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Anyone noticing any unusual animal activity?

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posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Were they moaning, or were they howling ? That's wierd i've heard all the nieghborhood dogs start barking one after the other, but never heard them all moan & cry at the same time. Sounds like maybe they were all afraid of something.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by freecell

Yeah the birds are still wierd over here too. Sometimes it seems like thier suicidal or something. I'm used to the pidgeons waiting till the last minute to move out of the way, but they're not even doing that, several times already i've had to come to a complete stop cuz they won't move. They're still out there singing in the middle of the night. It also seems like there are not as many sparrows around as usual, or robins either. Matter of fact i'm not really seein them during the day like i usually do, but hearing them at night.

The other day my son told me one of the drivers pulled into the terminal and a pidgeon had just flown right into the drivers mirror, actually between the mirror and the truck, killed itself. Seems like the birds are acting strangest of all, makes me think about Hitchcock.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 11:19 PM
The earth has been damaged to such an extent that I sometimes wonder if my children and grandchildren will be able to see the natural beauty of Mother earth that I have been blessed with.

As I read the animal stories on this thread it gave me a sense of doom. As I searched the internet on animals, earthquakes, etc I came across this video on mushrooms.

I posted a thread on it. I was blown away on the TED vid on how the fungi could bring back to life "dead earth". This is a must see video to anyone who want to make the earth a better place for their kids.


posted on May, 26 2008 @ 03:15 PM
please answer this.
every now and then i wake up in the middle of the night because i cant sleep and now i hear what sounds like a dying animal. I've never heard anything like it. it sounds like a cat or a bat that had its leg cut off and will die. many people in my neighborhood have heard it too, but no one can can find blood or tracks of any kind. it also seems that it wont die even though it seems like it is. any ideas on what it could be and how to shut it up. its very creep, in my opinion it sounds kind of like a zombie.
additional info. last night i felt like it was in the middle of the street and then i heard dogs barking at it an then in mid-bark i heard a loud dogs whimper, once again no blood. please answer.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 10:02 PM

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

I have no idea, sounds freaky to me. If it's not a cat in heat i don't have any idea what it is. Sounds like it's an ongoing thing if it keeps up why don't you and a couple of your nieghbors grab some flashlights & protection and go see if you can find out what it is.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 04:56 AM
A bluejay jumped out into the street Saturday, right in front of the van I was driving and I squashed it. This may be common in some areas but I have lived 50 years and never ran over a bird. I have seen birds on the street eating food but they always fly away in the face of danger. This bluejay seemed to be oblivious to the traffic. Also, I live behind a flood control system and there are usually htousands of baby frogs by now, you will squish them on sidewalk if not careful. But, I have not seen even one this year. Not one. What's going on?

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 01:54 AM
The dogs were moaning. Not howling. I raised a cocker spaniel for fourteen years, so I'm pretty familiar with the ins and outs of dog noises. It was definitely moaning.

I'm not sure how the neighbors reacted, because frankly, our neighbors don't really communicate with each other. It's an almost exclusively Asian neighborhood (I'm Asian myself), and they're not big on the talking.

Another thing - we used to have three fox squirrels in the backyard. Two females and one male, all extremely friendly. Back in the day, they used to run towards me when they saw me, and take nuts from my hand. It got to the point where if I didn't leave them food outside, they'd come to the back door and hang out until I spotted them.

In recent weeks, they've become deeply wary of human contact. Whenever I try to feed them now, they'll run away without looking back. They've become extremely unfriendly, and it's bothering me. Logic dictates that one of the neighbors probably tried to scare them off and that's causing their wariness, but this thread would indicate otherwise.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 11:00 PM
These animals are definitely sensing something, we seem to be having an awful lot of tectonic plate activity this year. There was an earthquake in Iceland today.

Keep payin attention to those animals.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by whiteraven
The earth has been damaged to such an extent that I sometimes wonder if my children and grandchildren will be able to see the natural beauty of Mother earth that I have been blessed with.

As I read the animal stories on this thread it gave me a sense of doom. As I searched the internet on animals, earthquakes, etc I came across this video on mushrooms.

I posted a thread on it. I was blown away on the TED vid on how the fungi could bring back to life "dead earth". This is a must see video to anyone who want to make the earth a better place for their kids.


I can add to that thought. My 25 year old son was fishing at a creek that runs through the city of Tulsa, off the Arkansas river. He fell a couple weeks ago and scraped his knee, which got wet also. He developed a nasty infection, turns out to be staph. He has had 4 antibiotics, and had to have it lanced twice. If not better by Friday he will be admitted to the hospital for intraveneous treatmment. An article was in last Saturday's paper that the Illiois river is teeming with nasty bacteria, much of it from runoff from chicken farmers. Last summer, three little kids died swimming in a lake not far from Tulsa, they inhaled some type of bacteria in their nostrils. So you are correct in worrying about what kind of world we are leaving our grandkids---a pretty stinky one.

[edit on 2-6-2008 by Bumbeni]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Those blood-curdling cries could be foxes. My property backs onto open fields and many a time I was woken by what I thought was a woman being raped and murdered, dogs being tortured, cats being mangled and all sorts of incomprehensible and joint-stiffening horrors. At one point my husband and I thought we may have the first instance of Chupacabra in the UK!!

It was my farm-born parents who suggested foxes and when I did some research on wildlife sites I found some MP3s of foxes and there was no mistaking their sound.

Re: the squirrels - many people consider them nothing more than tree rats and in this country are quite brutal towards them. This could explain their sudden anti-human actions.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 03:47 PM
My little cat is a lot more clingy and talkative lately. She usually rips my skin to shreds and bites me, being a spoilt brat, but I don't think she's tried to disembowel my hand in about a week. She's terribly fussy nowadays.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

The logical thinking that you're trying to follow, pertaining to nieghbors trying to scare them off makes sense. However i don't think that that would scare them off where you're concerned if you've been feeding them on a regular basis and have never done anything to scare them.

We've had a lot of squirels that we've fed over the years. There are some nieghbors that chase them off, they don't like the way they dig up their lawns. In my experience the squirels just tended to stay away from the nieghbors that chased them off, but continued to come up on our porch where we fed them. I have noticed though that this year they are not around.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 10:26 AM
This is a very interesting thread, and reading everybody's experiences has intrigued.

The influx of grasshoppers could be because it's a good year for crops, but also the mating season, when they all gather together.

Quails and other birds being seen in the same area could be explained by the fact that their numbers and what could be described as a good year for breeding for them is tied to their food source, like grasshoppers, if they too are in abundance, for then the Quails can raise mouths to feed, because they have food to give them.

If the grasshoppers do well, so do those that prey on them like Quails, and other birds, who will flock to feed.

Concerning birds dying by flying into cars, buildings, this could be explained by the fact they may be young birds, juveniles, who are not experienced when it comes to cars, or indeed flying, and can not take necessary measures that more experienced birds might in avoiding making in-flight collisions.

Equally, they could be adult birds, in blind panic, trying to evade an avian predator.

Birds singing at night is because they confuse street lights for dawn, and daylight, and thus start singing the dawn chorus.

The rise in road-kills, well with frogs, armadillos, turtles and various other species of animals, they often cross roads in large numbers at this time of the year to go to their breeding grounds, that were there long before the roads were.

Animals are attracted to urban areas by people's rubbish, but are also already there because their habitat has happened to have been urbanised.

Animals and birds charging at, or lacking fear of humans could be adults trying to distract you/attack you, and lead you away from, their young ones and territory, if they young ones are nearby and are vulnerable.

Female Cheetahs, for example, who are far weaker then Lions, will often walk towards Lions to distract them from killing their cubs and to bait them to follow them instead.

Crows and other birds mobbing birds of prey is normal, they want the predator out of their territory, and will do so knowing the bird of prey does not attack them while doing so because it prefers the element of surprise.

The stunning photo of a Bald Eagle attacking a swan could possibly be because the Bald Eagle is being overtly territorial because of the mating season, and attacking anyone who enters his territory.

The Bald Eagle could be also suffering a shortage of normal food like fish, rabbits, and in desperation has attacked an animal not usually it's main prey.

In comparision, in Africa, astonishing film has been recordered of prides of Lions during a terrible drought, uniting to form a 'super-pride' 50-strong, to attack elephants and brought down and killed an adult Elephant.

I can not emphasise enough how shocking this event was, for it has always been more or less fact that adult Elephants were immune to Lion attacks.

Also prides of Lions are extremely hostile and territorial to one another, and will fight each other to the death.

To see prides of unrelated Lions putting aside their differences and uniting to bring down a animal like an Elephant, previously thought immune to Lion attack, is shocking.

Animals are suffering from climate change and are acting differently, stories of animals becoming brazen towards humans and each other is becoming common place as they search for food under pressure of loss of habitat and normal food sources

I am very much of the belief that animals are sensitive to the earth's energies and beyond, and one should observe animals for such signs for warnings.

They possess these senses, we do also, but often we do not use these abilities because we feel we have lost them, if only we tuned in more to that ability also.

I have heard of two cases of two pairs of birds of the same species raising their young in the same nest box, something never heard of before. Perhaps they sense something happening, and have cast aside territorial rivalries in favour of clubbing together and ensuring species survival?

My dog, when in the garden at night to do what dogs do, sometimes just stops, stares into the night, lifts her head and her tail erect, her ears pricked, nothing can distract her, and you can tell she can hear or sense something in the night.

When she does this now, I try to listen to what she could possibly be hearing.

But I've noticed, whenever she does this, there is nothing to be seen, there are no sounds, and I do mean no sounds to be heard. No animal sounds, nothing, like everything is dead and silent.

Maybe that is what she can sense and or hear, that odd silence of the night, but I do know Dogs possess scent and sound abilties that far exceed our own, and can hear and smell things from many miles away.

For example, the dogs of Baghdad in March 2003 howled and moaned long before the Cruise Missiles arrived, because it is believed the dogs could hear the missiles' high-frequency from miles upon miles away.

She does not bark, she just stands to attention like I have described, and stares into the distance, into the darkness of the night.

I wonder what's in the night that so possesses her quiet, but alert, attention that can keep her that way for minutes at a time.

I call those nights the strange nights for they unsettle me after a while.

It was a 'strange night' last night, and I wait to see what tonight holds.

The next 'strange night' I'm going to investigate what she can sense.

Maybe......I don't want to know.

Maybe.....what is in those strange nights, should stay in those strange nights.

[edit on 3-6-2008 by Regensturm]

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 02:32 PM
It's not foxes. I live in suburban Southern California. Foxes are non-existant around here. Besides, I heard my neighbor come out and comfort his dog.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 03:19 PM
Well the insects here have been going a bit weird...but then we have had alot of rain here in the UK so almost like tropical conditions..I guess..been seeing alot of strange bugs..beetle type thingys and flying ones...Yuck,hate them....

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by MajjicMouse

Good example, but unfortunately, not applicable in my case. I live in suburban Southern California, and foxes are pretty much non-existant here.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Bumbeni

I am looking at buying some land near the Illinois River and I was looking at raising Mushrooms to create some good soil in order to raise vegatables.

If your son needs a good Doctor I know a couple in Tulsa. Very good friends and have military background. ( so they know some of the weird strange diseases)


posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by whiteraven
reply to post by Bumbeni

I am looking at buying some land near the Illinois River and I was looking at raising Mushrooms to create some good soil in order to raise vegatables.

If your son needs a good Doctor I know a couple in Tulsa. Very good friends and have military background. ( so they know some of the weird strange diseases)


I love the Illinois river, but you know it is being terribly polluted. You are familiar with Tulsa area? As kids we spent lots of time on Spring Creek off the Illinois river, near Locust Grove. A place called Twin Bridges. It is still there but I am paranoid about the water now. My son went back to Doc friday, his knee is satisfactory, the doc had cultured it a month ago and it was definitely staph, scared me a lot, but it looks like it is about healed completely thank God. He got the bacteria from Joe Creek, I think his fishing days there are over. He didn't eat the fish out of it just fished for fun and it was an expensive fun!

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:39 PM
23 Dolphins die after stranding themselves in Falmouth, Devon UK.

Well this is totally unprecedented in the UK as far as I know.

Dolphins die after mass stranding

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