posted on May, 21 2008 @ 02:07 PM
I can find all sorts of "things" in that picture if I use my imagination, and some resemble patterns of things that stand out that requires very
little imagination to see. But imagination is all that it is.
It is not a skull. Sorry to be th bearer of bad news. It's a rock. Quick, run outside and look up, let me know how many things you can point out in
the clouds, or god forbid you ever see a picture of the Grand Canyon here on earth, skulls, spaceships or whatever you WANT to see will be in every
Unfortunately, our desire to desperately believe the least likely explanations concerning mundane things have painted us in the corner that Ufology is
stuck in. I mean, seriously, how many things do you need to ignore and turn a blind eye too before you jump of the edge of absurdity and claim a
stinkin' rock on Mars is a human skull? I could convince my neighbor's 5 year old that the cloud in the sky we looked at yesterday was in fact
Scooby Doo and didn't just resemble him, but eventually they will grow up and realize it is just a cloud. It time to grow up, guys.