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Video: The Ugly Truth...The Ugly American (Highly Disturbing)

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+15 more 
posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:08 PM
Look man, I'm not going to get into the troop bashing thing--War is an absolutely disgusting and sickening enterprise altogether that brings out the very worst in us as a human species. But the POLICIES that lay the groundwork for this type of barbaric and inhumane atrocities have got to end SOME TIME. We can not keep going on like this and expect to survive. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. It is time for everyone to wake up on all sides and change this. No more wars and occupations---PERIOD. Defend our borders and infrastructure from any foreign infiltration or threat, but stop this foreign invasions, occupations, and atrocities.

I was in absolute tears after watching this. When will we ever stop hurting each other and causing this endless suffering?


posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

don't know what to say

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Disney

Here's the thing...This is VERY important that EVERYONE see this type of stuff. Why? Because very few people actually REALIZE what is happening and the things that all sides are exposed to---There is DETACHMENT and naivity to it all, created by our Profiteering Corporations, Gov, and M.I.C. complex, and their brainwashing medium, the Main stream media. They don't report on these types of things. Instead they feed us with fluff, and reality shows filled with empty nonsense to keep us DISTRACTED from this horrifying reality.

If enough people view this and are forced to see the true reality of the grotesqueries this creates, it can FORCE people to get off their couches and FORCE change...

I would advise people to send this out to as many people as possible, and wake them up to what is REALLY happening out there. Let's put an end to this horrific nightmare...

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:44 PM
There is A-holes everywhere.
The puppy thrower is getting whats coming to him, he is being brought up on charges. And the grenade throwers have some serious Karma coming to them.
The guys handing out candy or whatever are just being nice.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:48 PM
It's very sad to see the American military doing these kinds of things. I'm not trying to bunch the entire military in with these bastards but why would you sign up knowing that your'e going to Iraq. Are Americans still that brainwahsed that they think they are doing something noble and brave when they sign up for the military?

They are not protecting our freedoms.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:51 PM
Don't judge the military by the actions of a few bad eggs. I find it really hard to believe that the military, as a whole, are running around the country throwing grenades at sheep, taunting people, and killing puppies. I have talked to friends and relatives that served in Iraw and Afghanistan and they surely didn't have any stories about throwing grenades at sheep.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by BlueTriangle

Yeah but these are just the ones stupid enough to film these sick actions. How many more soldiers are there that are smart enough not film what they were doing.

I'm not bunching all the military together either, I have friends in the army that wouldn't think about doing these things.

I'm sure this stuff happens alot more than what we see.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by BlueTriangle

Yes, and this is why I made it very clear in my OP that this is NOT designed as a military-bashing thread, but more of a POLICY and POLITICS hammering thread. War in general is so much more ugly and viscious and barbaric than TPTB want most of their sheep to be aware of---Hence the desensitization and misdirection with the other types of programs flooding our airwaves. As long as the populace stays ignorant of what REALLY happens---The atrocities on all sides---Then these people pulling the strings can keep profiteering endlessly off the blood and suffering of everyone.

Exposure of things like this to everyone creates enough emotion and understanding to bring about change IMO. TPTB certainly don't want that, but it is up to us to stop this...

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Danger Girl
The guys handing out candy or whatever are just being nice.

i suggest you get sound, they're being...well, profanity and all that.

the real question is, how many people will this surprise, and what do they do that they will not put on video? what would you people think of these people being in your home town allowed to do these things to your children?

it's only a matter of time before the really scary stuff starts getting out.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:11 PM
It is a shame that a few idiots with a video camera can tarnish an image of an entire country, as well as the names and actions of the thousands of men and women in our military who do their job correctly and justly.

Stupid, yes. Callous and heart breaking, absolutely. But compare the actions of these soldiers to that of their counterparts who chop off arms and heads, who strap explosives to small children, the ones who blow up automobiles in the center of a crowded market full of their own women and children, the ones who stone women to death or banish them from their villages for being raped. I would say that there is plenty of carnage and plenty of atrocities being commited to go around.

Not making excuses for the awful crap that these bonehead soldiers did at all, it is quite inexcusable. But handing out reprimands for bad behavior in Iraq is like handing out speeding tickets at the Daytona 500. And Im sure it will get worse before it gets better.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:31 PM
I saw this video a few weeks ago...

My husband and I are both retired military, and were shocked and saddened by what we saw. This (in a nutshell) comes down to leadership. Of all those encounters, there was someone in charge of the others who allowed this behavior to happen.

I do not and will not comment too harshly because I have no idea what these guys are going through over there. Some are on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th deployment. But I will question the leadership values that are not being enforced by some of our military.

From the leaked torture at Abu Graib, the rape and murder of female soldiers by their own guys, the rape and murder of non-combatants, the puppy incident, etc... It all comes down to the leadership of NCO's. NCO's... E6 - 8 are the backbone of the military. Sgt's and Chiefs are the true leaders in the military world... and when these members do not set an example and lay down the law... this type of crap happens.

One good NCO in any of these situations would have made the difference between outrage or discipline. These incidents have shamed our military, and stained the American flag with their collective stupidity and lack of honor.

Leadership starts at the very top... the Commander in Chief, and from there filters down to the enlisted members. If no leadership or responsibility is being used at the top, how can you hold the enlisted members responsible? It's the Trickle Down Theory of Military Discipline.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by yankeerose

Beautifully stated, and this was the point I was trying to get across---These bureaucrats and Corporations that run them have to be stopped, and this type of continual foreign policy and war-mongering and profiteering needs to be called out by EVERYONE.

Without these POLICIES, events like these would never exist to begin with!!

War is NOT some noble enterprise like these "leaders" try to brainwash everyone into believing---It creates NOTHING but suffering to ALL involved.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:41 PM
You say the "world" has to wake up yet you obviously believe that we in the United States need to wake up. Couple questions?

1. Show me a video of an American sawing the head off of ANYBODY on camera?

2. Show me a video of women and children blowing themselves up in the name of Unions, or any kind of civil disobedience in America?

It seems to me that "The World" is having a hell of alot of more problems and I for one am getting sick and tired of ill informed or agenda oriented fools posting crap like this!

MODS, conspiracies are one thing but this? Give me a break!!! Speaking from a family who has served this country through many wars, shame on them and their childish, naive, cum by ya, myopic, we are the world, bull crap!

And they're worried about the NWO? I'm laughing my ass off right now!

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I doubt the Bush Administration ordered the soldiers and Marines to go around killing puppies.

+13 more 
posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by GeneralLee

Hey smart guy-Maybe you better go back and re-read what was posted before spouting off your pro-war "patriotic" rubbish. I specifically said that war creates this atrocity on ALL sides. I don't care whether you want me to "flag-wave" along side of you and continue going right along with these policies THAT ARE WORKING SO WELL (end sarcasm) or not. These wars are doing SQUAT to move this world forward-PERIOD. You want to keep the same crap going keep lining the pockets of these Elitists, knock yourself out-But don't try and intimidate the rest of us from trying to EVOLVE.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I agree 110%. This war is draining our economy to it's demise. As far as I can see we have accomplished absolutely nothing by being there, other than a lot of people being killed. Im sure the monetary benefits of all of that stolen Iraqi oil will be tremendous, too bad we will never see a dime of it.

War is hell...always has been...always will be. So far we havent managed to do anything constructive aside from rebuilding stuff that we blew up when we got there. Military families are in financial ruin, men and women are being crippled and maimed, and the Iraqi people hate us more than ever.

Why are we over there again? Oh yes, oil. Gotta make those oil execs a little bit wealthier even if it costs innocent lives to do so.

But we toppled Sadaam!!! I sure sleep easier at night knowing that

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 02:03 PM
Thanks for the link... it was a sickening experience

Just for clarification, was the puppy clip proved real? You say he's up on charges? So many people were so quick to dismiss it as being fake... I just wanna be able to pass on that it wasn't.


posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by pieman

Originally posted by Danger Girl
The guys handing out candy or whatever are just being nice.

i suggest you get sound, they're being...well, profanity and all that.

yeah, my computer doesn't have sound with youtube vids. don't know how to fix it.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Honestly, I really wish I wouldn't have seen that. I have seen posts on ATS about the end of that video with the guy throwing the puppy. People are up in arms about that part but none of other stuff. Maybe that part wasn't seen by them.

Personally, the other stuff is just as bad. No wonder these people hate us.

I know. I know, it only represents a small part of the service members there but you must understand that these guys are truly representing us. It sickens me that we have trained our guys to treat people like this. It comes down to training. "They are the enemy. Their religion is evil. Blah blah blah..." They are repeating what they are told to believe.

I am sickened and saddened by this.

I have spoken with friends and people I do not consider my friends who have come back from tours there. The ones that are not my friends on the ones that brag about the kills they have. One guy was going on and on about how many heathen scum he shot and that two of them were kids. He said something along the lines of, "now they can't procreate anymore of them (bad bad word here). Now they can't come over and kill us like they did on 911."

You see, they are still being told that these people are all the same and that they are responsible for 911. I tried and tried to tell these guys that 911 has nothing to do with Iraq but they would just get violent with me and start with the "you hate America. You heathen lover." blah blah blah.

Oh well. This video just made my day terrible.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by GeneralLee


Trying to think of a retort but I just can't.

My family, ALONG WITH MYSELF, have served this great nation for many generations as well my friend.

You seem to be the one misinformed here. First off, the OP was not trying to PICK ON OUR TROOPS. HE was showing us what is happening with our troops. Do you agree that what you saw was good? Was fine and dandy?

Cum by ah? You have some issues my friend. This has nothing to do with tree huggers or hippies (not that there is anything wrong with either) or general peace loving humans (which, if you really come down to it, I would say that the VAST majority of the world falls under). This has to do with acts of disgrace by these few troops that unfortunately end up making these people hate us even more.

Why do you think these people are able to get their women to blow themselves up? Well, just show them videos like that.

After watching that, being a citizen of another country (especially one occupied by the U.S.), would you think they are 'NICE GUYS' or would you believe the BS about them being 'EVIL'? Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

General Lee, maybe that explains a bit more. How's that for being ignorant? Making assumptions about someone because of a name or race.

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