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What, exactly, will you do if the NWO takes over?

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posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:41 PM
Its well and good to discuss the merits of how evil, how bad, how terrible the horizon of the NWO is.. But what are people doing about it?

The NWO take over isn't going to be M1-Abrams rolling down Wallstreet. It won't be Blackhawks doing strafes over Hollywood. We won't be seeing a force of black clad, gas mask wearing soldiers goose stepping out of the horizon. The "takeover" isn't going to be that obvious because if that happened, the public WOULD revolt and look good for it. However, if you keep up the shield of justice and being the legitimate government, then the people who prepare or act on what they believe to be the NWO are going to make them look like a pack of raving lunatics.

But, lets think of the "fun" way it could go. The heroic struggle of good and evil. The righteous throwing off the chains of the oppressors. Society collapsing and turning into a Mad Max esque world of violence and feathered shoulder pads. Its so much easier to think of it as something big and dramatic because it fulfills this romantic vision of upheaval, of battle, of giving the average person a chance to feel like a hero. For some people its the chance to kill people and get away with it. Even though its a realm of possibility better left to script writers and authors, if the NWO really did do things like that, what would anyone here really do about it?

Does anyone have a plan? How many people on here even own a firearm that could penetrate body armor? How many know first aid? How to grow their own food? How to purify water? How many of the people who own a firearm could actually shoot a human being?

Forget the romanticism that so many people have thrown on the subject, where armed bands of locals will revolt against their masters, fight the evil NWO, take this country back. That can be fuzzy imagery, but its just that.

The foot soldiers of the NWO aren't going to be some faceless, inhuman monsters. They're going to be citizens. People who think they're doing the right thing as strongly as you do. They're going to have families, friends, in some cases children. If you think of them as faceless monsters that need to be killed, then your doing what they do. And thats a very, very dangerous step to take.

Many of the people who believe that they would be apt to kill someone if it meant saving their country tend to imagine themselves slaying someone who just bayoneted an orphan or shot a grandmother. They don't think of killing someone who is just doing their job, who really dosen't want to be there any more then you want them there. The grunts of the NWO are going to be average people.

Will you shoot people who used to be your friends, your neighbors? Will you duck behind a corner and drive a knife into their throat? Are you so ready to kill people who you believe to be wrong that you'll try to justify it to yourself?

Me? I'm no soldier. I'm not a member of any militia. I've never even shot a deer. I'm not the best shot with a rifle. I don't own a pistol larger then a .38 special. I don't have some bug out location. I'm not even in all that great of shape. I don't lie to myself about what would happen if the NWO took over. I would either not do anything about it, or die in an exchange with a professional soldier. I find it chuckle worthy when people believe that as an untrained citizen that they could be effective against actual soldiers.

So. What WILL you people do if the NWO takes over?

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:51 PM
It won't take over, it's falling apart as people start seeing what is really happening here.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Ambrose

Me? I'm no soldier. I'm not a member of any militia. I've never even shot a deer. I'm not the best shot with a rifle. I don't own a pistol larger then a .38 special. I don't have some bug out location. I'm not even in all that great of shape. I don't lie to myself about what would happen if the NWO took over. I would either not do anything about it, or die in an exchange with a professional soldier. I find it chuckle worthy when people believe that as an untrained citizen that they could be effective against actual soldiers.

I'm not a soldier either, and you're still better equipped than i am to deal with the events that would unfold during a NWO take-over.

My key ability is my capacity to detect movement in the dark - it's gotten to a point where night-vision isn't even an issue for me anymore.

It's more about sound than anything else, and trust me - in the dark one wrong move will end up with either you or your opponent giving away their position.

It's like playing hide-and-seek with everyone hiding.

I'm *snip* if they use light-amplification goggles, though, so my best bet is to stay outdoors and away from any patrols.

Naturally, my first objective will be to acquire flash-bangs.

During the day it's a totally different story, i'm willing to say i wouldn't even be prepared to make a single move if i was stuck out in the open when the sun came up - provided i was in a reasonably concealed position.

My best bet, and the best bet for any group wishing to stand and fight, would be to take over any local weapons manufacturing plants - hostile if nessecary (If alone, i can probably sneak in, with a bit of luck) - those corporate weapon manufacturers are going to be a god-send if we can get to them first.

They won't be anywhere near as heavily guarded as an actual military camp would be.

Approaching those would be the equivalent of walking into the gates of hell, and of course that would mean getting past the mine-fields, sentry dogs, patrols, watch-towers, alarm triggers and even a few articles of guerilla warfare like punji pits and snare traps if the enemy gets inventive.

I wouldn't go anywhere near them without a full armour group at my back, and getting ahold of serious gear like that will be hell itself.

In short, fighting a rebellion is quite possibly the hardest thing any man can put himself up to, but that doesn't mean i'm not going to try, dammit!

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 01:19 AM
I'd probably rather rely on a shotgun...Variable loads & you don't have to be a marksman to hit a target. Whatever armor they may be wearing doesn't matter much when a few slugs of double-aught slam them down.
A historical note: a sawed-off shotgun has been classified as a "military-grade" weapon since WW 1...I've heard of a militia that got nailed for "improper weapons" because they didn't know this!

I know I'm not up to a full-scale war or fight for my own life, but I can guarantee that whoever comes after me is gonna feel it in the morning...Assuming they're up to feeling anything at all. I know that the best I could hope for is to make them come after me on my terms & make it expensive for them to take me out.

[edit on 11-6-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 01:24 PM
Ahhh, the responses I've gotten here are EXACTLY the attitude that I talked about in the original post. The romantic view of ones own personal abilities, of fighting corrupt tyrants.. Really, and honestly, if people tried most of the things they've said they'll do not only in this thread, but on this forum as a whole, they wouldn't be long for this world.

Soldiers don't get deployed in ones and twos. So lets say you manage to kill, disable or wound one soldier with a surprise attack. Within the second you did that, you should come to expect several 5.56 NATO ( Assuming the NWO dosen't start making its own calibers and such. ) rounds to ventilate your chest cavity.

It would be foolish, if not downright ignorant, to attempt to use Iraq as an example of what happens when tyrants stretch their legs over civilians. If the NWO takes over, there won't be the loose if not non existant border security. There won't be already militant groups to play on the fears of the population. And most importantly, it won't be a foreign power taking over someone elses country. If we were invaded by Mexico, or China, or England, or some other country, then I would be of firm belief that it would be repelled in less then a year based solely on the quantity of firearms availible to the general public.

But this isn't a foreign invasion. This is our own government, our own neighbors, friends, countryman. You can't make them look like evil beasts without it reflecting back on you yourself. You can't propagandize what happens, because you'll be killing your own countryman. If we go the way of conventional warfare and mindset, of dehumanizing your enemies, then America will be in the same situation as Rwanda, Darfur, and so many other nations that are or were soaked in their own xenophobia.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Ambrose
Ahhh, the responses I've gotten here are EXACTLY the attitude that I talked about in the original post. The romantic view of ones own personal abilities, of fighting corrupt tyrants.

You misunderstood my answer...There's nothing "romantic" about it. I know that the NWO isn't going to send out the troops in that kind of manner, but I also realize that I'm one of those that they're going to come for eventually...But it's going to be "social worker" types that'll come first, maybe with a cop or two to assist 'em for my "relocation." But I certainly won't be around long enough for more to come...They'll have to find me first. That's what I'm talking about.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 03:10 PM
Like most everyone else, my life will probably continue on much as it does today...though there will undoubtably be some changes. What they'll be, who knows? Not I.

Hunker down and cover my ass, if it all goes bad...troops in the streets, etc... Party in the streets, if it's Christmas all year 'round.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 03:17 PM
If me and mine are left to fend for ourselves, we'll do that. If we were herded up to be imprisoned, we'd rather go down fighting than allow that. It's not a bravado thing, it's just the reality of the potential situation. With this rugged and wild terrain, it would be difficult for ground troops to make their way with any effectiveness and there would be certain to be a lot of attrition. We could easily be taken from the air, if that were the goal.

Sad to think about, but realistic to ponder. I've pondered it quite a bit the last 10 years or so.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 03:32 PM
Guys, it is UTTER FOLLY to answer such a question on a board that you KNOW (or even have the merest suspicion) is being monitored.

Do not EVER answer such a question. Offer advice on what a person "might" do, but never answer what you have prepared, or not prepared, what you will or won't do, or what your plans or lack of plans are.

Do not give out free information to the enemy.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 05:19 PM
Well I'm no soldier either, I'm only a 16 year old girl that has parents that love Bush to death. But I can't say I have the heart to just sit there when it happens even when my family won't depart with me. Everyone probably knows about mass depopulation and before you can even do anything they will all be lined up at your door or right down your street to be honest.

There first thing I'm going to say is,'I told you so.' That may sound stupid, but that will be my first initial reaction and response. Now don't get my wrong, I love my family, but if they want to sit there(Like I know my mom will because she thinks everything Bush does is right and he is a saint) and wait for the shackled box cars I am out. I will not follow them to death so easily. I refuse to die even though I know I will inevitably.

I will grab my knives and grab my messenger bag and leave. I have no plan, I am just going to get as far from the roads as possible. I'm not going to be a romantic either, but the only thing that would keep me alive is my love. He is going into the Army at this moment so I know he will probably just be brainwashed. If I had to die, I would want to die by his corrupted hands, though I would try to bring his mind back. Again it sounds like suicide and completely stupid, but I don't care because the thread is about what you would actually do.

I have no problem with killing someone else. I doubt heaven is in my grasp, but I can tell you with my last breath I will ask for forgiveness even though I know it may be pointless. I'm not a religious person, but I do believe in a god.

Anyone that threatens to take my life or my means of survival(food, water) I will correct them within that time. Even if they are a friend, the only person I would not kill would be my love. Times of survival drives your greatest friend to become your enemy.
I know it is the better thing to stick together and not to divide, and agree, but if anyone dares to threaten my life they won't hesitate to harm them. I am not a skilled killer mind you, but I certainly know how to use my knife.
I would probably not kill a child though. I don't know if I could do that unless they were driven with madness and in no way would they come back.

To be honest, I probably would not risk my life for anyone other than myself or my own. If a resistance does form, I will join just for my loves sake. Besides, I never really wanted to die in my bed from old age or from anything other than a tragic death. That would be viewed as a romantic though, but still I would want that. I would rather be shot down than burned in ovens.

Guys, it is UTTER FOLLY to answer such a question on a board that you KNOW (or even have the merest suspicion) is being monitored.

Do not EVER answer such a question. Offer advice on what a person "might" do, but never answer what you have prepared, or not prepared, what you will or won't do, or what your plans or lack of plans are.

Do not give out free information to the enemy.

Well considering they should already know who you are because you are posting on this site and have created an account here, I don't think them knowing your defence plan would matter much.
Myself, I don't care if they know what I'll do. They'll just handle me the same ways as others if they catch up.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 05:23 PM
Sale you to a foreign exchange student, no really, lol, they got the marketing for it.

Joke, distasteful or funny you be the judge.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 05:28 PM

The foot soldiers of the NWO aren't going to be some faceless, inhuman monsters. They're going to be citizens. People who think they're doing the right thing as strongly as you do. They're going to have families, friends, in some cases children. If you think of them as faceless monsters that need to be killed, then your doing what they do. And thats a very, very dangerous step to take.

Well they could actually be brainwashed. True they will think they will be doing the right thing because that's all they will know. The human mind is a fragile thing. Hallucinations could be introduced into their minds through various microchips or serums. They could see you, a child, their family, as a threat. They may not remember their lives and families or these soldiers could just not see things as they actually are anymore.
They are anything but citizens when they have a weapon. They are your enemy and the ones that stand in your way of life.

If I kill a soldier and you view me as a faceless monster, continue to do as such because I will be trying to get by. Just because they are like me or have no idea what they are doing will not stop me from protecting myself. I won't let myself be shot down just because its not their fault. I know that sounds cruel, but the truth is cold.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 07:29 PM
Believe me, there are a few beings out here who are going to do their level best to stop this take over by the NWO. The NWO is just so evil, it`s way beyond the mind to grasp.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 08:20 PM
One World Government is already here. There hasn't been an official announcement and they haven't assigned a fancy Logo to it. But it's already here. It's called the Global Economy and the entities that oversee it, protect it, expand it, govern it, etc. are simply branches of the One World Government. Like I said, you're already living in the NWO. The Global Economy is the most important thing to them.

Is there a single logo that represents the US Govt? Nope. However, there are many logos associated with the various departments of the US Govt. Same thing with the Global Economy, NWO, One World Govt.

It's already here and we're living in it right now.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by UnforgiveableSin

The foot soldiers of the NWO aren't going to be some faceless, inhuman monsters. They're going to be citizens. People who think they're doing the right thing as strongly as you do. They're going to have families, friends, in some cases children. If you think of them as faceless monsters that need to be killed, then your doing what they do. And thats a very, very dangerous step to take.

Well they could actually be brainwashed. True they will think they will be doing the right thing because that's all they will know. The human mind is a fragile thing. Hallucinations could be introduced into their minds through various microchips or serums. They could see you, a child, their family, as a threat. They may not remember their lives and families or these soldiers could just not see things as they actually are anymore.
They are anything but citizens when they have a weapon. They are your enemy and the ones that stand in your way of life.

If I kill a soldier and you view me as a faceless monster, continue to do as such because I will be trying to get by. Just because they are like me or have no idea what they are doing will not stop me from protecting myself. I won't let myself be shot down just because its not their fault. I know that sounds cruel, but the truth is cold.

You seem to be under the impression that this will be some kind of super-duper military takeover. It won't be if it happens. People who expect this to be a Hitler style, SS kicking your door in and shouting at you to get on the floor. It won't be that. Society flat wouldn't stand for that one. BUT, if you start making "arrests", making the people being "arrested" appear to be traitors or some suchery, then it'll go over with far less hitches.

Infact, if your not a victim of it, you may not even know whats going on. It could be going on right now, for all we know.

I never stated that killing a soldier would make you a faceless monster. If thats the impression you got from what I've been saying, then you should consider re-reading what I've said.

I doubt that "they" would be brainwashing anyone. This isn't some Orwellian dystopia here, this is the 21st century. The CIA already tried the brain washing thing, and they pretty much concluded that it wasn't very practical. Because if you brainwash someone, you need to literally wipe them clean if you want it to be anything but temporary. That would mean re-teaching them language, advanced motor function, social interactions.. It would literally be like raising them from a newborn to adulthood. The cost of an entire military under that kind of influence would be astounding. Forget money. The raw resources it would take to do that would be so out of proportion to the usefulness of brainwashed soldiers that "they" wouldn't consider it.

And thats not even when you consider actually maintaining a force of that nature. Soldiers die. Since we apparently have a ready to go team of crack commandos on this forum, their obviously going to need to replace people at some point. The NWO would run itself dry if it really attempted to control people through brainwashing.

[edit on 11-6-2008 by Ambrose]

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:18 PM
No, the NWO isn`t going yet, but the foundation has been built, and the walls are going up. But it`s not done yet. There are still way to many out here that do not agree with it, and they know this. There are many people who just up and go away without a trace in this world because they do not agree with, or have fought them in one way or another. It`s only when the building is finished, will they come out and use force in the open on people.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:31 PM
To paraphrase T.S. Elliot: You won’t go down with a bang, but a whimper.
The hard truth is that all of us are just going to be slowly smothered by bureaucratic red-tape. There will be no blazing guns and screams of “Come and get me you @#%@%$!
It’s already happening. Look around at how much of your daily life is controlled my some nameless, faceless entity in some dark, dank gov’ment office. Everything from the amount of water your toilet can flush to the stuff you can put in your trash. They take money from your paycheck before you even see it and spend on things you never knew existed. We’ve already surrendered. The anaconda has already grasped us. Now it’s just waiting for us to exhale and relax a little bit more…

[edit on 11-6-2008 by passenger]

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:49 PM
That`s the problem passenger, we have been brainwashed for so many years on how unpatriotic it is to stand up to your government because we don`t like what they are doing. And the sad part is, we believe them. It`s our right to stand up to them, when we know that they are in the wrong. Not only Washington, but your local governments as well.

[edit on 11-6-2008 by FiatLux]

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:50 PM
Hmm what I would do if NWO takes over? Hmmm I will be blended in with nature invisible to the government. That would be my goal. It would be possible to achieve that, by living off the grid. I also want to invent some mechanisms that will help me out. I will be sure to eventually plant many chives, and edible herbs, that will spread out all over the forests floor to get the neccessary vitamins that is needed, I will stock up on nuts for protein, fat, and sodium. Honey as a sweetener, and sugar.
I will be located near a farm field. A couple to a few kilometers away from urbanized areas. Hopefully I should be able be safely isolated away from danger.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 10:22 PM
If you want a real-life, personal example of how much you are controlled, I suggest you do two things:

First: Talk to an older person. About 80 or above. The older the better. Ask them to recall, from their young adult years, how much involvement they had with the Federal Government. They’ll probably name three things; the military, the post office, and maybe the tax man. That’s about all I ever get.
Think about your life now, in comparison. You’ve got the FBI, CIA, DEA, EPA, IRS, FCC, FAA, FEC,FDC, NSA, FTA, and just about every other combination of three letter abbreviations you can think of…(whew) along with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, NASA…(forget trying to think of them all, you‘ll go crazy). And furthermore, each one of these bureaus and departments has a multitude of internal divisions and branches, like a many headed hydra, spreading their poison all throughout your life. Think about it and tremble.

Second: Go to your local law library (many universities have them and are open to the public). Find the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These contain all the rules that your friendly Federal Government thought they should enact to better your life. It started in the 1930’s. Take a look at the volumes for the first couple of years: small and almost quaint. They’re about the size of a Nancy Drew book. Notice how the years go by, the volumes get progressively thicker. Soon, they’re about the size of a novel. Then multiple novels. Then a phone book. Then multiple phone books. As the decades go on they just keep getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger…
All of them contain all the great stuff that your Congressmen thought should be put into action to help you. And there are thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands… with more coming every year.
Take a look and think about what it means for you. Volumes and volumes telling you what you can or can’t do. How you can do it. What happens if you don’t do it. Why it should be done this way or that. All for you.
Far scarier than anything Steven King could ever imagine.

This doesn't include everything the U.N. is trying to do for/to you. Add it all up and you're already a slave without even knowing it. You'll never fight. The chains were on you from birth and you were never even aware of it.

[edit on 11-6-2008 by passenger]

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