posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:34 AM
Why do religious people hate each other so much? I will tell you why, it's because they really don't know the real God but are serving a false
That being said, I used to be like that, I still find it hard not to hate the muslim extremists who torture and kill others simply because they have
been brainwashed by a false religion.
Often they are under demonic control, but wait so are so called Christians as well. Any group or organization that would kill or cause horrible hurt
to another group because they think they have the permission from God to do so is sadly mistaken.
I feel really bad for the billions of people who the fallen one is leading right into hell through pseudo religions.
That being said I challenge anyone to find fault with the true Christian faith. There is no fault to be found in this belief, only in certain
religious denominations who have listened to a leader who has directed them to live by his words and not Gods.
I would run the prisons in abu ghraib much more intelligently than the way they are being run, with hatred being met with hatred. This leads to
destruction on both sides, exactly what lucifer wants.
I would make the men who hate so much have to listen to the true gospel of Christ, and what harm could come from that. I tell you many would convert
after they see how real Christians act towards each other and even their enemies. God commands us to pray for our enemies, not try to kill as many as
we can.
That being said, we are not pushovers, we know God is with us and even if we die we have the assurance of eternal life in Heaven. I tell you this not
to proselytize you, but because I have been witness to Gods love on a scale that very few ever get to see. He actually sent angels to fight against
the evil fallen angels that were oppressing me.
So that leads to another question for you muslims, if I believe in the Trinity of God which is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit,
and I was praying directly to God who dwells in heaven and asking for angels to be sent to fight against the evil demons who were oppressing me and he
answered immeadiately and in such an amazing supernatural way that i and another witnessed, who was it that answered this prayer to God in heaven?
A house divided will fall, so you know it wasn't the devil, and if I'm a heretic, why would God even bother? In fact, any other faith answer me who
it was that answered the prayer? I mean do your gods answer the prayers of someone who doesn't even know their names? I say you need to look into the
TRUE Christian faith and see the wisdom in it.
It harbours no harm towards anyone, even though at times I think hateful thoughts towards those who are so evil. That is natural, and we are now in
the flesh, but still God says to study the word and meet with other believers and pray without ceasing to overcome the flesh.
I have failed to do this now for many years, and I have paid dearly for it. I know I'm sealed and still going to be in heaven with my saviour Jesus
Christ, but even I who had been given much, and allowed to see Gods swift and powerful miracles still backslid into a form of slow death by giving in
to the flesh and not doing what God has commanded in His holy Bible.
And we are not under the old covenant, but since Jesus has died for ALL of mankinds sins, we are now under the NEW covenant, and the New Testament is
the books you should live your life by, not the old.
Stop thinking you are holier than this group or that group, because we are all in the midst of a great battle for our souls. For we wrestle not
against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in
high places.
That new testament verse is what it's all about. Our souls are being tested, this is our proving ground, will you prove yourself worthy to be with
God in Heaven, or worthy to be sent to Hell for eternity?