posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 09:23 PM
I have to say that I have never been to this website before and I have been feeling this way for a while. I literaly typed this exact question into
yahoo search and found this place. I go to work, I sit at my desk and answer my phone and wonder...why in the hell am I doing this? I'm wasting my
life away in here when there are better things to be doing, learning, seeing, and experiencing. I think about going to college, but then I get this
gut feeling like there is no point and a waste of time. I feel like I'm searching for something and I can't find it and worse I have forgotton what
it was I was looking for. It seems it is always evading me. The more I ponder the world the more it seems the bad is far outweighing the good. I
don't really watch the news much anymore b/c it's so negative and when I look at the people I think I can almost see thru to who they truely are. It
makes me physically ill when I think of the horrors that are going on all around us. I constantly feel this anxiety of waiting for something. I try to
distract myself, but sometimes I can't sit still, I can't stop myself from getting frustrated. I also think about how wonderful it would be to go
out into the wilderness (with family and friends) somewhere we would never be found. I wish to live off the grid. Humans were not meant to live
this way. WE ARE SLAVES! We work ourselves to death and to what end? I used to think I was out of place too, but now I think that it's not me that's
out of's everything else. When I'm outside enjoying nature is when I feel most at home. The wind, the rivers, the big blue Tx sky, the
trees it all feels like home, it all belongs. The crazy murderers, child molesters, animal abusers, the people who rape and pollute the land and water
for their own selfish gain, cannibalism, the reptiles that are leading us to the slaughter house, the A-holes who pretend to be Christians that always
have to tell you they are Christians and so much more they are the ones who don't belong! And as far as the God thing goes I think there are a few
truths in there, but much has been manipulated and changed over time. I really think some huge changes are on the way and that there is a large number
of people that can feel it on some level that we don't understand. I think the old cliche is true "It's going to get worse before it gets better."
Hopefully, only the good will survive the bad and we can start over fresh without the pain, misery, and suffering that is being felt today.