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Michelle Obama - that 'whitey' tape

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posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:41 PM
A relative of mine that lives in Chicago told me a long time ago that we DON'T need Obama for president. He told me about how his church was months before it came out in the media. He also told me that Obama was tied into the mob big time.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:50 PM
Until recent political forum topics appeared that are biased in slant (and pitched at the level of gossip rag) I took pleasure in checking with ATS several times a day. What is with the personal political slant coming forth. I don't need to see it. We get enough political drenching on mainstream media. IMHO, ATS is faltering. Let's get the focus back to the view/subject that unites all of us - something is bigger than the pettiness of human contrivances. We sense it, we sense the powers that be know it, and we sense they know we know.

My politics might be yours, too, or might not be. But take it somewhere else, or I for one will just avoid ATS.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:12 PM
Karl Rove has only resurfaced for a few reasons, he is widely promoting his book and he is preparing himself for some legal proceedings that are coming up involving himself, i really don't know what to say about the rumor of the tape and what was said but it will be blown out of proportion as though its newsworthy like all of the other irrelevant items that have been pulled out to discredit or minimize Obama as a leader and viable candidate.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:17 PM
Yeah, this is great. They pick our candidates for us that we are supposed to vote for (you can bet it's always a Bush or Clinton or someone who's always been on the face of the media taking care of all of us and making the America a better place year after year.~wreaking of sarcasm.~) Every year it's the same old BS. Tell us everything we want to hear and then lie and never deliver anything but more bills and taxes and whatever else they can burden us with while they sit back and rake in the dough, simply because THEY ARE ALL RELATED BY BLOOD, for the most part.....that is a Monarchy, not a Diplomacy. Why don't I ever get to pick my own candidate and if I do, HE would never get close to the winning vote. It always has to be the one THEY choose (whoever 'THEY' are) who cares, their earmarks of evil are everywhere, and anonymity is the best friend of evil. On that note, I being a WHITE..........MAN !....... I am so glad that I now have the choice to pick between a feminist man hater and a racist who hates white people. I would vote for the devil himself before I would vote for a crack-pipe selfish feminist, at least the devil hates us all equally. The very word feminism excludes men from any benefit of (what they would like you to believe) is EQUALITY . Equality benefits ALL, not just you selfish feminists, so if you're a feminist, burn in H3LL and then you'll be glad to wash some dishes. As for hating 'Whitey', guess we had that one coming, don't much care about that, that is a war that we have had no problem in the past of fighting. I personally am not sweating the whole racism thing. The feminist movement is what we guys really need to wake up and fight against. They call this a man's world and play the victim, but just look around at who benefits from everything that happens between men and women. Court, child support cases, pedophile women having sex with boys in school and getting off because they are "too pretty to go to jail", we men can't get jobs but women put on something sexy and walk right in and some coward of a whipped man sells us out (Bill Clinton), they cheat and watch us men fight and kill each other and then gloat about how they are so special that 2 men would fight over them (selfish), they and their mothers conspire from birth about how to sexually manipulate men and get what they want, then they have the nerve to boast about how they worked so hard for everything, not mentioning the guys they slept with to get there. There are a handful of respectable women in this world and to you women I have total respect YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. But to the rest you also know who you are and so do all of your customers. I wouldn't vote for a woman or a fact, I have the right NOT to vote at all and that is the only smart choice here unless you are of a different nationality or a woman, then vote for the obvious. I can't believe more guys can't just look around and see what is happening. Sure I will get responses from pissed off women for saying this, but did you expect anything less? Those who work and live in the dark hate it when you shine a light on their deed. Oh yeah, burn at the stake you feminists, shall the vapors of your communist roots be sweet in my nostrils.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by bigbert81

It's funny that Obama's supporters are the more educated crowd, so I wonder what that does to these ridiculous theories I am exposed to day after day.

Education does not equal common sense. Nor does it take the place of experience learned at the "school of hard knocks".

Therefore it is only a truism at best to try and say well, the better educated like O(bs)ama, so he must be someting special. And what about O(bs)ama's blue collar union supporters? Doesn't your statement trivialize them? Or maybe you can also explain to us why they like O(bs)ama, too?

[edit on 5/18/2008 by centurion1211]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:31 PM
Hmmm. Interesting rumor, and I had been completely unaware of Michelle Obama's racist attitudes as evidenced in her speech, or essay or whatever it was. I will cut her some slack on that one though, since it was apparently a college thing? (correct me if I got that part wrong) Lots of people take radical stands as young people that they later realize were a bit extreme.

However, if the rumor of racist talk on a tape is true, that would definitely explain something I have been wondering. "Why have the Republicans been so easy on Obama?" If they had a big gun like that set aside, that would explain the strategy to knock Hillary out early, leave Obama in and say little till right before the election, then let the fur fly so their very weak candidate, (McCain) stands a chance.

Of course something another poster said is quite true as well, Karl Rove couldnt care less about truth and fair play. He is Machiavellian to the core. Winning isnt the most important thing, it is the only thing, so, this rumor could easily be purely made up and put out early in the election process to cause some simmering resentment in the Caucasian segment of the population which is already showing clear signs of reaching their limit in tolerating "reverse discrimination."

I am glad it was posted, rumor or not. It is interesting to consider.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by MBF
A relative of mine that lives in Chicago told me a long time ago that we DON'T need Obama for president. He told me about how his church was months before it came out in the media. He also told me that Obama was tied into the mob big time.

So, the question is, if your relative was correct (right about Wright
) before it came out in the media, could he also be right about O(bs)ama's connection to organized crime? It would hardly be a surprise to find out that yet another Chicago-based democrat had ties to the mob ...

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

Education does not equal common sense

Is this what you're telling yourself so that you feel better?

No, education does not always equal common sense, but that statement means absolutely nothing in this debate.

This way you are essentially saying that these educated people have no common sense, and that is obviously wrong. Not to mention, you're also implying that common sense says not to vote for Obama, although I can easily make the same argument for the other 2 candidates.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

And your rationale for cutting her slack is based on what, expediency? Is your thought process something like, "I'm going to say this doesn't matter because it's obvious to me that it could really hurt the candidate I support if it gets big media play?".

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:45 PM
Wow, the political process in action. Smear, the way of today. I have no ownership in this election but the process is making me puke. Nothing about issues, just GET THE DIRT!!!!! Anyone that votes because of tripe like this get the government they deserve.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Wow, the political process in action. Smear, the way of today. I have no ownership in this election but the process is making me puke. Nothing about issues, just GET THE DIRT!!!!! Anyone that votes because of tripe like this get the government they deserve.

Well put.

The problem, of course, is that is what people and ATS members are exposed to over and over again, day after day. So if you make this post based off of observation from this site, that only goes to show my point.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

And your rationale for cutting her slack is based on what, expediency? Is your thought process something like, "I'm going to say this doesn't matter because it's obvious to me that it could really hurt the candidate I support if it gets big media play?".

Learn to read. I actually gave the reason I would cut her some slack on the first speech or essay or whatever, and Obama isnt my candidate. I would explain my thought process further, but, why waste the time.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:21 PM
A candidate or his wife being exposed as blatantly racist on tape is hardly "dirt". I'd say that's a damn legitimate thing to consider when voting for the leader of a country.

The thing is though that even if this tape does exist, or even if some other kind of absolute proof of the Obama's racism comes out it probably won't even matter. All his white supporters will probably still vote for him.

I don't hate the guy but I've never seen someone put up on such a pedestal. You can argue amongst yourselves as to if that's justified or not. To me it's just scary.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by PaceIsTheTrick
I don't hate the guy but I've never seen someone put up on such a pedestal. You can argue amongst yourselves as to if that's justified or not. To me it's just scary.

Why is it scary? We are not even discussing the candidate. We are discussing his wife and what she might have said. It seems like the process is working just fine.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:31 PM
I think it is dispicable that people circulate rumor threads like this.

Where is your morality? Where are your values?

Are you so pure that you never did anything in your life which could be equated to the act in your rumor?

Well actually yes, you have. You spread this rumor.

Rumors are nothing more than vehicles of character assassination.

Are you so afraid of someone's skin color that you resort to the abandonment of any social or moral values? The Obama family has certainly shown far more moral rectitude than you have done here.

Why in the world would anyone listen to what you have to say. You discredit yourself.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:33 PM
Now THAT would be an intresting tape to hear...

If its true... not that it would be surprising... but it would be entertainting....

looks like we just ahve to wait for it....

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:37 PM
Hey! Why didn't anyone tell me that Mrs. Obama and Mr. Wright were seeking the Democratic nomination?

Seriously, I hope that Mr. McCain is above playing the race card against Mr. Obama and instead focuses on true political issues instead of coming out and saying something like, "Don't vote for Obama! He hates whitey.."

I'd prefer that the candidates focus on political issues here instead of trying to slander each other.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:54 PM
I hope it's true and obama wins. It'll be like reperations for slavery. And no more complaints from reverend wright or that other one jackson or the other black guy that got the DJ fired a while back. Be nice to say. Nah blacks are equal to whites look at the president.
I will not be voting because my vote does not matter.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:54 PM
When you're running for office EVERYTHING comes into play. I'm not saying I agree with that but that's the reality.

Saying "it's not the candidate, it's just his wife" or his pastor or whoever else he's affiliated with that might've said something stupid is irrelevant.

If Cindy McCain said something racist or homophobic, etc. you think the Dems would ignore it? Or exploit it as far it can go for their own gain? Karl Rove is just playing the game. That's what he does. Is he ethical? No. But that doesn't matter.

That's how it works. You don't get into office by having good ethics. It sucks and that's the reason the whole system is flawed but that's what you have to deal with.

It's a matter of IF the tape is real and IF it makes a difference. Only time will tell.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Cyberbian

Why in the world would anyone listen to what you have to say. You discredit yourself.

What you are really saying is to shut up, right?

No one should ever bring anything that can tarnish the person they support right?

Ever heard of the first amendment?

Yeesh it seems that speaking against Obama or bringing up something about Obama's associations is heresy.

By the way that tape about Michelle Obama better be good. It better leave no room for re-interpretation because there are too many people that believe that Obama can do no wrong.

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