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Anti-Obamaism - Swaying the gullible

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posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:21 PM
That's what it appears to be as of late on this messageboard.

Lets sway the weak minded towards going against Obama.

You like conspiracies right? You know "against the government always!"?
Well if you're along with that... you have to be going along with Anti-Obama.

All the lame mockery on this board and cheap shots at Obama are just uncalled for and there-in lies a deeper motive for all of this.

One word - Agenda.

+7 more 
posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:27 PM
On a site that allows for conspiracy theories, whether true or not, to be posted about people's religions and politics one would think that the Obama campaign would not be immune to such postings.

And yet, there are people who believe that Obama should be immune from discussion.

One word-Agenda.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Masisoar

I'm sure that the other side would make the opposing argument; that Obama's camp are preying upon equally gullible voters who will hang upon his every word.

Neither characterization is particularly fair or correct.

As others will have said in these threads, the odds of anyone's opinion being swayed by the pro or anti Obama arguments on this board are basically nil. Some have a need to bash Obama and his supporters incessantly, others seem to have a need to protect him from any and all criticism, no matter how fair it may be. In the end, however, its more or less pointless. Its not going to change any minds here.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Masisoar
Lets sway the weak minded towards going against Obama.

Oh buddy, you've got it backwards.

Obamessiah is getting those who don't ask questions to vote for him.
Obamessiah is getting those who smoke his hope-ium to vote for him.
Obamessiah is getting those who REFUSE to see his corruption to vote for him.

Originally posted by vor78
the odds of anyone's opinion being swayed by the pro or anti Obama arguments on this board are basically nil.

Very true.

And posting facts and exposing corruption isn't 'trying to sway' anyone.
It is what it is .... just exposing the facts.

I've found that no matter how many facts about Obama's corruption you show an Obamatron, they don't care and they wont' listen. My sisterinlaw actually just giggled and giggled when REZKO and Obama's corruption were brought up. Just like a kid with her fingers in her ears singing la-la-la-la-la ... she refused to hear it.

Cant' 'sway' any of them.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Oh buddy, you've got it backwards.

Obamessiah is getting those who don't ask questions to vote for him.
Obamessiah is getting those who smoke his hope-ium to vote for him.
Obamessiah is getting those who REFUSE to see his corruption to vote for him.

Actually, I should say that back to you. You don't seem to understand that many people who are voting for Obama go against these guidelines you've lain out, and STILL understand that he is better than the other 2 who have a chance of winning.

It's really not that complicated if you think about it. The lesser of the evils lets call it.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by vor78
In the end, however, its more or less pointless. Its not going to change any minds here.

I beg to differ. Upon seeing all the anti-Obama threads here, I did a great amount of research to find out what they're all about and I changed my mind! I'm going to vote FOR him!

FF, I'm sorry. I knew it would hurt you the most.
And you know I didn't want to do that. Call me an Obama-bot or Obamatron if you must, but I have educated myself and you know I'm not voting along party lines because I don't have a party. I ask questions, I think critically and I have my eyes wide open.

Nothing I read here is going to sway me, but some of your threads against him made me look deeper and discover just who this guy really is. And I like him! Not everything about him. But there are LOTS of things about Ron Paul that I disagree with. And I think Obama actually has a chance of getting elected.

No, I'm not an Obamatron, but if it helps you to think in those terms - that anyone supporting Obama must be blind, full of koolaid or otherwise out of it - have at it.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by bigbert81
he is better than the other 2 who have a chance of winning.

Berti! Welcome back. Long time no see .. uh .. or long time no read.

This is what I don't understand. Your statement - 'a chance of winning'.
I don't understand those who vote for someone based upon 'winning' or

I vote for the person I think is right. I've voted for dems, republicans and libertarians. Some have won. Some have not. The chance of them winning or not doesnt' enter into why I vote for someone. I just vote for the best person. Isn't that what we are supposed to do? Vote for the best person?

I dont' get it. Really.

Is the voting for someone with a 'chance of winning' just so that you (generic you .. not you berti) can puff up and say 'I'm smart cuz' I voted for a winner' ...

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Call me an Obama-bot or Obamatron if you must,

I haven't .. yet ...

some of your threads against him made me look deeper and discover just who this guy really is.

Guess you missed all the REZCO, SELMA, the corruption, the lies, and same-ol-politics when you looked deeper, eh? No change. No hope. No unity.

Well .. at least you are looking. I hope you KEEP looking. Really.
Eventually you'll see what the rest of us see ... just the same ol' thing.

As I said before .. elsewhere on this board ... I'll be saying my rosary for ya' and hope that sometime in the next 5 months you 'come home to Ron Paul' and I'll leave a candle in the window for you.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
And posting facts and exposing corruption isn't 'trying to sway' anyone.
It is what it is .... just exposing the facts.

What about "rumors" then? Let's say, about a certain tape about his wife and the word "whitey"?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Masisoar
That's what it appears to be as of late on this messageboard.

And a lot of anti-Clinton, McCain, Bush, Gordon Brown and every other major politician in the world

Lets sway the weak minded towards going against Obama.

Let's not be bias against one candidate.

You like conspiracies right? You know "against the government always!"?
Well if you're along with that... you have to be going along with Anti-Obama.

No not really. We are not all "against the government always". If we were, we'd be posting on or Open Minds Forum and thinking everything was a conspiracy

All the lame mockery on this board and cheap shots at Obama are just uncalled for and there-in lies a deeper motive for all of this.

It is called politics. Candidates get mud thrown at them, it happens in the real world and on ATS. Btw, how about you stop telling members how to post?

They are entitled to freedom of speech.

One word - Agenda.

One word - maturity

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by FlyersFan
And posting facts and exposing corruption isn't 'trying to sway' anyone.
It is what it is .... just exposing the facts.

What about "rumors" then? Let's say, about a certain tape about his wife and the word "whitey"?

That's not there to sway anyone. It's there to discuss and verify or debunk.

This site discusses rumors all the time. Putting a thread up about that rumor .. and calling it that ... is not swaying anyone.

It's discussing the TACTIC .. it's discussing if it's true or not .. and it's hopefully going to either verify or debunk the rumor.

Right now - the thread is leaning strongly toward debunking.
It LOOKS like it's just a rumor started by a militant pro-Hillary fella.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by intrepid

There are rumors posted all over this site. That said, having 300+ responses to it, well, that IS excessive.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:43 PM
If I were only blind...

That would dispel any lingering thoughts of racism or bigotry and masses would believe me when I say this man (half the man Hillary is) is an empty (pant)suit. I prefer to do most of my serious political introspection via the radio to eliminate any visual cues... I find much easier to focus on what is being said as opposed to who and how it is being said. Obama never truly says anything... He's vague and elusive... Broad generalities devoid of substance... Pablum for the masses.

Obama also fails the bipartisan litmus test... This guy has been living in a bubble of constituents and those that feed him... And he definitely can't bite that hand... He's never cooperated, he's never reached out... I'll give a laundry list of Dems that I despise that have worked across the isle... Teddy "Chivas" Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden... Hell, even Barbara Boxer is more versed in the art of congressional compromise. I'd be just as opposed to an inflexible Republican, Libertarian or Independent...


Like a fox.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Call me an Obama-bot or Obamatron if you must......

Obamatron? Didn't he turn into a crane or dumptruck or something on the Transformers?

A lot of people are getting their panties in a bunch over "anti Obama" threads. Sorry 'bout that, he's now playing in the big leagues and that's to be expected. How many Anti Bush, McCain, Clinton, etc threads are being posted. Guess those are all ok.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by jerico65
Obamatron? Didn't he turn into a crane or dumptruck or something on the Transformers?

A lot of people are getting their panties in a bunch over "anti Obama" threads. Sorry 'bout that, he's now playing in the big leagues and that's to be expected. How many Anti Bush, McCain, Clinton, etc threads are being posted. Guess those are all ok.

My panties are perfectly smooth.
I'm having a blast with these threads. I haven't posted so much in over a year. I'm enjoying it, not complaining at all. Keep them coming.

I also like the anti (and pro) Bush, McCain, Clinton and Ron Paul threads. Because of the fun!

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by jerico65
A lot of people are getting their panties in a bunch over "anti Obama" threads. Sorry 'bout that, he's now playing in the big leagues and that's to be expected. How many Anti Bush, McCain, Clinton, etc threads are being posted. Guess those are all ok.

Yeah agreed.

We have verbally assassinated a lot of politicians on ATS. If ATS members had as much influence as the MSM; then we would of probably of forced numerous congressmen and senators to resign with the amount of mud and dirt that has been thrown of these boards.

As for panties in a bunch, for the record, my panties are off!

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:17 PM
I agree with what was said earlier in this thread: Obama should not be 'untouchable' on ATS. However, there is a overwhelming trend of ridiculous attacks on Obama that have sprung up by NEW members.

I encourage new membership but when waves of threads pop up by BRAND NEW MEMBERS attacking Obama... I know these are people being paid and/or work for a political agenda.

I heard Obama's speech last night at the rally declaring his Primary victory. He countered McCains challenge to go to Iraq by saying McCain should go to low-income areas of the US to see whats really going on.


We should handle US poverty before Iraq!

The major argument is that Obama doesnt have the experience for Office..
Well.... so-called experience has gotten us into the quagmire we are in now... So lets try something new! Besides, its not like he is some greenhorn fresh off the street... he has enough political experience for the job. Besides, anyone who thinks the Presidency is a one man job is high as a kite. No one has more people working with him than the President and they will help him with any challenges that he has.

Believe me, Obama will need less help than Bush did, and McCain will. McCains growing senility should be more worrisome than Obama's so-called lack of experience.

The lack of experience is a straw-man argument.

[edit on (6/4/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
McCains growing senility should be more worrisome than Obama's so-called lack of experience. The lack of experience is a straw-man argument.

.... and your proof of McCains' 'growing senility' is where?

this'll be fun.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Every person his age begins losing mental faculty and symptoms which are 'senile-like' begin to appear.

My point: hes to old! His health will suffer greatly. If hes in charge I would bet money on him dying of natural causes in his first term from the added stress.

[edit on (6/4/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Why are you as a self proclaimed Ron Pauler and Libertarian defening McCain and his run for Bushes third term? I mean I can understand the libertarian feeling against the left because big government and what not by why so eager to defend another 4yars of Bush policies? Why not just stick with Ron paul or Barr?

The amount of self proclaimed ron paulers defending another term for Bush is just beyond me, how the hell can you call yourself a true supporter of Ron Paul if your willing to go against those principals?

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