posted on May, 22 2008 @ 03:29 AM
I feel weird adding to this post, to be honest. Been many like it.
You know "I been feeling weird today too!" and "I feel like the awakening is happening now!"
Then nothing ever comes of it.
Just yesterday, the neighbour's cat got hit by a car in the middle of the road. This is so weird. This cat never wanted to cross the road before..
and never even goes far from the neighbour's front door.
Today... My dog started whining more. Whimpering. He is.. Well, being whiney and clingy for no reason. He looks sad, won't leave my side, and is
craving cuddles and attention. Rubbing against everything and everyone with an insane passion only he seems to understand.
This is akward. If anyone knows pitbulls, mine is like the majority of them. HYPERACTIVE, happy as hell. Always. Can't get him to stay still for
Fleas was the first thing to come to mind, so I got Frontline Plus, and he is still doing it!! Fleas never did this to him before. I am worried for my
EDIT: I just remembered now... Freaking out this morning. 4 or 6 RED ants on my bathroom floor the morning, weds May 21.. yesterday morning. Never
seen that before I live in the 2nd story. They were just wandering around, not following in a line or anything, maybe lost?
I forgot about this, because not long after.. They were gone. Where could they have gone? Never had ants here. 2nd story apartment. Bathroom. Nothing
in there to attract them...
[edit on 22-5-2008 by LostNemesis]