posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 02:39 AM
Wow, talk about a waste of tax payer dollars and lawmaker resources...
First of all, everyone who's sticking their thumbs into their suspenders and crowing over this, believing it's all about Iraq and Bush's supposed
"misappropriations" surrounding the runnings of the nation need to step back and do a quick reality assessment. You're here at ATS to investigate
conspiracies? OK, try this one on for size... this has been in the works since the day G.W. Bush took the oath of office and it was purely and
totally in reaction to the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Ted Rall has been calling for Congress to impeach Bush since 2000. It doesn't have a damn
thing to do with 9/11 or Iraq other than to provide them with an excuse to start the proceedings.
Somewhere between the 1992 elections and the 2000 elections, this nation entered a sort of bizzarro paralel dimension in which after any election
there are about a third of the citizens who are so steadfastly behind a given candidate that they automatically hate, despise, and revile the
candidate who wins that given election. In that regard, you open minded liberals totally have us "closed minded A-hole" conservatives soundly
whooped. Your 33% are a hell of a lot more rabid, hatefull, and unbending than our 33% ever could dream of being. For a bunch that calls themselves
"open minded" you sure as hell have never once demonstrated it. Once you get an idea into your head, it closes like a steel trap around it and
devoutly refuses to even consider that the idea may be misguided. Examples of this include:
1. Bush "stole" the election in 2000
2. 9/11 was an inside job
3. Bush went to war in Iraq for control of the oil
4. Bush has ripped up the constitution
Each and every one of these "ideas" or "theories" or "cockamamie piles of fly blown horsecrap" are dubious at worst, extremely debateable at
best, and yet in order to even hold a discussion on any other topic even remotely related to Bush with one of you people, you have to accept each of
these items of lunacy as if they were handed down to man by the almighty creator, Himself. I will admit this, if these ideas were true, then yes,
Bush should be impeached. But I can just as easily say that the Seattle Seahawks are the greatest NFL team in the history of sports and make these
1. Every team that has ever beaten them has stolen the game
2. Seattle defeats were inside jobs in which the league organized their defeat.
3. The entire NFL season is purely intended to screw the Hawks out of the super bowl
4. The league has ripped up the rule book for every team playing the Hawks in order to ensure the Hawks lose.
Now, if you are a fan of any other NFL team, in order to debate the greatness of the Hawks with me, you must accept these 4 points as being true
beforehand. (Note: I despise the Hawks, but since I have to live and work amongst uptight liberal Seattlites, I've observed firsthand that they do
in fact apply the same assbackwards logic to football as they do to politics, so I used the Hawls in my example.)
This is a complete waste of tax payer money driven by one of the Senate's biggest kiss-asses, Dennis Kucinich, in an effort to suck up to his about
as far left as you can get voter base. The man is a freaking loon with a hot wife. Someone try to explain that one without the end result being a
call for his wife to be locked up for mental evaluation. The Dems don't have the votes within their own party, let alone across party lines, to make
this happen and if they did he'll be out of office before it happens anyway. So the end result will be Dennis popping wood over all the little
internet leftists fawning over him at a cost of $100 million or so of the American tax payer's dollars. Bravo, Mr. Big Spender, Bravo!