posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:34 AM
this is a great thread.
I saw someone say something about project Lucifer . . . Isn't project Lucifer something from one of A.C. Clarkes'
fictional novels? Where
they turn Jupiter into a second sun? (sorry if i just ruined anyones read) Is NASA seriously thinking about reenacting a piece of literature? Don't
get me wrong, Clarke is a genius and one of my all time heroes. But that's kind of loonytoons if they're really planning this . . .
These "coincidences" the OP has pointed out are very well thought out and intriguing.
There is no coincidence that the poetry coincides with current events. But their is also a possibility that the poetry does so because you are
applying them with "postdestination". The same way evolutionists apply the theory of evolution with "postdestination".
I might be making up this word postdestination, so let me explain what i mean . . .
I enter a room and i see a cracked vase on the floor next to a table. I also see a cat on the table. I can say to myself, logically, that the cat more
than likely knocked the vase off the table. I'm using information that i have acquired ex post facto to form a logical conjecture.
This is "postdestination" as i'm calling it.
Now predestination of course, is if before i enter the room, I know that an earthquake will tremble the house and knock the vase to the floor, also
scaring the cat into jumping onto the table (a high place)! And when i enter, or before i enter the room, it happens.
Postdestination is logical and it works within reality, but it is not always accurate.
[edit on 6/9/2008 by JPhish]