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Down with the Dalai Lama

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posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 05:48 AM

Why do western commentators idolise a celebrity monk who hangs out with Sharon Stone and once guest-edited French Vogue?

Brendan O'Neill, Thursday May 29 2008 Article history

Has there ever been a political figure more ridiculous than the Dalai Lama? This is the "humble monk" who forswears worldly goods in favour of living a simple life dressed in maroon robes. Yet in 1992 he guest-edited French Vogue, the bible of the decadent high-fashion classes, which is packed with pictures of the half-starved daughters of the aristocracy modelling skirts and shirts that most of us could never afford.

He claims to be the current incarnation of the Tulkus line of Buddhist masters, who are "exempt from the wheel of death and rebirth". Yet he's best known for hanging out with clueless western celebs like Richard Gere and Sharon Stone (who is still most famous for showing her vagina on the big screen). Stone once introduced the Dalai Lama at a glittering fundraising ball as "Mr Please, Please, Please Let Me Back Into China!"

The Dalai Lama says he wants Tibetan autonomy and political independence. Yet he allows himself to be used as a tool by western powers keen to humiliate China. Between the late 1950s and 1974, he is alleged to have received around $15,000 a month, or $180,000 a year, from the CIA. He has also been, according to the same reporter, "remarkably nepotistic", promoting his brothers and their wives to positions of extraordinary power in his fiefdom-in-exile in Dharamsala, northern India.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

In the impregnable fortress of western "free" media world. there actually came out a real free report. Oops, what a big surprise.

although technically, it cann't be called a "report"

any opinion on this?

[edit on 18-6-2008 by zhangxi0183]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:10 AM
well is all i can see in that 'report' which is actually and opinion piece is a whole lot of unsubstantiated allegations backed up with no evidence except for a bit of reporter hear say...

must of been a slow news day?

And why do the Chinese members of ATS (i know massive generalisation but whatever) always seem to bash western media as if its unique. Do you really believe what your government is feeding you is the facts because i assure you its just the some hyped up propaganda BS the west gets... don't be so arrogant!

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:26 AM
okay i'll put this whole free tibet into some form of perspective. Let tibet be america and China be russia. Lets say Russia takes over America, kills people who don't abide by the new government. Russia says America can live as a normal country but will have to accept boatloads of people and not only that they will have to conform into the russian culture (cultural genocide, If you have seen any of the destroyed buddhist temples, the killing of monks have also been going on since China took over). Now since we live in a modern world America decides they want independence. Russia is not willing to give it up since its invested money meaning a few hospitals and schools as china has said with tibet. Why would tibet want to live in a communist reign where they are fed the chinese culture and their way of life.

How can you even give a country who has the so many human rights problems at the moment the olympics. Is it about money at the end of the day? Did you know so many chinese people went homeless after there houses were demolished to make way for the olympics.

So the best way you believe to combat this is by slander? You love stooping as low as this.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by nahsik]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:33 AM
Being anti-Dali Lama...that's certainly brave....

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by zhangxi0183

I would tend to believe that the DL is a tool for the CIA - in fact, he must be the most diplomatic tool the CIA have ever used or invested in, and it works. One ''holy man'' versus the Chinese - don't we all love the underdog?

Anyway, I don't think that hanging out with celebs etc is any cause for concern to the West or China. What is of concern is the oppressive Chinese regime that brainwashes its people to believe whatever it wants them to believe. They control the media, are under accountable for their actions, have militarised to the extent of an oppressive totalitarianism state and are truly undemocratic ...

Hold on ... no, sorry... that's the USA.

I suppose you may have a point there after all.

My point is, ... Sort those issues out yourselves I suppose is my point.


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:42 AM
Any press is good press.

If I was in his, the Dali Lamas, position, I would be seen in every 'important' social circle, every posh gathering of movers and every celebrity ball.

If you can garner the support from those who are famous, you can garner airtime, funding and additional minds for your nation and cause.

The mention of Sharon Stone being famous for her vagina, seems of little actual importance, and more of an attempt to provoke peoples endlessly backwards and tirelessly hypocritical sexual hangups.

Hell, Betty Paige is an American icon.

Down with those who would attempt to negate the seriousness of the situation with gossip!

Originally posted by Breifne
Anyway, I don't think that hanging out with celebs etc is any cause for concern to the West or China. What is of concern is the oppressive Chinese regime that brainwashes its people to believe whatever it wants them to believe. They control the media, are under accountable for their actions, have militarised to the extent of an oppressive totalitarianism state and are truly undemocratic ...

Hold on ... no, sorry... that's the USA.

I was reading your post, and getting ready to respond with a, "Are you sure you didn't just describe my country?"

And then I finished the paragraph, and laughed out loud when I saw you go there for me.

[edit on 6/18/0808 by spines]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by purplemonkey
well is all i can see in that 'report' which is actually and opinion piece is a whole lot of unsubstantiated allegations backed up with no evidence except for a bit of reporter hear say...

must of been a slow news day?

And why do the Chinese members of ATS (i know massive generalisation but whatever) always seem to bash western media as if its unique. Do you really believe what your government is feeding you is the facts because i assure you its just the some hyped up propaganda BS the west gets... don't be so arrogant! assure me... by what? by the decades of unbreakable political law of Red evil China propaganda?

people used to say "Hear all parties". that means Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened. Heed only one side and you will be benighted.

watch out. there are many people in China can read english. but can you read Chinese? i doubt.

do you really believe that the western meida feeding you is the fact? or the urge of bashing China take over your mind?

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:57 AM
The chinese government is a perfect example of the effect the NWO can have on the world.

I doubt people living in china would be allowed onto a site like this with their internet filtering.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by nahsik
The chinese government is a perfect example of the effect the NWO can have on the world.

I doubt people living in china would be allowed onto a site like this with their internet filtering.


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by nahsik

so the fact that there are many people in China browsing/posting on this site kind of floats right by you? As they're here,posting and browsing,and not getting blocked. (yet)

I'm not politically up to speed on the who China/Tibet thing,infact I'm pretty ignorant ot it (as I'll be the forst to admit)

But I do think that the DL is a very peaceful man,with pure intentions and a much deeper meaning of life than many of us will ever understand. And Sharon Stone has done more than get her gash out. She may be a shleb,but it doesn't make her dumb,or worthy of insult.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 07:14 AM
So the Tibetans received CIA help when the Chinese invaded.... mmm im searching here can you name ONE situation in the world involving a superpower going into another territory that the CIA have not been involved in? One?


His people and culture were enduring genocide!

However he also when realized that all Tibetans would be slaughtered by the Chinese’s if a full scale defense was made, and when the CIA were trying to stir up the remaining freedom fighters he sent them a tape recording instructing them to abandon violence as there was no point all was lost already.

So he meets occasionally some Hollywood types, "they" state their friendship, but his philosophy means that ALL HUMANS AND ALL BEINGS are his friends, he shuns no one not even the Chinese.

I think as well that someone showing a natural part of their body on screen would not really bother his values too much.

Do you know anything about the Tantra the unique Tibetan way of Buddhism, she shows her bits and we are meant to scorn her, guys on the hill always impeccable, church on Sunday full of modern righteous indignation. You know her nipple fell out on TV "good christian Values" and all that...
then these same people murder presently hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in Iraq. I think maybe he sees through the hypocrisy?

Kind Regards,


[edit on 18-6-2008 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by nahsik
okay i'll put this whole free tibet into some form of perspective. Let tibet be america and China be russia. Lets say Russia takes over America, kills people who don't abide by the new government. Russia says America can live as a normal country but will have to accept boatloads of people and not only that they will have to conform into the russian culture (cultural genocide, If you have seen any of the destroyed buddhist temples, the killing of monks have also been going on since China took over). Now since we live in a modern world America decides they want independence. Russia is not willing to give it up since its invested money meaning a few hospitals and schools as china has said with tibet. Why would tibet want to live in a communist reign where they are fed the chinese culture and their way of life.

How can you even give a country who has the so many human rights problems at the moment the olympics. Is it about money at the end of the day? Did you know so many chinese people went homeless after there houses were demolished to make way for the olympics.

So the best way you believe to combat this is by slander? You love stooping as low as this.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by nahsik]

let tibetan be indian will be more analogical. british puritan take over north america.. hmm.. massacre

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Breifne
reply to post by zhangxi0183

I would tend to believe that the DL is a tool for the CIA - in fact, he must be the most diplomatic tool the CIA have ever used or invested in, and it works. One ''holy man'' versus the Chinese - don't we all love the underdog?

Anyway, I don't think that hanging out with celebs etc is any cause for concern to the West or China. What is of concern is the oppressive Chinese regime that brainwashes its people to believe whatever it wants them to believe. They control the media, are under accountable for their actions, have militarised to the extent of an oppressive totalitarianism state and are truly undemocratic ...

Hold on ... no, sorry... that's the USA.

I suppose you may have a point there after all.

My point is, ... Sort those issues out yourselves I suppose is my point.


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by zhangxi0183

Attacks on the Dalai Lama like this really are pathetic but they are par for the course for Han Chinese and for those bribed by the Communist Chinese government.

The Dalai Lama and his Tibetan monks can call down powers that would utterly destroy China, and yet they have restrained their hands allowing the Han to destroy themselves as once their ancestors destroyed themselves in Mu.

The great earthquake and the relentless subsequent earthquakes are do to a Communist Chinese underground nuclear bomb test. So the Communist Chinese destroy their own people and their own nation -- all without the Tibetan Buddhists having to raise a finger.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 09:33 AM
Tibet was a brutal dictatorship that used the veil of a noble religion to secure an aristocracy and torture to suppress the will of the majority of the people. Support Tibet and all you support is rape, starvation, and torture of anyone unfortunate enough to be reborn into a form that wasn't chosen as a monk. There is nothing good about the Dali Lama nor what he supports.

The analogy you should be using is:

  1. The United States goes into some 3rd world hellhole with a brutal dictator and spends trillions of dollars destroying every last vestige of that form of government and attempting to implementing our own form of government.
  2. Unfortunately, the brutal form of government flees before being rounded up and executed and the people are given political refugee status in another country for nothing other then propaganda reasons.
  3. Then said government in exile is funded and supported to such an extreme that the invading country has no choice but to continue fighting insurgents and the insurgent mindset in the far flung corners of their newly conquered territory for decades afterward.
  4. During all this time you continue to modernize the countries farming and economy. Through social measures you create, for the first time in several centuries, a true sense of equality among the people. No longer are monks (the old ruling class) seen as more valuable than the common farmer.

Seriously, the Dali Lama, as a political office, is not too far removed from the role Saddam Hussein played. Saddam just couldn't find a country full of people stupid enough to pay him $180k a year for the rest of his life for doing nothing.

But, because some vacuous actor says so, you want the invading country to just give everything back to a-holes that ran the place into the ground in the first place and lose all the hard-fought progress? Why are you letting stupid people (actors) do your thinking for you?

To everyone here who attempts to portray chinese posters as more propaganda filled than yourselves, ask yourself how would you feel if China had given Saddam safe-haven and proceeded to flood the media with stories of how enlightened and free Iraq was before the US entered with their soldiers and started slaughtering all the children and taking away the peoples' oil fields. Might you post on forums and other places trying to set the record straight?

How many people here are even aware of what Tibet was like before China invaded (liberated) the place? I assure you that as an American, I would rather live in the Tibet of today then in Tibet of the past.

A quick overview of Tibet to whet your desire for more:
Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by zhangxi0183
let tibetan be indian will be more analogical. british puritan take over north america.. hmm.. massacre

I give no forgiveness for what my ancestors did hundreds of years ago, and for what my government still does to this day. I do not see how that negates the point.

Evil doesn't just cancel out evil.

edit: The post above me wasn't there when I started to reply but, the same message more or less applys to that poster as well. I would add that oppressors replacing oppressors may be progress...but should not be the end goal.

Didn't the Dali Lama come out and say that the next Lama should be elected into position? Or was i mistaken in my hearing of that story?

That would seem like some progress towards a more democratic system. It might not seem like a huge move at first, but taking the 'god' out of your government (literally), is a big step forward in my opinion.

[edit on 6/18/0808 by spines]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by spines

Originally posted by zhangxi0183
let tibetan be indian will be more analogical. british puritan take over north america.. hmm.. massacre

I give no forgiveness for what my ancestors did hundreds of years ago, and for what my government still does to this day. I do not see how that negates the point.

Evil doesn't just cancel out evil.

edit: The post above me wasn't there when I started to reply but, the same message more or less applys to that poster as well. I would add that oppressors replacing oppressors may be progress...but should not be the end goal.

Didn't the Dali Lama come out and say that the next Lama should be elected into position? Or was i mistaken in my hearing of that story?

That would seem like some progress towards a more democratic system. It might not seem like a huge move at first, but taking the 'god' out of your government (literally), is a big step forward in my opinion.

[edit on 6/18/0808 by spines]

one of the differences between these two evil is that the population of tibetan in China nearly tripled. the population of indian in US nearly vanished.

if you really support indian, you should also support them independent from united states.

Lakota Sioux Declare Independence from USA
Freedom! Lakota Sioux Indians Declare Sovereign Nation Status

Threaten Land Liens, Contested Real Estate Over Five State Area in U.S. West

Lakota Satisfies Treaty Council Mandate of 33 Years, Drafted by 97 Indigenous Nations

Dakota Territory Reverts back to Lakota Control According to U.S., International Law

Washington D.C. – Lakota Sioux Indian representatives declared sovereign nation status today in Washington D.C. following Monday’s withdrawal from all previously signed treaties with the United States Government. The withdrawal, hand delivered to Daniel Turner, Deputy Director of Public Liaison at the State Department, immediately and irrevocably ends all agreements between the Lakota Sioux Nation of Indians and the United States Government outlined in the 1851 and 1868 Treaties at Fort Laramie Wyoming.

“This is an historic day for our Lakota people,” declared Russell Means, Itacan of Lakota. “United States colonial rule is at its end!”

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

btw: dalailama said so beucase he know this will favor the western audience. do you ever heard General Elect a religious man? the pope??

besides the dalailama was confirmed by the central government for hundreds years. it's called "living Buddha transfer into next life" and "Golden bottle assign".

if the dalailama 14th really is what he said about himself. these pictures won't exists.

it's just a little group of shugden practitioners in London. do you know why there is no voice from Dharmsala?

shugden practitioners in Australia

Dalai Lama, stop your lies, give religious freedom
The purpose of this website is to expose the hypocrisy of the Dalai Lama who presents himself as a champion of human rights and defender of religious freedom while inflicting terrible human rights abuses on his own people and interfering with the religious freedom of thousands and thousands of people around the world.

The site is presented by the Western Shugden Society (WSS), an ad hoc coalition of Dorje Shugden practitioners from many different countries. The immediate aims of the WSS are expressed in a recent letter we sent to the Dalai Lama.

Because the Dalai Lama refuses even to acknowledge our correspondence, let alone enter into meaningful dialog, we are left with no alternative but to organize protest demonstrations wherever the Dalai Lama teaches. We will continue to organize demonstrations to coincide with the Dalai Lama’s schedule until he agrees to our requests.

We hope that through our actions, international scrutiny will be brought to bear on the Dalai Lama’s lies and actions of religious persecution so that the Tibetans he is oppressing will receive justice and Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world will receive religious freedom.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by zhangxi0183]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by spines
Didn't the Dali Lama come out and say that the next Lama should be elected into position? Or was i mistaken in my hearing of that story?
Oh, how is that possibly going to work? A king elected, by the laity, from a council of kinglets? Thats about the most rediculous step towards representation I have ever heard.

Where would you rather live:

  • Tibet's old form of government was a backward oppressive theocracy where the common man endured many hardships because of poor farming, no health care, no education, and slave-status.
  • Tibet's new form of government is a progressive oppressive government where the common man is better educated, has access to technology and health care, and is a citizen with some rights but the priests suffer hardships and suffering because of their constant attempts to regain controlling status of the land and its people.

All you ever really hear about are the priests' side of the story. You only ever see monks crossing the mountains being shot down by soldiers. Well, what about the other 90% of the population? Tell us western media: What do they think about their lives now versus before?


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by zhangxi0183

What's with the assumptions? Just because I am from America, I don't support the Native population? Stop trying to pass the buck.

Tibets own wrongdoings do not justify present wrongdoings on anothers part. Stop trying to turn it into an argument of scale.

edit: How many times do I have to beat this horse. I am not saying that Tibet's past is acceptable, right or better than it is today.

Originally posted by Voxel
You only ever see monks crossing the mountains being shot down by soldiers. Well, what about the other 90% of the population? Tell us western media: What do they think about their lives now versus before?

That is not right, and I am tired of people justifying current violence because it was worse at one time.

Am I just not being clear about this? Why am I constantly being addressed as if I am demanding a reversal to an older time. Hell, my mention of the 'electing' of the Lama was asked as a, "did I hear that right" and I said it was a step in the right direction.

Don't assume that I am naive enough to assume that all of Tibets problems will be solved in one act of change.

[edit on 6/18/0808 by spines]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:56 AM
Oh yeah China is a great, free country, with thousands of public executions a year and mobile execution vehicles. The Dalai Lama must be making up what the Tibetan people have gone through. China is the leader in human rights. The middle kingdom must be infallible, because that's what the chinese government says.

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