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Michelle Obama - that 'whitey' tape

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posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:04 PM
Ah now you're calling me naiive. Come on now. From the start I was skeptical of the Obama campaign. I do believe out of the 3 'choices' we have as Americans, he is the best one.

That does not mean I'm groveling at his feet or lining up to polish his balls. No way.

One has to wonder what the motivation is behind a racism tape that Karl Rove has obtained.

He is election-rigger extraordinaire. Why should I believe a word that comes out his mouth?

P.S. Hell is merely a state of mind. The ignorant and hateful find their way there every day.

[edit on 5/18/2008 by biggie smalls]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
Ah now you're calling me naiive. Come on now. From the start I was skeptical of the Obama campaign. I do believe out of the 3 'choices' we have as Americans, he is the best one.

That does not mean I'm groveling at his feet or lining up to polish his balls. No way.

One has to wonder what the motivation is behind a racism tape that Karl Rove has obtained.

He is election-rigger extraordinaire. Why should I believe a word that comes out his mouth?

P.S. Hell is merely a state of mind. The ignorant and hateful find their way there every day.

[edit on 5/18/2008 by biggie smalls]

Well put. I am growing extremely sick of all these people thinking that people who think Obama is the best of the worst are brainless morons.

It's funny that Obama's supporters are the more educated crowd, so I wonder what that does to these ridiculous theories I am exposed to day after day.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
Ah now you're calling me naiive. Come on now.

It is naive of you to respond to FlyersFan's thread and attack her judgement, not the facts or potential for this tape to exist.

I don't see her writing tirades. Just possibilities.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:13 PM
Campaign strategy: When everything else fails, it's time to bring out the nukes.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by bigbert81

More educated? How so?

Educated people usually don't support socialism like he intends to implement.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by slackerwire

The demographics are what I'm referring to.

I don't mean any offense to you or anyone else. I'm strictly referring to the demographics of his voters, which are the college educated crowd.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
As the source is KARL ROVE,

The RUMOR is that it's by Karl Rove. At this point it's all rumor and a foggy mess. But it's starting to run the internet ... it has legs ... so I think we should be aware of it. I have no idea if Karl Rove really is involved ... but the rumor says so.

Oh .. the 'black baby' thing for McCain? I don't know how he can stand Bugh43 after Bush pulled that on him. McCain's daughter is ADOPTED from a foreign country and that's why she has dark skin. She isn't a b****** black love child. That was a really sick thing for Bush43 to do -
rumors of an illegitimate love child like that ...

McCain is a racist. That's pretty clear.

After viewing your info - I have to agree.
I don't know if there is any information to the contrary.
But based on your info ... yep!

Originally posted by biggie smalls
Hillary is probably also,

I'm not sold on Hillary being racist. It's possible .. I just haven't come
to that conclusion. If people have info that points in that direction, I'm not
adverse to reading it and agreeing with it. At this point - I'm not seeing it.

Originally posted by biggie smalls
One has to wonder what the motivation is behind a racism tape that Karl Rove has obtained.

Well .. we don't even know if he really has one. It's a rumor.
(and the rumor is got legs)

IF he has a tape of Michelle and Uncle Wright dis'n white people and using the name 'whitey' then the motivation of exposing her is clear - it's either to warn America about how racist the potential First Lady is AND/OR it's to try to destroy Obama's chances of getting in the White House.

Originally posted by bigbert81
It's funny that Obama's supporters are the more educated crowd,

You'd think with all that school'n that they'd know better than to believe the rhetoric from Mr Change/Hope/Unity.

Originally posted by SteveR
Just possibilities.

Yep. No different then bringing other rumors and discussing them ...

Rumors that Bush has UBL locked away somewhere.
Rumors that the Queen is a reptilian.
Rumors that _____________ fill in the blank.

This is a RUMOR. We don't know if Carl Rove really has this tape. People are claiming that he does. IF IF IF he does, then we can expect it to be released sometime after Obama is named the Dem nominee. IF IF IF he doesn't have it, then the rumor is doing the GOP some good by bringing attention to Michelle Obama's racist attitudes.

[edit on 5/18/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:24 PM
Isnt it obvious that the neocons are trying everything they can to put Hillary over the top? Rush Limbaugh openly calling for people to vote for her, That blonde conservative woman (cant remember her name) saying she would vote for her. Trust me, you think this is a free election? your wrong. Hillary will be in the oval office next year, the Clintons and their gang will stop at nothing!

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by crw2006
Isnt it obvious that the neocons are trying everything they can to put Hillary over the top?

So you think the tape is a fake rumor? I can't follow .. do you think the GOP put out the rumor .. or that the rumor came from the Clinton Camp? Do you think there is a tape at all?

edited to add - I didn't think of the Clintons starting this .. hmmmmm

[edit on 5/18/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:36 PM
Y'all need to research Barack Obama more closely. Racism, anti-Americanism and socialism is rampant throughout his family and friends. Considering the facts, such a tape leaking out is virtually inevitable.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls

Should I point you in the direction of Hillary and McCain's racism?

McCain called all Vietnamese people gooks, but I'm sure you give no notice to that because you're not Vietnamese.

From your own source:

Arizona Sen. John McCain refused to apologize yesterday for his use of a racial slur to condemn the North Vietnamese prison guards who tortured and held him captive during the war.

To me, that hardly says "all Vietnamese people". Not that I'm justifying his remarks, or saying that "gook" is not a racist term, because it is.

[edit on 18-5-2008 by Milk]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I would turn in both tapes, collect my 2 Million and head to Switzerland to hide from McCain and Obama because I sent the copies of said tapes to multiple TV and Radio stations. Then I'd collect pay from them in Switzerland.

I'd die a few short months later after being denounced citizenship for starting such a lurid hoax against America, killed by elite Para Military CIA or actual SF Military. But boy, those would be a fun few months, eh? Yacht party on me!

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 08:03 PM
Torture me? TORTURE ME?? Yeah, I have a few names for those specific people, too. Hell, I'd probably call them racial slurs that don't match there race! I'd invent cuss words! I'd learn there language just to cuss them in it!

I'd say, as long as he's not GENERALIZING, as long as he's speaking purely of those that tortured him, that he can use the racial slurs (racial slurs denoting the WORSE a RACE has to offer...) and if the People of Vietnam feel the same about the Torturers they would call them the same.

When you are bottom of the barrel, is it really wrong to be called such? He didn't say hard working Vietnamese families were 'gooks', he called the North Vietnames Torturers that DIRECTLY TORTURED HIM 'gooks'.

I'd call that pretty fair.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
One has to wonder what the motivation is behind a racism tape that Karl Rove has obtained.

He is election-rigger extraordinaire. Why should I believe a word that comes out his mouth?

Whoa whoa whoa, back up there a minute. So IF, and that's still a big if, there is such a tape, are you implying that it is Rove that is being the racist? Shoot the messenenger, foget about the message, I see how it goes.

Perhaps you will believe the worlds comming out of Mrs. Obama's mouth, should that tape exist.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 08:05 PM
I say that ALL politicians be exposed. Not just the silly racist comment. Why don't we have someone expose all their run-ins with the law? Their drug use/abuse, their pedophile activities, their shady business deals etc etc. etc. I'm sure that if that ever got out into the MSM, people would see that this whole racist thing is just a small thing by comparison to all the other crap they've done.

Edit to add: My comment isn't just about Obama, it's about ALL politicians, white, black or whatever. I find these "exposures" entertaining because they remind me of the phrase "The pot calling the kettle black" Seriously, who is Karl Rove to talk? For that matter, who is anyone in politics today to talk anything bad about anybody when they themselves more than likely do WORSE things

[edit on 18-5-2008 by Question]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 08:22 PM
Michelle Obama is ugly inside and out

Mod Note: One Line and Short Posts – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 18-5-2008 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

What the heck does it matter if Karl Rove is reputable or not? If the tape exists and says what is claimed then what does it matter who brings it forward?

This type of thinking of "attack the messenger" is a favorite of the LEFT.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

If the amoral Rove tries to use this tape against the Obama campaign it will not only fail but will also backfire against the Republicans, so much so, that we'll end up with not only a Democratic president but also a Democratic Congress and here's why. When individuals of a racial group get together it is common practice for them to refer to other races in the vernacular. It does not mean they are racist. Blacks use the N-word frequently when referring to other Blacks and the W-word when referring to Whites. This does not make them racist. It's the context in which the words are used that is important and also the public stature of the individual making the remarks. Such remarks are frowned upon when used by public officials. Were the Obamas public officials when the remarks were made (assuming that the rumor is true)? After all Obama has admitted to past drug use. Can he now be described as a drug addict? Have you ever used the N-word in the presence of your friends? If you did, does that confirm you as a racist? Fair-minded Americans will see this Rove shenanigan not only as grasping at straws, but further evidence of his long corrupt and immoral activities as an advisor to a "Christian" President. Talk about making a deal with the Devil?

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:28 PM
There's just been far too much controversy and frankly...I think we're all tired of hearing about Obama. I'm all for a black president- this just aint the guy, nor is this the time...Sad that this race is the best of the worst. Mccain, clinton, and Obama- none of them are qualified to accurately represent the people...too bad America's just full of dumb voters who will decide for most of us. I had heard that Michelle has said some controversial things and thats just uncalled for as well as inappropriate considering that she's so "for the people". There's been too much, too soon in that whole ring- I don't understand why people are so behind these candidates. Its a lose lose situation...My vote still is and will forever be with Ron Paul like a true patriot.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by R-evolve
Race shouldn't even be a concern the only concern should be who do you believe to be the best person for the job.

Race is not the concern here; the concern is whether or not the Obama's are racist, because if they are, then he (they) are not the best for the job. Same goes if they turn out to be liars which is why it is important to get to the truth. I am an American, and it would seem Mr. Obama has brought race to the forefront, not the other way around. Please consider somemething.....carefully look at the demographics of the voters in the Dem. primary. You will almost consistently see the majority of black voters voting for Obama and a fairly balanced split of white voters b/w Obama and Clinton. Who appears to be the more racist? Don't believe the crap that America isn't ready for a black president. It is nonsense. Many Americans just want the best person for the job....even more Americans have absolutely NO clue who that may be because they blindly follow the MSM rather than look into things for themselves. Sadly, many Americans can't even tell you why it is they support their chosen candidate. It's a very frustrating time for us here, IMO.

[edit on 18-5-2008 by glad_to_be_His]

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