posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Frank Black
Dear Scotty, from an American:
To state that something is great or greatest, one must check their premiss. It is a matter of opinion. If you like a relative democracy, where we
have (mind you I say "relative") free-market and the ability to make oneself with our own work and our own ethic, then I think America is indeed a
great country.
Sadly, we have become tainted by those in our government who wish to abuse our liberties as they have become stripped away more and more over the
course of this last century. These people ARE NOT AMERICAN, they are twisted and destructive leeches who take from the people who actually WORK. I
find it doubtful that Mr. Obama could pull us out of that. We may be beyond repair. But I have hope that more and more Americans will wake up and
see things in a much more simple mindset. Our work and sense of self should allow us an equal amount of wealth. You reap what you sow.
We are never given whole truths in America. You must forgive us for our reactions, when we don't see the true picture. We may never now, because of
such secrecy, what really happened on 9/11 and how that tied into Iraq. It has been obscured.
I don't blame the world for viewing us with distaste. Perhaps their vision is clearer because they are on the outside looking in. I rely heavily on
that wisdom. I believe Obama will change things, but ultimately the irony is that we cannot rely on any one person to do something for us. We must
stand on our own two feet.
We must rely on ourselves. Our willingness, individually, to respond and repair and work and build. That will define us. Not our words, nor false
promises. When we realize that, we will indeed be a great nation. We will be a force of human achievement.
I work in thought and action toward that day.