posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 05:07 AM
I beleive we came from mars...
i aint writing no essay an normally id write a little formally but im too tired..its 3 a.m an i was googling lol..but..this is wht i think in a
mars, planet such as earth went through a global diaster an at the time being we were able to to move from mars to earth an decided that we needed to
start over. we developed technology on mars that enabled a limited amount of us to survive an move...
now, we came to earth an im sure u guys all knw cavemen an the gorillas evolvement to human form. i believe we were another type of species on mars,
there formally known as "humans" but we were actually..(known here) animals..we moved here an developed new needs and a new lifestyle.. as darwin
researched..we have to adapt to our habitats.
ex. every bird that lived on galapigols..had to adapt to their habitat. there was few rocks, so most birds has small beaks..they were able to to eat
food an live easily..then oceans started changing form of the island and the birds over time began changing form an forming larger beaks as each
generations of birds was ahrder to get food with more rocks"""""" so they needed longer/larger beaks to reach their food..
ok, so the "gorgillas" that moved to earth, (us) had to adapt to the climate and habitat of earth an started changing shape, size..blah blah blah an
eventually we started to look like cavemen...
but im jumping on now, NOW A DAYS, were screwing this planet over such as we did mars, which i actually believe we have done to every other planet
before us. an i believe that when ppl say the sun i gna explose an were all gonna be sucked into the black hole of the sunn blahh ya, is when we
finally reach the last planet.
so end of times, eventually, on this planet? nah we got a few more to # up :]
im too tired..but thts all i got for now ima sleep hahahaha