posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:40 PM
Perhaps some quick instructions are in order, for those who don't know this.
If a picture hasn't been limited by the website (meaning it's URL is still available) usually it's okay to post it.
It's always a good idea to ask the site's permission first, but NASA images can be used for referencing (they are in the public forum) as long as
proper citation is used. The ATS image posting button will cite the URL for you.
To post an image you've found on a website (after making sure it's okay to share at ATS):
1) Right click on the image you wish to post, and click on 'properties'.
You will see an information box pop up. There will be a URL listed. This URL is for the web page where the image is hosted. Copy that URL.
2) Within an ATS reply, click on the button that looks like this:
A window will pop up, asking for the URL. Paste the URL of the image there, and click enter. You will see the ATS Reply automatically formate the
picture for you, and add image tags on it's own.
Once you click 'Post Reply', you're image should appear in your post.
For images you are hosting (not from an external site) post that image to Imageshack or to a similar photo sharing site, and use the URL you get for
the posted image to re-post it here in the same manner.
I hope this helps.