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Proof that Wal-mart is involved in satanism!

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posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by mattifikation
Um. I work at wal-mart. I'm neither on food stamps, nor do I worship the devil. I'm also full time. The ones who are part time, are that way because they have terrible availability and it's impossible for wal-mart to work around it. Or because they choose to be.

In the store I work at, cashiers are the only job where it's hard to get a full time job. That's because cashiers have the highest turnover rate, and it wouldn't make any economic sense at all to give somebody benefits and all that if they aren't going to stick around.

Wal-Mart actually offers health insurance and such, also. It's not really feasible to live on just a wal-mart wage alone while paying for benefits, but if it's supplementing another family member's income then it's fine.

Anyways, that's not the point. The point is this: If saving 6,666 missing children is your idea of proof that somebody is a devil worshiper, then you are balls out insane.

Other than that, you've got nothing except baseless speculation about RFID chips, and a bible "quote" that looks like you just made it up.

Ranting about Wal-Mart getting everything from China and how it runs other people out of business doesn't prove jack, by the way, except that the company is run by shrewd businesspeople. Is it true? Yes. Is that bad? Yes. Does that make them satan worshipers? Not hardly.

Again this was not the point of the forum.. and unless you are in a manegerial corporate position.. something like this has to be approved by higher ups before being posted as this is a corporate thing.. You as an employee have no say in the matter.. most likely not even a store employee,,, How do i know this? i worked retail for 10 years.... Unless you were selling ob(open box) you could not post your own stuff period.. If that happened then you will get a little red post on your desk\email.. Anyways I am trying to help you.. If you noticed I never ever called Wal-mart employees "devil worshipers" I am trying to bring attention to the more then below average wages and lack of medical benefits and how the American taxpayer ends up footing there bills... Now surely let me ask you one thing.. Are you supporting a family with your Wal-mart wage? are you living alone ? And supporting yourself? NYC banned Wal-Mart because its standards are below NYC standards... Unions,communities and politicians said no... This is the free market capital of the world and it actually has not allowed Wal-Mart operate there? think about that for a minute... This post is about the evil that Wal-Mart is doing to local communities and the country as a whole... You may not be on Welfare, or on Food stamps.. But I can guarantee you that a good percentage of you fellow co- workers there are. And this is what's evil not so much the whole 6,666 thing I used this as a vehicle to get a discussion going on... I highly suggest reading the post again and seeing our discussion before coming to a conclusion, yes the title I used and the theme was to bring attention.. Would you have come here if the title was Wal-Mart unsustainable economics for the 21st century.. the answer I am sure is resounding no.. the 6,666 is true.. but a strange coincidence that ties into the theme of Wal-Mart being "evil" according to all the damage they have done to communities across America.

[edit on 2-6-2008 by thefreepatriot]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 07:04 AM
I don't agree with you one bit, did you actually read what i said or have you got selective reading? It is horrible that this has happened to so many people but blaming it on "satanic" occult is naive.

The only reason they do such things is because they believe its "Convinient for the people living in that area, even though there are other shops in the area relying on their loyal customers to pay that small bit more for a product.

Either grow up and live your life to the full with expectations that yes there are things out in this world which you don't like or agree with and accept that bad things happen, or you could cry about it on a forum and look for sympathy.
After the comment you gave me back you have no sympathy from me, and yes i respect smaller businesses and hate to see things like this happen to the economy but it looks like its for the best regardless of people going out of business.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by thecandyman

Finally , the voice of reason. I congratulate you on your insight. People are quick to start blaming the wrong people. Walmart is truly the epitome of the American Dream. Sam Walton in Particular was a man of great vision. Good riddance to the Mom & Pop' store in my opinion.

Are there people out there still wishing to a return of the days of the Sears & Roebuck Catalog? Those days are gone. who needs a local Mom & Pop with limited stock & elevated prices? Not me. If you don't like Walmart you can always shop at Target.

Target wants to put a store in every city that already has a Walmart in it. What does that mean? More jobs. A plus for any community. There are a lot of people who need Part Time jobs, students, retirees, ect. they fill a vaulable role in our society.

[edit on 2-6-2008 by Sparky63]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot

New York city has not and will not allow Wal-Mart operate there... This article is 3 years old... still no Wal-mart.. Come on the free enterprise beacon of the World doesn't allow good ol Wal-Mart come in to help NYC citizens? There must be a really good reason..

New York City does not have a Walmart because of the influece of Union Thugs.

I know this for a fact. My company built a two story retail store (Target) in the Bronx and had nothing but trouble dealing with the Unions. Not to mention the cost over runs as a direct result of the nonsense we had to put up with.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 11:20 AM
Why the concern over 6,666. Last time I checked that is at least 6000 digits removed from the scary 666 number. This is nothing but Fear mongering and paranoia. Those that foster or promote this nonsense should be ashamed.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Sparky63
Why the concern over 6,666. Last time I checked that is at least 6000 digits removed from the scary 666 number. This is nothing but Fear mongering and paranoia. Those that foster or promote this nonsense should be ashamed.

Wow you really don't get it... I have totally been adamant that the 6,666 is not what this is about.. Regardless if you want to play this game then here we go when you say the number 6 6 6 is not a continuation... you don't say 6 hundred sixty six... right? so every digit in its own right is and INDIVIDUAL number ... so if we look at the 6,666 as individual numbers then in fact the comma would separate the continuation of6, 6 6 6... this is in fact 3 individual numbered digits..Again I know this is bullocks.. But I used this as a vehicle to bring about the discussion of what Wal-Mart really is... Do you realize that in NYC Wal-Mart is banned from conducting business? We are talking about the free enterprise capital of the world... how could this occur to the lovely Wal-mart you so adamantly defend? Wal-Mart is destroying America.. The only ones enjoying the American dream are the shareholders and executives.. Please show me 1 Wal-Mart employee that is living the American Dream... And remember you the American taxpayer end up paying for some of these employees welfare,health, and food stamps.. So next time you purchase that item on special for 19.96 just remember the true cost of having that cheap item..

[edit on 2-6-2008 by thefreepatriot]

[edit on 2-6-2008 by thefreepatriot]

[edit on 2-6-2008 by thefreepatriot]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Ryan Lloyd
I don't agree with you one bit, did you actually read what i said or have you got selective reading? It is horrible that this has happened to so many people but blaming it on "satanic" occult is naive.

The only reason they do such things is because they believe its "Convinient for the people living in that area, even though there are other shops in the area relying on their loyal customers to pay that small bit more for a product.

Either grow up and live your life to the full with expectations that yes there are things out in this world which you don't like or agree with and accept that bad things happen, or you could cry about it on a forum and look for sympathy.
After the comment you gave me back you have no sympathy from me, and yes i respect smaller businesses and hate to see things like this happen to the economy but it looks like its for the best regardless of people going out of business.

Looks like you are just looking to argue about something with someone and you have nothing else better to do.. . And I really don't need your sympathy... I would love for you to tour some of the devastated towns where Wal-Mart has sprung. And tell them how you feel about it... We will see how they react to you. I am not "crying about it" I am simply trying to bring light to how America is being destroyed by Wal-Mart.. and how "evil this is" If you understood the context of why I said it was involved in the occult and satanism you would understand I was't being serious... and not the real issue There is a reason why NYC banned Wal-Mart and its a hell of a good reason.. I suppose you know better then the most successful city in the United States

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Sparky63

Not just "Union thugs" all of the local communities said no... And Bloomberg knows its political suicide to let a Wal-Mart in.. so he has stayed out of it.. I suppose the "Union Thugs" now have direct control over NYC communities as well..

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Sparky63

Thursday, February 08, 2007
Albee Square Mall Says NO To Wal-Mart

Today at 1pm the Albee Square Mall, located in downtown Brooklyn, and UFCW Local 1500 will announce a deal to respect the wishes of the community and exclude Wal-Mart from the development. Community organizations, members of the New York City Council, the Working Families Party, State Senator Eric Adams, faith-based leaders and other unions - who all played a part in striking this deal - will also be in attendance.

Here's UFCW Local 1500 President Bruce Both:

"On the issue of Wal-mart, the developer and their representatives acted in a professional and responsible manner hearing our concerns about the devastating effect a Wal-mart would have in Brooklyn. . . . They have made it clear to us that there are no plans now, nor will their be in the future, to bring Wal-Mart to the Albee Square Development."

UFCW Local 1500 Director of Special Projects Pat Purcell added:

"The developers representatives, keeping with their cooperative approach, have agreed to continue to meet with the coalition to discuss other issues such as affordable housing . . . all parties understand the win-win situation that come from accountable and responsible development and open communication between developers and the communities. The people in the community want and deserve a voice. We look forward to a continued open and positive dialogue"

The agreement will be followed by a protest against Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart has declared that moving into Brooklyn is a priority for the company. Protesters include UFCW, the Change To Win Union, Jobs With Justice, Families United for Racial and Economic Equality the Working Families Party, the New York Central Labor Council, ACORN, New York City Council Members Leticia James, Erik Dilan and David Yassky, State Senator Eric Adams, the Teachers Union, the Laborers Union and the RWDSU.

This comes admist a growing number of missteps by Wal-Mart and increased problems for the company resulting from their anti-worker business practices, including a gender-discrimination lawsuit against Wal-Mart that is moving forward. Those practices include poor pay, forcing workers on public assistance and punitive sick leave policies where a worker can be fired for taking care of a sick child.

I have lots of family in NYC and i can attest that its not only just unions that don't want Wal-Mart in there city...but a majority of the population and city council. and FYI Target is definitely not Wal-Mart

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot
Not just "Union thugs" all of the local communities said no... And Bloomberg knows its political suicide to let a Wal-Mart in.. so he has stayed out of it.. I suppose the "Union Thugs" now have direct control over NYC communities as well..

So now you are just shooting from the hip. There has been no referendum on whether to allow Walmart in New York city. It wasn't "ALL" the local comminities. It was mainly the Neighborhood Retail Alliance, an anti-Wal-Mart coalition.

The presence of other "Big Box" stores, also Corporate giants in their own rights. negates your argument. Bloomburg does not control what retail store builds in New York. Bloomburg is a politician just like all th rest who have their finger in the air testing with way the wind blows.

A small vocal minority swayed the developer to drop Walmart from their plan. The reason; as anyone in construction knows $$$$$is the bottom line. The last thing a developer needs is opposition from small business owners. Walmart voluntarily pulled out of the Rego Park project but is still scoping out other sites in New York City.

My money is that Walmart will have a presence there sooner than you think. Long live Wally World!!

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 01:22 PM
So what you're saying is, you wrote a deliberately libelous, sensationalist post in order to stir controversy and then you posted things that you knew not to be true, and/or you just intentionally jumped to a false conclusion, in order to make people more interested in your thread?

In addition to being illegal, and grounds for a lawsuit if Wal-Mart really, really felt like going through with one, I'm pretty sure that falls somewhere between "hoaxing" and "trolling."


posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot
reply to post by Sparky63

Thursday, February 08, 2007
Albee Square Mall Says NO To Wal-Mart

Today at 1pm the Albee Square Mall, located in downtown Brooklyn, and UFCW Local 1500 will announce a deal to respect the wishes of the community and exclude Wal-Mart from the development. Community organizations, members of the New York City Council, the Working Families Party, State Senator Eric Adams, faith-based leaders and other unions - who all played a part in striking this deal - will also be in attendance.

Here's UFCW Local 1500 President Bruce Both:

Like I said, "Union Thugs!. Thanks for proving my point. The day Union thugs have the communities best interests at heart instead of their own interests is the day pigs fly.

Example: On the Big Box project I did in the Bronx. The Union thugs we dealt with would not let our truck drivers on the job site. They insisted that once our drivers got to the gates that the drivers had to get out of their trucks and let union drivers drive the next 50 or 100 yards.

How do you think this affected the local community? Trucks were stacked up like cordwood while the Union thugs brought everthing to a crawl.

No, my friend, they did not have the communities interests at heart. Just their own bank accounts.. This is just one example. You obviously don't understand how things work in New York City. The local communities interests are often claimed as the reason things are approved or denied, but in the end it's allabout the $$$$$$$$

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

ok lets think about this. i agree with you on some of it. your right i believe the anti christ and satan are conditioning us to recieve the mark or number of the beast. this is my prediction., in the near future the american dollar is going to tank and we will then get the amero dollar. we will all then take a step in the name of medicine to have the implant in our hand and forehead. as for walmart helping that along so be it because my brother. let the anti christ come then we will be closer to christs coming. any way back to my prediction. i believe it will be gradual the first step is the placement of the implant. then the anti christ will come , i do not believe the number is actually 666 but that its like our ss# 3 sets of numbers each six nuimbers long. and if everyone in the world has to have one then of course its going to be a big number to keep track of everyone. but as far as walmart being satanic your going a little far.
is it a coorporation with profit in mind? yes. satanic no. sounds to me like you are a small bussines owner that got pushed out an now your just bitter

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot

Originally posted by Ryan Lloyd
I don't agree with you one bit, did you actually read what i said or have you got selective reading? It is horrible that this has happened to so many people but blaming it on "satanic" occult is naive.

The only reason they do such things is because they believe its "Convinient for the people living in that area, even though there are other shops in the area relying on their loyal customers to pay that small bit more for a product.

Either grow up and live your life to the full with expectations that yes there are things out in this world which you don't like or agree with and accept that bad things happen, or you could cry about it on a forum and look for sympathy.
After the comment you gave me back you have no sympathy from me, and yes i respect smaller businesses and hate to see things like this happen to the economy but it looks like its for the best regardless of people going out of business.

Looks like you are just looking to argue about something with someone and you have nothing else better to do.. . And I really don't need your sympathy... I would love for you to tour some of the devastated towns where Wal-Mart has sprung. And tell them how you feel about it... We will see how they react to you. I am not "crying about it" I am simply trying to bring light to how America is being destroyed by Wal-Mart.. and how "evil this is" If you understood the context of why I said it was involved in the occult and satanism you would understand I was't being serious... and not the real issue There is a reason why NYC banned Wal-Mart and its a hell of a good reason.. I suppose you know better then the most successful city in the United States

I think in yourself that you have forgotten the meaning of creating this thread! you are just chatting aimlessly about how "Devastating" its been. Grow up, take a deep breath then look around you... This has nothing to do with occultism or the fact that they want to destroy towns and villages, its the fact that they believe in themselves that they are doing the greater good for their customers.

You know what i'm done arguing about this topic its pathetic. To think how narrow minded you realy are about the whole topic. No i do not support them and no i don't agree with what they are doing to the towns.

[edit on 2-6-2008 by Ryan Lloyd]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot
Do you realize that in NYC Wal-Mart is banned from conducting business? We are talking about the free enterprise capital of the world... how could this occur to the lovely Wal-mart you so adamantly defend? Wal-Mart is destroying America..

This is another incorrect statement you have made. Walmart is not banned from New York City. What is the ordinance, code, law, or injunction that "bans" Walmart from New York City?

There isn't one.
Walmart is currently pursuing two site on Staten Island. I don't think it would make sense for them to do that if they were banned.

Don't kid yourself that their opposition to Walmart is all about minimal health care or low wages. The bottom line in New York is Union Opposition. The UFCW has kept food prices unnecessarily high in New York. The claim that it is necessary to keep the "MOM & POP" character of New York also falls short, All one has to do is take a walk around the area where the Walmart project was blocked

Within a few blocks of the Rego Park Project where Wal-Mart’s first New York City store would have stood, there is a CVS, a Payless, a Pizza Hut, a Baskin-Robbins, a Dunkin’ Donuts, a Subway, and a Sizzler. Also a Bed Bath & Beyond, an Old Navy, a Circuit City, a Sears, and a Marshalls.

So much for the mom & pop character claim. No it is all about Cash flow into the Union pockets, at least in New York.
I'll admit that in other areas of the country where there is opposition to Walmart, the concerns are usually about traffic, and the impact on the immediate neighborhoods. This is just a "not in my backyard" mentality.

Nothing Satanic about it though.
[edit on 2-6-2008 by Sparky63]

[edit on 2-6-2008 by Sparky63]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 03:17 PM
I work at Wal-Mart. part time because I chose to. They offered me a full time job but I took the part time one. I work in the frozen section. My supervisors are all very nice. I have never had a problem with working there. The wal mart corporation has never treated me badly and i'm glad they gave me a job.

I applied at wal mart because none of the local stores would hire me. But hey they are the ones paying me. The work is actually extremely easy compared to my first job.

And no I am not hired by wal mart to come on the internet and talk nicely about them.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

"I decided to take a video of the Wal-Mart community Board featuring 6,666 recovered missing children...This is my confirmation on top of all other destructive acts against Americans, that Wal-Mart is just pure evil! and its the Walton family shareholder are probably involved in the occult and satanism"

That is your Proof? That is your evidence? You are going to need something much more substantial then that. Before making such claims.

I see no connection to Satanism and Wal-Mart... That's absurd and preposterous.

Some people make up fantasies and actually believe them.. And you are one of those individuals.

[edit on 2-6-2008 by Lantian]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Sparky63
If you don't like Walmart you can always shop at Target.

Tomato, Tomahtowe; Do you honestly not see the similarity betwixt the two entities?

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Sparky63
If you don't like Walmart you can always shop at Target.

Tomato, Tomahtowe; Do you honestly not see the similarity betwixt the two entities? While one may be more...oh shall we say 'benevolent' than the other, the simple reality is that they're both community killers.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Fitzgibbon

Tomato, Tomahtowe; Do you honestly not see the similarity betwixt the two entities? While one may be more...oh shall we say 'benevolent' than the other, the simple reality is that they're both community killers.

It was a lame attempt at humor. My wife always tells me I'm no good at telling jokes.

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