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Old World Secrets the Omega Project Codes

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posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by badmedia
Thanks for the link, I have not went through it yet but it seems like it might be a good one. On the other note I was actually refering to you saying several posts back that some of what was being said here was new to you then well ago you posted you already new everything. Dont worry about it I was just pulling your chain anyways. Thanks again for the link!

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 01:25 AM
Thanks for the link bad media, I will definitely be checking those out!

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by The Stand

The Omega Project Codes is theory. I'm pointing out there are in fact other explanations for the use of "devil horns." Intent is key. Paganists use it for one purpose. Heavy Metal fans use it for another. The deaf use it for another.

I should read the Omega Codes and become a groupie like you? Naw, I'm too much into judging a book by it's cover and an author by it's fans. Call me shallow.


posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Matrix1111

Call it what you want. It's interesting and thought-provoking, which makes it worthy of discussion. No further justification is necessary.

Groupies? Whatever. Look at your user ID. Who's the groupie here?

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Sleuth

And it's rehashed conspiracy stuff that's available to anyone who does the research on their own or visits ATS enough. Why make him more than he is?

Oh, you think I mean the movie and not the Divine Matrix? LOL?

You kids are silly.

[edit on 10/21/2008 by Matrix1111]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Matrix1111

I have not seen one person read it and say they new everything in it. Hell you even bring up topics that are about level one to anybody who has done any research. You do not have to get angry, I understand, It is ok there are a lot of slow learners in the world it just takes time, I am not judging you for it and if you thought I was I am sorry, I did not understand at first.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Matrix1111

I like Gregg Braden's work too. I assume that is what you are referring about with the divine matrix?

Here's a coast to coast interview with him for anyone unfamiliar.

I personally never brought stuff up like this before was because I figured it was a bit off topic from the book being discussed.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by The Stand

Slow learner? LOL!! You guys are still fighting boogey men. You have no psychic defenses. You're open to spiritual warfare and possession and are generally just doing the bidding of unknown entities. And considerng your ignorance about these matters, you're one step away from schizophrenia with this delusions of grandeur boastering and condenscending attitude.

You want to know why I didn't finish his book? A normal person just has to read a few pages and get a sense of what he's dealing with. It jumps from one thing to the next without any continuity, just like a typical schitzo. I prefer to get my information from untainted sources -- directly from the same source Brandon got his information.

[edit on 10/21/2008 by Matrix1111]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Matrix1111

Hey guys, calm down ....chill pill !
Brandon's book is a rush job and isn't an easy read but it's not v. nice to start accusing people of being mentally ill because of their writing style. He has contributed alot of interesting information that not EVERYONE knows about and I for one have picked up a few bits of info new to me from talking to him here then reading the book. He's spent alot of time on this thread so lets give the man some respect.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Matrix1111

I dont think he is worried about you man just read a few of your posts and you can tell you have a counselor somewhere, that is if you are not in a home, do they let you use the bathroom on your own?

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Matrix1111

I never heard of most of the stuff in his book until I read his book. I'm not a conspiracy fan. I'm a US citizen disgusted with the state of world, ashamed because my country and my "leaders" had a lot to do with how the planet has ended up this way.

There is nothing wrong with anyone who is trying to understand how we ended up in this position or trying to figure out just how the hell we're going to fix it and avoid ending up in the same damn place 2000 years from now.

If you want to jump right back on the wheel, great. I don't. I'm done running for The Man just as soon as I can figure out the how. When enough of us come up with that answer the SWHTF and the PTB won't be deep enough in their luxury bunkers to avoid the rage.

I'm no kid. I'm pushing 50 and damn near the end of my rope with the BS I see going on in this country. I work my a** off half the year so George can murder Iraqi kids and steal oil and antiquities. I work the other half of the year to hang on to my little piece of "paradise".

In the spring I fill out a complicated form so my dear uncle can screw me out of more money I don't have to spare. Then he throws me a dog treat so I don't bite him.

The system is flawed. It values money over human life. This is wrong and we know it, yet the people who have the money and the power don't do anything to fix it. They are morally corrupt and unworthy of their positions in our society. They need to go and we need to replace them with people who value human life not money.

How do you think it starts? The first thing you do is admit that you have a problem. You seek others with the same problem. You come together for support, and when the beast rears its head, you present a united front and shout a collective "no", among other things.

There are more of us than there are of them. We did it once before. We can do it again if it comes to that. United we stand, divided we fall.

We know who the creeps are now. They're operating in the open. They've gotten that bold in the last year. The hour is nigh.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Sleuth

I was not as aware as Matrix wants people to believe either, hell I didnt even know where to look until I read this book. That is one of the problems that I see, it seems like for every one person that has a clue there are at least a thousand or more that do whatever they are told on TV without even a second thought. People like Matrix are their puppets either paid or not, they still try to help and defend their side. He will come back on here talking more # because he serves their purpose, he does what they want him too. He does not have a mind of his own and he want to make sure nobody else does either. I do second your statement though!

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by The Stand
reply to post by Matrix1111

I dont think he is worried about you man just read a few of your posts and you can tell you have a counselor somewhere, that is if you are not in a home, do they let you use the bathroom on your own?

It's my new theory. The fact that you disagree with it proves you're borderline. (Seriously, sort of... maybe) ;-)I mean isn't that what you've been saying about me from your first post against me? "If I don't agree with Brandon, something is wrong with me? I'm slow. I'm this or that." It's adolescent and proves nothing.

Okay, more with my new theory:

Brandon is schitzophrenic and is dealing with entities that have tricked him into believing his theories. People like you, not knowing the laws of spiritual possession, become easy prey to the same spiritual, mental and biological manipulation of this entity that Brandon is dealing with. (It's seen in how his groupies -- you and Sleuth -- have latched on to the same "cause" and blindly defend it, even in the face of logic. This is the Cult syndrome.)

You've read the book, believe it, and that generates the same emotional link with this entity (entities?) that Brandon has. It snowballs from there on out. The dark power grows and grows, possessing you more and more, attracting more and more like minded (low resonance) until the entity gains a physical foothold on earth. In other words, having made the same emotional reciprocal base in resonance to this entity, the entity sucks more power from it's groupies (objects of its possession) and gains a greater foothold on this dimension via "new members" of the cause.

What proof do I have? It's a matter of frequency/energy. Goodness shines Light into the world. I have yet to meet a Satanist* or Luciferian who glow with this Light.

[* This is the message of the Omega book, right? That Satan got a bumb deal, was wrongly accused, and now the "truth" is coming out? Most criminals in prison say the same thing. Coincidence?]

[edit on 10/21/2008 by Matrix1111]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Matrix1111
Yeah we know, it is alright, it was all the evil that did it and I mean now, there has been no evil until now, we undertand, this evil is out to get you and you are not going to let it. Praise Jebus!

[edit on 21-10-2008 by The Stand]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:14 PM
Well, just got my copy yesterday and started on it, not making fast progress, it is written very off the cuff.

One thing I can already disagree with is the idea that comets, asteroids and meteors are "dirty snowballs" adding to the water supply of the earth.

Paper folding is fun, and I will have to get some books on Sumerian writings to verify the stories. I don't really want to go by Sitchin - that dude's a bit too flaky for my taste - I only like flaky in biscuits and pie crusts

nothing really new on the money info, or money folding stuff.

And the use of different bible translations is frustrating, new world living, NIV, whatever - if it's in the book, use just one version already, not the manipulated translations that only fits your theory.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
reply to post by Matrix1111

I like Gregg Braden's work too. I assume that is what you are referring about with the divine matrix?

Here's a coast to coast interview with him for anyone unfamiliar.

I personally never brought stuff up like this before was because I figured it was a bit off topic from the book being discussed.

Yeah, that's what I'm referring to. The coast to coast interview is good. I recommend the book too.

This is the problem with people that try to reconstruct history according to their agendas and prejudices. The simple replace one unjust system with another. Hitler did this. Communism does this. As Einstein said about insanity: "It's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

To fix the system we need to realize we're the problem, not the system. If we can tap into our true potential (Godly nature), the world can be changed like an atomic explosion. We just need to tap into that missing core connection and trigger the spiritual chain-reaction that can transform the world over night.

In another thread I was talking about this. It's connected to the 100th monkey theory and the science of morphogenetics.

Yes, it's hard to discuss such a topic with people who reject religion and don't see the validity of spiritual disciplines. But no worry. By tapping into God's power, one person can outnumber a majority. That's basically where the Divine Matrix and it's topic -- Quantum Physics -- is taking us.

Yep, there's a ripple in the force and "Darth Vader" is getting nervous. Thanks for being here.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by redhatty

Prove all of the money fold stuff is on the net, I am not saying it isnt because there is a good chance that it is but at least prove it, don't be another matrix1111, offer proof of your claim.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by The Stand
reply to post by redhatty

Prove all of the money fold stuff is on the net, I am not saying it isnt because there is a good chance that it is but at least prove it, don't be another matrix1111, offer proof of your claim.

Are you talking about this? If so, it's been around for years. And asking people to prove stuff like this is really silly IMO. I mean it's fine if you ask and want proof, but I certainly couldn't give you links of "proof" for everything I've ever read or learned.

[edit on 21-10-2008 by badmedia]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by The Stand

you are being a bit ridiculous, I said folding money was fun. I can do it with bills I have here at home. If you are going to challenge someone at least make sure they made a point for you to challenge.

But just for your satisfaction (since google apparently is NOT your friend)

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:39 PM
I am not getting on you so dont get me wrong but I have read the book, if you don’t think comets have ever brought water to the earth where do you think it comes from. Again, don’t get me wrong, I am keeping an open mind but you need to explain so others can make decisions based on all of the information. Here is one link that backs this theory up.

link was bad there are many that suggest this though I am curious what your theory is because this does seem to be one of the more common ones.

Also thanks for posting the links for the money fold but I still do not see all of the information.

[edit on 21-10-2008 by The Stand]

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