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What, exactly, will you do if the NWO takes over?

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posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Well I’m different from all you guys because I’d throw the elite a party if the NWO became a reality. I’m all for a one world government but that’s just me…..

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 12:54 AM
There's nothing "new" about The New World Order. It is here already. It started before all of us were born.

Read that whole page thoroughly to get a better understanding.

The New World Order is already getting 'old'.

Nations around the world are finally starting to wake up and kick Big Brother in the pants for being a bully. A Reformed New World Order concept will probably be seen in the next few decades. Face it, Bush made us look like IDIOTS to the rest of the world.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 01:00 AM
Stare at one of them with my all knowing unwavering gaze until they decide to see things my way

Then will be able to facilitate a better more altruistic use of there time

[edit on 17-6-2008 by The Utopian Penguin]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by andre18


posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 10:42 PM
I agree. It is already here. Why would you not want want to post on this board? If you fear them, you fear them because they are already here.

Everything that is happening has been planned.

What will I do ? I have already done what I can . They come knocking on my door? Let em eat cake. Literally. I will serve it to them with a smile.

Go with them ? Naaaa,... let em take me out. Ive seen all I need to see here.


posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Nerds

Becuase I support the idea of humanity unified under one government instead of separated under many –

Every single country would be multicultural because each country is governed by the same laws and principles so there wouldn’t be any point in being patriotic to the one country you were born in because that country would have the exact same laws as every other, so there’d be no point in being patriotic to one country when every other country is exactly the same...

The whole point of being patriotic is because of the what your country stands for, but if every country stands for exactly the same exact thing, you wouldn’t just be patriotic to one country but to every single country in the world. There by being patriotic to the entire human race instead of being patriotic to just once race…

At the moment most of you are patriotic to the one country you live in or were born in, thus being essentially racist to every other country because of your allegiance to that one part of the human race but not every other….

If every government was unified under one system, then your patriotism would be to the entire human race and not just that one country you were born or live in. Thus you would have a deeper respect for everyone in the world and not just that one country. Racism would be gone for ever…..

[edit on 17-6-2008 by andre18]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 11:14 PM
The problem with that though is that everyone is different. Right now, if you do not like where you are , you can go somewhere else. ( Not everyone, but you get the idea) ..

Even if the world did manage to peacefully unite under one ruling system,

they would then fight amongst themselves. There is something about conflict that is fed to us since we are born. Starting with fairy tales, any story you read, any show you watch. Conflict is taught. It has been ingrained into all of us.

Not that all conflict is bad. Resolutions to problems come from conflict.

Non the less, it will always be there. If you made everyone one color, and everyone believed the same beliefs, people would still fight over who had larger toenails if that was all there was.

So I do not see a one world government as a solution. Its just restriction.
I really believe that in this world there is no perfect solution.

Nothing new under the sun. Weather we were born in 32bc, or yesterday.
We will all witness conflicts, and we will form our own opinions, and whatever happens in the hear after with that , we all will have shared similar experiences.


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 12:15 AM

The problem with that though is that everyone is different. Right now

Exactly, right now because of the way the world is at the moment, but when a one world government becomes a reality people will start thinking differently because everyone will be closer together…

Our petty differences of race will vanish because every race will be mixed, every single country would be multicultural and so you couldn’t say my country is better then yours because every single country would stand for the same things and every country would have the same type of people.

There’d be the same amount of Russians in china as there would be in Russia or any other part of the world, there’d wouldn’t be anymore Chinese in china then any other part of the word, there wouldn’t be any more Americans in America then there would be in Argentina. Every single country would be the same.

if you do not like where you are , you can go somewhere else. ( Not everyone, but you get the idea) ..

You just pointed out another problem of the world today, “Not everyone, but you get the idea.” In a one world system because of how I’ve already explained, you can literally go anywhere. You wouldn’t be put off by the problems in the Middle East because that part of the world be the same as your part of the world….

North Korea wouldn’t be as it is today, you could take plane to North Korea and it would be just as safe and normal as every other part of the world. You could go to any place in the world and find laws being exactly the same…..imagine that.

Even if the world did manage to peacefully unite under one ruling system, they would then fight amongst themselves.

Of course, but the fighting would be so minute compared. You literally couldn’t have one country fight against another because every country would be the same and ruled by the same government. It would make as much sense for Sydney to declare war with Melbourne or Washington to declare war with Michigan as it would make as much sense for Israel to declare war with Lebanon – every country would be the same.

Something everyone on ATS needs to think about….
Because every country would be united under the same government system, there would be no logic for national security. The governments of the world would have to disclose everything because there’d be no point in keeping something secret from another country because there’d be no fear of one country attacking another or keeping secrets from another. Roswell would have to be disclosed!
Everyone who wants disclosure should be pushing for a NWO.

No more military, no more building weapons (or at least no more government spending billions on war machines) no more war…….Don’t you people get that?

people would still fight over who had larger toenails if that was all there was.

Maybe, but the world would still be a much, much, much better place no matter how you look at it.

So I do not see a one world government as a solution. Its just restriction.
I really believe that in this world there is no perfect solution.

Well I do, it works on so many fundamental levels…. You know, I don’t at all see it as restriction. I don’t agree with the chip, but there are many elements of a one word government that just scream world peace. It probably wouldn’t be a ‘perfect solution’ but you’d have to agree it would be such a better system then would we have at the moment.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by andre18]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by amatrine
I agree. It is already here. Why would you not want want to post on this board? If you fear them, you fear them because they are already here.

Everything that is happening has been planned.

What will I do ? I have already done what I can . They come knocking on my door? Let em eat cake. Literally. I will serve it to them with a smile.

Go with them ? Naaaa,... let em take me out. Ive seen all I need to see here.


Let me know when they Invite themselves over we might make a formidable team

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 01:40 PM
Whose governing system do you choose to be the "ONE" government?

In reality though, there are regions. I see these regions reporting to one entity.

Agreed with a previous post, that it will not be announced. The best way to enslave the world is let them think they are free.

Thats what drives me nuts about the USA. So many people here think they are free.

Now if the one world comes about as the bible says, and there is a ruler who demands worship, and it is world wide law, would you still be in support of this one government body ?

I see all these disasters that are happening now, leading to a situation where many would welcome the person that comes in with all the answers.

Power is handed to this person , as a result, and next thing you know, you have given what you have left away.

I would love a world where everyone got along. Where people respect each others beliefs, where people do not fight but embrace differences. I just do not see it happening , when the head of the bear is diseased, so is the rest of the body.


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 09:30 PM
I see your point, and it's a very good one, but control is control. No matter the size or the ammount of govts, they all want something at all times. When they want something, they usually take it. Along with "World peace", the lack of war would also bring their attention to the mindless puppets they have to toy with. "Idol hands (or an idol mind, depending on your preference) are the Devil's workshop."

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 06:31 AM
I plan on giving my NWO oppressors special .223/5.56 forehead implants. What are you unarmed folks in the UK going to do?

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by andre18

You have a very ethnocentric view. You assume it will be good because everything would become like the united states. As you stated, you could travel to North Korea because it would be different than it is now. But what if Kim Jong-il ran the one world government? Then things wouldn't be exactly as you've pictured them (he most likely wouldn't, but it's just an example).

The problem is obviously giving one government too much power and as people here have already stated in so many words: absolute power corrupts etc. Not that I don't agree in theory, a one world government couldn't have benefits but they say communism works on paper too.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 05:40 AM

The problem is obviously giving one government too much power

I don’t believe so, the problem in the current state of the world is giving any one government too much power. That power is used to create war and to defend against war. If you have a world controlled by one government, there’s no threat of a country attacking another – every government is ruled by the same system.

Even now governments abuse their power by taking away peoples rights. You have a one world government, everyone contributes to create the best laws, the best policies, the best possible system for the people because the laws are effecting everyone worldwide and not just the one country.

Everyone is going to have to abide by the same system so if a government controlling the entire world wants to take peoples rights away, those loss of rights will be affecting every single person on the planet instead of just one country and because of that it would be impossible for everyone to accept those laws because it would be affecting everyone.

At the moment you don’t care so much about how the laws of another country are affecting those people because it has nothing to do with you and doesn’t affect you. If those laws did you’d obviously care and do something about it. Every law a one world government would pass out, would involve a worldwide agreement and not just one country, so there would never be a possibility of the government having too much power because that power is a result of a worldwide agreement on how it should be used.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by andre18

And what makes you think that if there was a one government world , and they made laws to pass out for everyone, that there has to be a world wide agreement made? They would care less if you agreed or not, they only want you to do what they tell you to do.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by FiatLux]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by FiatLux]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 06:43 AM
If we where abel to make a "one world order" it would fall apart as fast as it was made. Even if we killed half the worlds population to accomplish it. Because you would have to kill a lot of humans to make a "one world order" possebel.

Humans dont like to be inslaved. It goes againts ouer nature and beeing. And we will always look upon auer self ass diffrent from other pepole,and we feel to attached to ouer history and religion. So there will be more wars even if we have a one world order.

Have would the westerners like to live under a muslim rule? They can make a one world order just as we can. That wouldent taste to good would it lol. WAR.

You can only contoll pepole with rules and money to a serten piont. When that dont work you have to bring out the gunns. To make them folow the rules. But you cant change some once belives or hope with force. Just like the US wount be abel to libirate the Irakes. They hate the US and all that THEY stand for. The US will never winn the Iraks hart by killing them. And you cant kill or force the worlds population to fallow somthing they dont belive in or like. Like the new world order. You would have to kill every one who is against it to be sure that it will work, with out anny faults.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by CyberSEAL
I plan on giving my NWO oppressors special .223/5.56 forehead implants. What are you unarmed folks in the UK going to do?

Well, not everyone in the UK is unarmed, it's just most of us don't have guns. Hypothetically speaking, you understand, a 150ft jet of burning napalm (all perfectly legal, thankyou very much) tends to be quite discouraging, as do crossbows with impact explosive-tipped bolts. Flash powder, thermite and black powder would always come in handy too.

I also have the ability to make my location as remote as it is possible to be in this country, certainly remote enough to make bringing me in more trouble than it is worth, and to change that location at will while still remaining pretty hard to spot. I can grow my own food, know a fair amount about medicinal plants, can hunt effectively and have learned a useful amount about armed and unarmed combat.

These are the things with which I assuage my fear of the future, but reality may well have something to say on the matter. Apart from anything else, when do we begin to fight back? What is the trigger? What would have to change for you to decide that the cop car you see in the distance is out for you, rather than some joyriding kids?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 08:06 AM
Well the best weapons to fight the polititions is to vote proper and folow up on whats going on.

A funny thing is: that its always the rich pepole who gets to be leaders. Have is that you think?

Is it because they are so much smarter then all others! Or is it because they own and run the things u need and use every day. Like the banks , industri and stores. Think about it and look around. You can change all that if you whant. All you have to do is not get temted by their money and false promisses. Because what they promiss, you have to pay back in tax or some other form. No one gets annything for free unless they are famely or related in som other way.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 11:51 PM

And what makes you think that if there was a one government world , and they made laws to pass out for everyone, that there has to be a world wide agreement made? They would care less if you agreed or not, they only want you to do what they tell you to do.

You’re implying that the leader(s) of a one world government would have to be ruthless because that’s the kind of government you’ve only ever known - a government that lies to the public. Maybe that’s because in America you’ve had such a bad run with presidents you could never imagine an honest one.

The way I see it, disclosure would happen pretty soon after a new word order became a reality because the threat of national security would become a thing of the past. As I keep saying, every country would be controlled by the same government so there would never be a country attacking another.

The only reason disclosure hasn’t happened yet, is because if any secret technologies were to be brought out to the public now, countries would just use these new technologies for war and so would terrorists. But if you have a one world government, these new technologies can be brought out without the possibility of them being used for such a purpose because all the governments are allied together as one.

The same would go for terrorists, there’d be no fundamental Muslims blowing themselves up because there’d be no ‘infidels.’ Everyone respects everyone, the part of the world Muslims live in would be the same everywhere else on the planet. They wouldn’t just keep to themselves in the Middle East because the laws suit them their, everywhere in the world be the same. They would have no reason to blow up a building that stands for America because America would stand for the exact same thing as the part of the world they live in.

- I’m suggesting that the only reason the governments of the worlds are dishonest with the public, is because there are too many things happening behind the scenes that would endanger the goal for a new world order if they were to be disclosed to the public too soon.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by andre18]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by andre18

And what makes you think that if there was a one government world , and they made laws to pass out for everyone, that there has to be a world wide agreement made? They would care less if you agreed or not, they only want you to do what they tell you to do.

You’re implying that the leader(s) of a one world government would have to be ruthless because that’s the kind of government you’ve only ever known - a government that lies to the public. Maybe that’s because in America you’ve had such a bad run with presidents you could never imagine an honest one.

The way I see it, disclosure would happen pretty soon after a new word order became a reality because the threat of national security would become a thing of the past. As I keep saying, every country would be controlled by the same government so there would never be a country attacking another.

The only reason disclosure hasn’t happened yet, is because if any secret technologies were to be brought out to the public now, countries would just use these new technologies for war and so would terrorists. But if you have a one world government, these new technologies can be brought out without the possibility of them being used for such a purpose because all the governments are allied together as one.

The same would go for terrorists, there’d be no fundamental Muslims blowing themselves up because there’d be no ‘infidels.’ Everyone respects everyone, the part of the world Muslims live in would be the same everywhere else on the planet. They wouldn’t just keep to themselves in the Middle East because the laws suit them their, everywhere in the world be the same. They would have no reason to blow up a building that stands for America because America would stand for the exact same thing as the part of the world they live in.

- I’m suggesting that the only reason the governments of the worlds are dishonest with the public, is because there are too many things happening behind the scenes that would endanger the goal for a new world order if they were to be disclosed to the public too soon.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by andre18]

I think it`s best if you DO drop that "s" from leader. Ummm, seen it in America? Let me take you back to school and refresh that mind of yours. Many people in this world saw what happens when you have a power that wants to govern over the world. Rome comes to mind for one, and for another, Germany, and at the same time Japan (yea, these two countries could have ruled together....uhh huh...yea). Does the phrase "Absolute power corrupts absolutly" ring a bell? If it does, then why would anyone with half a mind want to put one person into power over the world? You can do that in your own little world, but leave the rest of ours alone. The moment a government withholds any information from the people, no matter what it is, should not be in power. Any power will do that for it`s own gain. And if you believe that maybe people couldn`t handle the information they want to keep underwraps, then that tells me those people are not ready to throw away the free will that we were given by our maker.

I`m sorry andre, our maker is the only "one power" we need over our lives at any given time.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by FiatLux]

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