“Just after the completion and signing of the Constitution, in reply to a woman's inquiry as to the type of government the Founders had created,
Benjamin Franklin said, "A Republic, if you can keep it."
While American’s are struggling to pay for basic necessities such as food and gas, the Corporations are swimming in profit.. As an example just look
Exxon Mobil(I won’t even post cumulative gains for the industry in the last quarter because it will make you cry) Exxon Mobil posted a 36 Billion
dollar net profit for the year. The most of any U.S company in history (probably the world).. This was when gas prices were in the high 3’s imagine
how much profit they have made up to now? Is this the will of the people for them to be pillaged
and raped financially? It is very clear ladies and gentlemen that something is very wrong with this “republic” When the Federal reserve Bank
bailed out Bear Sterns for an unprecedented 3.2 billion that should have been given instead to the American people who are suffering right now due to
companies like Bear Sterns greediness in the mortgage market. Was this also the will of the people? How about the ongoing Iraq war where over 4,000
soldiers have been killed and where less then 34% of American’s don’t want this war anymore if this was in fact a republic they should have
already came home..? Where is the will of the people being reflected there? Here is the Webster definition of a republic 1 a (1): a government having
a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president (2): a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of
government b (1): a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and
representatives responsible to them and governing according to law.. In that definition the republic has failed us.. Responsible to US and governing
according to LAW.. It is clear that they are no longer responsible to US but to major corporations.. it is clear that they are no longer governing
according to LAW as this regime has called the constitution “as piece of paper” a piece of PAPER? You mean the one that our forefathers fought and
died for? You mean that piece of paper? And has broken several constitutional laws, and international law… So we now know that this country is not a
republic… how about a democracy? Perhaps this will fit the “bill “considering it is always used as the reason to go invade other countries
without provocation.. it must be true right? definition a democracy according to Webster’s “1 a: government by the people; especially : rule of
the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of
representation usually involving periodically held free elections”
Notice by definition rule of the MAJORITY and where SUPREME POWER is vested in THE PEOPLE.. now lets see .. are major corporations the majority today
based on the number of dollars owned? Do they have the supreme power now as they have the ability to influence by lobbying Congress to do what they
wish? Also are they the people? Not us? Is there really representation involving free elections considering that both past elections are seriously
1: the office of dictator2: autocratic rule, control, or leadership3 a: a form of government in which absolute power is concentrated in a dictator or
a small clique b: a government organization or group in which absolute power is so concentrated c: a despotic state1 a: rule by a despot b: despotic
exercise of power2 a: a system of government in which the ruler has unlimited power : ABSOLUTISM b: a despotic state
We are left with a dictatorship type of government.. if the government does not represent the people nor can the people choose proper representation
freely then what is this state?
The Administration, and the Senate are right now not listening to the people about any issue whatsoever, they are only creating laws and funneling
money where they can only directly benefit not the people. The war has greatly benefited the Senate and the administration, case in point
“According to the most recent reports of their personal finances, 151 current members of Congress had between $78.7 million and $195.5 million
invested in companies that received defense contracts of at least $5 million in 2006. In all, these companies received more than $275.6 billion from
the government in 2006, or $755 million per day, according to FedSpending.org, a website of the budget watchdog group OMB Watch.” If members of
Congress have a personal vested interest in continuing the war., and not listen to the people then isn’t this dictatorship? The Patriot Act has
given great powers to this regime(similar to the enabling act that enabled the 3rd Reich to rise) coupled with corporations getting there way all the
time.. And the people rarely if ever getting there way in any major issue, I have come to the gruesome conclusion That this country is under
autocratic rule, control, and leadership, and is now a government where absolute power is concentrated in the President, the elite, the Senate, where
absolute power is so concentrated that it is now a despotic state and now has unlimited power where the people no longer control the government as the
founding fathers meant them to. Citizens.The United States of America is now officially a dictatorship.
The original link is bad, but throughout the thread are good ones. Read these, and bear in mind that they came out before Star Wars, and that Joseph
Campbell was a mentor to Lucas. Campbell spent much time discussing the Universe with the Hopi.
Get past page 40 or so, and you will see the relevance.
Things are unwell economically and politically. Things are unwell globally as well as in the U.S. But........ a dictatorship? Look into real
dictatorships and compare their freedoms to those of the U.S.
It's a fur piece from there, Vern.
Well written and thought-out post though, OP. I don't think you're far off, I just have to respectfully disagree with your outcome.
Just wait. The lizard-hearted have great wonders in store for this country (USA) and the world with Codex Alimentaius, the 600+ empty FEMA prison
camps that can hold a minimum of 10 times the number we incarcerate today (we incarcerate a little over 2 million, 25% of the world's incarcerated
with 4-5% of the world's population), and things like the "Patriot" Act and other moves to give Fuhrer power to the president to help things
They are practicing Martial Law in Seattle and other places across this land. You can sing great praise of what we seem to have now, but when they
fill those prisons with 20 million individuals...what will you sing then?
I completely understand and totally agree that this is not by the popular definition a dictatorship, however under the Webster definition it
unfortunately is as the people no longer have a say in almost anything the government is doing.. Right now Americans may seem to have all of there
rights but thats just because the Patriot Act hasn't been used to its fullest potential. the seeds have been planted and they are waiting to be
sowed.. One of my favorite quotes
from the movie Wall Street was You' can't get a little bit pregnant..there is no Grey side to killing the constitution just like theres no Grey side
to killing a human being it is done.
I have heard of this project alimentus... what is this world coming to? the deliberate genocide of billions of people is coming ... This is
sickening... and its all documented and will be implemented in the end of 2009. God help us all.
One of our Ministers of Parliament resigned, as he felt our liberties and rights were being taken away. He more or less, said that the UK is no longer
a democracy and is on the verge of dictatorship.
It is bad enough when us commoners can see it happening, and not say it, but when one of the government's own ministers speaks up-then it is time to
listen and ponder what to do next.
I have heard of this project alimentus... what is this world coming to? the deliberate genocide of billions of people is coming ... This is
sickening... and its all documented and will be implemented in the end of 2009. God help us all.
It all makes sense when one reads the Terra Papers. I can't say that enough. The Codex Alimentarius defines nutrients as TOXINS! And therefore
requires that no more than 1/100th of an effective amount be present in food, and anything higher requires a PRESCRIPTION!!!
It's ugly, alright. And the lizard-hearted are to blame.
I tried looking at the terrapapers, but the link is bad I know that the Elite bloodlines have been controlling the world for most of mans history,
I also know that the Freemasons(the higher degrees 32nd and 33rd etc) know the true history of mankind.. There is always some truth to films and Star
Wars is no exception politically, historically, and scientifically very accurate.. Just look at the clone wars as an example.. In order for Chancellor
Bush to gain power over the senate they had to create a false flag attack on the republic... Sound familiar? The movies always reflect the need for us
knowing that there is much more then what is in front of us.. So they feed us "movies" to satisfy that search for the truth. Subconsciously since
your brain can't discern really whats real and whats not it calms this thirst.... I believe also they use movies to acclimate us for things to
come... I highly suggest watching they live by John Carpenter.. I have never seen this broadcast anywhere on network tv or HBO.... once you watch it
you will know why
IMO, America more closely resembles a Corporate Fascism hiding itself under a Dictatorship that calls itself a Democracy, when it should have never
been anything other than a Constitutional Republic. (If you can follow that last statement, I congratulate you & ask you to explain it back to me
This title scared me quite a bit. I have seen something coming over the horizon ready to put us into a fiscal and physical dictatorship. Yes this is
happening and we are under the thumbs of the mighty corporation. Yet we as Americans are too preoccupied with feeding these companies to do anything
about it. We sit at our jobs getting paid way less than we are worth, just to support our families so they can live a better life than we did. But in
all the while, we are setting our plans up to fail by encouraging these beurocrats to stick it to us more, and soon our children will have an even
harder time than we do now. So yes our country is circling the drain and yes it needs a change. But who will start this march. It can be a republic
again, so lets show them what WE THE PEOPLE realy think.
No need to frightened at all actually.I think those camps are for terrorists that are captured in combat or those who have infiltrated America.Theres
strong evidence of this from Israeli Intelligence.And there is no dictatorship in america or i would have heard about it.Martial law would have been
declared and it hasnt.
Originally posted by Justice11
No need to frightened at all actually.I think those camps are for terrorists that are captured in combat or those who have infiltrated America.Theres
strong evidence of this from Israeli Intelligence.And there is no dictatorship in america or i would have heard about it.Martial law would have been
declared and it hasnt.
So what is the definition of a terriorist? Perhaps me for even starting this thread? You do realize that there is a piece of paper our founding
fathers fought and died for... and this piece of paper gives U.S citizens the right to question there imprisoment... this is gone... History does
tend to repeat itself.. do you remember how Hitler was also building camps? and how the people were reassured becuase it was for commies not them? You
should read up on history. We tend to make the same mistakes because we are ignorent of our history. And martial law has nothing to do with a
dictatorship... if you read my post you would have seen that by the dictionary definition this country is now a dictatorship because the people do not
have a say.. Do you think this is a democracy?
Ya I've seen that movie, it was cool! I wonder if John Carpenter was trying to tell us something there. Its kinda scary to think that theres some
truth to that story. If thats the case all we would need are some special shades to see what the elite are up to.
That movie was great... the ending was a bit strange as if he had to add humour there so that we don't take it seriously.. but great movie I just
saw it a few months ago after not knowing about it over 20 years(and I am a total movie buff) I find it strange that such a good movie was never put
on network tv.. Maybe there is some truth to it?
Do not be so disheartened nor afraid, "a little revolution now and then is good..." General George Washington foresaw all this in his "Vision For
America" and we win. It is hard to totally enslave a people that are armed, and the power hungry always get inpatient and over reach. They'll light
the match soon and find out that an armed free man or woman defending their home and hearth is worth any 100 paid tyrants.
Yes, the government will always tell the American people what they want to hear. Hitler convinced the German population that the Jews were the enemy
and that they needed to be destroyed. The Bush administration has done the same with the American People only in a slightly different way. He has
portrayed muslims as the enemy that needs to be destroyed. The Bush administration planned and executed the 9/11 attacks to perfection. And soon after
those attacks he declared war on Iraq. He knew that he would need a good reason to enter into war with Iraq and had to make it seem like it was an
attack straight from the Middle East. Then he talked of WMD to keep the American People from asking to many questions. This is a dictatorship wether
you choose to accept that fact is entirely up to you.
"If this were a dictatorship it'd be a lot easier...Except I'd be the dictator *snicker*" - George Bush (actual quote from speech about going to
war with Iraq)
He's running out of time, options, and frankly everyone is so against him that he's becoming more and more of an outcast. America is fed up with our
government, they won't succeed in any plans of domination. There will be riots and our government won't stand a chance. They've also got their
hands tied here and across seas. With trials and now impeachment proceedings it'll be a very busy time for Bush. It will be near impossible for him
to continue as planned un-noticed at this point. He's under the magnifying glass.
Frankly, everyone in office right now needs to be flushed out or reviewed...Far too much corruption and greed. Pelosi, Bush, Cheney, Rice
This country is no democracy! Does our vote count? Only is the electoral college decides it does! Why were we allowed to enter into the Iraq war then?
Was that the "will" of the people? Who out there thinks we were not lied to and manipulated?
But no as Americans we are quite content to mindlessly sit by watching our professional sports or reading news about what drugs some over paid
movie/rock star is doing! It is not until gas has gotten to well over 3$ a gallon that we as a country even stopped to think about it and even then we
are still naive to think "it will all work out"! HOW IS IT ALL GOING TO WORK OUT GUYS!!! We no longer produce anything in this country, our dollar
is so weak it is just sad, our educational system is terrible even our average life span is less than 30 other countries! Our economy is not well, no
not well AT ALL! We are at the mercy of other countries for both our engery in the form of oil and also a substantial porportion of our food! How pray
tell are we going to purchase those commodies in the levels we are currentally purchasing them if our dollar falls so low it takes a wheelbarrel of
them to purchase a loaf of bread? Someone said to me once on ATS, that the world could not go on without the US since we are a top consumer, but I got
news for him--- I BELIEVE THAT IS WHAT IS DIFFERENT, Asia and Europe are doing fine thank-you very much! We were once a super power, but now we are
falling and falling HARD! Hey countries, governments and empires don't last forever history has taught us that, but do we have to die a long slow
painful death? It is painful to watch CNN , it mentally and emotionally draining, my loving boyfriend (bless his heart) says "Why watch, come outside
and have another beer!"
I just can't stop watching, it is similar to how you just want to look at the car accident as you pass! But this time we are the ones in the car...