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Brainless Voters (Obama Sheep)

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posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by SteveR

I agree it does detract and deflect.. but on a discussion board where we are here to discuss, I think it's appropriate to make it a point to state that it isn't something new. I think many of us are aware that it isn't and will view my post as redundant and a long ramble of the obvious. But I don't think everyone is aware that this has been a long standing trend.. hence my emphasis on it.

My intentions are not to minimize, but I know how it comes across. If I were in your position and you were saying what I am saying, I'd be coming back with exactly what you've said. So if nothing else, I see what you're saying and I do agree.

Asking an Obama supporter if they are black is going to be perceived in different ways. I wouldn't insult anyone by generalizing how their response should be viewed. Personally, I wouldn't be insulted because I don't think I have anything to hide. However, even those that do not have anything to hide may take it the wrong way.

At the end of the day, and after all of our exchanges thus far.. I've realized that you and I Steve are actually on the same page. I said from the get go that I am merely an advocate of equality and would like to see the same standard applied for all candidates. You speak the same, just from a different angle.

In a sense, I think that is what we are all after.


Imagine that?

Maybe more of us can get along now?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by chissler
The equivalent of, "it's my ball and I'm not playing so I'm going home?"

No. It's the equivalent of 'I earned it so I deserve to keep it'. Period.

Do you realize how this sounds?

I don't care how it sounds. I am an American. America comes first. Our poor come first. The rest of the world can help themselves or get OPEC to help. You are happy being taxed to death and working for 'the world' ... glad to hear it. I want no part of it.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
And from your post(s), you don't seem very happy about it.

America is generous. I'm happy about it as long as it is not FORCED on people. If Americans want to be generous .. let them be generous ON THEIR OWN. Forcing them to support the planet is wrong. It's slavery.

Do you speak of the same disdain towards the rest of the candidates? Yes? No? If no, why not?

When they screw up .. yes. Right now Obama is providing more fodder then McCain. Hillary isn’t even in the running so I haven’t been paying much attention to her. I have said it on this board and I’ll say it again just to be sure you see …
Obama = CFR
Hillary = CFR
McCain = CFR
I’m supporting Ron Paul (unless someone comes up with something showing he’s CFR, etc etc)

Oh ... since you asked .... Obama and CFR – Read Here
And for more on the CFR and NWO read Jim Marrs books. (he has a forum here too)

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Show me the legislation that Obama is pushing that will have you directly funding the rest of the world.

SteveR has it here -

Originally posted by SteveR
Global Poverty Act of 2007. Apportions 0.7% of USA GDP to third world nations (an 845 Million Dollar tax).

And of course there is that bit at Obama's church that he didn't exactly denounce - that part about Africa being the 'true homeland' and that they had to support it ....

Obama's non-denouncement denouncement of his church today (quote) - 'I'm not denouncing the church and I'm not interested in people who want me to denounce the church ... the new pastor at Trinity and the church have been suffering from the attention my campaign has focused on them."

(way to go Obama - turn the perps into 'victims'

[edit on 6/1/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I don't care how it sounds. I am an American. America comes first. Our poor come first. The rest of the world can help themselves or get OPEC to help. You are happy being taxed to death and working for 'the world' ... glad to hear it. I want no part of it.

Maybe I'm a dumb idealist, but I dream of the day when we don't speak of "white", "black", "American", "Canadian", etc. We're all human, we're all visitors of this planet, and whether we like it or not we need one another in order to sustain life so our children and our children's children can appreciate what we have been afforded.

FF, I disagree with your whole mindset. I don't think I could disagree more. However, I do respect what you're saying. I don't think it's unjust for a person to say that they have earned something and feel they are entitled to it. But on this one, we disagree.

A life is a life is a life.

I know this aspect is only one issue you have with Obama, and I don't mean to push this thread completely off-topic with emphasizing on one small aspect that you and I have engaged one another on.

So I'll just agree to disagree on this one. Another thread, another time.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Forcing them to support the planet is wrong. It's slavery.

And you are in a position to speak of what slavery is? C'mon now. I think to coin it "slavery" is a little dramatic.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by chissler
In a sense, I think that is what we are all after. Equality.

Well said chissler!

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by chissler
but I dream of the day when we don't speak of "white", "black", "American", "Canadian", etc.

John Lennon's 'imagine' world, eh?

People try to live life colorblind. But then those who are obsessed with skin color try to take that away from them.

And you are in a position to speak of what slavery is?

Are you going to try to claim that only black people can speak of what slavery is? I hope not.

C'mon now. I think to coin it "slavery" is a little dramatic.

You are welcome to think that. However, as far as I'm concerned, when people are forced to hand over almost all of their hard earned money to others just so that those non-working people can be supported - that's slavery.

You work.
Most all of your earnings are legally taken away to support others.
That's 'pretty' slavery.

[edit on 6/2/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
John Lennon's 'imagine' world, eh?

It's easy if you try.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Are you going to try to claim that only black people can speak of what slavery is? I hope not.

I'm sorry, where did I say that you needed to be black in order to speak of what slavery is? I merely asked if you felt you were in a position to equate this to what actual slavery is. You said black, not I.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
You are welcome to think that. However, as far as I'm concerned, when people are forced to hand over almost all of their hard earned money to others just so that those non-working people can be supported - that's slavery.

I'm sure the true slaves of the world would envy your position.

I'm not aware of your economic status and I would not dare insult you by trying to assume anything. But what of the family that is supported by one income. We'll say a stay at home mother and a hard working father trying to make a way for himself and his family. Then let us say that the father dies very suddenly. What is to come of that family? You speak of the "non-working" so liberally and condoscending.. without considering how much good those few dollars can manage. Is the system exploited? Yes. Is it necessary? Yes.

If the make-up of the system is so poor, quit your job and join the ranks of the unemployed and reap the benefits of this slavery system. You wouldn't consider that though because I'm sure you know how bad those in that situation are off.. but we sugarcoat it in order to make an argument for ourselves.

And my apologies for the slight assumption on my behalf.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
You work.
Most all of your earnings are legally taken away to support others.
That's 'pretty' slavery.

Would you oppose a young child sharing his lunch with someone not as fortunate to be able to be given a lunch?

It's funny how what works for children and is expected of them... is so wrong for adults. It's like we got lost along the way.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 08:55 AM


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 11:40 PM
The true thing that scares me about Obama (the other candidates as well) is how fake sounding. When can we get someone to run for president that answers the question they're asked? When do we get a candidate that speaks rather than reads to us. Or at least writes his own script rather than someone else doing it for him. Some fellow classmates of mine visited Washington D.C. and brought back pictures of about 15 doorways (all in the same hallway), all labeled "Speech Writers". The Candidates just sound so fake. Think about it, if you were to ask any person like a co-worker, friend or family member what their standings are on "x" political subject, would they dodge the question and go on about how they voted for "y" bill (that is hardly relative to "x" subject so vote for me? Just the tone of voice from the candidates... its just not normal... I honestly think we're screwed overall. Closer to topic, Obama has great ideas. His socialist ideals are very good sounding, and by God, if he could make them work, thats fantastic. The only thing, is that its probably only literally by God that Socialism will work. He wants to further develop the hate crime statutes. Hate crimes don't do anything but cause further segregation. If you want to terminate racism, you have to terminate freethinking among each individual person in the WORLD(or unite them with the same ideology), which, I see only possible by the good man himself, God. Racism is just one issue that parallels his socialist ideas. (again, nothing against socialism, as long as it actually works the way it's supposed to, it would create a perfect society, but only under God will that happen or will I submit to it's happening)

[edit on 3-6-2008 by Dienekes] *I need to start proofreading before I post

[edit on 3-6-2008 by Dienekes]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by SteveR

Originally posted by bigbert81
I haven't been to any Obama threads lately.

Depends if lately in your vocabulary means the past 24 hours or so.

You're all over them.

Or, are you going to call it like it REALLY is instead?

Why don't you tell us how it really is? Obama zombie.

And I mean about the Obama campaign, not the "anti-Obamas". Obama is who we are talking about, right? So enlighten us why he is the superior and we must not tolerate those who oppose him.

Also. Are you African American?

Wow, I never thought i'd see SteveR act this immature, i'm dissapointed.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Uniceft17

It's called sarcasm. Don't take it so seriously.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by chissler

Originally posted by FlyersFan
You work.
Most all of your earnings are legally taken away to support others.
That's 'pretty' slavery.

Would you oppose a young child sharing his lunch with someone not as fortunate to be able to be given a lunch?

Hmmm, I have to jump in here...

No, I wouldn't oppose to that at all. What you are describing is a great thing, and many adults do it everyday. In fact, I spent today preparing lunches for the less fortunate in Atlanta.

However, what I oppose, and what equates more to what FF is saying, is if one child has just enough lunch to feed himself and another child does not, a third child comes along and forces the first child to give a portion of his lunch to the second. Only, in our real world case, it is the IRS, with a gun in your side.

But, I understand that not everyone views the issue the same way. I guess it really just comes down to whether or not you believe the end justifies the means.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by evilod

However, what I oppose, and what equates more to what FF is saying, is if one child has just enough lunch to feed himself and another child does not, a third child comes along and forces the first child to give a portion of his lunch to the second. Only, in our real world case, it is the IRS, with a gun in your side.

Great analogy.

To add to this, it's like the third child not only comes along and forces the first kid to give up half his sandwich, he also takes a big bite out of it before he gives it to the other kid.

That's what this is really like.

Ever look up how much money the U.N. *legally* skimmed from the oil-for-food program? If I remember, I think the U.N. pocketed something like 3 billion just for "administering" the program.

What also bugs me is when politicians say they are supporting some cause, but they're supporting it with YOUR money. It's just so intellectually dishonest.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 01:34 AM
Sheep are the only type of voter who would actually vote for any of the West's current (and far into the distant past also) crop of liars/cheats/abusers of power. I see that Obama is setting up his predicted store (just like all the others do) of appeasing the Israel lobby

How to get elected and continue the massacre

We have the same useless liars here in the UK and the same sheep (who apparently hangout here on this site actually telling others of their merits!) I know, it’s so depressing when seemingly intelligent people develop hoofs and exhibit signs of commonsense lobotomy’s!

They (NWO) have won!

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by grover

ya know whats funny?

Before George W. Bush. all dems and libs ever did was talk about "we want a president who's a normal guy"

Democrats finally get one, and whats the strategy?

Flip flopping.

here's the new democratic logo. Get rid fo the donkey

[edit on 6-6-2008 by ybab hsur]

posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by bigbert81

Typical ObamaSheep, NEVER address whatever issue is being discussed, instead attack the speaker or their motives. Before you start whining on me - here's the facts - Obama says straight out he'll be raising taxes. When President Bush's tax cuts were installed, my company boomed like never before. The owner of my company has finally been able to give regular quarterly bonuses (double bonuses the last two Christmas' [Merry Christmas, ObamaSheep,] Maximum raises, new tools and equipment, many new hires, - now Obama wants to take more money away from the owner of my company (because he is rich,) which mean Eienstein, NO BONUSES, NO RAISES, NO NEW PEOPLE, - BACK TO THE YEARS OF NO GROWTH AND NO HOPE! Obama says no taxes on workers, BUT OBAMA, can't you see we are the ones affected by your attack on the rich. They'll still be rich, but workers like me will suffer because of your arrogance.
The bottom line Pal, is it's NOT your money!!!! It's NOT the government's money!!!! We earn this money, we bust our backes, our heads, our hands and here comes Obama, want to take my money that I get filthy-dirty for. HOW ABOUT SPENDING LESS???? Quit taking money THAT IS NOT YOURS! QUIT SPENDING! QUIT GIVING WORKERS' M TO THE WORST SLACKERS IN OUR SOCIETY. oh YEAH, BY THE WAY, i'M AN XCON AND A SOBER DRUG ADDICT and I have a great job! If I have a job ANYBODY can have a job, PERIOD!!!!!!! Abunch of sissy slackers wanting to live off all the real workers in our society.
Pete Reeves Altoona, PA

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