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Does anyone think that Global Warming is a joke?

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posted on May, 24 2008 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by garyo1954

If you have ever driven down a long stretch of highway in the middle of summer you would see the rising heat off in the distance ahead of you.
There are millions of miles of highway all reflecting this heat.

The same is true of the concrete and steel structures in our cities. Those also reflect heat.

For decades now we have been wrapping Earth in this heat shield, much like one would wrap corn on the cob in aluminum foil.

Ummm, this doesn't make sense. If we are reflecting heat, then wouldn't that be the opposite of absorbing it? Absorbed energy increases temperature, not reflected energy.

And the aluminum foil around a corn cob isn't there to reflect heat, it serves to transmit heat evenly.


[edit on 24-5-2008 by TheRedneck]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by garyo1954

I see what you are saying but I do not agree with it. What you are seeing is not heat reflecting, but it is water particals with light reflecting through it and the sand in the road, thus making a mirror. Roads are made to absorb heat, that is why you a road buckle in hotter places. Even hot, dry places like Arizona or Utah always have at least a small amount of moisture in the air. So to say that road reflects heat is not entirely true. It may look like it is heat waves but is not so much as heat but light.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 09:59 PM
Its a joke to me because their trying to force a global
tax on everyone. Its all about the money.

If it was real, they would just keep it to incentives, you know like
tax breaks on hybrid cars, cash back on energy saving appliances,
recycling, donations. Theres allready environmental groups funded
by the federal govt and state govts.

I was watching a congressional house meeting with the Dept. of
Homeland Security, they were asking for an increase in funds and the
representative was sweating and nervous while he was
making his arguments for the extra funds, it was so fake, it was all about the money.

Thats exactly what these politicians behind these environmentalists want,
to create another department to fund their interests with taxpayers money.
But this one is huge, its global.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by josephine

Well yeah there has been groups funded by the govt. before but it just hasnt been really that big. I agree that the world should be saved but I do not think that it is as serious as they say it is, the U.S. is all about the money.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:18 PM
You all miss the point, global warming is a "red herring". The real issue is PEAK OIL, for god's sake wake up!

The train is heading down the tracks blowing its whistle, don't you see it, get off the tracks!

[edit on 5/24/08 by mel1962]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by tpeele
reply to post by garyo1954

I see what you are saying but I do not agree with it. What you are seeing is not heat reflecting, but it is water particals with light reflecting through it and the sand in the road, thus making a mirror. Roads are made to absorb heat, that is why you a road buckle in hotter places. Even hot, dry places like Arizona or Utah always have at least a small amount of moisture in the air. So to say that road reflects heat is not entirely true. It may look like it is heat waves but is not so much as heat but light.

That is very well put. We can debate the difference until those abducted cows come home, but in the end, it is not going to matter how we differentiate between the two. That ear of corn is still going to cook, just like that egg we cracked open on the tennis court, and just like this earth.

There are several things you can do to prove this for yourself.

1. Take several thermometers. Lay one in the road and one on either side. Do it in several places.

2. Blow up a couple of balloons. Put aluminum foil on one and leave the other naked. Then shine a light on both for a couple of hours and see which one expands more/or bursts first.

3. Or you could use 'the old farmer approach' which I was taught by a Georgian. He told me, "If you don't think its hot, let's go find a place where the asphalt (tar) is seeping through and we'll see how long you can lay down in it."

I didn't take him up on it because he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

Still you make a good point.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
Ummm, this doesn't make sense. If we are reflecting heat, then wouldn't that be the opposite of absorbing it? Absorbed energy increases temperature, not reflected energy.

And the aluminum foil around a corn cob isn't there to reflect heat, it serves to transmit heat evenly.

Okay Redneck, you got me on the actions and the whys, but the result is the same.

Kudos dude!

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:57 PM
Not only is Global Warming a joke, so is ATS! People will believe in UFO's, Aliens, NWO, Martians, Big Foot, etc. But, they refuse to believe PEAK OIL!
Unbelievable, how can you ignore this problem????

Stick your heads in the sand if you wish, but I will prepare for the worst and hope for the best!

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by mel1962
Not only is Global Warming a joke, so is ATS! People will believe in UFO's, Aliens, NWO, Martians, Big Foot, etc. But, they refuse to believe PEAK OIL!
Unbelievable, how can you ignore this problem????

Stick your heads in the sand if you wish, but I will prepare for the worst and hope for the best!

Peak oil is not the topic of this thread. However, there are plenty of threads about that topic. And if you don't like those, feel free to start one you do like.

The ATS Issues Thread is the appropriate place for your comments on ATS being a joke.

Meanwhile, this is a discussion of Global Warming.

Thank you?

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by garyo1954

Gee, I didn't know the title was this is for global warming only forum? I thought the title was "Does anyone think that Global Warming is a joke?"

Well, I do!

Its a cover for PEAK OIL! Why do think oil is going for over $130 a barrel?

Because of Global Warming????

Thanks for the advice, but Global Warming is a joke!

Sorry you don't get the joke!

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 08:16 PM
Most of you are missing the point though! The Govt. is using Global Warming as a scare tactic to reduce consumption! The only reason gas price is high is because of shortage, the govt. is using Global Warming as a a way to say, "Hey this is happening, we got to stop emmisions because it is killing the planet.", but they tell you to reduce gas consumption because it will help the planet, but they dont tell you that if you do reduce consumption then the gas prices will go down. Middle Eastern countries have agreed that if we reduce consumption then they would supply oil, thus reducing the shortage and lowering gas prices.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
I don't think it's a joke. I think it's a tactic to keep us all scared and in line.

Back in the 1960's I was in grade school and we all had to stop, tuck and kiss our butts goodbye because of the Red menace. Those Ruskies were going to nuke us.

In the 1970's it was the population bomb. So many people were being born that the Earth would run out of resources and the human race would be gone before we ever got close to the year 2000.

In the 1980's it was Ronald Reagan and if he didn't blow us all up the coming ice age would surely do us in.

In the 1990's it was the hole in the ozone layer. We were all doomed to be fried from the rays of the sun. There was no escaping it.

In the 2000's it's global warming and were all going to melt and nothing will ever be the same cause we're killing the planet.

Ya' know what? I'm almost 50 years old and I'm sick and tired of being scared.

I'm going to eat triple chocolate fudge ice cream dipped in bacon fat until my veins look like tree trunks.

I'm going to drive an SUV that melts ice caps and kills polar bears and those stupid seals that they eat.

I'm going to enjoy my air conditioning and not worry about my carbon foot print. Screw my carbon foot print. If it scares other people, that's their problem.

After 50 years I have learned that fear is how they dictate the life they want you to live.

I'm sick of it.

I hope you are too.

Excellent post. I've thought about that for a while. Every generation has something new to fear. Some kind of a mass hysteria.

It goes to show how self-centered people are. Each generation thinks their fear is the legitimate one. The end all of everything. And it never is. No matter how many doomsdays we predict it's never come and we never learn.

I hope in 20 years we'll look back at the global warming scare in the same way we look at the population scare from the 70's you referenced (which was obviously ridiculous). Or maybe we'll all be dead in 20 years

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by PaceIsTheTrick

I totally agree with you

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by PaceIsTheTrick

I totally agree with you

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by mattguy404
Global warming is a real happenin' thing. The US government purposefully edited scientific papers to cover what scientists were saying - if global warming were a conspiracy, why would they try to hide it in the first place

You need to spend more time in the 911 forum.

It's obvious that if global warming were a conspiracy, then the government would "leak" evidence that shows they were trying to cover up the existence of global warming. They would want you to believe that you discovered something you weren't supposed to see.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by jamie83

Exactly! Plus, didn't the Global Warming stuff come out around 9/11? Doesn't that sound like something that they were trying to occupy everyone's mind with a nother disaster to get them away from the truth of the govt. being responsible for 9/11? I think it does!

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by jamie83

Exactly! Plus, didn't the Global Warming stuff come out around 9/11? Doesn't that sound like something that they were trying to occupy everyone's mind with a nother disaster to get them away from the truth of the govt. being responsible for 9/11? I think it does!

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:51 PM
This video is important to know the impacts of continuing to use Oil for energy, while the solutions are kept from the public, & people are just complaining about gas prices, & now speaking about extracting fuel from COAL! - I had posted this in this thread already,but I had to replace my video with a smoother one, & the link is different now, & since I cannot edit my post again, (I guess there's a limit of 3?) I now I have to post it again, just as long as everyone understands that I'm not spamming
- The first video is no longer available. (Don't upload Quicktime Video format to Youtube. - It might have choppy animation.

Originally posted by tpeele
reply to post by jamie83

Exactly! Plus, didn't the Global Warming stuff come out around 9/11? Doesn't that sound like something that they were trying to occupy everyone's mind with a nother disaster to get them away from the truth of the govt. being responsible for 9/11? I think it does!

No, the concern happened when people were dyeing from the extreme levels of pollution during the BEGINNING of the industrial revolution. - The depletion of the Ozone layer is a significant cause for concern, therefore scientists have been talking of the Greenhouse effect since I was a kid, according to my recollection. - And remember; They are blaming us for it, but the governments have caused this problem in the first place. - It's called Climate change. -Every thing's $%&^ up, & they are sitting on the solutions while coming forth with their 'solutions' that will only completely eliminate any freedom to do anything about it. - And to change a light bulb? I want to puke on Al Gore's face... - We need to change our World views!

[edit on 1-6-2008 by Time=Now]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Time=Now

I agree. Our countries world views are not where they should be. I do believe that the eviroment is important and we should protect it as much as we can, I just dont think that Global Warming is real.

F.Y.I.- We fixed the Ozone Layer and we are not so much worried about green house gases anymore, we are more worried about the Ozone particals in the air which collect dirt and absorb heat making pollution worse.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by tpeele
reply to post by Time=Now

I agree. Our countries world views are not where they should be. I do believe that the eviroment is important and we should protect it as much as we can, I just dont think that Global Warming is real.

F.Y.I.- We fixed the Ozone Layer and we are not so much worried about green house gases anymore, we are more worried about the Ozone particals in the air which collect dirt and absorb heat making pollution worse.

The Ozone layer was 'fixed'? with what, glue? it's not fixed, it's all fixed to screw it up... The cold winter c9ould be a refigeration effect, but if the climate is not changing due to the government & powers that be making everyone live for money, & the way society has been SET UP to be, it seems to me to be the most RIDICULOUSLY STUPID thing to do; degrade an environment that is; to throw a delicate balace of an ecosystem OFF balance, to CAUSE problems. - They want this to happen. - It's not out of habit or incompetence that people are still stuck with LAST CENTURY 'technology' burning gas for energy. - If it were just a possibility that changing the environment could have drasic concequences, perhaps it should've been stopped by the demands of THE PEOPLE LONG ago.... - Since it was not, THE TIME IS NOW!!!!

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