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Video: The Ugly Truth...The Ugly American (Highly Disturbing)

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posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by scotty18

That's stupid. Bad peopel do bad things plain and simple, however the ameican foreign policy has caused armed services to be dragged intoa war where bad things happen.

American troops however seem to be at the forefront of war crimes and bad things happening in the area. Would you like someone who destroyed your flock, asked your kids to chant things against your religion for food, or gave out rewards to adult men as long as they also said things against their religion?

Thanks for providing an excellent example of what I said.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by scotty18

Quite wrong i was not providing an example of what you said. I never said that americans are causing non americans to cause trouble.

American troops however are the ones recorded most doing bad things. You rarely hear this kind of thing from British, Australian, or any other nationality of troops currently in Iraq. That's a fact.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:59 AM
Inhumain atrocities!?! Have you seen the human garbage we're fighting? War is ugly but I reject you completely. If you want to see the ugliness see "Chop Chop Square" in the most "civilized country in the middle east. Your post is completely out of sync with reality.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Yeah it sucks, the whole puppy thing was horrible. I spent almost two years in Iraq with a long and enjoyable 2 week vacation to relieve some combat stress near the 1 year mark of my tour. 2 weeks that I spent drowning my thoughts and nightmares in alchohol. When we first arrived in Tikrit, Iraq we were ordered to terminate ALL animals living on the base. Theres no option about it, we were ordered to do this. If you think any of us were going to jail or willing to lose a paycheck because of a couple of dogs you're crazy. Now this is no reason for those soldiers to act like that, I agree, but you have to understand that OUR U.S. soldiers are being used and abused to the point were life does not matter to them any more. I've been back for 3 years now and I still have severe nightmares, panic attacks, extreme paranoia, and anger issues most of you could not even begin to understand. So before you go slamming soldiers for their actions look at what the government is making them do. They don't have a choice to be there and for the most part they don't want to be there. They don't want to do the things that they are ordered to do, but they VOLUNTEERED (remeber that!) to serve their country and our leaders betrayed and used them for personal gain. Is it right what they are doing in this video? No, but give them a break most of the soldiers you see in these kind of videos did not expect this kind of treatment when signing up. You do not get told this is what you're going to be doing or that when you get out that you will have severe mental problems. Give these guys a break, they need our support. They need to believe that they are doing good for our country no matter what are sadistic government decides is best for our service men and women.

I spent six years in the service was all over the middle east and I not only find it very hard to believe anyone in command would ORDER you to kill a puppy. Especially , as you suggest in your post their are only a couple.

Furthermore you can spare me the mundane platitudes about giving them a break. I can give them a break for going awol after all this crap, I can give them a break for disobeying orders if the orders are to terrorize a little puppy dog which I want you to know I think is a damn lie.

They had better show a scandalous hint of remorse for having to do it.

I couldn't ask someone to do such a thing and if what you are saying is true, than why was this marine given punishment under the UCMJ and not his commander ? You ever hear of Lt Calley? Interesting story of a Vietnam officer. I volunteered too but it sure wasn't so I could use it as an excuse to act like a jerk while the other jerks stood there laughing.

I can overlook somethings and i can understand the stress and over extended tours of duty but if you are going to suggest I give that guy a break ,,, and try to understand him??

Now you can give ME a break

Sorry guy but that's BS

- Con

[edit on 14-6-2008 by Conspiriology]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:12 AM
A while back I saw a clip of a British officer and an American officer giving their men a "pep" talk before they went into battle in Iraq.

The British pep talk was mainly about how they should respect the enemy, and the Geneva conventions, and make their country proud.

The American pep talk was more like "RAH RAH RAH, LETS KICK SOME ASS".

Well, I think the Brits have the right idea. Soldiers do a better job when they can be PROUD of what they are doing, instead of just all hopped up on testosterone and amphetamines!

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:13 AM
You know its really becoming an embarrassment too call myself an American, id rather live in Iraq and fight them than let them treat those innocent people like dogs..WHAT NERVE DO WE HAVE!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 11:29 AM
The video reminded me of something my friend told me who serves in the UK armed forces.

He told me of the American soldiers acting like psycho's, childish idiots and very, very unprofessional.

They would whoop and holler and laugh at the people they shot at, torment the locals and basically behave like the playground bully that everybody hated in school.

Unfortunately, these idiots are the one's responsible for making the lives much harder for the UK troops who usually have to deal with the aftermath of whatever the US troops had created.

Obviously I'm not pointing the finger at all American soldiers, surely they can't all be that idiotic, but from every video I see, every story i hear from my soldier friends and some of the threads I read on this site, make me wonder just who the REAL terrorists are?

Just another reason why I cannot take America seriously anymore...

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
The video reminded me of something my friend told me who serves in the UK armed forces.

He told me of the American soldiers acting like psycho's, childish idiots and very, very unprofessional.

They would whoop and holler and laugh at the people they shot at, torment the locals and basically behave like the playground bully that everybody hated in school.

Unfortunately, these idiots are the one's responsible for making the lives much harder for the UK troops who usually have to deal with the aftermath of whatever the US troops had created.

Obviously I'm not pointing the finger at all American soldiers, surely they can't all be that idiotic, but from every video I see, every story i hear from my soldier friends and some of the threads I read on this site, make me wonder just who the REAL terrorists are?

Just another reason why I cannot take America seriously anymore...

This is why the US army is never used in PEACE KEEPING duties of NATO and the UN.

And you should be pointing a finger at every soldier, each one has to uphold a duty and oath. You chicken# coward.

Meanwhile back in Europe, we have to clean up their #.

*cue American patriotic posts*...

The American's are so stupid they don't realise they are FULFILLING this quote..

“Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

Can you guess who this quote is from?

[edit on 14-6-2008 by mOOmOO]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by phl0gist0n

Is this how the UK military respects the enemy? Geneva convention

All of the world's militiaries do this kind of crap. It's amazing how some of you twist it in way's to think that this is new and the U.S. military just started it.
If you hate america then you hate me, so I am glad to have never met you.
It's just funny how you all want peace, and yet there is so much hatetred in the post i've read. It really does speak volumes for me.

I take great offense when you hate someone you have never met. When you group a whole nation or the military and ASSume we all act in that manor. It just shows little you have evolved and its quite hypocritical.

Don't hate the player's hate the game!

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 12:16 PM
All these things only remind and tell of how weak we have become. Can you imagine the man of antiquity putting up with this BS from its leaders!? Not at all. The ARMY itself wouldnt allow themselves to be dragged into such a thing, and if they were persuaded to do so in the beggining you can sure expect them to have no problems whatsoever about marching back home and telling the powers that be "Nope, no more". Those people had strength within them, i long to see that strength reborn...
Now we sit and cry pacified no will over our own lives.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 12:19 PM
And, you forget the soldier's POV. They are soldiers. I'm just glad they're not shooting innocents. War is war. Taunting some locals while giving them gifts isn't cruel. Maybe tasteless or crude.

The grenade was a non-lethal flash thing. No one was hurt. Again, though, it was very inappropriate and those soldiers should be disciplined. Those local security guys were probably people that those soldiers had fought in the recent past.

I don't have to comment on the ugly kid thing.

And at the outset, all those soldiers were doing was communicating with youth on their level. I thought it was honest. They encouraged a public criticism of the government/nation by citizens. They had one of the kids think about his behavior and preferences versus professed religion.

And that other kid could run! Being able to run is important and honorable to US soldiers.

I agree it was all crude and tatsteless. But not evil. We shouldn't be so harsh to judge our young soldiers. War is hell and things are very different for a US soldier in Iraq than for citizens of the West at home.

Did you ever watch a television program called The South Park? It isn't any worse.

Some stupid typos corrected...

[edit on 14-6-2008 by djerwulfe]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by mOOmOO
Wrong. Leadership starts with the individuals. The people who are really accountable are the individuals and the VOTERS.

I blame the voters. The leaders you refer to are only acting on behalf of the voters and tax payers who fund this regime.

I wish it were true. I really wish we, the people, had a say in this matter, but we don't. All you have to do is look at how much our votes counted in the last few elections. Citizen votes in America DON'T COUNT. The corporate vote is what counts. The politician vote is what counts. "We, The People" don't have any say in the matter, and it just keeps getting worse! Read the news... Bush has blatantly lied to us, and is NOT fulfilling the wishes of the American public. It's the simple truth. The only way that our opinion is going to count is if EVERY citizen marches to their respective state capital building and protest, on the same day, at the same time. Think that's going to happen? Don't get all uppity about us not trying to do something about it. Why didn't the Iraqi citizens go overthrow Saddam themselves? If you want to blame anyone at the bottom, let's blame them for not taking care of their own mess! I think that's about as fair an assessment as your statement.

This isn't our war, this isn't a war to keep America safe... this has nothing to do with our safety. This is a war FOR the corporations, BY the corporations. I, as a majority of Americans, don't have enough money... err, positive credit, for our voices to be heard. Whenever someone stands up and speaks the truth, they are labeled "Un-Patriotic". People are TRYING to protest, and get tossed in jail for it. Does this sound like we have a say in the matter? Please don't be so blind to the true facts... "We, The People" are getting raped on all fronts right here in America. The general populace is slowly (way too slowly) waking up to the facts... and that general populace needs to include the rest of the world.

Honestly, why not blame the rest of the world's leaders for allowing the Bush clan undermind their wishes? Would that not be more fair?

If you want to blame someone other than these individual soldiers, blame their chain of command. Blame the brainwashing that started as soon as they stepped off the bus and onto the bootcamps. You want the truth about what war does to these people, watch the movie "Apocalypse Now"... want to see what bootcamp IS like in many situations (although it has been toned down a bit since the 90's), watch the movie "Full Metal Jacket". These movies only reflect a small part of the reality. I've had 2 friends that snapped BEFORE getting put into wartime situations. Both snapped because of their chain of command. One even tried killing himself! Most of the people I've known in the military have gotten out. I can't even count how many people I've talked to that say they would've NEVER enlisted if they knew how the military acted on a general consensus, and the things they were required to do. Like I said before, our troops are being abused, much like the abuse of a handgun.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 12:51 PM
Now I know why I never watched the puppy being thrown from the cliff. Oh god, it was like slow motion for me when he held it up. I literally almost threw up in my mouth.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by scotty18

Quite wrong i was not providing an example of what you said. I never said that americans are causing non americans to cause trouble.

American troops however are the ones recorded most doing bad things. You rarely hear this kind of thing from British, Australian, or any other nationality of troops currently in Iraq. That's a fact.

Once again you prove what I said...despite any excuses you try to make.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by scotty18

What is the big deal? You both have the same opinion. No need to argue about it.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Nibru1981
You know its really becoming an embarrassment too call myself an American, id rather live in Iraq and fight them than let them treat those innocent people like dogs..WHAT NERVE DO WE HAVE!!!!!!!
I can pay for your plane ticket to Iraq.

That is if you're really serious and not another one of those weightless "if person x is elected president then I'm moving out of the country" threats.

Huh? You don't want to move to Iraq? Yeah, I thought so...

Yeah, it's not easy watching videos like this. It makes you wonder if they're even real or made up by someone with an agenda. But, if true, can you really blame them? Being in a country where anyone can be the enemy. A country where you get blasted with coward car bombs, and everyday people around you, friend or foe, die. These men are venting with words. At least they aren't venting with their guns, and the fact that video compares us to Nazi's really disgusts me. I didn't see soldiers blasting people away for being muslims. I didn't see any gas chambers. Uncalled for.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

it's funny I keep seeing the same type of posts... some say that some bad eggs can't make them all bad, some say they're just idiots with camera.... some say the rest of military people aren't like that and that they're saints. I'm a little confused here!

Didn't US lie about the nuclear weapons... didn't they invade a country illegally... when joining the army, doesn't it mean that you automatically obligate yourself in being killed or kill another human being... doesn't anyone else think we're ALL missing the BIG picture!!!

I for one am SICK of all this crap, war, hate, racism, materialism, the fact that we disconnect ourselves from one another to feel our own individuality, which simply created by our social, cultural, educatinal, religous conditioning since brith. We forget we're ALL even and were granted the gift of life to contribute to our conscious evolution...

We talk as if it's "us" and "them"! It's NOT, it is people like you and I that join armies, on both side of this war people thing they're doing the right thing and willing to kill and die for one another, ALL for sake of profiting certain few individuals in power to be!

WAKE UP people, look around you, ask yourself "WHY AM I HERE" and truly let it sink in you and stop all this childish nonsense and EVOLVE into your own higher being... before we wake up one day and realized our own worst enemy was ourselves. The world that we lived in is now deserted and inhabitable... and so we disappear! What a waste of life, when it could have been so beautiful!

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 02:06 PM

The American people were manipulated into this war. So far we have spent 528,263,200,000 as of 1:53 PM C/T (See God, am I the only one that's thinking straight, the rest of you voting in this yahoo lying cowboy are the rest of you ever going to learn we need someone with brains and principles not some dumb rich child man (that acts like a cowboy)! We need to take back our government. As it is right now, we're being coralled into a slaughterhouse truck and the rest of you cows are too stupid to see the stun gun coming.

Conspiracy..............911 was a inside job that was planned by our very government, the rest of you can't see this?

It was orchestrated to manipulate us into a war.

I'm currently reading Where have All The Leaders Gone by Lee Iacocca and I agree with him when he says The President of the United States is given a free pass to ignore the Constitution, tap our phones and lead us to war on a pack of lies. Congress responds to record, deficits by passing a huge tax cut for the wealthy. The President, Congress and The Senate are suppose to be working for us not against us..........I'M FED UP HOW ABOUT YOU?

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 02:21 PM
This is sick . But thats what u get when you send kids to war.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 02:30 PM
Another point strictly from a military point of view.

When fighting an insurgency don't make videos of yourselves insulting and degrading the population(especially children) killing livestock and brutally killing an innocent puppy. Because it is likely to inflame hatred in the population which is likely to make your tour of duty much more dangerous than it is currently. Duh!

Imagine if you will those videos were of Iraqi troops in Nebraska simply imagine those were our children. You think you might want to strap a bomb on and get a little payback?

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