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The Truth,The Whole Truth?

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posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:01 AM
like peeling off your clothes before a shower you remove the map from your soul to ascend

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:06 AM
yes,get science out of your head....

go back to when and before you were born into science....

jesus,said I AM ''FREE''


uncover the lies....

only one can teach himself this.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:39 AM
If you speak in the likeness of Jesus you should show unconditional love in your tone and presence; don't be such a meanie, meanmug.
I do believe you have purpose in seeking a higher existence. Thank you for sharing some of your soul with me. I do think your avatar doesn't quite = you (unless you are in character).

Keep searching for Truths... I'll see you in the soup.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 05:47 PM
Back for some questions!

First thing is the way you use the word 'science' .. I feel like you mean something else than what I think 'science' means. For example, when I have a large cake and I want to to give it to a number of people, I use 'science' to cut it. Is that also bad? Or is that kind of mathematics still ok & will my friends get equal sizes of cake slices?
Is the 'science' you are talking about, the way we construct systems and believe in them - almost making them a religion?

Second thing, please try to enlighten me on the cycles and the base-10 stuff. I'm quite good with numbers, having worked with RSA-encryptions with modulos and primes; so it's possible that I have a brain you could talk to.
However, of course I would've been completely doctrined by the Euclidian mathematics (the type we learn at school), and in that system the base 10 system is just a way to write things down. 3 is just a symbol, a figure, but it stands for three, as in a b c . Now somewhere you say 3 6 9 12=3 15=6 18=9 etc.; to me this seems like x modulo 9, useful in some cases. But you mean something way deeper than that. The difficulty I'm having in understanding is; what makes 3 6 9 more special than 2 4 6? As in 2 4 6 8=2 10=4 12=6 ( x modulo 6)..
Is there any chance you're referring to something similar to Tesla when he mentioned 3, 6 and 9 having all the answers?

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 06:41 PM
''For example, when I have a large cake and I want to to give it to a number of people, I use 'science' to cut it.''

thats science,but cut what?
you only cut like that because of this physical world,if it wasnt physical,would you cut like dont know.

''is it bad''

its bad because,science teaches you that....
you never taugh yourself that,science did

''Is the 'science' you are talking about, the way we construct systems and believe in them - almost making them a religion?''

science is one religion in two ways,physical and somewhat spiritual because of your mind from physical being trapped....
all science is,is a light that bounces-trapped-....
the type we learn at school in which bored me to death,is made for that to slow down ones way of thinking and NOT doing faster inside their minds,it just slows it down to mak e us dumb,basically.

''3 is just a symbol, a figure,''

3 is trinity....
3 creates every number-you cant have 1 without 3
3 creates every shape-you cant make no shape without a triangle

science came as 3 and mirrored as 3
by saying that,there is no 1 before 3,3 is first middle and last....

science starts as 3 because thats how it is,when a light comes thru,it cant be 1,but as 3....

how 1-9 came to be....
3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27 - now count them ok,do you see how the 1-9 came to be=thats trinity and its 1-9,thats all that means

but in order for it to be a cycle which everyone knows i circle,the 3 has to come back to the number 3 as in 3 and 12.

people still fight as if their own religion is their own faith/belief,and i always say this....if it is of your own then how is it when science is everything physical?
its impossible,''well,nothing is that'' but almost impossible for one to have his/her own belief because its all based on science.

and if you actually think science is any god,why does it have the number 13 as the error in mathematics as you should know''33.1333'' is the error.

and only higher learners know what that means,science actually calls the number 13 jesus because its the error in science.because 13 doesnt believe in science they say....

its why in most buildings 13 isnt a floor number but a a2 or b2

hope that helps you.

[edit on 11-6-2008 by meanmug]

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 06:49 PM
''If you speak in the likeness of Jesus you should show unconditional love in your tone and presence; don't be such a meanie, meanmug.''

jesus is believe on your own,free will ,to not worship science as free will.

now i ask you this.can you try to believe without science?


posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 08:26 PM
I am not sure what you are asking me...

please elaborate.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:24 PM
just dont worry watch this ok....

12,21-2112 not only is that the end of time but that equals 331333

now what the hell could 331333 mean?

i could have sworn i saw that somewhere here....

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:25 PM
i have free will to believe without science but my thoughts are bound to science through words so you may argue that in that i am not free from the dome therefore have no free will...

you(OP) may ague this

i believe part of me is free from what you call Science


posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:27 PM
you're alluding to the trinity?

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:47 PM
like,if you practice freeing your soul from your flesh,is example of being free of science.thats free.

science dont create you,it holds you back.

and on trinity....its all the same=science

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:47 PM

12,21-2112 not only is that the end of time but that equals 331333

now what the hell could 331333 mean?

answer this....

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 10:26 PM

I believe the science that you call Satan/religion/God is still part of the whole, so therefore is good.

I pray for oneness. All is love.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 10:42 PM
how can a god have an error....
12,21-2112 equals 33.1333 = error in science

if i use common sense and common sense alone,itll tell me that something wants to be 100 percent but cant be,and that would be science/satan.

why is it bad people use science....
they say science can bring cures,well guess what,if it wasnt for science,diseases wouldnt be here=NO NEED FOR CURE

everything peoplee says that science is neededfor good but dont realise it was science in which brought forward what is bad....

so ocourse science is a good excuse for trying to bring good when it brought bad already....

tell science to make a cure for something that they havent created already,better yet,tell science to create a soul,not a sun....

are wait,soul=sol,u

better yet,science can you create faith=nope

and dont ever say science creates faith because everyone knows u yourself create faith,just most are too blinded they think its actually the symbols that give them power....

[edit on 11-6-2008 by meanmug]

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 10:47 PM
i understand what you are saying, but do you understand what i said?

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 10:52 PM

you cant convince me that science is good,im sorry

science is in your mind,why isnt it in mine....

why is it your science puts fear in you and not me....

you really need to see the trth....

i seen the world,i saw history,i saw how its science thats eveything evil and only brings balance after evil and not before,science can and will never bring good before evil,therefor,you can never convince me of science in which i see you are confused about....

science has errors 33.1333 have fun on that day being feared of god....

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 10:56 PM
i never said science itself is good, i said it is a part of the whole which is good; therefore, it is good

i didn't say anything is good, I said Everything=God=Good

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 10:59 PM
you may be wearing bigger blinders than you think... this is not an insult

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 11:04 PM
''I believe the science that you call Satan/religion/God is still part of the whole, so therefore is good.''

your 1 devil isnt my god,i understand u....

i dont worship your science,in which you claim science a part of god....


my god has no errors

my god is not trinity....
my god is not this universal soul in which is created y science/satan that traps me here.sorry as i said,i understand u....

the is dark and there is light,if universe is your god as 1,have fun when its bye-bye on 12,21-2112=33.1333

no science is not part of the whole,the whole has no numbers,no signs,no numbers etc....

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 11:10 PM
and no insult taken,my knowledge alone here proves so....

but before i have to go now,

ill say this,

since day 1,there has never nothing good that came out of science first,i will say this,in order to build one must destroy,and that every bad person that runs this world worships this universal soul=common sense alone tells me that its satan....usaully when i dont listen to my inner self,it comes right back to kick me in my ass....

if science is good why be flesh,do you see what i mean yet....

be free....

[edit on 11-6-2008 by meanmug]

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