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BREAKING! Kucinich Introduces 35 Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush!

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posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 02:50 AM
Another few millions going to a pointless trial, just to make a name for himself. He should have done this a few years ago.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by yellowcard

as the saying goes better late then never
or in this case you may be right

so what stopped this happening more early on?

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
Wow, talk about a waste of tax payer dollars and lawmaker resources...

while it is to little to late there is a logic to it...

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
OK, try this one on for size... this has been in the works since the day G.W. Bush took the oath of office and it was purely and totally in reaction to the impeachment of Bill Clinton.

Im sure the Dems have been looking for payback on that, although they would have settled for much less... Bush brought this on himself, gave it to them on a silver platter. Which leads to the timing... this will be in the news all the way through November, so the Reps will be catching flack for this while fighting Obama... a difinite handicap...

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Geez, for someone complaining about people not being open minded you sure are certain in your beliefs. I'm gonna go ahead and believe you that this impeachment has been in the works since 2000. Now that we realize it is a hoax, I'm sure you will have no problem giving evidence to refute each of the 35 individual charges of impeachable offenses listed. I mean, if even one of the offenses is true it would be grounds to impeach Bush, but luckily you'll be able to brush them all aside quickly because their all lies.

Seriously though; I don't understand the partisanship. People are on here screaming that this is garbage without even having listened to all of the charges yet (or if they have not researching and posting why they are BS). Regardless if you support Bush or not, why not at least listen to the accusations with an open mind, and look into them for yourself. If your right that Bush is great and would never do these things, you will then be equipped to prove it to everyone. But I know, instead of using facts to defend the charges its easier to just attack liberals.

BTW, I hate both of the parties. but I am excited that someone is trying to force acountabilty on our elected officials. Even if the charges are false, it would be good by letting Bush clear his name (yeah right)

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:10 AM
what evidence do they have on the presdinent?

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by robxp25
what evidence do they have on the presdinent?

does anyone have a link for the text of the articles, im interested in what was put forward and what will be left to one of our great "investigations"

Raw News
this has the first 10 minutes, although its hard to read... its about halfway down the page

[edit on 10-6-2008 by XTexan] edited to add link

[edit on 10-6-2008 by XTexan]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:30 AM
Didn't Kucinich go through the same steps with his attempt to impeach Cheney? That didn't seem to result in anything. Is this something different, more official? Basically, is there any reason to believe that something will come of this?

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
Didn't Kucinich go through the same steps with his attempt to impeach Cheney? That didn't seem to result in anything. Is this something different, more official? Basically, is there any reason to believe that something will come of this?

Ya according to that link in my last post it looks like he has tried it before in April of 07, Cynthia McKinney tried it in Jan of 07... This seems to be on a larger scale though i think...

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by cbass
BTW why is this not all over major news sites right now?? I am lookin at Drudge,CNN,Faux..
none of them have this. Is it just too early?

Have you ever followed Kucinich's career? He's a Moonbat, way out there. Even his fellow Democrats are pretty much embarassed to be associated with him. His "proposals" almost never get support in the form of co-sponsorship.

His wife is known as the "Dog Queen".

He got a whopping 1% of the votes in the NH primary.

He says we pay about $1 to $3 more per gallon of gas in the summer because of thermal expansion due to summer heat.

He's definitely part of the lunatic fringe. Is he up for re-election this fall? That would explain his latest windmill-tilting expedition.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by Grambler

Originally posted by Grambler
Now that we realize it is a hoax, I'm sure you will have no problem giving evidence to refute each of the 35 individual charges of impeachable offenses listed.

Our legal system is based upon the assumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty.

What that means is, Bush (or any accused person) doesn't have to refute anything.

It's up to Kucinich to prove everything he charges Bush with.

See how that works?

In other words, "you can't prove a negative".

You may disagree with it, but just wait till the time somebody accuses you of a crime, and you have no alibi. Then you'll be only too happy to cite the 4th, 5th, 6th Amendments.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by jsobecky

But a refutation will still be needed. The transcript not out yet, but it clearly outlines very specific charges. Don't think hes a moonbat is gonna cut it. Actually, it will with congress. But I still would challenge people to look at his claims and see if they are true before dismissing them because hes a wacko, or its a liberal conspiracy, etc.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 04:30 AM
Dennis Kucinich is BACK...and boy is he pissed.

I thought that it was innocent 'til proven guilty? Unless, of course, you are a sitting President.

In just a little over seven months, President Bush is going to be gone. Impeachment, whether warrented or not, would take far longer than that. Dennis Kucinich is an idiot. The only thing he is going to accomplish is get his name splashed in the papers for a few days...remember how well his "impeachment" attempt on the Vice President went? Hmmm? I notice that Mr. Cheaney is still, most unfortuanately, in office.

Impeachment is a colossal waste of time. No evidence, no crime. Pelosi and Reed will do exactly what they did the last time, nod in all the right places then place it in the circular file...

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by Grambler

Sorry, the ball is in your court. Prove your allegations.

That's the way things work in the US.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by SystemiK
Do you happen to recall the Clinton impeachment? Remember how long that was dragged out?

Just how do you suppose an impeachment process is going to reach it's conclusion before Bush is already left office? The time for impeaching Bush has come and gone. I applaud the effort but it is far too late for an impeachment.

The reason this still must happen is to make sure history knows what the Bush administration did and to draw a line in the sand for future self imposed kings of The United States who attempt to shred our CONSTITUTION.

I agree this should have happened a long time ago but better late then never.
We should also remember who was tough enough to keep pushing these articles through even when he was threatened with a loss of his career. Kucinich is the type of man we need in the Whitehouse.

GO DENNIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by jfj123

"self imposed"? Beg to differ. Mr. Bush was, as was every President before him, duly elected by the citizens of this country. There is no evidence of anything to the contrary. Other than baseless accusations. You'll notice that it's not the losing candidates complaining? Only their more sycophantic supporters...

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky

Have you ever followed Kucinich's career? He's a Moonbat, way out there. Even his fellow Democrats are pretty much embarassed to be associated with him. His "proposals" almost never get support in the form of co-sponsorship.

I would have to agree. He is considered as "out there" as Ron Paul.

He got a whopping 1% of the votes in the NH primary.

Yeah and it was a shame too. Much like Ron Paul, Dennis was given very little time to speak and was treated as a joke.

He says we pay about $1 to $3 more per gallon of gas in the summer because of thermal expansion due to summer heat.

And he would be correct in saying so. I actually watched something about this a few months ago on TV. In the heat the gas expands, so you are paying more for less. In cold weather, the opposite happens and you actually get more for your money. This is why there are regulators on Canadian gas pumps that measure the difference by temp...and it adjust the dollars and cents of it all. The point of the program I was watching is that they do this in the colder areas to make money, but they ignore it in the Southern areas where the temp is warmer cause the consumer pays for 10 gallons, but in reality only gets 8 gallons.

He's definitely part of the lunatic fringe. Is he up for re-election this fall? That would explain his latest windmill-tilting expedition.

I think this is just part of the dog and pony show. I agree for the sake of history, it has to be done. The reality of it is that it really will not matter much if he succeeds or not. I tend to believe that this is really being done to demonize the Republicans and insure a Democratic President this design.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:27 AM
While I personally think he is guilty as hell, I think we should all take a moment and reflex on this. It is VERY IMPORTANT that BUSH be given a fair and reasonable trial. He is innocent of any and all crimes until proven guilty.

I say this, because it is imperative for us, "we the people" execute our judious responsibilities accordingly, least we become the monster we are trying to slay.

These artilces have only been entered into congress. I fully believe that bush should be given all opportunity to make a case of his innocents in a court of law.

This being said, IN the EVENT that bush is found guilty in a court of law, I think he as well as any co-conspirators should be brought up on charges.

In the event that he is found guilty and therefore impeached, these charges should not only include HIGH TREASON, against the american people, but slander, war crimes, crimes against humanity, defamation of character, and whatever else we can possibly throw at him.

In the event, after going through a just and judious hearing he is found guilty, he should receive the most severe of punishments, not including Public Hanging, forfeture of any and ALL assets.

In the event that his co-conspiritors are found guilty, they too should be publicly HANGED, and forced to forfet any and all assets.

Let me be clear though. BUSH IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. The state must enter evidence to show the he is guilty, of any and all chargers against him. Until they do, while I still consider him an idiot, we should ALL attempt to respect his decisions, and his authority over us. This being said, NO ONE should do ANYTHING stupid. He is the President of the U.S. and he should have our honor and respect. If you don't agree with his policies, this is what peaceful demonstrations are for.

This being said, I think it is absolutely critical that the process be clear, transparent, fair, and reasonable. We are not just doing an impeachment. The results of the initiation of impeach can and should have wide reaching ramifications, including outing corruption within the state, showing culprits of war crimes, and showing culprits of crimes against humanity.

This is not just about one man, one president, but against an organization. In order to effectively cleanse our society of any blight, there must be an example of not only of one guilty party, but all guilty parties, which I dare say can be in the THOUSANDS!



posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:34 AM
He doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding but YOU GO DAVID!!!

Ultimately the bastards need to be held responsible for what they have done to this country.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by camain
He is the President of the U.S. and he should have our honor and respect.

No, I don't agree with that.

Honour and respect have to be earned, not awarded - regardless of a person's occupation or social standing.

He's done nothing to earn any honour or respect from anyone.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:13 AM
Onging news discussion...


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