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The Jews Are Behind The Plot!!! (read for yourself before you judge)

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posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Dark Crystalline

Let's see...

On one side we have people who blame the Jews because there was an early frost, some cows failed to give milk, or a plauge ravaged a nation. Or attempt to kill them in their millions all over Europe over the past several hundred years simply because they believe differently, dress differently, or live apart.

On the other we have the Jews, and people like myself who don't blame them for every calamity that comes down the road. Guess which side I've chosen.

You feel free to continue to spout your crap about the "eeeeevilll Jooooos", and I'll continue to point out you're wrong.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by andre18

Person is a citizen of two countries at the same time.
Just noticed "grandfather's nephew" thing - very nice!!

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 12:14 PM
This is off topic but someone asked and I will respond. When I was a freshman in HS I got an assignment for a midyear term paper in civics. It was an open topic and the only rules where it had to be on a government topic. At the time I was a very young collector of WW2 memorabilia.
I was also a very big comic book fan. In those days before Kennedy was assasinated you had advertisments for all kinds of firearms in those comic books. Also just about anything else that you can think of like those XRAY glasses. You also saw adds for things like the 'American Nazi Party". I'm not joking here, its the truth. I decided to go with this as my topic. "How the Nazis still exist in America' and sent in my 2 bucks and recieved a realy large envelope of 'propaganda'. It was full of the most racist, sick dialog I have ever read. It had fake tickets to send the blacks ( they used much differant terminology) back to Africa. Jew Hunting licenses. Horrible referances to MLK and and Israel and what they thought should be done with them. Pictures of lynchings. Well I wrote my opinion of the Nazi party and brought in the material as footnotes for the paper. REALY LARGE MISTAKE!!!!! I had to prove, before anyone read my report of course, that I wasn't a racist!

So the answer as to if I realy do have the manual is ....YES, I still have it. And it looks like a few here have read it and believe it in its entirety. Thats very sad...very sad!!!


posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

Im only 26 so I never saw a package like that nor would I ever buy anything like that. I have not read Mein Kemph or whatever I do know quite a bit about WW2 though. As far as the Nazis still existing I know for a fact they do or they are at least wannabes you can see it anywhere on the internet. I dont believe what they stand for and they are an evil group. But does that make me racist against whites? So why is it that when you are against the fringe group of Jews the Zionist Jews you are racist against ALL Jewish people. Its a double standard and its retarded. Or the Joooos as Seagull continues to point out. Seagull have you even attempted to have at least some rational thought without spouting your rhetoric? Im assuming you are against gangs like the black panthers. Does that make you racist against all blacks. Dont be a sheeple. Whats the slogan Deny Ignorance? How bout deny Kool Aid

[edit on 12-6-2008 by mybigunit]

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

Can i ask you several questions? You do not have to answer of course, but it will clarify certain things to me.
What do you mean when you say "Zionist Jews"? What is they wish/drive/ideology in your opinion and how you arrived at this conclusion? How many Jews in Israel/worldwide, as far as you know, support or at least are neutral to this movement?
When do you think this movement started and why?
I know it sounds like some cheap survey thingy but i cannot think of any other way to present it. Once again - it is ok not to answer it here, but at least try to see it for yourself if you do not know it already.
I will post mine (maybe wrong) answers/opinions for this "interrogation" a little later anyway, just in case you would like to answer it first.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
reply to post by mybigunit

Can i ask you several questions? You do not have to answer of course, but it will clarify certain things to me.
What do you mean when you say "Zionist Jews"? What is they wish/drive/ideology in your opinion and how you arrived at this conclusion? How many Jews in Israel/worldwide, as far as you know, support or at least are neutral to this movement?
When do you think this movement started and why?
I know it sounds like some cheap survey thingy but i cannot think of any other way to present it. Once again - it is ok not to answer it here, but at least try to see it for yourself if you do not know it already.
I will post mine (maybe wrong) answers/opinions for this "interrogation" a little later anyway, just in case you would like to answer it first.

Of course Ill answer.

Zionist Jews = Worldwide Jewish Empire similar to the Third Reich 1000 years of rule.

As far as numbers its a small number of people with this ideology but pushing it to the masses through all their methods they own media and what not but they push the agenda as a protect Israel or push it as a war on terror against these extremists who want to wipe out all of the Jewish people.

As far as when it started this is my opinion Im not sure when it started probably hundreds of years ago but I think the plan went into full effect during the communist revolution which was backed heavily by some very prominent Jewish people. Then they came after the banking system over here people like Paul Warburg, Rothschild, & Rockefeller and what not. So at this point they owned in a sense the US and Russia. Keep in mind a small group but a small group with a lot of power.

Now why it was started once again world domination. Power the same reason the Romans, the Nazis, the Huns or whatever same story different group of people.

Just so its known Im not a holocaust denier. I know for a fact it was done there is just to much irrefutable evidence to say otherwise so the people who think it did not happen is being untrue. But like 9/11 if anyone asks "why" it happened to get labeled an anti semite just like anti american if you question 9/11. What made Hitler want to kill Jewish people like he did. Its not like these are people who held the power these were hard working people doctors, musicians, etc. So why would he do this? If he was afraid of the Zionists why not just go after the people with the power and that I could not understand.

In final I think there are very few who understand the agenda but it will be pushed to the masses via the propaganda machine. I mean look we are going to go attack Iran as we speak a country that has done NOTHING to us or attacked anyone in 100+ years. I dont feel I am a radical because once again I feel there are plenty of fringe groups who want to take over the world they just dont have the power to do it but these guys they do and thats why they get the most concern from me.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 02:36 PM
Sheeple? Wow, I'm wounded...what an original insult. What's next on your hit parade of juvenile insults?

How do you differentiate between a Zionist Jew, and the regular workaday Jew? It's obvious that you believe there is a tangible difference. Let's hear it, or read it, rather. I'm fairly certain I know what you'll say, but I don't want to put words in your mouth.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by seagull

Read above I think I differentiated pretty well. Nothing personal on you I just cant stand it when the only response from people in a debate is oh your a racist. BTW Im typing this with one of my partners over my shoulder who happens to be Jewish and no he isnt an imperialist.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by seagull

As I see you still don't understand. I'm trying to help you to chose the right side, before hell breaks out. I hope this is clear to you. What I described before is treason, a capital punishment, what most of the people will get, whose are serving Israel, but are the citizens of another country. I hope you can follow me. I don't want to see anyone, who is innocent to be killed or deported thanks to some delusions, which in they lives. But when someone is trying to help you, giving aid... you're simply blame the other one again.

But do you see the difference between two of us? I'm trying to tell you something in a civilized manner and you're attacking me. That's the problem with the Jews. They're immediately chafing when someone is telling his own point of view, then if it's going to happen by some reasons, you're starting to cry and as always point at others. Don't you see? Officially nothing is your fault (while partially it is). Non-officially, you're doing the same mistakes as others, sometimes even greater thanks to your culture, but you're always pointing at others and blaming others. After this, don't wonder why others are turning against you. Jews are not superior, not chosen ones, nothing. They're just simply people, like everyone else, but they are believing way too much about themselves to cover their inferiority complex.

How do you differentiate between a Zionist Jew, and the regular workaday Jew?

Workaday Jew is able to take the consequences for his actions, able to stand up for his own country and if Israel is mistaking, that Jew is able to tell it and not a coward one who is afraid from the Zionist retaliation. While the Zionist is feeling himself superior and always blaming others, stealing, lying.

These are the differences. In my country there are many from both. And normal Jews are against Zionists, they stood up against their lies, when they started to lie against about rising Nazi movements and told them... NO! You're stealing in this country, you're causing all the problems. There are no Nazis at all, just liar Zionists. And this is the truth Seagull, do you like it or not.

By the way, check ynet. There is a nice article that Zionism is turned to a cult, what most of the Jews are starting to oppose, because they're feeling that the Zionists will be the first ones, whose will throw the standard, honest Jews to the angry mob all around the world, when it's necessary. So, wake up, just a bit.

[edit on 12-6-2008 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

Thank you for your answers. Now I will post what my opinion/knowledge is and it will be clear why we cannot agree so far.
1) Zionist Jews – Jews that agree or promote Zionistic ideology. Zionistic ideology states that there has to be an independent Jewish state for Jewish nation. So basically anyone who holds this view could be categorized as a Zionistic Jew as I see it.

2) Wish, drive and ideology explained above. Conclusion reached upon school, documentaries and other tons of "brainwashing" however quick web search is sufficient for providing other links from not Zionistic site:
Now it is an anti Zionistic site, and yet it describes a Zionism just as I do. It does not mean I agree with those guys but their criticism as a valid one and not imaginary.

3) In Israel parliament (Knesset) out of 120 members at least 108 represent parties which consider themselves Zionistic. You can check in following link but you will have to dig through 7 parties to count – Kadima, Likud, Labour,Shas,Israel Beiteinu,National Union, Meretz. From ultra right to ultra left. And not a single one has world conquering agenda. As for worldwide numbers, I cannot say but proportions are hardly smaller since in Knesset there are parties that traditionally have Arabic votes.

4) Zionism as an organized political movement started in end of 19th / beginning of 20th century. Jews lived in Palestine much earlier, of course, but idea to create an independent entity (without waiting for religious solutions) was really established only then. And Zionists were not a coherent group – it was a mix of different groups with different approaches to the issue, not single world domination group though , a shame. The person who is considered to be a "parent" of this ideology was Hertsel who arrived at this idea after seeing how assimilation did not work, but he still was not religious (Jewish country in Uganda is his idea).

Mine summary: People who started to present Zionism as a world-conquering ideology simply switched the previous Jewish taking the world theories and used Zionism as a shield. Thus Zionism - a problematic national (or racist as critics say) movement whose goal was/is creating a national Jewish state received a heritage from people it claimed to represent in a way of world domination and other stigmas.
As for communism and Zionism connection – communism is not national/ethnic movement, Zionism is. Communists of Jewish origin were not Zionists and vice versa. Not a single important communist of Jewish origin ever arrived in Israel, and communist party in Israel never held a majority of voters.

I agree with you that Zionism is not representing all Jews, in the beginning majority of religious Jewish movements opposed it (probably correctly because their "prophecies" about what this idea will achieve are happening now) but never because they felt it is a supremacy idea, rather because it took Judaism and traditional Jewish lifestyle out of the public in Israel. But now, after Jewish state was established there is less and less criticism from those social groups.
As you see, your view on Zionism and mine are drastically different. So my knee jerk reaction is probably better understood.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

And this my friend is a good solid debate and I thank you for being the only person here to have the debate without throwing slurs my way. Now the first thing I will concede to you is the definition of Zionism and you are correct it is a homeland for the Jewish people in which I happen to agree the Jewish people should frankly because everyone else does. So right there I can see the first part of the misunderstanding so you taught me something Im not to big to admit that. Imperialistic is probably a better word to use and I have several times in this thread because I thought it meant the same which I see it does not. I am against the imperialistic Jews just like the imperialistic Nazis, KKK, & etc. Its nothing against the Jewish people or the people of Israel in fact I see you guys over there holding small protests about the imperialistic views of some of the people in power over there and here. Jewish imperialism does exist we will have to disagree if you feel different and the difference is the power that the imperialists hold. We need to be concerned for this because it will set of wars that I will have to fight and frankly I dont want to fight for anyones empire.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Oh but they do have much more land, all over the world, its just privately owned lol.
Why would they worry about that tiny little speck of land when they have a bit of some of the most powerful countries in the world and its leaders?

Oh and i dont believe that every person in every photo is jewish, its called a photo op, but i do believe that the Zionists of this world are using the "holocaust" to get back at the world for centuries of alienation.
Is that so far-fetched? i dont think it is.

[edit on 6/12/2008 by Kr0n0s]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by FiatLux
One thing we can agree with guys, is that evil does not look at your race when it takes over.

In my travels I have come to understand this. (feel free to replace Zionist with evil)

Zionists have no color, no religion, no faith.
Zionist can be, and are, Jewish, White , Black, Gay, Chinese, Alien, what ever.

I believe the "Bildebergers" are the Zionist.

The Zionist in Israel are in clash with the non-zionist, just as they are all over the world.

Most Jews who follow the faith despise Zionists, just as all other religion despise the Zionist.

Please correct me if I am wrong on the following, the Jews of today are not the same as those referred to in the bible and other ancient religious texts.

These Zionists are the ones who were the catalysts for most of the major conflicts in the last 100 years, causing death and destruction in the world for everyone.

The Jewish people are just the unlucky ones who got chosen for the ultimate "identity theft" by these Zionist and have been suffering a bad rap ever since.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit

Zionist Jews = Worldwide Jewish Empire similar to the Third Reich 1000 years of rule.

The Third Reich was a particularly Germanic idea - I'm genuinely baffled as to what you mean here? Zionism is all about having a homeland, not an empire. If the Jewish people have an empire then you must have completely re-defined the word "empire" - as the Jews only occupy one country - their own, and even this is disputed.

If the Romans had only ever managed to occupy the Lazio region and got a few Italian politicians into foreign governments then nobody would be referring to the "Roman Empire"

As far as numbers its a small number of people with this ideology

What ideology? You haven't said..

but pushing it to the masses through all their methods they own media

They own a tiny proportion of the world's media- why don't all the other non-Jewish owners call them out on this?

As far as when it started this is my opinion Im not sure when it started probably hundreds of years ago but I think the plan went into full effect during the communist revolution which was backed heavily by some very prominent Jewish people.

Many secular Jews were attracted to communism as it potentially offered them equality with their fellow man after centuries of persecution. This was especially true after the pogroms of Russia and Eastern Europe:

Many communist Jews were anti-zionist and anti-religious. To conflate Zionism and communism is a massive mistake. You appear very confused about this.

After WWII Stalin begain persecuting and brutally purging the Jews. You can read about that here:

Stalin's anti-semitism

Hardly what would happen to a group supposedly running the world.

Then they came after the banking system over here people like Paul Warburg, Rothschild, & Rockefeller and what not.

After the were bored with communism they became arch-capatilists?

So at this point they owned in a sense the US and Russia.

They simply didn't. As you can see they were purged in Russia, and many ended up dead in Russian labour camps. If anyone "owns" the US it's WASPs - who control almost every corporation and most senior government positions.

So why would he do this? If he was afraid of the Zionists why not just go after the people with the power and that I could not understand.

There was nothing rational about the holocaust - there is nothing to understand in that sense.

You seem awfully confused about quite a bit of history. I can recommend a few books if you like. I'd start of with some fiction: Life and Fate by Vassily Grossman - one of the most important books ever written.

[edit on 13/6/08 by FatherLukeDuke]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by FatherLukeDuke

First off I know the Third Reich and where it derives but the basis is 1000 years of world rule and that is what the imperialistic Jews are shooting for. That was my comparison. I never once said they wanted to be a third Reich. And Romes land mass was huge % of the discovered world.

Second I did say the ideology it is for world conquest. Control the world. Power. That is the ideology.

Third as far as the media they own MOST of the Main Stream Media here in the states and who do you think is doing the war mongering right now with the media going along with it whole heartedly? Who pushes these agendas?

Last everything you say about the Russian revolution if opinion. The fact is back in the day there were a lot of people who felt the imperialists were behind the overthrow of Russia. That was a debate back in the day and still debated today and you and I can only throw out opinion because the true facts are not known. Just like most of the above. History is skewed a lot to push an agenda and this is proven many times. My history is not confused I choose not to buy into everything the history books tell me because there is always 2 sides to a story. Who knows someday Bush may be written in as the United States savior who lowered the national debt, brought peace to the earth, and saved the American dream and you or I will not be around to say ANYTHING different. No sir my history is not confused. Check into a guy by the name if Israel Bissell and tell me how history gave him the short end of the stick. The civil war was not fought for slavery as history will tell you. This is what Im talking about I look at all sides into history not just one side that people spout out. Oh there are many more examples I can give of history not exactly being fair.

[edit on 13-6-2008 by mybigunit]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by mybigunit

I am sorry but after considering someone executing "Jewish imperialism" idea it is hard for me to accept it (yet?). It does not mean that there cannot be no Imperialists among Jews. I had an interesting conversation long ago with someone who tried to prove me that promised Israel is much bigger , i do not recall borders that he described but it seemed a little insane to me. Just to underline - he was definitely not a zionist, a religious person , and his "imperialistic" vision could be possible only after Messiah "process" - in his words - will happen. So i cannot say that we do not have our megalomaniacs. But i have very big doubts that non-religious moneybags share(and for some reason try to execute) those ideas for some weird reason. Those people (Rockefeller and Co') ,in my opinion, are driven by good old international greed much more then by national/ethnic interests ,not to mention Jewish empire building that will only hurt their business.

If you however mean that they are building NWO-like thing , i see very well that since it is "good for business" it can be a real possibility. I still do not believe that they are the only ones doing that,or even a leading force in that new utopian animal farm, but once again - i can at least imagine that. But if it is happening -it is not a "Jewish" interest, quite the contrary. Every empire i can think of during history had problems with Jews and tried to solve this "problem" in different ways so this one will surely be no different and if there are Jews trying to build it - not to mention different moral problems with messing with other nationalities/countries/people cultures, they are doing it against their own interests. In my opinion.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by mybigunit

I don't believe I've ever called you a racist. If I did I certainly shouldn't have my apologies.

It is my firm belief that you are seeing phantoms. To be sure, there are conspiracies out there, but a Jewish conspirecy to rule the world? It's there we part company.

In the interest of keeping it at least somewhat freindly, I will bow out now. Concedeing nothing, you understand, just not interested in arguing about it any longer.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 10:34 AM
That`s just it. Remember as I stated above "evil does not look at the race". It does not matter the number of a certain race doing this, race has nothing to do with it, it`s the outcome that matters to them. But, they want you to believe that it`s race related, as to keep everyone off balance and arguing about it, so that nothing gets done to stop it, and understand, they DON`T want it stopped.

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit
First off I know the Third Reich and where it derives but the basis is 1000 years of world rule and that is what the imperialistic Jews are shooting for.

Again, how do you define an empire?

And Romes land mass was huge % of the discovered world.

That's why it was called an empire.

Second I did say the ideology it is for world conquest. Control the world. Power. That is the ideology.

That's a mission, not an ideology.

I believe the whole concept of "contolling the world" to be facile - you can control elements of the world, or states within it, but it's impossible to control the planet. Even if this was their plan, it's not going very well is it?

Third as far as the media they own MOST of the Main Stream Media here in the states

That's quite a statement - prove it!

and who do you think is doing the war mongering right now with the media going along with it whole heartedly? Who pushes these agendas?

Neo-cons? There are certainly Israelis and Israel supporters who influence US foreign policy - nobody would deny that. How do you go from that to a world-wide conspiracy/empire?

Last everything you say about the Russian revolution if opinion.

No it isn't, it's well established fact. It's one of the best documented and well researched periods in history. There are enormous amounts of contemporary evidence and If you think you can just dismiss it as "opinion" without anything to counter it then we may as all give up and go back to throwing poo at each other in caves.

Anyway, where does that leave you? You are trying to support your theory with history, but now think it's all "opinion". What does that do to your theory?

The fact is back in the day there were a lot of people who felt the imperialists were behind the overthrow of Russia.

Err, it was the overthrow of the Imperialists by communists. Hitler used to call communism a "Jewish plot" - intentionally conflating the 2 things he hated most. But if you want to get into bed with Adolf, that's up to you.

As is very clear, the communist revolution eventually went horribly wrong for the jews involved, most of whom ended up dead in labour camps. This is FACT.

That was a debate back in the day and still debated today

What debate???

Who knows someday Bush may be written in as the United States savior who lowered the national debt, brought peace to the earth, and saved the American dream

In 60 years time? What will have happened to the government records, media reports, books, opinion pieces and all the other documentary sources? How will any historian possibly come to that conclusion and support it with evidence?

The civil war was not fought for slavery as history will tell you.

"history" isn't a entity in itself, it doesn't tell me anything. We just have to look at the evidence and see what that says.

Anyway, I thought all history was "opinion"?

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:50 PM
Ahhhh..sorry but "The War Of Northern Aggression" was fought because of Washington becoming more and more dictatorial towards the southern states and what they felt was they're right to govern themselves. Slavery was but a minor point included in what was felt to be states rights. There is voluminous records to support this fact.


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