posted on May, 22 2008 @ 09:42 AM
It has taken me a few years to get to the level that I am now...
I started by putting some cues into my subconscious, which is actually a hell of a lot easier than it sounds.
Allow 30-45 mins laying in bed, on your back... steady your breathing and allow it to go at its natural pace, you will feel your breaths slowing down.
This helps you to relax and your mind will start to empty itself of all thoughts... this is the hardest part... trying not to think, don't think of
not thinking as your then thinking, lol. eventually your mind will be empty of thoughts, you will then see images in your head... allow them to freely
come and go, allow them to wash over you and feel yourself in the images. At this point I have often felt as if I was leaving my body, floating
upwards... a few times I have buggered it up as I've jumped and awaken myself from my relaxed state... this is where you start to fall asleep... ok
the images that came into your head come in useful in later lucid dreams... it's ideal if you keep a dream book where you can write recurring dreams
and symbols. It is recognising these symbols in your dreams that will bring you into lucidity, you may have to try this for a few weeks, sometimes
even months... eventually though there will be symbols in your dreams that you will recognise and awaken you iinto lucidity.