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Originally posted by GoddessSekhmet
First off comments that someone is a bigot and a fool is not conducive to a productive conversation and discusion.
If you have ever had any college education then you would know this from communication classes.
To say someones idea of the Freemasons that may have been just from hearsay was unjustified then I would agree. But to say bigot, when the masons are just like the boy scouts only with big boys, when a father says not to marry someone, from a group not a race, to their children is rather erroneous.
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
But I was more offened by the fool part!!! That would be like a Jewish father telling his daughters that they should not trust or marry a non- Jew. That is ok because it is a religous belief? Or would you call that father a bigot and a fool. I think not!!
You through out 2 of them but what of the other 3 the 5th one was from a Mason himself as to not seem like I was getting the info from just conspirecy sites.
But is it just me or is there no accurate account of history here? Do we not have a good true account not associated with the winning side anywhere. The one unfortunate thing is that history is always writen by the winners, and if a secret society wants to stay that way they will.
I am not aginst Freemasons or the other groups like Rosicrucians, or golden dawn or other alchemy, astrology based teaching groups. I am just aginst being used as a game piece in these powerful mens games!!
I don't like the idea that science is being run by a bunch of corupt men that want to control peoples minds to make them submissive to their plans.
I don't want to think that my kids are going to live in a world where the freedom of thought is forbidden. I am knee deep in the field of psychology
and I can see how power can be a suductive force, in essence the dark side. But I know not all men involved in thtese groups are corupt,
and by no means am I saying they are corupt just becuase they are men. I personally think if women were in charge there would be even more problems. We would end up with women like Hillary Clinton in charge of things and then we would all be socialists.
The one thing I think the power hungery people forget is history, OUT OF NEED COMES INVENTION!!!
Originally posted by MOOR45
A link to an article is not necessarily "evidence" obviously because alot of that article is errant. If all you want me to do is provide links I can do that but I really dont like to do research based on the internet strictly, hence the books I listed.
Originally posted by AlexKennedy
OMG!!! NOT --- SOCIALISM!!!! We wouldn't want to live in a country like Sweden, or, God forbid, Canada. Wait! I live in Canada! And I quite like it here! How could that be???
Originally posted by Masonic Light
But let�s look at what socialism really is:
1. Free public education. We already have this form of socialism, but it is being attacked on a daily basis by the wealthy elite. They continue to push for their school �vouchers� programs, diverting public money to private institutions, whose curriculums are subject to nothing but their own propaganda.
2. Another form of socialism is public health care. We do not currently have this in the US. Canada does.
The poor Canadian elderly do not have to choose between medicine and food.
3. Socialism entails equality and democracy, which are opposed to the basic tenets of unrestricted capitalism.
Originally posted by Urako
You're confusing social programs with socialism.
Socialism is Government ownership of businesses NOT free enterprise with some needed social programs thrown in.
Originally posted by Leveller
Originally posted by MOOR45
A link to an article is not necessarily "evidence" obviously because alot of that article is errant. If all you want me to do is provide links I can do that but I really dont like to do research based on the internet strictly, hence the books I listed.
It helps. As for the books you listed? I see only 5. Two are dictionaries, one is HBHG and the others are Bloodline of the Holy Grail and The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland. Hardly literature for basing a concrete theory on.
What you are saying is that masonry has a history that correlates to your way of thinking. You keep going on and on about the evidence that you have presented, the research you have done and the literature that you have offered here, yet this is all that you could come up with?
As masons, we are all aware that masonry has a long and diverse history and that it draws upon rituals and traditions from thoughout the world. But as ML said: there is no proof of our Craft's origins. We may merely suspect.
But what you have done is say that it was created by Moorish culture and then refused to elaborate on the issue when challenged, other to answer that you have studied the subject and that you are therefore correct. I'm sorry, life doesn't work that way - you make a claim and you have to back it up. Saying that you can't be bothered to give links is a pretty poor excuse. Wether or not you like the internet is immaterial - I don't know if you've noticed but you've used it to push your theory.
Originally posted by Masonic Light
2. In the US, the practice of medicine isn�t about healing, it�s about profiteering. I don�t care what sort of lies are being spewed from the right wing, this situation is nothing short of shameful. The USA recognizes the right to free public education; the only reason it doesn�t recognize free public healthcare is because it would end profits for the multi-billion dollar drug corporations. Why sekhmetgoddess would support the corporations over the needy, I have no idea, but I�d vote for Hillary in a heartbeat.
Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
I am not willing to pay higher taxes to give health care to those without, while I still have to pay outrageous monthly amounts for MY health insurance.
The medical profession does not have the wellness of the country at heart. They are aided and abetted by the drug companies. Along with the insurance companies. I do not think for a moment that Blue Cross will allow a plan to cover everyone, if it will take away from their bottom line.
The whole system needs to be changed.
The free education system is also in a sad state.
Originally posted by SmaSh
I find it quite strange that many of you people keep claiming that all of the so-called secrets are just simple ways to identify another mason, yet all of you also claim that any mason would be more than happy to identify himself as one. If that's the HUGE secret masons have been trying to hide and made them be accused of such "false" things, then why not simply PROVE THEM WRONG? It's quite simple, and according to yourselves most of you won't even mind. Saying that is a tradition is probably the lamest excuse you could think of and I certainly don't believe that keeping a tradition is worth the trouble.
Another aspect I find strange is that every argument that is presented against masons, is debunked most of the times simply by saying "that's not true" without backing up any statements. How are we supposed to take your word when you fail, not only prove your statements, but also to back them up? Some things just don't add up and all of you so-called freemasons are only contrubuting in making it worse.
Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Now, we only have to figure out how to convince the drug companies, health insurance companies, AMA and all their lobbyists that it is the best thing for the nation