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UPI Reporting UFOs Struck Romanian Fighter Plane

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posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by sty

Thanks for your help Sty! You too have a great evening...

Here's a translation I found on the other thread that was made of this, I didn't know there was a thread but I guess mine was first since the other one was closed...the English isn't that great but you can get the gist.

"30 October 2007. Gherla. Marin Mitrică perform a check flight with a MIG-21 Lancer. A day like any other. The control tower was absolutely historic Mitrică his wife, and coordinate and approve manoeuvres. . Mitrică reaches 6,500 meters, but something did not rule.

I disappeared dome, as the most own a word, expression" stated Marin Mitrică, locotonetul comandor.

"Learning to see two bodies which have a solid state of matter, are not translucent and have been recorded by the camera took pictures inside the aircraft ordered," admitted Nicholas Grigorie, locotonent-colonel.

.Pilotul was injured and scrap of glass and have ricoşat the oxygen mask, very close eye.Specialists have excluded row turns all assumptions.

"We examined the possibility of launching missiles, cannons trageri with the Artillery land, but aseamenea activities were not carried out during the flight. Birds could not be, because in Europe there are no birds to fly at this height," added May Nicholas Grigorie, locotonent-colonel.

There could be no pieces of ice, because the sky was clear, but no pieces of a plane or meteorite. Prabuşi plane could at any moment, so we thought the pilot was immediately landing.

That was the first plan, had to cobor micşorez speed and without feelings, sensations of fear or panic, I never allowed luxury Ăsta I had time," said Marin Mitrică.

He heard all orders until the MIG reached on track. A happy final film, some would say, a good luck would tell others, a mystery, experts say. It was the first case in which it is shown that an aircraft was hit very hard body height at large. And the first case happy with the final.

Now Mitrică case is studied in universities of world famous. "

The translation was taken from UFO blog site here:

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 03:56 PM
Star for Apexer and Internos....... good find. I had not seen this incident yet. Hard to imagine what it could be. Must be an alien.

Seriously, keep us up to date on further developments.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by LateApexer313

I read that post too at i think translation was done by Google translator

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:21 PM
My best friend is Romanian. I'll send her a link and see if that translation conveys all the meaning correctly.

[edit on 7-6-2008 by mysterychicken]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by mysterychicken

Awesome MysteryChicken, that would be great
Thanks for for doing that...and if she lives these still ask her what all they thought when the news broke and ask her if their country has always been this open with their UFO data. I would love to know these things
Thanks Mystery you rock

[edit on 7-6-2008 by LateApexer313]


posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:59 PM
improved translation:

30 October 2007. Gherla. Marin Mitrică perform a check flight with a MIG-21 Lancer. A day like any other. The control tower was absolutely historic for Mitrică . His wife was coordinating (note: his wife was the air traffic controller) and approving manoeuvres. Mitrică reaches 6,500 meters, but something did not go right.

I disappeared dome, as the most own a word, expression" stated Marin Mitrică, lotenent-commandor. ( note: a good high-up function in the Romanian aviation )

"We learned that the two bodies which have a solid state of matter, are not translucent and have been recorded by the camera took pictures inside the aircraft ordered," admitted Nicholas Grigorie, lotenent-colonel.

The pilot was injured as scrap of glass and have hit the oxygen mask, very close eye.Specialists have excluded row turns all assumptions.

"We examined the possibility of launching missiles, cannon exercises with the Artillery land, but such activities were not carried out during the flight. Also it could not be birds as there are not known birds to fly that high in Europe," added May Nicholas Grigorie, lotenent-colonel.

There could be no pieces of ice, because the sky was clear,nor pieces of a plane or meteorite. The plane could now crush any moment so it was decided to land the craft.

That was the first plan: had to reduce the altitude of the aeroplane and slow down the speed without feelings, sensations of fear or panic. I did not allow myself to have such a luxury. I had enough time (? do not understand the meaning here) " said Marin Mitrică.

He listened to all orders until the MIG reached on track. A happy final film, some would say, a good luck would tell others, a mystery, experts say. It was the first case in which it is shown that an aircraft was hit very hard body height at large. And the first case happy with the final."


posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by LateApexer313

I am Romanian myself
and yes, Romania does not hide things like UFOs . Actually , most of the news channels would fight for audience by doing their best to investigate when something like this happens. Unfortunately , the country is not witnessing a large amount of UFO sightings. One of the reason can be the Television that could discourage hoaxers and also explains when UFOs do have a natural cause.

At the moment, i believe that Eastern Europe and Russia is a good source for UFO phenomena disclosure. Even in university , most of the PHDs would accept the idea of ET visitation and would try to figure out how UFOs could fly and what are the forces involved during the flight of an UFO (like 300 G acceleration )

note: i now remember, the only Romanian to go in space - Dumitru Prunariu also believes and publicly admits the existence of the alien life. He is also the head of Education and Culture in Romania.


[edit on 7-6-2008 by sty]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 07:39 PM
Thanks so much Sty for enhancing this thread with your input...

That was interesting what you said about how your government is very open to UFOS and that your media would actually dive in to report it to get viewers...I sure wish ours was!

Thanks too for giving a better version of the translation... have some stars!

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 07:42 PM
Looks like Sty beat me to it!
I'm still sending her a link because she'll probably find it interesting. She hasn't been in Romania since she was about 11.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by sty

note: i now remember, the only Romanian to go in space - Dumitru Prunariu also believes and publicly admits the existence of the alien life. He is also the head of Education and Culture in Romania.


[edit on 7-6-2008 by sty]

Romanian here too and I'm reading this site for long time.
And to replay to LateApexer313, in November 2007 was all over the news ( in Romania ) this incident. I saw it on TV and if I remember correctly, The Romanian Defense Ministry took all the evidence.
Anyway I'll look again for this on romanian sites.
first in November 2007
The important fact is that they initially thought that the plane was hit by a bird but this was dismiss when they found that the plane was flying at 6500m.
They say the hole film with the accident is into SRI( is the Romanian Intelligence Service) possesion.

Yesterday, on Realitatea TV :Realitatea Zilei: MIG-21 Lovit de OZN-uri - 2008.06.06 - RealitateaTV during the talk show in min.14 :
"acele obiecte se roteau in sens anti-orar si nu erau ,in nici-un caz,deci excludem varianta fulger globular,plasma si alte chestii de genul asta..."
" Those objects rotated in reverse not like the clock so it wasn't a lightning globe, plasma or other similar stuff..."

video & pictures :

We had in Romania a talk show few days ago where the guest was Dumitru Prunariu with the headline : Aliens exist! Dumitru Prunariu actually spoke about UFO and aliens. He said that he didn't see it/them for himself but other coleques saw them.

[edit on 7-6-2008 by camieb]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 10:28 PM
Wow, thanks for posting your information camieb!!

So you're saying, forgive me if I misunderstand, but you think this footage released by your Minister of Defense is not the real footage?

It looks pretty real, to me, but then that's not saying much...

So this talk show that recently happened where this event was talked about, can you tell us more about what was said please?? Thank you sooo much and thanks for adding to the thread!!

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 10:33 PM
Now thats wicked, if only they could of fired a few missiles at those ufo punks we'd have some fresh new tech...

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by LateApexer313

So you're saying, forgive me if I misunderstand, but you think this footage released by your Minister of Defense is not the real footage?

I said that after the event they didn't release the footage filmed by the camera from inside the craft, they tried to elucidate causes of that accident and only now after seven months they came up with this footage.
In the video link if you look closer at 00:25 you'll see there:
MApN ( Ministerul Apararii Nationale = Ministry National of Defence ) and they say that's exclusivity for that news chanel.

"Desi au trimis inregistrarile si la SRI, anchetatorii nu au reusit sa ajunga la o concluzie ferma referitoare la natura obiectelor care au lovit avionul, astfel ca acest incident poate fi incadrat in categoria OZN."
They say that even they(MApN) send the footage to SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) they didn't come with a strong conclusion about the nature of these four objects that hit the craft, so this incident can be included in the UFO category.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:37 AM
Hey LA. I had two questions but now I can only remember one...

Did the pilot at any time (and sorry if I missed this) describe the size of the object?


posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by camieb

Ahhhhh I get you now, thank you camieb!!

Well I can understand them wanting to explain it first before they release it....then when they couldn't explain it, at LEAST your government released it to the general public so we all here at ATS could view it!

Thank you sooo much camieb for contributing to this thread!

No one on ATS has really said, their opinions as to what caused the damage on this MIG...with the specialized glass to ward off a bird strike etc...with the evidence so far in this event...

I am wondering what everyone thinks happened after viewing the radar screen of the pilot, the damage to his jet, the translated testimony....

6,500 feet up...obvious damage etc...and not one opinion on what hit this man's MIG?

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by LateApexer313
So this talk show that recently happened where this event was talked about, can you tell us more about what was said please?? Thank you sooo much and thanks for adding to the thread!!

I would love to tell you more, but since I'm not in Romania for two years now , I only see the news which are retransmitted for romanian ppl all over the world. My mom told me about it and since she's not interested in such things she didn't look carefully.
Anyway I find that interesting with all those countries + Vatican + Larry King shows ( almost every month he talk about the UFO) and other major news channels rise up that issue and they shows more interest .
As George Noory said in his shows on Coast to Coast , something's up.


posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:57 AM
Howdy folks! Very interesting article and very interesting replies. Thanks to everybody for the posting, the translations, and the additional input.
Thought provoking stuff. I would have to say, given the facts, that this was probably some high flying birds. The original post states that FOUR objects hit the aircraft. Now, if these objects were intelligently controlled, and flying at 6,500 feet, and were meaning to hit their target, you can bet your sweet Aunt Martha's virginity that the aircraft would NEVER have been able to land. The sophistication to pull off such a maneuver, and actually execute the maneuver would not have been implemented simply to break some glass.
There was no report of explosion. Take a look at the followin link. Even though Romania states that no birds are flying that high in the area, and their inspections revealed no organic matter, it would still be logical to suggest that if the bird hit JUST the glass, and all of the glass disintegrated and was lost on impact, that the absence of evidence doesn't mean that a bird or four, possibly off course, couldn't have caused this occurance. Check the following link as to how high some geese can fly. Peace.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by hsur2112
Hey LA. I had two questions but now I can only remember one...

Did the pilot at any time (and sorry if I missed this) describe the size of the object?


All I read about what pilot said is :
"“Ma aflam la 50 de kilometri de Cluj. Dintr-odata, a disparut cupola, pur si simplu s-a dezintegrat. Am simtit un curent puternic, plus o lovitura in partea dreapta“, a declarat pilotul. “Nu am observat nici un obstacol care ar fi trebuit evitat. Nu am vazut absolut nimic“, a mai spus locotenent-comandorul Marian Mitrica. „Practic, s-a dezintegrat cupola. Totul s-a petrecut intr-un timp extrem de scurt“, a adaugat pilotul, care a mai spus ca a simtit o lovitura in partea dreapta, sus, si numeroase bucatele de plexiglas desprinse din cupola distrusa i-au patruns in ochiul drept, pe sub vizeta mastii de oxigen pe care o purta la momentul accidentului. El s-a lovit cu capul de tetiera din partea dreapta a scaunului."
Ok lets try to translate:
"I was at 50 km from Cluj, suddenly the cupola (: glass dome? ) disappear, it disintegrated. I felt a strong current of air and a hit from the right side." said pthe pilot.
" I didn't notice any obstacle which should be avoided. I didn't saw anything " said lieutenant-commander Marian Mitrica.
"Practically the dome has disintegrated. Everything has happened very fast " said the pilot which more said that he felt a hit in the upper right side and a lot of pieces of glass? from the dome hit his eye through/ under the oxygen mask. He hits his head on the right part of the chair."

So.. nothing about the size , only someone from the military , they didn't gave the name said that
"Those objects rotated anticlockwise so it wasn't a lightning globe, plasma or other similar stuff..."


[edit on 8-6-2008 by camieb]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 02:12 AM
In a interview to a newspaper, the astronaut Dumitru Dorin Prunariu, first romanian astronaut who flew into the space said : Aliens exist, but the secret is very well kept.
Prunariu is aeronautical engineer and he run Romanian Office for Science and Technologie. He is also part of the international team of scientists which will propose the intervention plan in case of asteroid impact to Security Council of UN .

He said, he didn't see any UFO but a russian colleague, during one expedition, he saw two UFO. They flew parallel with his craft after that they disappear. When he came back he related everything to his superiors , but they had a negative reaction and they told him that he was sent into space for scientific mission which were very well establish from the ground . Practically, he was convinced not to tell this incident again. They told him also: if you wanna fly again , look after what you have to do, flying, not interviews. So now, the man negates this story every time when he's ask about it.

Also, Prunariu relate a story that happened in Romania, before 1989, when the officer in service from Kogalniceanu base saw a formation of 9 objects in the sky, their speed being very high. The Commandant demanded to observe the objects from the ground. Radar measurements showed that their speed were approximately 6000 km/h, and the objects were luminous and they disappear somewhere across the Black Sea, through Russia.
At 6000 km/h the objects couldn't be neither planes, nor shuttles because their speed was constant.
Prunariu said if you cannot interfere, if you don't have the tools comparable with the "object" is better to pretend that it was an error, that the phenomenon you don't understand it doesn't exist.

the whole story here


[edit on 8-6-2008 by camieb]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 02:28 AM
Nice story - thanks OP and the rest of you contributers.

Just wondering could it possibly be a UAV or Space Junk?

Has anyone recovered any pieces of the aircraft or the UFO?

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