posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:33 PM
To dictate is to order... to force authority upon a person.
In my eyes, a dictator does not need to be a person. It can be an implanted ideal, an object of a manipulated desire, an encouraged fear, a vice, a
convenience, a product, a brand name, a trademark, a creature comfort, an inflated ego, and anything that is not genuinely born entirely out of the
free will of the being involved.
In turn, that being subscribing to any or all or more of the above can become a dictator towards others, simply by making them feel uncomfortable or
fearful of not having or wanting the same things as said being.
What non-corporeal things hold authority over us? What dictates our lives at this juncture?
-money... we think we need it to survive. We trust in its percieved ability to fix problems. Of course, we all know better, yet we fear what
responsibility openly admitting that would bestow upon us.
-religious beliefs... we were not born Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Krishna, whatever... but against our ability to know our own free will in a time
where our foundational memories were still forming, society made damned sure well that most of our parents were well indoctrinated and therefore would
force this indoctrination upon the inept mind of a baby to be able to fully understand why these ideas are planted and what to do with them... so the
person grows up feeling like this has always been and will always be the way it is... because whatever thoughts the person originally had about where
they came from were destroyed by implanted culture. the FORCED worldview.
-formal educational centers. This is where the hardening of the material egotistical mind happens. So much information is crammed in and spewed out at
such an intense rate, that I believe this damages the neurons and the memory cells somehow, so that creativity from the great ethos cannot be
absorbeed, and the love which we all share as babies becomes bitterness and discontent. I remember curiosity turning into monotony really quickly once
my worldview had been solidified and sanctified in my punishment thinking anything different, because I was stupid and crazy if I did.
Since we're taught that we are just ourselves, and other people are different from us, we tend to take frustration out on others because empathy gets
taken over by self centered competetiveness. Believe me, school is competetive. Why else do you get grades? Why does everybody know the kids in class
who are failing? Why does everyone in class know the smart guy, the kissass, the troublemaker, the weirdo, the whiner, the baby... yada yada? You
could practically predict where everyone would be when they got older by the time middleschool rolled around.
We're forced to compete even more through middleschool and high school, where school dances, teen heirarchies and cliques, sports elitism, and the
threat of losing our place in higher learning and therefore the world, become an ominous looming black cloud of fear constantly hung over and beaten
into our heads.
-Patriotism. (See religion and formal education above)
With an added note that it doesn't help that we get our kids all excited over some useless violent competitive sports teams from the time they are
too small to make an informed decision on whether it agrees with them, only to treat love for their country the same exact way by waving flags,
shooting off fireworks, celebrating, also getting violent and fanatic about it, passing the same behaviour onto a freshly born blank slate that is
completely alien and doesn't remember its purpose, and making this innocent person that has come into being think that pettiness, oppression,
aggression, violence, and selfish ego trips are realistic ways to handle their being.... teaching (DICTATING to) them how to be real, instead of
allowing them to learn on their own and providing gentle guidence when needed.
It's even more sick how we teach kids how to love consumption of corporate useless unhealthy garbage, and to be completely pre-occupied with pretty
little green pieces of paper, instead of following their dreams, of which everyone always crushes in favor of giving their child "a proper place in
Well god dammit, if you don't even have any idea the motivations behind what you are doing, stop and THINK! Are you the decider of your own fate, or
are you being dictated by your "learned" "knowledge" of reality.
Why are humans so sure of this, yet they openly admit that we don't truly know? This is the biggest contradiction ever, and it proves that we are
dictating ourselves, being dictated by the lie, dictated to us by some force other than our own pure wisdom. There's so much we don't know, that we
could consider ourselves still in some kind of womb, floating in a sac. Waiting to be born again, I'd say. Most children cry when they are ejected
from the comfort of the sac and the constant ignorance as to where their comfort comes from.
Get ready to see the light. Your eyes will need adjusting, and your ears may ring from the shockwave of experiencing the awesome sound of the god
within. The God within rejects your fake shell of a life in this fake forced controlled environment. We're goddamned animals, in a zoo. Lapdogs of
pompous self centered idiots, being dictated by our own fear of punishment.
[edit on 13-6-2008 by dunwichwitch]
[edit on 13-6-2008 by dunwichwitch]