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If we sopposedly came from Mars,where are our artifacts??

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posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 08:50 PM
This is what Mars should look like if the catastrophe never happened, with the exception of the red color. This photo is actually Titan, one of the largest moons of Saturn. It is the only moon in the solar system to contain a dense atmosphere. The surface pressure on Titan is 1.45 times that of earth. The diameter of the moon is 3,200 miles (5,150 km). Mars has an atmospheric pressure less than 1% of earth’s surface pressure. The diameter of Mars is 4,222 miles (6,794 km). The giant crack in Mars’ equator could be result of an impact that ripped off its dense atmosphere.

This is a photo of Mars with the Valles Marineris trench in view.

Here is a view of the trench up close.

The secret to this tale lies in the asteroid belt.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 01:38 PM
My theory:

You have the Earth, a planet which, as far as we know always had water, but based on the myths of many cultures, got a lot more of it in the not-too-distant past.

Then you have Mars, a planet which from its surface features, appears to have once had much water, but today it has very little. So we surmise, it lost its water at some undetermined time in the past.

Is there a connection?

Velikovsky wrote that Earth and Mars came close together at least once in the past, perhaps several times. What if they came close enough for Mars' water to seek it own level - that is to say, it flowed out of Mars's gravity field to the stronger gravity field of Earth??? Further, what if a small group of people knew ahead of time and constructed a craft to carry them and some animals safely to the other planet on the flow of water??? Are we unable to find the Garden of Eden because it was on Mars, and Noah was a Martian?? What if this flow of water killed off all the land animals on Earth, and they came to be replaced with the animals carried from Mars? It would explain the difference between the fossil record and what is alive today, would it not? Comments? It's just a theory...

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by jhh
A guy goes around giving talks about how ancient myths have given clues about Mars being another planets moon, and before the planet explodes they are able to get away and settle on earth and mars. Unfortunately Mars doesn't last too long and they die out shortly before Biblical humans exist.

It has been two years since he gave this talk, but like most, it all came about because of the mysterious cydonia portion of mars.

I believe the Guy is Richard Hoagland or Possibly Farrel his friend (actually I believe it's Farrel). Anyway what Farrel believes is that Mars was the moon of a planet that somehow either through a very ancient war or some cataclysm shattered and formed the asteroid belt. He also thinks that the individuals that where on this planet was the proverbial giants that are in almost every culture on this planet. The colonized this planet built things with what they where able to bring and/or their abilities they brought from their planet (size and strength). This is where I'm conflicted, did they make man from the hominids on this planet or was man already here and they became essentially our masters (remember in all giant tales it potrays them as evil and sadistic and in the bible it said something about how a cataclysm washed away a large number of them). Could their have been a war in this star system so big that it knocked each planet back into the proverbial stone age, who knows.

But I believe that a party of individuals escaped their planet and landed with what they had on earth and had to figure out how to survive. People always think that individuals from space would have transporters or phasers or whatever super advanced technology to make it simple. But what if these individuals where just starting to get into space and got to the point of having simple interplanetary travel. If we as a society know our planet was going to be destroyed or was about to be destroyed, we would leave if we had the ability they had a rudimentary abiity in my opinion. They probably saw in their telescopes this blue green world and was able to show it supported life cobbled together what they could to get individuals to Earth. What if the ship was the Moon Phobos around Mars. What if they where moving people and machinery back and forth in an attempt to get individuals to earth, taking 6 to 8 months and then one trip it didn't come back because the incident happened and the planet was no more. Flinging the moon mars and phobos the ship/moon into the weird orbit and the main planet into an asteriod field.

They aren't telling us the truth and I believe they are afraid of telling it.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by ProjectX

From what I've seen there are pyramids on Mars as well as that face. Of course NASA strongly denies that these are artificial but NASA has been caught out so many times they don't have much credibility. They've covered up the Moon ruins, we have witnesses who have seen the photos before they were airbrushed. What about the Apollo videos which when sped up/slowed down and adjusted to clean them up clearly showed UFOs zipping up and down and across the Apollo vehicle's path. NASA simply cannot be trusted, they are full of it !
A quick zip around the web and you can easily find pictures where there are all sorts of anomalies on Mars.
Whether these structures on Mars are still operational or are ancient ruins is another question but it's clear to me that there's definitely something out there and NASA doesn't want us to know about it.
People question these claims saying that there's never been a smoking gun but to my thinking the fact that they show us pictures with crappy resolution when they have the technology that could allow much clearer resolutions indicates they are hiding something from us.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
How do we know there are no artifacts on Mars???

what about the face, the pyramids, etc...
just because we haven't found conclusive proof yet, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

unfortunately finding artifacts has never been one of our missions to mars, however I believe if we look we will find.

You mean this funky mountain?

Here is what looked like a pyramid on the low res pictures:
edit on 26-4-2011 by cushycrux because: (no reason given)

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