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Old World Secrets the Omega Project Codes

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posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
Answer this question. I notice you completely ignored it. Wonder why?

If I started doing bad things in your name tomorrow, would that mean you were to blame? Even if the things I did in your name were exactly the opposite of what you actually stood for?

He should show up and let it be known that these people aren't acting in his name. The fact that he doesn't smacks of the whole story being BS.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Sleuth

Originally posted by badmedia
Answer this question. I notice you completely ignored it. Wonder why?

If I started doing bad things in your name tomorrow, would that mean you were to blame? Even if the things I did in your name were exactly the opposite of what you actually stood for?

He should show up and let it be known that these people aren't acting in his name. The fact that he doesn't smacks of the whole story being BS.

Are you not being told now? Did I not show you where he says exactly that it will be done? Is it impossible for you to see that it has been done?

[edit on 20-10-2008 by badmedia]

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 03:41 PM
We know many of Jesus’ teachings were taken from other gods. This is then explained away by saying he was just passing on the knowledge that he got from other lands. But then Jesus says he will come again on a white horse to save us, Krishna already said the same thing a long time before Jesus, wouldn’t that be a little conceded? Why would Jesus want to steal Krishna’s thunder?

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

Actually I think that is very close to my understanding. The problem being thought that these people went by many different names. Isis has over seventy names to which she has been referred to. This can all be figured out by linking these people together using ancient historical accounts about these people and their lifetimes and what they did.

Jesus in fact did have a profound understanding of God and did do many things and taught many people about this knowledge. And he is historically accounted for, just not in the way most people think.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by badmedia

yes, I already know I am god thanks and I understand why they would want to not let you believe that , these issues were not what I was asking him about.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Actually I don't care. I am not claiming to be the son of God. So do whatever you want and blame it on me, I don't care.

Just because you don't realize you are, doesn't mean you aren't. You will see someday, I think everyone will eventually.

Badmedia, you know what I did not call you, but you have repeatedly called me? A liar? Which would make you just as much of a sinner. Obviously you don't have any historical evidence supporting your claim. If so please come forward with it.

Ahh, the old christian myth that you must be polite to tell the truth etc. It's normally christians who make that claim against me. I am blunt, and I don't sugarcoat anything. A lie is that which is untrue. A person who says things which aren't true is a liar/lying.

Historical evidence? How silly. Who do you think wrote the history? Who do you think approved the history? The same people you point the fingers at. You don't need historical evidence to understand this stuff. You're desire for "evidence" really just goes to show you are focusing on image/false idols rather than the teachings and understandings. You aren't going to get anywhere like that, it's a trap. I didn't learn what i know from the bible. I learned it from experience and gaining understanding.

Obviously what I am stating is my opinion and I am entitled to it. I am not going to raise my children passing some make believe character of as the son of God or God. I am just not going to do that you catch my drift? Fact is, I have not ever seen any historical evidence supporting these claims.

Nor do I. You really have to understand the difference between the religion ABOUT Jesus, and the religion OF Jesus. Believe me, the people who belong to the religion ABOUT Jesus(the people you are actually complaining about) hate me very much. As I said with brandon, it's not that you point out the evil, or the plans those people have that bothers me. It's that you fail to see the difference between those 2. You pretend there is no religion OF Jesus, and you attribute everything from the religion ABOUT Jesus(mainstream satanism IMO) as being the only things concerning Jesus. And that is telling a lie.

All there is is the Bible, the Bible is full of words and talk is cheap.

Thus why you will know them by the fruits they bear. Or in otherwords, he is saying - don't look at what is said, look at what is done. Then you will see that the people who do things in my name, but do not do the teachings are NOT the good guys.

I myself was raised having these people, including my own parents shoving this nonsense down my throught and I NEVER bought into it. You know why? Becasue it's a fairy tale, it's not real. Instead I asked the questions most don;t dare to ask and after over 25 years of asking, I am finally finding answers that actually make sense.

I wasn't. I was never made to go to church. I was never made to believe anything. I was blind to the truth I speak of until about a year ago. The thing that is most frustrating in all this is - I was exactly where you are 2 years ago. I was right there in the "Christianity is bad, and Jesus is fake" line. I got my knowledge outside the bible, I only seen it repeated there in the words of Jesus after the fact.

I quit quoting now, but as for my kids. I do not teach them to worship image/false idols(The religion about Jesus). But I do teach them the religion OF Jesus.

The anti-christ belongs to the religion about Jesus. He will claim to be Jesus, and that he is the only son of god. And the religion ABOUT Jesus will eat it up.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Lastone

I agree with you about alot of that. the reason that history becomes such an important aspect in our quest is because it repeats itself. The roman empire hass for thousands of years defended themselves and kept themselves in power by hiding this knowledge from people like you and I. The fact is, once these so called prophecies have been fullfilled mankind will start over as told in the book of Genesis.

So basically what we are soon to witness is a fraudulent account of the so called anti-christ, which in my opinion does not in fact exist the way most people understand. Followed by another fraudeulent account of the new messiah or the christ. Basically so that the people who have been in power for so many thousands of years can cover their tracks, hide historical evidence and kill the people who have knowledge of the historical evidence so they can horde it for themselves and remain almighty and powerful.

IMO our link to God does lie within the mandlebrot set which has many levels but can be understood as being infinite.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by The Stand
We know many of Jesus’ teachings were taken from other gods. This is then explained away by saying he was just passing on the knowledge that he got from other lands. But then Jesus says he will come again on a white horse to save us, Krishna already said the same thing a long time before Jesus, wouldn’t that be a little conceded? Why would Jesus want to steal Krishna’s thunder?
Maybe he wasn’t crucified for our sins maybe he was crucified for gross plagiarism and copyright infringement.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by The Stand
We know many of Jesus’ teachings were taken from other gods. This is then explained away by saying he was just passing on the knowledge that he got from other lands. But then Jesus says he will come again on a white horse to save us, Krishna already said the same thing a long time before Jesus, wouldn’t that be a little conceded? Why would Jesus want to steal Krishna’s thunder?

Yes, and that is the important thing. The truth never changes, but evil ALWAYS puts the image on it to get people to follow the false idol/symbolism. Brandon said earlier in our debates, what the name of the next savior be. And that name is what the false idol will be. You can't focus on the false idol, you have to focus on the truth that is being said.

You have this man Jesus teaching people the truth. It starts to catch on among the people. How does evil compensate? By taking that person and turning them into an idol. Put the symbolism up, and people who do not understand the truth/teachings then follow that symbolism and do the evil things.

I tell you this, because as Brandon said - this WILL happen again. And it doesn't just happen every 2000 years, it happens with EVERYTHING in our society. As I pointed out with the 20 dollar bill.

It's like the US. People worship the flag, but they forget the freedoms and liberties that made this country good in the first place.

It's a lesson that MUST be learned. And focusing on the image instead of the teachings is avoiding that lesson. And that is and has been the issue I take with whats being said here.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by badmedia

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Actually I don't care. I am not claiming to be the son of God. So do whatever you want and blame it on me, I don't care.

Just because you don't realize you are, doesn't mean you aren't. You will see someday, I think everyone will eventually.

Badmedia, the sons of God came and saw the daughters of men and saw that they were fair and they bare children with them. This in fact is true and these people became men of reknown and mighty men of valor. And is the bloodlines of Christ and his twelve disciples, also the 144,000. These are the same very people who are responsible for mass murders and wars throughout history, they are indeed mighty men of reknown.

You are not one of them, well maybe you are. Are you of royal descent? Otherwise their heaven and their God have no place for you and that would make you a son of man, like me.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Badmedia, the sons of God came and saw the daughters of men and saw that they were fair and they bare children with them. This in fact is true and these people became men of reknown and mighty men of valor. And is the bloodlines of Christ and his twelve disciples, also the 144,000. These are the same very people who are responsible for mass murders and wars throughout history, they are indeed mighty men of reknown.

You are not one of them, well maybe you are. Are you of royal descent? Otherwise their heaven and their God have no place for you and that would make you a son of man, like me.

God is pure consciousness. Your consciousness(soul) is god. Thus why your body is a temple of god.

The difference between the 2 is a matter of perception. Those who know it, and those who don't.

Pretty much what you've said is what they want you to believe. Because it serves their purpose.

[edit on 20-10-2008 by badmedia]

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
Are you not being told now? Did I not show you where he says exactly that it will be done? Is it impossible for you to see that it has been done?

Where is he? I don't see him. I haven't read about his appearance in the newspaper. He hasn't knocked on my door and said, "Here I is. Now is the hour."

I need more proof than a bunch of thumpers slinging quotes at me from a book that's been rewritten about 80 times. You may have blind faith in your god, but I don't. He's brought nothing but absolute misery to my life.

As far as I'm concerned, he can burn in his own hell. I'll happily supply the accelerant.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

I'm pretty sure we have already had the antichrist ....the real antichrist being the UN and the detractor anti-christ being any one of a number of candidates people like to point the finger at...Hitler, Saddam, Obama, take your pick

The link below goes to a site that takes a very detailed look at various biblical "prophecy". It also has a long section addressing Hitler's role in the "anti-christ's" kingdom. Worth reading before deciding for certain the so called "anti-christ" is yet to come as I'm of the mind myself he/it has already been after all I've read so far

The United Nations and The Anti Christ

I think we are just waiting for the unveiling of their "Real Christ" now ....
as for the "prophecies" of the so called "false Christs" that are meant to arise before the "real christ" , well one only has to search the internet to see how many of THOSE there have been so far so that "prophecy" has been fulfilled also

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Sleuth
Where is he? I don't see him. I haven't read about his appearance in the newspaper. He hasn't knocked on my door and said, "Here I is. Now is the hour."

I need more proof than a bunch of thumpers slinging quotes at me from a book that's been rewritten about 80 times. You may have blind faith in your god, but I don't. He's brought nothing but absolute misery to my life.

As far as I'm concerned, he can burn in his own hell. I'll happily supply the accelerant.

Because you focus on the physical. Meaning you are blind. Jesus the image is what you seek and ask for, not Jesus the truth.

And just because you are blind, doesn't mean everyone else is. Thus your "blind faith" is your own creation.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by badmedia

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Badmedia, the sons of God came and saw the daughters of men and saw that they were fair and they bare children with them. This in fact is true and these people became men of reknown and mighty men of valor. And is the bloodlines of Christ and his twelve disciples, also the 144,000. These are the same very people who are responsible for mass murders and wars throughout history, they are indeed mighty men of reknown.

You are not one of them, well maybe you are. Are you of royal descent? Otherwise their heaven and their God have no place for you and that would make you a son of man, like me.

God is pure consciousness. Your consciousness(soul) is god. Thus why your body is a temple of god.

The difference between the 2 is a matter of perception. Those who know it, and those who don't.

Pretty much what you've said is what they want you to believe. Because it serves their purpose.

[edit on 20-10-2008 by badmedia]

Yes and do you know where that ancient knowledege comes from?

I will give you a hint, it was not Jesus.

He only regurgitated that and passed himself of as the son of God.

[edit on 20-10-2008 by 12.21.12]

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

This I can somewhat agree with. I do believe governments play the role of anti-christ. If there is an anti-christ person, they are merely the figure head of a system that has been built.

Also, the real return of christ is in peoples consciousness. It's the understanding of what is said and why it is true. Do a search for "Christ consciousness" for more info on that. Many people, myself included have and do experience it.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Yes and do you know where that ancient knowledege comes from?

I will give you a hint, it was not Jesus.

He only regurgitated that and passed himself of as the son of God.

But I didn't get my knowledge from it. I got my knowledge directly from source. I only seen it repeated in the words of Jesus after I learned it. Which blew my mind and is the reason I am sticking up for "Jesus" now. As I said, I was not raised a christian, and until recently I was arguing against it completely.

It's not that i'm sticking up for Jesus, as I am trying to show you how it's been manipulated with image/symbolism. The things he taught obviously CAN'T only come from ancient texts. As I learned them on my own, through synchronicity and seeking the truth(asking myself questions and thinking logically about answers).

Where did the ancient texts come from? Just because someone said it before another, doesn't mean the 2nd or elsewhere isn't an original thought.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

Yeah, in fact IMO that person is George Bush Jr. I have looked into this, although antichrist is a bad definition but is a way of putting it that most people can understand. The fact is that he is also a part of this bloodline and we have caught ourselves in a classic case of Good Cop Bad Cop. Clintons are also a part of this bloodline as well as the Queen but are often associated with good because of their neutral stance on the surface that resonates well with the general public.

There was a man by the name of Aleister Crowley, he had performed a secret sex ritual before his death with a woman named Pauline Pierce and another political figure which I am having trouble remembering his name called Eroto Comotos Lucidity. Shortly after this Barbara Bush was born to Pauline which is the so called mother of George Bush Jr. Meaning the birth was planned and was very well done under certain instruction.

Have you eve noticed the resemblance of Barbara Bush to Aleister Crowley. They look almost identical. In fact there was a historical account of a person by the name of St. Germaine which had God like powers and seemed to pop in an out throughout history, meaning that he was like a vampire so to speak and had a longer life span than most humans.

I have often pondered this and often run ito road blocks but IMO Barbara is like an Incarnate of Crowley and it is my belief that Barbara Bush is a man. Check out some of the pictures of her, it seems that pictures taken of her over 30 years ago show her as an old woman, coamparitively to Bush Sr. who was head of the CIA and Jr who was a teenager or early adult at the time. Also take a look, shes got an adams apple, how weird is that?

My study of the Skull and Bones and other occults has shown me that George Walker Bush in ASCII text adds up to the number 666 as well as many other methods using his actual name and adding it up using geomatra, english or hebrew alphabetical values.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by badmedia

Badmedia, I understand that you are looking into the truth and only you have the power to do so. I can't tell you what to believe or not believe but perhaps I can point you in the right direction. Do some research. Alot of this knowledge in the Bible has been derived from other spiritual beliefs that came long before the first Bible was even printed.

I appreciate your attention to this and I am sure you have many questions and I constantly find myself with more and more questions as I always have. Just keep looking though, this is coming from someone who once asked the same questions that you are now and it wasn't until recently until I started finding some answers.

Keep it up, keep seeking the truth and I will gladly accept your criticism and rebutalls with great enthusiasm. Because the more you question the truth and seek the truth the closer both you and I get to the truth. The truth is attainable.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

Interesting. Something else for me to look into.
The 666 thing though - LOADS of peoples's names can add up to that .
I've got some other q's but put them on your second pale horse thread ...

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