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Proof that Wal-mart is involved in satanism!

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posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:04 PM
I would agree if you were saying that Wal-Mart is in bed with the government and doing data mining whereas they collect your picture, drivers license data, credit card and bank info, and details about everything you buy. And I even see where you are going with the 6,666 on the poster... although I doubt that was on purpose (least not by Wal-Mart, maybe by the advertising company). But then I see those of you who are bashing Sam Walton and the Walton family. That's not the way to go. Sam Walton started out with nothing and built it into a legacy. Most the people bashing him wouldn't know how it felt to work that hard for anything in their life. Here is a man that saw a local Five & Dime getting rich off of the Hula-Hoop and seeing that alot of kids couldn't afford to have one. What did he do, found a company that would ship him the tubing and he would cut it to size and staple them together. He made his own and sold them at a small fraction of price of an official Hula-Hoop. He made just as much money off them as the Five & Dime but had to sell 100 times as many. And every kid, rich or poor, could have one. Sam Walton was very much about selling All American products... and did so more than any other super store EVER has. You need to put the blame elsewhere considering the man is gone. So often I see the crap they are selling at wal-mart now, or stand in a long line, and it makes me say "Bet Sam would be pissed at this". He HATED to see people standing in lines... if there was more than 5 or 6 people in a line there was suppose to be another lane opened immediately. He loved his stores, he loved his employees, and he loved PEOPLE. He was very down to earth and very humble. This is a great man you seem to be bashing. The people running Wal-Mart now are neither family nor friend to the Walton DREAM... but that is not Sam's fault. You ask anyone that worked for Wal-Mart in the first 15 years, and actually stayed working there, what they think of Sam Walton - Bet you they say they LOVE him. He made them all Millionaires! He gave them stock and the first 2 times the stocks split - most everyone became rich. How about the store owner (think it was Bucks Corner Store) who lost his business when wal-mart went into his town - he took a job at Wal-Mart because it was the only way he would be able to survive. Second stock split the man retired a Millionaire. He would never have made that kind of money with his little store. My point is you can't bash the man that worked soooo hard to make so many others lives better and who tried to keep American businesses making products that he could sell. Blame NAFTA for sending all our factories overseas and making it near impossible to find anything made in America to fill a store the size of Wal-Mart. I believe people need to direct more energy at fixing the problems rather than just standing around shouting about it.

Oh yeah, and quit bitching about the mark of the beast... you use it everyday of your life and probably even have it memorized and I don't see you having a thread about it - your Social Security Card. You are already numbered and you were tricked into taking it just like it said in the good Book. And if they have their way with it... you won't be able to buy anything without it soon.

[edit on 1-6-2008 by thecandyman]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by DionDCatRpr

I am still waiting for you to back up your claims on what you said about mad-hatters data.. Please show us this spin you are talking about.. Show me another source that shows different data. So far you have brought nothing to the table and seem to be totally missing the point of this forum. Looks like the only one doing the spinning here is you.

[edit on 1-6-2008 by thefreepatriot]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:15 PM
Sam Walton hasn't had anything to do with the day to day running of the company since 1985. The eldest children have tripled the size of the company and they have not even begun to take the care and understanding of the elder Sam to heart. They have ignored most of the constructs of his wisdon in caring about customer service and employee welfare. These children don't have 10% of the great mans understanding of how his company prospered. Don't be surprized to see the company be sold within 5 years to some multinational conglomerate.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by thecandyman

I am not bitching about the mark of the beast.. I am merely pointing out that such a number that has a negative imagery with Christians and is seen as evil would be posted in relation to recovered missing children.. Coincidence? can be.. But after a year of it being posted you figure there would be at least 1 recovered child, that would change the numbers considering 6,666 children were recovered if we divide that by the number of years since 1996.. which is 12 that would mean there has be 555.5 children recovered every year since then.. So there should have been a change in this poster.. Regardless this was never even the point of the post.. The point is what Wal-Mart has become .. yes Sam Walton was a good man... But the people now controlling it are not.. Wal-Mart is no longer what Sam wanted it to be it has turned into a vicious monster...

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

Looks like we where writing at the same time in the same vane,LOL


posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:21 PM

New York city has not and will not allow Wal-Mart operate there... This article is 3 years old... still no Wal-mart.. Come on the free enterprise beacon of the World doesn't allow good ol Wal-Mart come in to help NYC citizens? There must be a really good reason..

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

Yep sure looks like it.
I am really amazed at how people actually defend this corporation.. I mean its totally amazing.. Yes the 6,666 was sensationalism.. but I used this to get people in here to discuss the evil that Wal-Mart is orchestrating to our country.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:24 PM
I believe Wal-mart exists. I believe the chips exist. And I think some satanists exist. I don't think Satan, however exists. Thus if there is an issue it is all too human in origin.... and as far as Wal-mart being bad...right now some of their ammunition is 50% less than the same ammo at Ganders.... now Wally may indeed be big, bad and ugly, but cheap ammo is like a willing woman, not to be ignored.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Straight Razor

I totally agree with you... I believe Satan exists because we have created him not because he really does exists.. any evil in this world is usually attributed to us.. and no one else.. We always like to blame something else for our woes when in reality its our own doing.. Don't worry I understand cheap ammo is hard to resist I forgive you

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:32 PM
Wal-Mart is not involved in Satanism.
That is so ridiculous

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Spiker

Spiker.. your one liner doesn't usually work well with mods... If you actually sat and read the whole post you see it's the damage that Wal-Mart is creating to our country and how this "evil" is killing the American Dream. That what the post is really about not the 6,666 number which is unusual to say the least..

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
reply to post by jamie83

Your missing the point intensionaly or you realy have not researched it very well. let me give you a concrete example ofWalmart tactics. I lived,for a few years, in a little town called Eastport,Maine. There are four or five little towns within a 30 mile radius. Walmart sent they're 'Mystery Shopper' brigade in to every store in the towns involved and took down all the prices of the goods sold in these mom & pop stores, When they opened they undercut everything that they sold even to a point of loosing money in that area. They make it up in the rest of the stores they own. Eastport now has 75% boarded up buildings from mom & pop operations that people where making decent living from. Then when Walmart has the territory sewed up they raise the prices to make the store profitable. Walmart only hires part time workers and lets the states they are in pick up the medical costs and all other services of they're employees. A mom & pop operation in that area probably made the family that owned it 30,000 net for they're labors. Now,if they are lucky to find another job, they work part time and hope they make ends meet. In rural areas this is demolishing the American way. Theres no moral right to do this. Its corporate greed and the Walton family could not care less thats it ruining many whole communities. They are evil and are NOT the American corporate family they portray themselves as.PERIOD!


Some good points and at the fore of the thread. This IS the way Wal-Mart is destroying the basic "small town business, way of life!" I've seen for myself, the same tactics used in even large cities.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 11:30 PM
Um. I work at wal-mart. I'm neither on food stamps, nor do I worship the devil. I'm also full time. The ones who are part time, are that way because they have terrible availability and it's impossible for wal-mart to work around it. Or because they choose to be.

In the store I work at, cashiers are the only job where it's hard to get a full time job. That's because cashiers have the highest turnover rate, and it wouldn't make any economic sense at all to give somebody benefits and all that if they aren't going to stick around.

Wal-Mart actually offers health insurance and such, also. It's not really feasible to live on just a wal-mart wage alone while paying for benefits, but if it's supplementing another family member's income then it's fine.

Anyways, that's not the point. The point is this: If saving 6,666 missing children is your idea of proof that somebody is a devil worshiper, then you are balls out insane.

Other than that, you've got nothing except baseless speculation about RFID chips, and a bible "quote" that looks like you just made it up.

Ranting about Wal-Mart getting everything from China and how it runs other people out of business doesn't prove jack, by the way, except that the company is run by shrewd businesspeople. Is it true? Yes. Is that bad? Yes. Does that make them satan worshipers? Not hardly.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by jamie83

Wal-mart employees don't choose not to join a union, they can't join unions. Wal-mart squashes union involvement because then they would actually have to let "full time" employees work more than 28 hours a week. Wal mart also encourages their employees to seek government assissted welfare and healthcare programs rather than supplying them with affordable healthcare like any good company would do. In 2005 walmart employees cost us taxpayers almost 1.5 billion dollars because their own employees could not afford the health care they needed to take care of their own families. They cut their employees hours from full time 36-40 hrs a week down to around 24-28, try to survive on that. I know that those employees could find another job elsewhere but that is not the point. Wal-mart is good for consumers in areas where other small businesses don't suffer because of it, but those places are few and far between. The average full time employee made about $8k less a year than they should have because they keep getting thier hours cut. While I don't think Wal-mart is the devil I do think they are a sweat shop affair. And back to unions, Walmart employees in other countries are members of unions because their countries demand it, and those same employees make almost 20$/hr as such.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 12:06 AM
As for most of the brand name products sold at Walmart, they are made to Walmarts lower standards, as a way to have it appear the same product is cheaper. They strike deals with brands to produce their products for less cost (lowering the quality, value, safety and efficiency) to sell in their stores. GE is but one brand who supplies low quality versions, and Snapper Mower is one company who refused to go along with this deal and wanted his mowers out of their stores.

[edit on 2-6-2008 by violet]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 02:19 AM
I have to half disagree with Violet... when it comes to mowers and such then maybe wal-mart wants the company to give them seconds and lower quality for cheap pricing... but when it comes to Wal-Marts name brand foods (Sams Choice) it's the opposite. The reason why many companies don't want to deal with Wal-Mart (in the food industry) is because Wal-Mart goes in and says we want this product for this price and there is an agreement made. Then Wal-Mart says here is our quality guildlines... which are ALWAYS wayyyyyy stricter than most american companies average quality guildlines. It is pretty hard to please Wal-Mart once they come in and suprize inspect you and you get a bad grade. And they are one of few companies that actually will fine you for not passing their inspection. So maybe certain mower manufacturers didn't want to do business with Wal-Mart because they didn't want to lower their standards -- or maybe they didn't want to have to put up with having to do things the way Wal-Mart wanted them to do it. Never know. But I do know first hand how they are when it comes to food and the Sam's Choice line of products. I worked quality control for a company and Wal-Mart was the biggest pain in the arse when it came to inspections.

Wal-Mart surely isn't what it was. I cringe evertime I have to go in there and remember fondly the times that Sam used to come to town and visit the store. He was great and it's too bad that since his death it's all going down hill fast.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 02:51 AM
To say I dispise Walmart would be understating it. The customer service is horrible and has been in my areas "superstore" since the ugly thing opened a few years back. Twenty checkstands, twenty!!, and two, if that, are open, which at 10 am on a Wednesday morning isn't so bad, but on Dec. 23rd at 7 pm? With hundreds of customers in the store, half of whom are standing in line at two, count 'em two, checkstands. I left a shopping cart full of merchandise, well not full exactly, but about a hundred bucks worth of stuff; at their "service" counter. The gal asked me why I was leaving it there, and I told her, I've got better things to do then to stand in line for the next hour and a half. Two of your so called managers walked by these lines and did nothing to accelerate the process of checking out. So I did, by deciding to take my business else where...I haven't been back since, nor will I until such time as they dynamite the place.

I understand that Walmart is in business to make money, I get it...but not at the expense of customer service. At least pretend to give a damn...or, here's a thought, actually give a damn about the customer...

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot
reply to post by Ryan Lloyd

Again This was not the main point of my post... The point is most people have the connection that 666= the devil which is Evil... Wal-Mart in my opinion is destroying America... and I believe this equals to being evil.. Even if it is "business" Try telling that to someone who had to file Bankruptcy for there business of 30 years. because Wal-Mart just moved in.. And are then forced to work for Wal-Mart for min wage. and no benefits.. it's always easy to say well Its war, or its Business, or thats how life is... Until it happens to you or your family.

Like i said man its brutal and yes something along those lines has happened to a few of my family before, and no its not nice but to be honest its either live with it or cry about it, you have just got to get on with your life and at the end of the day it is the biggest and best business that wins. So if your a small corner shop then i guess there is no hope for you when the Convinient store rolls in.

Sorry to hear about it! Good luck!

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 03:29 AM
You should come shop at my Wal-Mart then. The managers here are absolutely anal about fast check-outs, to the point where they make people working in other parts of the store drop whatever they're doing to go ring people out.

The only problem is, that always leaves entire sections of the store with nobody around to help answer people's questions. So... you can speedily check out all the stuff you didn't buy because there was nobody in the rest of the store to sell it to you.

I don't get why they don't hire more people... it seems logical to me that more customer service equals more customers. But apparently it's more important to Wal-Mart to cut costs at every turn. I guess that's why I sell the televisions and somebody else makes the decisions?

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by Ryan Lloyd

Originally posted by thefreepatriot
reply to post by Ryan Lloyd

Again This was not the main point of my post... The point is most people have the connection that 666= the devil which is Evil... Wal-Mart in my opinion is destroying America... and I believe this equals to being evil.. Even if it is "business" Try telling that to someone who had to file Bankruptcy for there business of 30 years. because Wal-Mart just moved in.. And are then forced to work for Wal-Mart for min wage. and no benefits.. it's always easy to say well Its war, or its Business, or thats how life is... Until it happens to you or your family.

Like i said man its brutal and yes something along those lines has happened to a few of my family before, and no its not nice but to be honest its either live with it or cry about it, you have just got to get on with your life and at the end of the day it is the biggest and best business that wins. So if your a small corner shop then i guess there is no hope for you when the Convinient store rolls in.

Sorry to hear about it! Good luck!

Sorry to hear about ... You seem not to care for your fellow human beings.. and assume when some takes notice\care it must have happened to them.. If you know anything about south florida it's anything but a small town...I actually care about other people, and there plight.. that's whats wrong with this world everyone is out for themselves..

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