that is why I know you can't find one in a thousand. I have been a mason for over 18 years and have met many thousand of masons in that time( I travel a lot). I have not found another reader of the book. May be you should take time and read the book. There is no hate, doom & gloom or bitterness in its message. Some thing that I am unable to say for your belief system. It does not claim that it is better than any other belief system and it doesn't demand that it be taken as the sole source of a persons reliegous belief.
Give it a try, maybe you can learn something. Your can find the it on the web.

[edit on 27-6-2008 by lost in the midwest]

[edit on 27-6-2008 by lost in the midwest]

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Road Warrior 31

To add to what Lost in the Midwest has said, I've spent the better part of ten years walking the conspiracy scene, admittedly for fun, however it was only in the last couple of months that I've heard of th urantia book.
In fact, I've asked both Masons and Anti-Masons to recomend some books, and aside from some similarities in the list, not a one has recommned me the Urantia book.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by raknjak

we as masons are taught we are all brothers. We as masons are to help anyone who might need help but especially a mason. Just as you might help out a childhood friend as well as a total stranger. The good thing about Masonry in my opinion is that another mason is never a total stranger but my brother. I could go to Alaska, not know anyone, find a lodge, and have a room full of friends in about 5 minutes. It has been the most worth while thing I have ever done with my spare time. (and that includes golf!) So to answer your question, we are all brothers. Even Achilies-road warrior. If he needed help any of us would help him. We might even point him to an english class.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:45 PM
If you are not a religion and you believe in religious tolerance, then what is the point of being a freemason? How does this journey you talk about help you, fulfill you, and bring you peace in your life?

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 11:33 PM
Hey all
what a great site, I've been looking for something like this for a long time! you guys have no idea! every other message board I've posted this sort of material on would just get ridiculed, so it's rather comforting to find a board that supports this type of alternative mentality.

rockpuck: What an excellent post! You are very well spoken and I admire your tact. I have been extremely curious about free masonry since I discovered it randomly on the internet one day; later that night I found out there is a freemasons lodge just down the street from my house! I was blown away that such at thing actually exists.
Anyway, I would like to thank you for clarifying a few things for me.

I am interested in possibly become a mason/brother but I am not sure how it all works. How do I get involved? How do I become a mason?

[edit on 24-7-2008 by longtimefriend]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by longtimefriend

We have a forum brigade here that actively works to make sure no discussion about joining masonry is allowed, and they notify staff immediately to get posts removed whenever someone asks about it. So don't take it personally when they get around to you, its just our local anti-mason forum gang (not the staff, they are the ones notifying the staff who are just complying with a very liberal interpretation of the T&Cs). Check your PMs - stay around and post for a bit so you can PM back.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
If you are not a religion and you believe in religious tolerance, then what is the point of being a freemason? How does this journey you talk about help you, fulfill you, and bring you peace in your life?

Just my take on it....

Religion is more concerned with what is beyond this world, and the afterlife....let the Christian, or Muslim, Jew, Hindu, etc follow God as they best deem for that. As a Christian I know what path I shall follow, this world ultimately is of a short duration, and upon death it will not matter whether i lived in a mansion or a trailer.

Masonry however is for this world, it is a system of living for our time here, while we are here but even by masons is considered of secondary importance to our religious faith.

In fact every oath we take it is ALWAYS pointed out that we will take no oathes that would interfere with our religious obligations to God, duties to our country, or to the obligations to our family, and careers.

Masonry simply takes many lessons of wisdom about THIS LIFE spoken of in the Bible and Torah, and uses a system to teach us those values so that we may do a better job of living and helping our fellow man.

Masonry teaches among others the values, of tolerance, justice, liberty, freedom of thought, and perhaps the most under rated value of all, especially on internet forums, which is to know when to bite your lip, and keep the peace, rather then shoot off your tongue and promote discourse and bigotry like so many.

I think this point in particular needs to be remembered, conversations in real life or on forums shouldn't be about "winning" and beating down some opponent with words used like swords and bullets. Rather, it should be about learning from one another, understanding and reconciliation.....when you see someone entering in a discussion like it's a melee fray, and sewing the seeds of anger, hate and discourse...that is clearly not a masonic ideal for conduct.

I find it interesting so many Christian "fundementalist" anti-masons beleive it is their obligation to sew the seeds of hate, intolerance and bigotry. That is not the message of Christ as I read in the gospels. I leave it to their conscience as to wether or not they beleive they are in anyway promoting Christs message with such behavior.

The requirement of a belief in God, "I" personally believe is because the ideas of Masonry, in humilty, and charity, is based on the premise that success in this world is not based on riches praise or wealth here. For whether we are Christian or Brahmin or Muslim, we agree materialistic items of this world ultimately have no value in the after life to come. A person with this view is free to concentrate on more altruistic persuits.

An Atheist is not likely to understand why we place values as we do, for if you do not believe in God, or an afterlife....your only success is beleived to be here, and truly sacrificing for others is unlikely. Also if you beleive that your time here is short, and the time to come is long...then you realize how precious little time you have in this world, to do good works.

I could be more specific, but this is as specific as I know how to be while honoring my obligation.

One last does it bring peace? Well I can say it is of great comfort to know I have a large circle of brothers in my city and outside it, who I can call on if I am ever in "real" need, and likewise I will assist should they be in need. Most people if they have hard times never know who they can trust, if a person will treat them fair or take advantage of them....I always know i have brothers who will treat me with compassion and fairly, and I'll gladly help them when ever I am able. it's sort of like "networking" for people of good character. Truthfully though this is a side benefit, and second to the primary purpose of learning the masonic values and traditions

[edit on 25/7/2008 by ForkandSpoon]

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