meanmug, cool so seeing i do not believe or use symbols for magicks or have my relationship with The Supreme and only go by faith is all 100% then.
What i was saying about Solomon by using symbols is that he did not use symbols alone, he had certain "prayers" with the different symbols when he
did his magic/magicks. When summoning demons to do a task more than just symbols are needed.
Words. When we bless, curse we say things all are from the mouth. It is what comes out of man that defiles him, words, thoughts etc. When we meditate
we speak, be it in silent thought or by moving our lips. Demons for one cannot read our thoughts but rely on what we will say and by that action/s we
can become easier prey for oppression., to be deceived.
This what we will call grid you got to without no knowledge of any religion and you found symbols from various religions according to your word. The
things is symbols do not have no meaning in God's eyes but you and me, us humans are what He cares about. Jesus did not die for a wooden cross but
for us, our souls. Solomon made his mistakes and found out with all his wisdom that he was no match compared to that of Angels, especially God.
Solomon knows now that his prayers and symbols gave him that edge but it was wrong.
No one really knows what the Ark Of The Covenant was for, there are some who say they know, some others have more uses for it. A holy place to meet
with God, a secure place for the commandments, Aaron's staff and manna, great power to him who possess it, Holy of holiness? Why is The Ark so
important if we should be searching for God on a personal level, the One who gave the plans on how to build it?
The Red Sea. You say "TELL MOSES" you did it, or can or know the secret. When it the sea was "split" Moses may have very well held his rod
pointing and saying a prayer over the area, but it was by the WORD or commandment of God that split it. No matter how scientist or believers think it
occurred, we can argue how but cannot prove it.
If we take Scriptures which you mention, according to Scripture all was created by Word, Let There Be Light..all was in the form of speech on the
creation. Though we can speculate but we will not know until we belong on that level, a level which not earthly.
Still reading up here
[edit on 6/8/2008 by qonone]