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Look around you. It’s happening!! (Beginning of UFO disclosure is now!)

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posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by redeyeblue

That analogy is based on complete ignorance, sorry. If you can't see why your misguided "Boston Legal" speak has made you look ignorant then nobody could help you anyway. I challenge you to find the OBVIOUS plot hole in your statment.

That being said, has this thread come to the conclusion that disclosure is happen now or not? I'm confused. I mean, every time something is seen in the media you get a bunch of people coming here to tell us that disclosure is happen, according to some diabolical plan (that would take thousands people to accomplish ...yet never screw up or leak, lol). You have the folks that claim we are being "feed" little by little in order to make the ultimate disclosure easier to swallow.

This type of fantastical wishing from ignorant folks (who are unfortunately the voice of modern ufology, and the reason it WILL NOT be taken seriously) is nothing more than their desires and fantasies manifesting themselves anytime they see an opportunity.

Plain and simple, there IS NO disclosure coming anytime soon. Why, because there is not enough competent demand for it. Key word COMPETENT. Get over it. And how disappointed would you be if we had complete, transparent disclosure and it didn't match what you believed it would be? You guys would make something up in order to satisfy your absurd desire to jump at the least likely conclusion or reason for anything.

This thread, along with dozens of others, are nothing more than a solid example of the sad state of Ufology. You want disclosure?!? Then sit down, shut up and let common sense, reason and logic propel this subject into the limelight. That can only be done after many years of silencing the ignorant talk such as this thread, so the mainstream and the public will take it seriously enough to look into. But as long as the majority of UFO "nuts" are viewed through the typical threads and responses in this forum, the only thing you guys are doing is the governments job for them. In fact, there is no major cover-up anymore, thanks to idiotic places like this, they don't need to cover up anything. Hell, they could fly a UFO right over NEW York in broad daylight, and no matter how many people saw it it wouldn't be taken seriously enough to be investigated and hounded by the media. Now I wonder, why is that.....

If you can't see my point here, then rest assured your a major part of the Ufology crisis as it exists right now.....sorry to paint a full color picture for you....

[edit on 27-5-2008 by IgnoreTheFacts]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Christian Voice

I'm not the paranoid one shoveling bs. I don't see any holes in the 9/11 explanaitions and I don't see where we are in the wrong by going into Iraq to help them out. America hasn't forced anyone to sign up and go over to fight. These men and women signed up and went willingly. Don't disgrace them by saying they are there for nothing or for lies.
i did not say they were there for nothing. They are there on lies...i can say that, because its the truth. While you insult them with More bs. More mainstream dribble. More patrotic jingoism. Keep shovelling.
This is what the Iraq war was for....2005 version.

By Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank
Research fellows at the Center on Law and Security at the NYU School of Law. Bergen is also a senior fellow at the New America Foundation in Washington, D.C.

"If we were not fighting and destroying this enemy in Iraq, they would not be idle. They would be plotting and killing Americans across the world and within our own borders. By fighting these terrorists in Iraq, Americans in uniform are defeating a direct threat to the American people." So said President Bush on November 30, 2005, refining his earlier call to "bring them on." Jihadist terrorists, the administration’s argument went, would be drawn to Iraq like moths to a flame, and would perish there rather than wreak havoc elsewhere in the world.

and this is what has happened.

The administration’s own National Intelligence Estimate on "Trends in Global Terrorism: implications for the United States," circulated within the government in April 2006 and partially declassified in October, states that "the Iraq War has become the ‘cause celebre’ for jihadists...and is shaping a new generation of terrorist leaders and operatives."

Further say this

I don't see where we are in the wrong by going into Iraq to help them out. America hasn't forced anyone to sign up and go over to fight. These men and women signed up and went willingly. Don't disgrace them by saying they are there for nothing or for lies.

and the reality is that this is happening...

In October 2005, the Administration pushed the Iraqis to pass a constitution that created an Islamic government. In the ensuing months, Administration policies have continued to promote an atmosphere that enshrines Islamic fundamentalism as the leading voice in Iraq's new Islamic government. Yet the American-backed government has failed to take control of the country, and in fact a religious (sectarian) civil war has erupted, with the violence growing worse with each passing month and, now, the threat of genocide. One report indicates that 650,000 "excess Iraqi deaths" since the American invasion. In the face of the violence, over half of Iraq's Christians have fled the country, while it is estimated that all Christians will eventually be killed or leave Iraq.

As the utter failure of the Bush Administration's invasion of Iraq grows worse with each passing day, and Bush continues to deny the reality of the sectarian-driven Civil War he has created, all Americans should be outraged that the lives of our soldiers have been sacrificed to promote Islamic theocracy over democracy. (Read related topic: "Introduction to Fundamentalism.")

September 15, 2007: "Religious freedom has sharply deteriorated in Iraq over the past year because of the insurgency and violence targeting people of specific faiths, despite the U.S. military buildup intended to improve security, a State Department report said Friday ....

"Many individuals from various religious groups were targeted because of their religious identity or their secular leanings," the report said.
yep...4000 lives to help Iraq. I know this is of topic, but give the level of ignorance displayed by Christian Voice, i felt it necessary to offer an alternative
This is a link you should like. I chose it to suit your christian voice. BTW, if you can't see the truth in the Iraq issue, there is no point in showing you the hole in 9-11. If your Govt. has behaved like this(iraq) how can we hold them as being absolutely honest about 9-11.

As for alien disclosure through tv and movies, rubbish. So many people on here so unhappy with their lives that they welcome any and everything paranormal to jolt them away from their boring shady lives if only for a moment. I think more attention needs to be paid on our lives here today and how to fix things, not daydreaming about aliens.
I agree with you in the first, as i have stated in my posts. Many people are unhappy, that is why they look for answers, they are unhappy with their goverments, their governments explanations and agendas, their medias constant b.s. and spin, other people derailing their search for truth as being insignificant because they are simply unhappy. But it is that they are unhappy with the current status quo. Alot of people are unhappy here at ATS. I think that is great. So instaed of dismissing the search for truth and meaning as simple unhappiness you should be brave enough to just state that you are happy that you are at war in Iraq, that you are satisfied with the official report on 9-11. That you are happy to accept the MSM at face value.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 10:02 AM
@ Alienstar:

People in this thread want to talk about something they believe in.
Why not let them do it?

@Christian Voice:

I dunno how religous you are, but I say this based upon your avatar name.
Imo religon is just a middle age name for Ufologist. In my opinon the religous aspect is pretty much the same as the UFO one.

Offtopic and not directed to anyone, but interesting video.

Google Video Link

[edit on 27-5-2008 by Akezzon]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 11:53 AM
I think you are absolutely right...

I also think the statement from the Vatican astronomer is VERY important...

I would like to say I am not catholic...I did go to private catholic schools when I was a child but refused to be baptized as catholic...I do not follow the rules of the catholic church at all...

A very good indicator to me is...When the Pope came to the United States from April 15-20 2008...It was only the second time a Pope has EVER visited the White House in History...
I have seen many articles that stated this fact...
Here is one link to verify that...

Then is it not strange that on May 14 2008 this Big announcement is made...???About ...aliens are possible...??? Here is a link to a article about that...

I wonder just what all President Bush and the Pope talked about...???

The end result is the Pope leaves the United states on April 20 2008 and May 14 2008 this happens...hmmmm???

Is there a connection...??? My opinion yes...Just my two cents worth...

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts

This type of fantastical wishing from ignorant folks (who are unfortunately the voice of modern ufology, and the reason it WILL NOT be taken seriously) is nothing more than their desires and fantasies manifesting themselves anytime they see an opportunity.

You see, this type of comment is not asking for a responsible response, it is to flame an ignorant ATS member, since that person is not me, then I will simply brush it off as the comment of a hateful troll.

That being said, has this thread come to the conclusion that disclosure is happen now or not? I'm confused.

So why if you’re so confused are you stating arrogant comments? You and the other little pseudo skeptics simply act as trolls more than anything.

Plain and simple, there IS NO disclosure coming anytime soon. Why, because there is not enough competent demand for it. Key word COMPETENT. Get over it.

You do know this is your opinion right? See, this goes both ways, just because you say disclosure is not coming any time soon does not make this statement any more valid. How the hell do you know this for a fact? Do you also talk with the Gods and Jesus, do they tell you this too? Dude, you need to get over yourself.

Being skeptical is to ask and give good advice, it is not to impose ones thoughts on others in a rude and obnoxious way. I doubt you will have anyone take your advice with any credibility; you seem more like a dictator than a skeptic. You are practically saying " Hey you guys are dumb F#cks for believing this stuff, believe in what I say, this is the truth, and if you don't like it, I'll shove it up your butts!”

Please... with your statements you communicate to us that you think that you are of superior intelligence. Well let me tell you something buddy, your WRONG! You are simply one more self centered pseudo skeptic that wants attention. I really do not tend to fuel people like you, why? Because you'll end up screwing your self anyway, your derogative comments will get you banned soon, and I do not want any part of that.

This thread, along with dozens of others, are nothing more than a solid example of the sad state of Ufology. You want disclosure?!? Then sit down, shut up and let common sense, reason and logic propel this subject into the limelight. That can only be done after many years of silencing the ignorant talk such as this thread, so the mainstream and the public will take it seriously enough to look into. But as long as the majority of UFO "nuts" are viewed through the typical threads and responses in this forum, the only thing you guys are doing is the governments job for them. In fact, there is no major cover-up anymore, thanks to idiotic places like this, they don't need to cover up anything. Hell, they could fly a UFO right over NEW York in broad daylight, and no matter how many people saw it it wouldn't be taken seriously enough to be investigated and hounded by the media. Now I wonder, why is that.....

Ok... lol, so you call us UFO "NUTS". Do you think this is gonna make your statement sound more truthful? Really? It is my view that you simply come to ATS to downplay ufology as a whole. Yeah right, UFO NUTS... whatever! NO offence taken after your incoherent ramblings, and sensitive state of mind. "Idiotic places like this", Mr./Mrs., it sounds to me that you are simply afraid of us. You are afraid that one day, an "idiotic" place like ATS will bring out the truth.

The only problem with the state of ufology is not places like ATS, or threads like this, it is people like you. Yes! People like you, who think they know it all; people like you are why humanity keeps itself in a bubble of ignorance, self-righteousness, war, egocentrically fixated, and just plain dumb.

"What is a dumb question? The one that is not asked!"

If you can't see my point here, then rest assured your a major part of the Ufology crisis as it exists right now.....sorry to paint a full color picture for you....

To be honest you did not "paint" anything to us. Probably your state of mind which with all due respect, is less than impressive. My friend, all you stated here was your OPINION, that's all. You bring no evidence of there not being a cover-up. You bring no real structure on your thoughts and questions, and you simply imply that what you say is the truth cause you said so. This with me does not fly, I need more meat on those statements to actually DISCUSS the possibility of me being wrong. I will not accept anything you say for the fact that you ramble, you're incoherent, insulting, and state plain ass dumb rhetoric. You need to better organize your thoughts and then start talking like if you want to contribute to the subject, not act like a total fool and say that you’re right no matter what. Calm down and try again, will see if you are worthy of a true, positive, and enlightening discussion.

[edit on 27-5-2008 by The Coward]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts
Maybe you should just post in a different thread? What's up with the hateful name calling?

This website is NOT the place for people like you. OK,so what if some of the posts and threads are a little far fetched? There are twice as many that are insightful and entertaining.

Who are you to tell people what and what not to believe? You should get over yourself. You'll be a lot happier, I promise!

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 02:22 PM
You guys need to face up to reality. In your own little, ignorant world you can defend this discussion as being purposeful and useful, but as anything other than sci-fi entertainment, it is nothing but ignorant ramblings from folks who have issues. Sorry. Attack me all you want, but I am right. I wish I wasn't. As much as I wish that the ignorant majority of this Ufology subject wasn't the voice of it to the mainstream, threads like this, and ignorant responses to my (correct) logic, make me realize that this is going to be nothing but the domain of entertainment for some, desire and reality for others (ignorant and issue laden folks, mind you). I guess you guys can at least bask in the glow of being the voice of something...even if it is looked upon as shear idiocy.

Again, thanks for taking the time to add to the stereotype of Ufology by rambling on about things you have no clue about. Maybe, just maybe when most of this type of crap is held in check will you see REAL investigation and facts start to emerge. Until then, I guess those of us with half a brain need to sit back and watch the "ignorants" run the show (into the ground I might add, lol)

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 02:28 PM
Please do not feed InsultTheMembers!


posted on May, 27 2008 @ 03:58 PM
IgnoreThe Facts , wow you are some piece of work coming on here with your lightning bolt of "reality." How easy it is to ignore the facts like your name implies. Judging by your profile pic you seem to be the type of guy to openly deny things in an attempt to sway the others to your side, one of boring everyday things.

The whole topic of disclosure is quite interesting and is even more interesting to talk about. There is no need for people like you or Mr Christian to come here and shoot down things we find fascinating.

Stop trying to put a lid on everything. When stuff really does happen it is the people like you who going to do irrational things and still deny the obvious.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by Akezzon

Thats not a problems at all.I respect peoples opinions of both believer and skeptic but when u go out of your way to call harsh names for someone just stating his opinion then its rather not nice.I do my fair share of being a skeptic but i dont cross the line to insult members.
Sorry if people get the wrong idea.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by jackinthebox115
Thanks for this. I've always believed but never really looked around on the web for videos. I appreciate you posting all the links.

I love you. That is the best quote of today yet. This year. Best quote!

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by alienstar
Still no concrete proof,sorry.
..........and if you read my earlier posts i said i believe in ufos and aliens.I just said there is proof though.Sad but true.So what are they going to disclose if there is no proof?

[edit on 21-5-2008 by alienstar]

[edit on 21-5-2008 by alienstar]

If you want proof to shut you up. How about get off your butt and join the government and work through all your top clearance ranks and then you'll probably get to see some VERY interesting documents that NO ONE else meaning the public can see!

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts

This thread, along with dozens of others, are nothing more than a solid example of the sad state of Ufology. You want disclosure?!? Then sit down, shut up and let common sense, reason and logic propel this subject into the limelight. That can only be done after many years of silencing the ignorant talk such as this thread, so the mainstream and the public will take it seriously enough to look into. But as long as the majority of UFO "nuts" are viewed through the typical threads and responses in this forum, the only thing you guys are doing is the governments job for them. In fact, there is no major cover-up anymore, thanks to idiotic places like this, they don't need to cover up anything.

As much as your tone and style can be abrasive,we can always rely on you to be brutally honest and to the point. As you rightly say, it is a facet of modern ufology that is sorely lacking. If only a few people realise that there is more to ufology than simply fantastical imaginings of hypothetical scenarios you have done a good service.

[edit on 27-5-2008 by Shere Khaan]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:07 PM
It's nice to know people other then me believe. When you have hope you should not let go and to reach for the stars. People in the government and big mainstream"science" people may say "Aliens don't exist! That's so silly!" and ridicule those who do believe, but if you believe the ET's will answer your call. If you come across one they may tell you not to tell anyone (know our langauge due to years of monitering us in case you wonder how they would communicate with you) of their existence because you will be ridiculed by the non-believer "intellectuals" and big Ph.D people, as well as other skeptics.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:08 PM
Also it's best if people don't know they are here. There would be too much panic and the ET's need to work undisturbed in their research. They work behind the scenes helping Earth and humanity fix our messes. And all we do is make movies demonising them! Shame on us Earth humans!

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:27 PM
Please don't let the media brainwash you, the big media, military, and educational systems will tell you that believing in ET's is silly, that it is "crazy".

If you have faith and just believe, you can overcome their negativity, the ET's are here to help us Earth humans evolve into a higher state of conciousness and to clean up our mistakes, but wish to keep hidden because they don't want to scare people and have their work interupted. They will make themselves known if people are ready and have faith in them and believe in them.

When you look up in the sky and see a UFO or a UFO formation the big education and military people will tell you it is "swamp gas", "flares", or a "weather baloon" but you of course will know better

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by xweaponx

Yeah there been many people of suppose ex government that suppose to come out and disclose info and im sure they have....Sorry a document isnt proof.Never was never will be. nice.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:28 PM
Havent this thread gone on long enough?

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 12:06 PM
As one who doesnt buy any of this disclosure thing. I wana add the fact that the word PROJECT is food for thought. Disclosure ''Project''


1. something that is contemplated, devised, or planned; plan; scheme.
2. a large or major undertaking, esp. one involving considerable money, personnel, and equipment.

especially. one involving considerable money, personnel, and equipment.


[edit on 05/09/2008 by P-a-r-a-d-o-X-2]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by alienstar

You know, for someone with a moniker like alienstar, you sure seem to display a pattern of disbelief in the subject.
Just saying..............

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