reply to post by The Soldier Of Darkness
I have a question but feel i must give a little background in order to get my meaning across & for you to give a direct honest answer if you have the
knowledge to do so, so please forgive me if my post gets a little lengthy. Actually i have to tell you a certain story in order to get my point
across, so it will be a long post, please bear with me as it is pertinent to the question that follows.
If there is a person that has for many years had precognitive dreams, and visions (while in a very relaxed state, no drugs invovled) that came to
happen in the furture, is extremely empathectic to the point of great personal suffering over others pain, as well as lets say wishes that came true
example to follow. I'm having a hard time wording this right, hopefully you'll be able to follow my train of thought.
Ok here's the example. This person is extremely attached to animals and can not stand to see them suffer. One day in the middle of a winter snow
storm (which turns out to be a blizzard)she finds a very small puppy outside and brings him inside out of the snow. She keeps the puppy in the
basement with a blanket, food and water, Can't bring the puppy in the house her dogs won't accept him. The puppy is lonely and cries non stop and
the boyfriend is complaining, says toss the puppy out. She says no she'll take the puppy to the pet shop tomorrow, it's only for one night she
won't throw the puppy out in the snow.
He goes down to check on puppy, later she does the same only to find no puppy. No pawprints in the snow in yard, only prints on other side of fence
which means someone lifted puppy over fence. She walks for blocks in the blizzard in tears trying to find the puppy fearing it would freeze to death,
prints get covered with snow and she can't find the puppy.
She prays that the puppy will be safe and someone will find the puppy and keep it safe. When she gets home she says to her children (who are very
upset) "don't worry i promise you whoever threw that poor defenseless puppy out into a blizzard will suffer twice what that puppy suffered". She
knows it was her boyfriend that did it.
The next morning, blizzard still in effect, the boyfriend goes out to get cigarettes. He is gone for hours, when he finally returns he soaked through
his clothes, covered in snow, and has the beginnings of frostbite. His car had caught on fire and he was forced to walk miles in the blizzard to get
home. In essence he has suffered at least twice what the puppy did, as he not only was forced to walk in a blizzard for hours, but also lost his car.
Would you say that this person has some kind of powers, or an entity from either the dark forces, or the light forces somehow attached to her ? Or
would you just chalk it all up to karma or something similar ?
Btw she found out days later that the puppy was found by a nieghbor that night who kept him.