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The Gap between America and Europe is Growing.

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posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 11:23 AM
Americans are not looked upon very well by Europeans any more and the trend is starting to take root in Europes Children.

In January, a cartoon festival was held in the town of Carquefou, just outside of Nantes in the northwest corner of France. Students of all ages competed in a contest to illustrate their vision of the United States. They drew obese Americans devouring Coca-Cola and McDonald's hamburgers. They drew the Statue of Liberty with fangs or in chains or being run over by a wicked Uncle Sam on a motorcycle. And they drew George W. Bush: Bush riding a tank to war; Bush taking over the world; Bush as a liar; Bush as a monster.

What alot of people don't think about is that this deep rooted hatred for America will not stop if Bush is replaced. The rest of the world has a very poor opion of the United States and of Bush but just because one is gone doesn't mean that the other will gain respect. The question is what can be done to fight the stereo typ that is taking hold in the rest of the world concerning America? The sad but honest truth is nothing short of us turning ourselves over to UN rule.

Just take a good look at some of these Political Cartoons from France.

The French are ever-considerate and insightful of the 9/11 tragedy...

...generally have our best interests at heart...

Think Highly of us as well.

Just getting a new President will not change this

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 11:28 AM
Lady Liberty in chains or being run over by Uncle Sam(government), that is very astute for children for that is exactly what is happening.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 11:31 AM
IMO the hatred of America (and Americans for that matter) will be the new racism. I have a feeling that Americans will be persecuted in the very near future.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
Lady Liberty in chains or being run over by Uncle Sam(government), that is very astute for children for that is exactly what is happening.

Exactely. All the Anti-American (directed at the actual American people) I think is lame, but it has to faced that Bush and the people in charge are running over liberty.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 11:57 AM
I don't have that feeling, before President Bush was in charge you saw people amazed whenever they heared something about anybody going to the USA or similar.

Now as Bush reigns the people changed that attitude completely and starting nagging about everything US related.
And yes, I think it will stop after a new president and turn back to the normal state, but this will take several years.

Years, because the Bush Administration and all it caused showed Europe a "narrowed, selfish, lying, fat and dumb America".

I would sue him.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 12:10 PM
I truley wish that a president change would make things all great again but I don't think that it will happen that way. No matter who is the next president we will still be in Iraq, We will still be in Afghanistan, and We will still have the War on Terrorism.

The next president will still have these things to deal with and he can't just quit any of them.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 12:24 PM
Hate to break it to you folks, but Europes opinion of America was never high, this is nothing new at all. They did not think kindly of us before Bush, before Clinton, hell, before world war 1. Nor will they after Bush is gone.

My point? Why should it matter? International opinion only matters to people dealing internationally. The rift between the US and Europe has always existed, now, its finally out in the open without the sickening pretense of good will. Good. Nothing could be better for both sides if we severed the ties period and went our seperate ways. The Atlantic Ocean seperates us for a reason. Let it be. The US should just forget aboiut the eastern hemisphere, and start looking closer to home for energy, and start loking more heavily into space exploration and colonization. Europe, well, Europe should do whatever it wants.

This seperation could herald something good if we allow it. Acceopt it as a blessing and the dawn of a new era if worked right.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 12:36 PM
And might I also add, this is hypocritical, to say the least, on the part of the French, lady liberty getting mowed over by a motorcycle. The same country who is banning all Muslim headscarves and other symbols of religious expression worn on the person in thier public schools and centers? much for liberty.

tearing down stone ten commandments in a public building is one thing, but telling people they cannot dress the way thier faith commands, or wear a symbol of thier faith on thier own person in public schools and govornment offices is plain religious suppresion.

And, fo course, why Americans may be disgustingly obese, French simply stink. Let them browbeat our overindulgence in lardy food only after they learn the vitrtues of of a bar of soap and a tub full of hot water.

Gimmie a big mack over rotten, stinky buried in the ground French Cheese and wine trampled by unwashed peasant feet any day.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
And might I also add, this is hypocritical, to say the least, on the part of the French, lady liberty getting mowed over by a motorcycle. The same country who is banning all Muslim headscarves and other symbols of religious expression worn on the person in thier public schools and centers? much for liberty.

tearing down stone ten commandments in a public building is one thing, but telling people they cannot dress the way thier faith commands, or wear a symbol of thier faith on thier own person in public schools and govornment offices is plain religious suppresion.

And, fo course, why Americans may be disgustingly obese, French simply stink. Let them browbeat our overindulgence in lardy food only after they learn the vitrtues of of a bar of soap and a tub full of hot water.

Gimmie a big mack over rotten, stinky buried in the ground French Cheese and wine trampled by unwashed peasant feet any day.


When the French government supported banning headscarves in public schools, Chirac had this to say:

"Secularity is one of the republic's great achievements," said Chirac. "It plays a crucial role in social harmony and national cohesion. We must not allow it to be weakened."

Chirac thinks that somehow displaying signs of one's religion in a non-confrontational manner would ruin social harmony. Notice the phrase, "national cohesion". It's the trademark of the stereotypical socialist/communist mindset: instead of dealing with each other's differences, make everybody the same. Sadly, many of his fellow countrymen and countrywomen think along the same lines.

We're seeing the same thing now in that kid's drawing of a hand holding a cross as symbolizing the evil that is Bush. His supposed evil is symbolized not by a weapon or military implement, which could be interpreted as his tool for improperly acting on his faith, but by his faith itself.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 01:13 PM
Yup, black Jackal, you hit it head on.

The forcible conformity and eroding away that goes on in the EU of personal differences between people is totalitarian. I hold little love for Christians, but would kick the # out of anyone who tried to deny them the right to wear thier crosses in public. Same goes for Muslims. Muslim women wear thier headscarves as a symbol of modesty, many Muslim women actually LIKE and prefer to wear thier headscarves, because they do not like to attract unwanted attention, and it lets the world know they are proud to follow Islams directives. Here in the states, I see Muslim kids all the time walking around with them, they like to wear them, even get creative and decorative with them.

This in France, a country where modesty does not exist in the launguage. Do they want to melt everyone into one melting pot of hedonistic conformity? Everyone dress like Eurotrash, even though thier religion strictly forbids it? Seperation of cburch and state is one thing, its necessity, but totally wiping out the personal right to follow or express faith is revolting. Will they now require Buddist Monks to grow thier hair back?

Mind you, I hold no love for the US myself. This country is morally bankrupt and narrow minded. But let someone who has room to talk judge us, not a nation who lost thier morals, decency, and respect for anything solid long ago.

Of course, France has one of the worlds lowest Birthrates. Hardly any kids being born anymore, hardly anyone getting married, thier socialist system is gonna collapse on top of them really quick.

Let he who is without sin cast the firs stone. Oops, forgot, they probably dont have bibles there anymore, oh well.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Muslim women wear thier headscarves as a symbol of modesty, many Muslim women actually LIKE and prefer to wear thier headscarves

"Many" but not all.
Only an ugly chick would advocate the forcible covering up of another woman.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Leveller

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Muslim women wear thier headscarves as a symbol of modesty, many Muslim women actually LIKE and prefer to wear thier headscarves

"Many" but not all.
Only an ugly chick would advocate the forcible covering up of another woman.

Actually, if you'll check, it's rules instituted by the imams... who are all male.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 01:40 PM
So...and when a western woman travels to Saudi-Arabia and NEEDS to wear a headscarves we call it "respecting other cultures".

So if we need to do that, why shouldn't others that come to our countries?

There is nothing more I hate then false tolerance.

Not needed to say: the headscarf is banned in turkey's schools. But I guess Americans don't get this as religion is much more connected to society as in Europe where people are less religious.

[Edited on 1-3-2004 by shoo]

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 01:45 PM
I am intrested in hearing what countries do you think are actually pro-american, or at least dont hate america ? Any ideas ?

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 01:54 PM
Look to the north, dude. It's not Americans we don't like, it's your government. Nothing special there, half of us can't stand our own.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 01:55 PM
Quite simply I think we stick our nose into too many things. I love my country and would fight for it if asked to. But instead of fighting a war over oil we should devote resources to alternative fuel sources. What's that, oh our corporate sponsors don't like that idea, until the oil is gone (research peak oil) and they can get huge concessions from the government to develop alternative fuel sources. That's what pi$$es me off. We liberated a country yet I'm still paying $1.80 per gallon and the last time I looked my taxes haven't shrunk. So, where's the benefit to the US taxpayer?

Another thing that I don't get is these other countries hate us, but who the hell gives their citizens rights and benefits when they're on foreign soil? Now we're talking about social security income for aliens?

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 01:55 PM
tHERE ARE NO pro American countries, raging. Were on our own. israel doesnt count, they just use us as thier attack dog, were a tool.

Shoo, I have been to saudi Arabia. It is a religous republic. THEY do not allow Christian symbols in public Either. So, France is basically on the level of the Religious dictatorship of Saudi Arabia.

Turkey is kissing ass because it wants to get into the EU, thus, it will gladly adopt the socialist melting pot tactics, just to get a piece of the pie, so its a moot point. Wearing a headscarf or cross in public is not forcing religion down peoples throats, it is individual expression, same with Muslim skullcaps, and Jewish Yarmukls.

So, I say again, what right does France have to judge us, when itself supresses religious expression, amongst other things? The secular counterpart of a Muslim extremist nation, I think.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 02:04 PM
The big difference between the US and other countries is that we do not necessarily compromise ourselves for the government. In the US, you are African-american, asian-american, mexican-american. We are Americans, but we stick to our roots, we are not required to sacrifice who we are because of the country we live in.

It is not so in France. In France they are required to be French first, and then whtever else in private. They do not have the same degree of liberty that we do, and it is true, their secularization does not make them more advanced, merely more bigoted.

Those children are taught to think about Americans like that from their parents, who are fed that stereotype by their government and the anti-american overseas press.
Remember which European country has become the number one western nation for anti-semitism, thats right, France.

Don't matter anyway, they're going to have a third world economy in thirty years anyway, and they'll be forced to sell their overpriced wine at cut-rate prices

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 02:05 PM

Only an ugly chick would advocate the forcible covering up of another woman.

So that ywa YOUR mom Leveler ranting all over London with a bag over her head demanding the Burka be implimented by Parliament? I knew she sounded familiar, but with that trashbag on her head, I didnt recognize it.

Actually, Byrd, the Burka was implimented by the Imams, not the headscarf. The Koran clearly states modesty for women and men both, hence why Arab men wear those long robes and Guttras on thier heads even in broiling heat: Modesty and to detract attention away from the body, to curb lustful thoughts. Hey, its thier religion.

I knew quite a few Muslim girls in school who actually wanted to wear the headscarf, because it gave them a sense of privacy, and they did not like being leered at my men. The only thing that really stopped them was thier parents, who wanted them to "Americanize". They have the freedom not to wear them here, but I see many who still do. With the immature attitudes of males towards proper conduct towards females in public, I cant blame them. besides, they have a point, why flash your goodies to all the underserving ewyes of the world anyway?

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 02:27 PM
Some People may ask

Why would Americans care what stereotypical nonsense some French school children are force-fed then regurgitate on demand?

Because these kids will grow up and become adults who not only believe this stereotypical nonsense, but also run the country. Yes these kids will be tommorows leaders.

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