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Anti-Obamaism - Swaying the gullible

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posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

This is a nice little sample some of which shows his senility and some of his dishonesty. I will be happy to go find more for you as well.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:56 PM
Which medical school did you attend?

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
hes in charge I would bet money on him dying of natural causes in his first term from the added stress.

I would bet it's far more likely that Barrack Obama would die of unnatural causes courtesy of the the Clintonistas... Especially if there was a chance of Hillary plucking that thorny crown for her own...

I'd rather have someone who has earned their gray hair as opposed to someone looking to get them on the job.

Silverback Monkeys, not just for distinguishing highlights anymore...

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

.... and your proof of McCains' 'growing senility' is where?

this'll be fun.

Personally, I find this to be the most ridiculous line of attack imaginable. Do they not realize that old people vote? In large numbers? Keep trying to marginalize McCain based on his age, Obama supporters. You may just succeed in angering as many older voters as you have women from the sexist attacks on HRC and her campaign.

Its also a bad strategy from another aspect. Ever hear of the Expectations Game? What happens if/when this 'senile old fool', according to some, kicks the crap out of Obama in one of the debates? Its probably going to happen at least once. Then what? They're raising the bar SO high for Obama that he can't consistently meet the public's expectations, yet dropping the bar so low that basically McCain just has to roll out of bed to do so.

Its a terrible strategy, one that failed in both 2000 and 2004, yet they're trying it again, this time against a much better speaker and campaigner than Bush.

[edit on 4-6-2008 by vor78]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
Obama never truly says anything... He's vague and elusive... Broad generalities devoid of substance... Pablum for the masses.

I couldn't agree more. I just recently watched one of his speaches out West on CSPAN. I was waiting and wating for him to say something meaningful about a subject.....after 7 minutes ( I counted it) I just gave up. It really was him just talking about ...nothing.

How is he going to fix the healthcare system in America? Where is the $50-$65 Billion extra a year going to come from?

How is he going to bring the troops home from Iraq and not have that country fall apart? Read his plan and tell me if it is feasible?

How is he going to lower the price of gas?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 06:04 PM
OBAMA is an N.W.O Puppet.....
cause pretty much the whole world is becoming very aware of the
that makes it official to me...
OBAMA is an N.W.O Puppet.....

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by southern_Guardian
reply to post by FlyersFan

Why are you as a self proclaimed Ron Pauler and Libertarian defening McCain and his run for Bushes third term?

say what? ya, as if...

ron paulers for bush and mccain? Iv`e heard it all...
ron paulers DO NOT DO NOT support bush and mccain.
thats insane.
thats beyond insane...

what a way to spin a subject.
classic faux news style.
the OP is a twit, or a paid SHILL

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Maya432

Do you know what "Official" means? Can you show me some information that proves that Obama is "officially" NWO?

And I don't mean a YouTube video some kid put together with scary music and his opinion in words across the screen. I mean REAL evidence...

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:04 PM
Obama is a jew that black people actually thinks he is black.

what ever happened to them good ole days where the black folks wouldnt even claim,"light skin brothas"?

Stupid people need leaders!

Do you actually believe that our government would elect a brotha as president?

Its funny how they are quick to say,"Obama the First African American President"

Obama,just anotherr PUPPET!

and people who vote for him or any other person as president is a coward,weak minded person,that needs others to think for themselves.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:17 PM
I'm amazed that anyone would consider voting for obama.
The obama-nation studiously avoids his ties to radical islam, starting with the fact that he hired thugs from the nation of islam as security guards. They ignore the fact that he attended a Marxist, racist church for 20 years.

They also skip his crooked land deals, crooked stock deals, coc aine abuse and more....

Now McCain is a corrupt NWO stooge as well so I'll be voting third party, but the obama-nation is a lot more pernicious to me.

[edit on 4-6-2008 by SevenThunders]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Masisoar

All the lame mockery on this board and cheap shots at Obama are just uncalled for and there-in lies a deeper motive for all of this.

One word - Agenda.

This is an example of why many people perceive Obama supporters as big babies.

Can you imagine the ridicule if somebody would post, "The cheap shots and lame mockery of President Bush are just uncalled for. You guys have an agenda! Stop it!"

Give me a break.

Your concern might have the tiniest shred of credibility if you didn't try to single out Obama as the exclusive victim here. In fact, the non-stop attempt to portray Obama as being unfairly victimized is a cornerstone of his strategy, so it shouldn't surprise me.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:55 PM
Please realize that people are passionate about this election and 'their' candidates. We have a failing economy, gas prices are getting higher and people everywhere are struggling, seeking who they feel will be the best candidate to help lead the country, and thus us as individuals, back to a place where life is plentiful again.

As a dedicated Clinton supporter, I do not support Obama. I would do whatever it took to help my candidate win. Others are just as passionate about Obama. I don't see it as Obama bashing as I do Clinton & McCain supporters being pro-active.

An election as important as this one will not be 'nice'. Supporters are not going to be lead to vote for a candidate they do not feel is capable of doing the job. It's as simple as that, in my opinion.

reply to post by Masisoar

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by jamie83

Originally posted by Masisoar

All the lame mockery on this board and cheap shots at Obama are just uncalled for and there-in lies a deeper motive for all of this.

One word - Agenda.

This is an example of why many people perceive Obama supporters as big babies.

Can you imagine the ridicule if somebody would post, "The cheap shots and lame mockery of President Bush are just uncalled for. You guys have an agenda! Stop it!"

Give me a break.

Your concern might have the tiniest shred of credibility if you didn't try to single out Obama as the exclusive victim here. In fact, the non-stop attempt to portray Obama as being unfairly victimized is a cornerstone of his strategy, so it shouldn't surprise me.

Big babies huh? Most of the Hillary supporters on here are whiners buddy, Hillary lost, she lost big time, she lost by delegates, by states, by popularity (unless we use HER MATH) yet her supporters are going on acting like "babies" and now their threatening to vote for a Bush third term? After 7 years of one worst administrations in US history and another candidate who wishes to continue 8 more yrs of this BS and they are threatening to vote for McSame? because their candidate lost? Honestly Jamie when are you not this hypocritical?

What about the whiners here going on about the hype and attention Obama is getting and you people do it through every thread, just get over it. You should have seen McCain’s speech that night, it was pathetic, and that room he was in... with those few people... he was sweating like anything, the guy couldnt even stand up straight and now his asking Obama to share plane rides with him and have debates in smaller halls where he feels more comfortable and less nervous. Evens the fox pundits admitted how pathetic his speech was... really now... and you wonder why there is so much hype over Obama huh? Go figure.

Yes we shouldn’t call McCain too old! We shouldn’t question McCain because his war hero! We shouldn’t say McCain follows Bush policies!, this is what I hear from McCain supporters and so called "libertarians" all the damn time yet they bring themselves so low as to act like disgruntled kids with name calling, its pathetic and it is the republicans that are acting in this manner.

I dont have grudges against all Hillary and McCain supporters but I hate it when these hypocrites come down here and start up this supporter bashing threads, its childish, I mean dont these people have better things to do?

[edit on 5-6-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by lucien
Please realize that people are passionate about this election and 'their' candidates. We have a failing economy, gas prices are getting higher and people everywhere are struggling, seeking who they feel will be the best candidate to help lead the country, and thus us as individuals, back to a place where life is plentiful again.

As a dedicated Clinton supporter, I do not support Obama. I would do whatever it took to help my candidate win. Others are just as passionate about Obama. I don't see it as Obama bashing as I do Clinton & McCain supporters being pro-active.

An election as important as this one will not be 'nice'. Supporters are not going to be lead to vote for a candidate they do not feel is capable of doing the job. It's as simple as that, in my opinion.

reply to post by Masisoar

Fair enough, we all have differing opinions as to who should lead the country and I believe that all sides are dead passionate about their candidate. One thing I can say here is that atleast people out there voting.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 05:18 AM
You are saying weak-minded people are for Obama, hence swaying weak-minded people against Obama (as they were for him in the first place then).

You are correct, weak-minded people are being educated and becoming more stronger minded armed with knowledge and facts vs. emotion appeasement.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by southern_Guardian
reply to post by FlyersFan

Why are you as a self proclaimed Ron Pauler and Libertarian defening McCain and his run for Bushes third term?

And how is telling THE TRUTH somehow supporting John McCain and his POTUS run?

The truth is the truth. McCain is showing no signs of senility.
If you want to slam McCain - there is plenty of TRUTH to slam him with.
Keating Five. CFR. Peabody Oil. etc etc.
I don't have to make up things about the man, and saying that he's showing signs of senility has just not been proven.

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
Every person his age begins losing mental faculty and symptoms which are 'senile-like' begin to appear.

Again I ask you ... show proof that he is showing signs of senile-like behavior. Just pointing to his physical age doesn't cut it.

Originally posted by Animal
This is a nice little sample some of which shows his senility and some of his dishonesty.

Excellent for showing dishonesty. No proof of senility however.
HERE is a blog that reveals some of the MANY 'barackronisms' Obama has blundered through during this primary season. here is a collection of videos showing more barackronisms. Do these mean that he’s senile??

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
I would bet it's far more likely that Barrack Obama would die of unnatural causes courtesy of the the Clintonistas...

You betchya! If he picks her as VP ...then he's suicidal.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Can you show me some information that proves that Obama is "officially" NWO?

He’s a card carrying member of the CFR. That makes him NWO.
I don’t know of any real ‘official’ agency that lists NWO people.
I don’t know if that would even be possible to have an ‘official’ agency .. ya’ know?
CFR Obama info

Originally posted by southern_Guardian
you wonder why there is so much hype over Obama huh?

I don’t wonder why. I KNOW why. People have been ‘bamboozled’.

Reality Infection Program – Codename – Obama (video)

Either that or they have all been bitten by a baracknid, which causes them to now only eat baraccoli and fill their gas tanks with high baractane. The end result of the baracknid bite is that they are now all barackupied and half obamatose. (if he gets elected we are all going to have some fun with these

Originally posted by southern_Guardian
Why are you as a self proclaimed Ron Pauler and Libertarian ....

One last thing about this ... I'm supporting Ron Paul, but I'm not a registered Libertarian. I have voted for dems, republicans and libertarians. I vote for who ever I think is best. I never said I was a libertarian.

[edit on 6/5/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:21 AM
Regardless of any of the other many reasons why I won't vote for Obama...his refusal to hold is hand over his heart during the National Anthem should be enough that any hard-working, red-blooded American shouldn't vote for this guy. Forget about the Presidency, he should be kicked out of the Senate for a stunt like that. Simply inexcusable.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:34 AM
I've decided to join ATS after reading through this topic, and finding that I have a desire to put my two cents into the coin-slot. This topic is a moot point due to the fact that... and I'm sure this will come as a shock to some of you... YOUR VOTE DOESN'T COUNT. Seriously, it was proven in the 2000 election when Gore won the popular vote, but we got stuck with Bush thanks to A
The Electoral College, and B
The Supreme Court(Puppets). Think about it, democracy in this country is a farce. We voted for Gore, and were forced to deal with Bush for at least the first four years. So why even debate the topic of "Who's the better candidate" when it really isn't our decision as to who will run the country in the end. Vote for whomever you think is the best candidate and wait for big brother to decide whether or not they want your candidate in office.

PS. I originally came in here to rant about people voting for third party candidates, but decided upon further thought that it really doesn't matter, so why waste the energy...

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 08:45 AM
To claim that those who support Obama are either robots, deluded or sheep is deeply insulting to your fellow citizens. It also suggests that only Republicans and conservatives are the real thinkers and the true patriots and the only one's concerned about the state of our union...

It should be obvious by now that the only ones who believe that stinking load of bullhooey are the ones spewing it... the rest of us know it for what it is... lies and crap.

It only goes to make the ones promoting it look stupid... not the ones its directed at... so can it... you ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

The flip side of it is... the same arguments would be made if the Democratic nominee was Clinton, or anyone other than a conservative.

There are two and only two words to describe why Barack Obama has gotten so far so fast and those two words are... george bush.

People are sick of the status quo (it doesn't matter that all the candidates represent the status quo to one degree or the other)... people are sick of the lies and evasions... they are sick of this misbegotten war... they are sick of the blatant catering to small special interests to the determent of the majority... and people are sick of the way this economy has been totally mismanaged to the point that many fear we are poised on the edge of another great depression.

The Democrats have been effectively either shut out or marginalized or blocked these past 7.5 years and so the to the Republicans I have to say this...

its all going to blow up in your faces and you have no one to blame but yourselves.

Obama represents change in three very important ways, irregardless of whether he can deliver or not...

He's young... at 46 he's younger than I am by several years, an while that is neither here nor there, the fact is, young voting age adults can relate to him... in their minds eye John McCain is a dinosaur.

He has little experience... and in the eyes of many that makes him an outsider, whether its true or not... and when you look at it... he has as much or more experience on the national level as bush minor did in 2000... actually probably more because the governor of Texas has little actual power and as a senator, he already is playing with the big boys where bush minor was simply the son of one.

He's black... and this cannot be discounted or taken lightly... Blacks after all, up until recently represented the ultimate outsiders in this country... and consequently he represents a major step forward for this country and the strength of that cannot be easily discounted... like him or not (and I personally am ambivelant) his candidacy; and Hillary's, and the fact that both of them have made it this far, represent a pole shift for this country and it will be next to impossible to discount the next black or woman candidate for president... even if he loses, this is true.

Taken together, his youth, his relative lack of experience and his race are actually going to be a formidable challange for the Republicans and if they try the old race, class issues and fearmongering that has worked for them in the past... it will do them far more harm than good... and I personally hope that they do... and I hope that they get totally shot down because of it... if only to put to rest those odious tactics once and for all.

Face it John McCain... the so-called straight shooter (Keating five member) simply doesn't stand a chance... next to Obama, regardless of his personal experiences will look old and moldy and ready for the grave and whether he brings it or not Obama will look like a change, a breath of fresh air.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 08:59 AM
I can see it's too late. Obama spins a great story and that's good enough for everyone. If this guy gets elected it will have nothing to do with his ability to run a country.

As far as cheap shots go - Facts are facts, if they sound cheap that should further emphasize that this guy should not be president.

Oh, and McCain is healthier than Obama. He is the only one of the three that has had a full medical check up and he doesn't smoke.

Finally, if Obama were white and connected with a Pastor like Wright, the hypocrite liberals would have him drawn and quartered and they know it.

[edit on 5-6-2008 by jbondo]

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by southern_Guardian

What about the whiners here going on about the hype and attention Obama is getting and you people do it through every thread, just get over it. You should have seen McCain’s speech that night, it was pathetic, and that room he was in... with those few people... he was sweating like anything, the guy couldnt even stand up straight and now his asking Obama to share plane rides with him and have debates in smaller halls where he feels more comfortable and less nervous. Evens the fox pundits admitted how pathetic his speech was... really now... and you wonder why there is so much hype over Obama huh? Go figure.

Okay so obama is a great speaker... woopdie F'n Doo... he can talk your ear off but thats all he is, is talk. I'm sorry I can't support anyone that talks for 10 minutes and still manages to say absolutely nothing, and just bounces around an answer that is directly related to the question asked.

I can make up my own mind pretty well, but if there are people out there running the 'don't vote for obama campaign' then let them... its a smart move

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