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The Jews Are Behind The Plot!!! (read for yourself before you judge)

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posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by FatherLukeDuke

The MSM is owned by Jewish people I guess Ill go down the list if I have to

Fox News, New York Post, Wall Street Journal, Weekly Standard Rupert Murdoch
The head of Disney who owns ABC and ESPN Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television Michael Eisner
New York Times Arther Sulzberger
Viacom Philippe Dauman
Cnn News Group Walter Isaacson
AOL Time Warner Gerald Levin
Washington Post & News Week Mag Donald Graham

Dude I could go on and on and Ill be honest with you I could not find ONE that was not either owned or the vice president or high up is of the Jewish religion. So yes 90% of the local media is Jewish owned in fact there are some sites out there even saying 96% world wide!!! So the banks, the media, and hollywood the perfect placed to be in power if you wanted to dominate the world.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

Right I know it wasnt because of slavery that is what I said and that was my point. They teach you in school however that it was started by the civil war. If you ask any normal American what started the Civil war they would say slavery. But when you ask a person like me or you who actually has researched the issue we know different. This is my point history that is taught is not necessarily the truth you need to do your own research.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by mybigunit

Largest news corporation in the world - News Corp. is not owned by Jew. And the fact that if there are (probably) Jews in its board or directarion makes "Jewish owned" in your eyes is a very dubious. If there are Swedes in the board - it makes it Swedish owned? Jewish minister in a government makes it "ruled by Jews"? It is a problematic approach.
News Corp includes the following media
Including Fox.
Second largest - Time Warner:
CEO - Kenny Mulfort. Do not know if he is a Jew, since there is no info even on the most anti-semitic sites.
Also have problems finding who owns it due to all the mergers and company purchases. Can you name me who are Jews who own it?
And don't bring me Jews on board except CEO or director. It is as valid as Swede example above.
As for Levin - and time warner - he resigned in 2002. But his spirit probably owns this place due to its diabolic Jewishness.
So for your list in details:
Fox news - News Corp.Owner not Jewish.
New York Post - News Corp.Owner not Jewish.
Wall Street Journal - News Corp.Owner not Jewish
Weekly standart - News Corp.Owner not Jewish

ABC - Eisner was CEO of Walt Disney until 2005. This site you take info from needs serious update. Iger is CEO now and he is Jewish. 1
ESPN - the same as above. 2
Touchstone - It is ABC Studios now. The rest as above. 3
Buena Vista Television - Now ABC domestic - 4.
New York Times - You are correct. 5.
Viacom - Redstone owns it, but he is Jewish. 6
Cnn News Group - Time warner.
Washington Post - Yup. 7.
Newsweek - Also correct. 8.
So from this list that was taken certainly from site with agenda

out of 15 only 8 are "controlled" by Jews. 53% are much less then 96%, don't you think?
As for examples of other -Judenfrei media - NBC is owned by General electric. CEO Jeffrey Immelt.
Reuters (Thomson ) - Tom Glocer .
I am not that familiar with American media but at least two examples i squeezed out. So in reality there should be much more.
As for dis proportionally large number - well i think that in the end it will be smaller percentage then of Nobel prize winners. Wonder why it is never mentioned... Only politicians , media tycoons, bankers and sometimes lawyers.

[edit on 14-6-2008 by ZeroKnowledge]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

Rupert murdoch who owns newscorp is not Jewish? You might want to recheck that.

Heres a task for you try to take 10 of the hundreds of major media whether its newspaper or TV and try to find 10 that isnt jewish owned as far as CEO or CFO

I tried its not easy.

Even better check this out...

Ironically it was compounded together by a Jewish guy.

[edit on 14-6-2008 by mybigunit]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:24 AM
I think it's important to remember this distinction:

it's not that a bunch of Jewish guys run the world. A bunch of guys who HAPPEN to be Jewish run the world. What they believe is most likely coincidental.

If the people running the show had a more religious agenda I think there'd be a lot less resistance to the war in the Iraq. I have to assume their drive is money, because money is as God was thousands of years ago: validation.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by joecamel

And that is the million dollar question. Is it just a coincidence that most of the owners happen to be Jewish. In some cases I feel yes that is the case. In others though in particular spots I dont think it is. I think its set up that way. That is like I said in my previous post that there are a lot of hard working Jewish people out there and they have no clue about any hidden agendas by the few. Even lets say there is no conspiracy at all that I am just paranoid. Its still not good to have that kind of power in one spot. Take an issue like Iran. The whole damn media is for war with Iran and why? They have never attacked us. I have watched several interviews with Ahmadenjad and he doesnt DENY the holocaust he just asks 3 questions...One if it happened in europe why did the palastinians have to lose their land. 2 there were 6 million Jewish people killed out of 60 million civillians so why the HUGE focus on the holocaust.....and 3 why is it when you question or want to research it you get labelled an anti semite. To me these are reasonable questions to ask.

[edit on 14-6-2008 by mybigunit]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:34 AM
Rupert Murdoch's mother is Jewish, I'm not sure about his father but I believe he is a jew as well:

And according to the Torah, Jewish blood is passed down through the mother only. So if a man has a Jewish father, and a non-jewish mother, he is not considered by Jews to be a Jew.

But Rupert Murdoch has a Jewish Mother (at least), so he is Jewish.

[edit on 14-6-2008 by AlCaponed]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit

Is it just a coincidence that most of the owners happen to be Jewish. In some cases I feel yes that is the case.

It's not a coincidence.

NWO/Illuminati conspiracies aside, Jews help each other. Their religion teaches it. Jews who are businessmen will hire Jews over non-jews. It's what they believe in. Ask anyone who is Jewish they will tell you the same.

Usually other races/religions do not practice this. Whites will hire anybody. Blacks will hire anybody (well sometimes they will hire mostly fellow blacks). Asians will hire anybody.

But Jews if they can help it will only hire fellow Jews. Their religion teaches it.

So you have a bunch of Jewish men who are businessmen, and they hire only jews. Those Jews they hire, go on to hire only Jews. So pretty soon, the majority of people who are wealthy or prominent are Jewish.

Now that is what we know in the sunlight, what is not a conspiracy...

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:43 AM
... Now delving into the conspiracy realm, what we don't know, what is not in the sunlight...

Look at the names of any so-called Illuminati family (or at the very least, "elite" families). Rockefeller and Rothschild (changed from Rothstein) are the two big elite families everyone talks about when they think of Illuminati/NWO.

Those names are both Jewish names.

Coincidence? I'm sure it's not, and remember: Only evil is practiced at night. Good deeds are practiced in sunlight.

If they are hiding stuff from us, which we know they do, it can only be bad things...

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by AlCaponed

Point taken and I do agree with the fact of partiality in business because I think I pointed this out earlier 2 of my business partners are Jewish and they have gotten me connections of people that used to never give me the time of day. So I DO believe that for sure. As far as the conspiracy that is what we are debating here. I think it is well documented that most of the media, banking, and entertainment industry is Jewish owned. So is it a coincidence and like I said earlier I know for a FACT not all Jewish people are conspirators. If that was the case then I would know because my partners are Jewish. But I do believe a select few do have an agenda and that is what we need to delv into.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit

I think it is well documented that most of the media, banking, and entertainment industry is Jewish owned. So is it a coincidence

I don't think it matters really whether or not it's a conspiracy - in the end, we still have the same problem: Most of the media, government, and world is owned and controlled by Jews. It's all biased to their agenda. They hold a monopoly. That monopoly needs to be broken.

Conspiracy is the cause, Monopoly is the effect. The cause isn't the problem, the effect is the problem.

Do you see what I'm saying? I'm not good at articulating what I'm thinking about.

My point is, if you have Jews controlling everything, do you think they are doing what's best for us, or what's best for them? Even if they are doing what's best for us, it's what THEY THINK is best for us, and what the one group of people alone thinks is best for us. Monopolies of an entire industry by one RACE/RELIGION are never good, especially the media since the media is the biggest industry in the world and basically dictates how we live our lives and what we do.

Unless you live in a cave, the Media has shaped your life and personality since you were a toddler watching Sesame street.

[edit on 14-6-2008 by AlCaponed]

[edit on 14-6-2008 by AlCaponed]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

No oil? Then what the hell are they doing with all those olives?

THAT'S the real conspiracy here.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by AlCaponed

The media hasnt shaped my life I fully understand what is going on in the world but 90% of the population does not. I was telling someone earlier exactly what you said even if there is no conspiracy there is a monopoly at least. I totally agree.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke
The Third Reich was a particularly Germanic idea - I'm genuinely baffled as to what you mean here? Zionism is all about having a homeland, not an empire.

Not entirely accurate...The Third Reich was "particularly Hitler," not Germanic...Because Hitler was Austrian, not German.

Zionists are looking to establish a homeland, but it's much more than that...It's a way of life that dictates that you can treat only other Zionists with respect & dignity, but everyone else are nothing more than animals, fit only for death or subjugation. If you should ever read the Protocols of Zion, you'll see what I mean. I'm not saying that there's any veracity to them...Except as you can keep up with history & current events to figure out how much of the Protocols have come true already.

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke
You seem awfully confused about quite a bit of history. I can recommend a few books if you like. I'd start of with some fiction: Life and Fate by Vassily Grossman - one of the most important books ever written.

I don't understand...You say that someone seems to be confused about history, then recommend a book of fiction?

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
Largest news corporation in the world - News Corp. is not owned by Jew. And the fact that if there are (probably) Jews in its board or directarion makes "Jewish owned" in your eyes is a very dubious. If there are Swedes in the board - it makes it Swedish owned? Jewish minister in a government makes it "ruled by Jews"? It is a problematic approach.

One thing that usually gets ignored or overlooked...Any given corporation, organization or government does not have to be "owned" by "X"...Merely having "X" in a position of influence is enough. Just any position within an organization will do for "X," as long as the public thinks that "X's" position represents the views or policies of the actual "owners," this alone is enough.

Here's a hypothetical example:
Let's say "X" is a Bishop in the Church..."X" doesn't actually have to be the Bishop, but perhaps just co-opts him to start speaking publicly on a certain issue (perhaps Obama's old pastor may come to mind here
): This Bishop doesn't actually have to posses any real influence within the Church, but is still influential enough to be accepted by the public as a "spokesperson" of the real authority.

So the Bishop starts talking about a position that's exactly opposite of the direction that the Bishop's "conspiratorial group" wants the Church to move...For example, the Church is against abortion but the "group" wants the Church to go towards "fanatical" anti-abortion, so the Bishop starts speaking publicly about the Church going more towards "pro-choice" or more "pro-abortion."

The Church, learning about the Bishop's public stance on being more lax on the Church's existing abortion policies, decides to re-enforce those policies & somewhat discrediting (or announcing minor disciplinary action on) the Bishop. Therefore the Church goes in exactly the same way that the Bishop wanted it to go...In more favor of stricter control over the Church's parish!

As you can probably figure, this technique has been used in history...And continues to be used in the modern day. It can be used by any kind of group that desires control...Zionist or not. The ancient "Mystery Religions" used it, historically-known conspiracy groups (such as the Bavarian Illuminati, among others) have used it...And as a "tried-n-true" method, it continues to be used. But if you've read the Protocols of Zion, you'll see that they (whoever it was originally written for) are indeed "imperialists" pushing for a world-wide empire.

If you've used the link I posted earlier, leading to the "Black Pope," you'll see that "Jesuits" could easily replace "Zionists" in the Protocols...And that link even describes the Jesuits as being the originators of the Zions. Yeah, "official" history is a lot more twisted than most people realize...Which makes it harder for real searchers-of-truth to unscrew the inscrutable.

Originally posted by AlCaponed
And according to the Torah, Jewish blood is passed down through the mother only. So if a man has a Jewish father, and a non-jewish mother, he is not considered by Jews to be a Jew.

"Jewish" is not only a matter of heritage, but religion as well. Semites were the original Jews, but a sincere conversion of faith also allowed Khazars (thought to be actually Jesuits in practice) to become Jews, as well as a lot of other individuals who did not come from Semite stock.

So anybody who accuses someone else of being "racist" or "anti-Semite" when the Jewish are being discussed really has no idea that the accusation is wrong to begin with. Just as not all Jewish are Semite, then "anti-Jewish" is not being "racist." Just as a Semite can denounce the Jewish religion, not all Semite are Jewish. Just as Khazarian Jews worship as Jesuits also means that Khazarian Jews aren't really worshipping the Jewish religion based from the Torah!

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer
Not entirely accurate...The Third Reich was "particularly Hitler," not Germanic...Because Hitler was Austrian, not German.

Doh! "Germanic" refers to the Germanic peoples, including most Austrians.

If you should ever read the Protocols of Zion, you'll see what I mean. I'm not saying that there's any veracity to them...

There isn't any veracity to them, they are a well known hoax. If you are bringing up hoaxes, which you pretty much admit they are, to support your argument then you are on desperate ground.

Except as you can keep up with history & current events to figure out how much of the Protocols have come true already.

Did they predict the almost contunious pogroms against them in Russsia and Eastern Europe and then the attempt to completely destroy them in Western Europe. Where was that in the "Elders" plans then?

As usual I see no hard evidence on this thread to support the facile idea that the "Jews control the world", just the usual innuendo and confirmation bias.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke

As usual I see no hard evidence on this thread to support the facile idea that the "Jews control the world", just the usual innuendo and confirmation bias.

I know my history is flawed in your eyes but let me throw some facts and then questions at you.

First off the Russian revolution. You say it the Jews were not behind it. I think that is when you said my history was flawed. So I submit to you this site it will give you a little history lesson and this is non fiction.
So my question to the revolution is "For such a small proportion how did the Jews have so much influence?"

Second when you look at WW2 60 million civilians died with 6 million of them being Jewish. So why is there the large focus on the holocaust? If this was done in Europe why did the Palestinians lose their land over it and create the muslim radicals that we deal with today. Doesnt anyone remember the crusades? These people do not want us in their lands Jewish or not.

Third another WW2 issue. Regarding Hitler and the holocaust. For a guy who was killing Jews and was anti semetic there were a lot of Jewish banks financing him up until at least 1944 (JP Morgan Chase) and thats even including our own Federal Reserve. Why do you suppose this is? You cant say well the Jews didnt know Hitler was a loon no no no because in 1933 the Jews declared war on Hitler.

So it it wasnt out of ignorance why would they finance him?

In more modern times a high % of bank, media, and entertainment owners are Jewish somewhere around 90% and this is CEO or CFO of that given company or company owner. Is this just a coincidence? (I happen to believe in most cases it is. But a small few I do wonder about. Look into the CFR and youll see what I mean)

Ive listed facts with some questions. You can say my history is flawed or whatever words you used but facts are facts and people can spin them into certain opinions but that is where the debate comes in. What say you?

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit

First off the Russian revolution. You say it the Jews were not behind it.

What I did say were that Jews were very prominent in the Communist movement (re-read what I said) - this is not quite the same as "the jews were behind it" - all sorts of people were behind it, including millions of workers across Europe and later in other cultures. These were anti-zionist, anti-religious jews not the zionist ones you appear to be obsessed with.

Communism was appealing to many Jews for the same reason it appealed to many persecuted and down-trodden peoples - it appeared to offer a hope of equality.

As it is it all went horribly wrong for them (as it did for most) - of all the Jews involved in the Russian revolution every single one ended up dead or on a labour camp (pretty much the same thing). After WWII started purging Jews from any significant position in the USSR. But you know all this as I've already provided sources.

So my question to the revolution is "For such a small proportion how did the Jews have so much influence?"

...and my question is: why did they all end up dead or persecuted if they were in control?

I could open your link, I'll have a look from home.

If this was done in Europe why did the Palestinians lose their land over it and create the muslim radicals that we deal with today.

Again, your history is way out. The British Mandate happened in 1922.

The Palestine liberation movement was nearly entirely secular until the 90s, and it was considered a political, rather than religious, battle - the radical Muslim creed came from elsewhere (much of today's ideology can be traced back to Eygptian activists).

In 1922, the League of Nations granted the United Kingdom a mandate over Palestine for the express purpose of "placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home".

The British gave it up in 1947 after violent conflict with the Jewish people there:

After 1945 the United Kingdom became embroiled in an increasingly violent conflict with the Jews.[49] In 1947, the British government withdrew from commitment to the Mandate of Palestine, stating it was unable to arrive at a solution

I'm sure the holocaust would have steeled on the Jewish people to secure their homeland (they would have been mad not to) but it did not arise because of it.

Doesnt anyone remember the crusades? These people do not want us in their lands Jewish or not.

Errm...until the Catholic crusaders arrived Jews lived peacefully side-by-side with Muslims and Orthodox Christians. The Jews and Christians were keepers of the religious sites in Jerusalem. During the 1st crusade, when the Catholic knights turned up they slaughtered the Jews and danced in their blood singing anti-semetic songs (nice guys). It was until Saladin reclaimed the Holy City that the Jews were allowed back in.

Third another WW2 issue. Regarding Hitler and the holocaust. For a guy who was killing Jews and was anti semetic there were a lot of Jewish banks financing him up until at least 1944 (JP Morgan Chase) and thats even including our own Federal Reserve. Why do you suppose this is?

Because capatalist bankers only care about making money?

You cant say well the Jews didnt know Hitler was a loon no no no because in 1933 the Jews declared war on Hitler.

They didn't - this was a just a headline in an English rag:

So it it wasnt out of ignorance why would they finance him?

As I say, bankers financed him to make money.

Other Jews fought him and joined the communist party, or similar. They are not a single people with a single leadership - it's just nonsense.

In more modern times a high % of bank, media, and entertainment owners are Jewish somewhere around 90% and this is CEO or CFO of that given company or company owner. Is this just a coincidence? (I happen to believe in most cases it is.

Well, answered your own question there. Anyway, most big companies are owned by shareholders, not individuals.

How you go from having a disproportionate influence in certain sectors of the US economy and politics (which is undeniable) to "controlling the world" is beyond me.

[edit on 16/6/08 by FatherLukeDuke]

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by FatherLukeDuke

Guy they wanted leadership of Russia so yes they were behind the Russian revolution. Sigh if you want to quote wikipedia Ok then I have some wiki sites for you. They were treating ALL religions like crap not just the Jews it was a class warfare again why where the leaders not thrown out if it was some massive campaign to get rid of the Jews. Sacrifice a few sheep to get your overall objective done...oh and heres a little history on the persecution if you want to quote wiki.....

The British mandate allowed the Jews a space in British occupied land it did NOT give them their own country. In fact during WW2 a lot of Jews wanted to go down there but the British would not let them. They did off many other places to go but the main Jews of the day would not accept anything unless Palestine was on the list. They took that initiative in the late 40s. I dont need to read the link because I know about that history quite well. It would be no different than we saying hey Muslims we hate how you are being persecuted here go to our land in Florida and then more emigrate to Florida then 10 years later Florida claims independence. We would be pretty ticked off too..... Oh and the solution wasnt met because it ticked the arabs off and they refused to let a deal go.

Wow you make it sound as if peace and harmony reigned that the Muslims and Jews lived together just fine during the Crusades and that era. Hmm how many times where they booted out of that area? You might want to double check. No doubt the Christians were evil sons but the Muslims were no better why do you think they lost their home their in the first place or should I say the first few times.

My point on the article was they KNEW Hitler was evil and did not like Jews especially the Jewish financiers in which one of his last quotes was as follows

"Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!"

Hmm for the Jews in Russia not to have any power Hitler sure was convinced of it.

But knowing all this about Hitler they still did business with him. You say its greed I say I agree but I think there is more to it.

As far as shareholders and the owning of sectors shareholders have no power. Give me a break if that was the case then these CEOs that are raking in huge amounts of money even though the businesses are going under. Yeah there ya go.

On the sectors those are some pretty important sectors to own if you want to dominate the world the banking, media, and entertainment. I mean look how much the world has changed and globalized. I am a believer in the NWO one world under one government and who do you think will run all the major sectors of that one world under one government. Lets face it whoever controls the money makes the laws and right now one group controls the money and Ill tell you now its not blacks. This is a plan for world domination some people see it and some dont. I could be wrong but if you look at past threads of mine youll and if you knew me in person on a lot of crap I call Im usually not wrong
If I could pick better lottery tickets then all would be well.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 04:48 AM
Well, I'm about done with this one. But a couple of last points.

Originally posted by mybigunit
My point on the article was they KNEW Hitler was evil and did not like Jews especially the Jewish financiers in which one of his last quotes was as follows

When you say "they" who do mean? Do you think all Jews act on mass with a single leader? It's a nonsense. Just because some amoral bankers in the US want to make profit from him doesn't mean the rest of the Jews in the world weren't disgusted by this (as you have already demonstrated with the newspaper headline on your previous post). Do you think the German Jews of the ghettos would have been cheering this on as a great investment opportunity?

"Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!"

I'm not sure what to say here....are you seriously using Hitler quotes to support your theory that there is a world wide plot by the Jews??

It wasn't one of his "last quotes" anyway - it was from 1939, before the war.

It's really quite clear who caused WWII, and it wasn't the Jews. In case you hadn't notice: IT WAS HITLER.

Hmm for the Jews in Russia not to have any power

When did I say the Jews didn't have power in the communist regime? My point is that they clearly didn't run Russia or Stalin wouldn't have killed them all. People who "control the world" don't end either in German concentration camps or Russian labour camps.

But knowing all this about Hitler they still did business with him. You say its greed I say I agree but I think there is more to it.

Again, who is "they"? All the Jews??? Clearly from the newspaper headline in the previous post lots of Jews were calling for boycotts of German goods - they didn't want to "do business with him".

I'm still not really sure where you are going with all this anyway, as it's all just cheap innuendo - are you seriously suggesting that the Jews brought Hitler to power and started WWII (which nearly destroyed Europe and many of the Jews in it) so that they could claim Isreal? It's the maddest plan I've ever heard if that's what you are trying to say.

Do you think that all the Jews in the world at the time: Communist revolutionaries, US bankers, French shop owners, Polish peasants, English intellectuals, German bakers, atheists, religious fundamentalists and every other political creed under the sun were all acting in concert with each other to bring about this isane plot? How did they communicate all this to each other? Some kind of "Jewish telepathy" or hive mind?

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by FatherLukeDuke


Your not supposed to know about that secret telepathy. The vatican and Church of England was kept bout of the loop. Must be 'The Army of Scion' again. Those pesky spies are always a problem!!!!

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