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Michelle Obama - that 'whitey' tape

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posted on May, 22 2008 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by realshanti
Because of the racist attitudes that permeate this it changing? Of course because nothing remains static forever - change is inevitable but sometimes painful....

Very good point

Now it is black churches and pastors that receive accolades from Louis Farrakhan himself that are being accepted into society.

I am sorry but Obama's connections do bring up legit questions. Obama's skin color does not excuse him of this.

Maybe McCain and Obama can get together and have a fun pastor debate with Hagee and Wright.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by wutone

Originally posted by realshanti
Because of the racist attitudes that permeate this it changing? Of course because nothing remains static forever - change is inevitable but sometimes painful....

Very good point

I am sorry but Obama's connections do bring up legit questions. Obama's skin color does not excuse him of this.

Maybe McCain and Obama can get together and have a fun pastor debate with Hagee and Wright.

to be honest and I've said it before on this forum - Wright doesn't trouble me in the slightest....I am sympathetic to the Liberation theologists of Central America (remember Bishop Romero?that was a sad bit of business) so understanding Black Liberation theology is not a stretch and not a threat in my book...

However your idea for a Hagee/Wright debate could be a laugh riot
tho Wright would win

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by realshanti
This is in response to Flyer Fan's diatribe o'FEAR

Flyers Fans EXPOSING the facts. That would be the accurate wasy to describe my post.

instead of yelling reverse racism like you actually know what that means... you don't.....

There is no such thing as 'reverse racism' ... it's all racism. And Barry is full of it. Racism. Anti-white. Anti-Jew. And his wife is as well.

I know exactly what racism means. They are bigotted, prejudiced, racists.

BTW .. your grandpa 'pass'n' took place a very long time ago.
This is 2008. Welcome to 'now'.

[edit on 5/23/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 06:46 AM

Walk a mile in someone elses shoes for a change instead of yelling reverse racism like you actually know what that means... you don't.....

Reverse Racism implies that "racism" is only applicable in one direction. again, looking at the definition...


1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.


One can clearly see that NO specific race is targeted as defining the word "Racism".

This can only logically mean that "ANY" race can be the target of racism, and "ANY" race can be the perpetrator.

Now as this is established as fact on looking at the definition, one can conclude that the use of the term "Reverse Racism" is incorrect.

Therefore perhaps it is NOT US that do not know...


posted on May, 23 2008 @ 06:51 AM

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 01:34 PM
Regardless of the tape, you can tell alot about a person looking at they're significant other. Like I don't like the Terminator too too much, but Maria Shriver can keep him in line. And we know what to expect from Hillary's husband. The influence of the spouse....
(personally, I hate politicians, and all the ones currently running)
I am a little scared of Obama's wife, I certainly like him more than her.


Originally posted by FlyersFan
there is no such thing as 'reverse racism' ... it's all racism. And Barry is full of it. Racism. Anti-white. Anti-Jew. And his wife is as well.

yeah, i agree with you man. i do however think the term may need to exist because some people are stupid.

[edit on 23-5-2008 by jetflock]

[edit on 23-5-2008 by jetflock]

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by realshanti

Nicely said!

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

How in the world can you say Michelle Obama is the first woman to face such treatment when you have Hillary Clinton standing in the picture? They crawled all up Clinton's past when her husband was running for president or have you forgotten so easily. The scrutiny of Michelle Obama doesn't begin to compare to the millions of dollars spent by tax payers to investigate Hillary Clinton. Give Michelle Obama half that investigation and she'll scream all the way back to Chicago that its a racist attack. What a show of ignorance to so quickly forget what happened during the 90s.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 06:20 PM
Its clear from reading the rebuttals to my last post that my words, my own family experience, my understanding of racism and history, Liberation theology which comes from twenty plus years of activism and study in the field - that all of this has fallen on deaf ears....

So be it - I still stand unapologetic on what I have said....that so many of you refuse to hear or validate the experience of Black communities across this great nation is a tribute to the conditioning you've received from the Massa

As the song says "A change is gonna come"....I'm patient

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by realshanti
the conditioning you've received from the Massa

You mean YOUR massa Obamessiah?


Interesting little blog discussing the 'message of Michelle obama'. Great information on the real message of the First-Lady-Wannabe.

The picture of Michelle dressed in orange and black is my favorite!

It inspired me to start THIS discussion thread in BTS. Completely superficial of course .. but interesting speculation none the less (the same speculation people have about Cindy McCain .. so no one say it's partisan)

[edit on 5/24/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 07:11 AM
my contribution to this thread was not to promote Obama but to point out how in fact Obama is not a racist nor are people who speak up against discrimination and oppression in their communities and in the justice system....

The "racism" fear that people have around Obama and his church is the biggest pile of horse# I've seen in many a year cooked up by those who wish to obscure the real issues that face us as a country.... Why do you allow the corporate media to frame your thinking, never stepping outside the box to try to understand how others experience the world??.....your arrogance seems limitless and that is frustrating and sad...


posted on May, 24 2008 @ 07:23 AM

so no one say it's partisan

I think we can denounce small minded, pointlessly inflammatory, and otherwise banal posts while being non-partisan. There are definitely those who post to debate, those who post to inform, and definitely those who post solely to fill some negative void in their lives and who leverage the anonymity of the forum to attempt to drive the conversation to the lowest form possible to derail those who are perceived to be operating at a higher level than the poster is capable of.

[edit on 24-5-2008 by wytworm]

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 03:26 PM
Semper Fortis, I have to call B.S. on something. I don't care what Webster says Racism means, it is how it's used and understood today.

An example. If I were to say that the University of Alabama would only allow a 1% Minority rate, I would be called 'Racist'.

However, you have the NAACP setting up things like 'Traditionally Black Colleges' (Don't yell at me, that's what they are called by those that attend) and the United Negro College Fund. All of this is fine and well.

Until I start a Telethon for the United Caucasian College Fund. That's Racist.

If I exclude, because I am white, I am racist. If I am exclude, because I am white, it is merely paying past dues to minorities.

If I attack an African-American, for any reason what so ever (to include Self Defense) so lawyer will try to play the 'race card' and make it into a Hate Crime. Not just African-American, any Minority. However, if some Blood sees me in the wrong side of town (and he happens to be a Minority) and he kills me, it's merely a murder/robbery... not a hate crime.

Apparently, by the actions of the Courts and Education system, White can't be discriminated. Causcasian can't be discriminated. How many Minorites have not got the job and were told "Sorry, we have a quota to fill". (I agree, they may have been told the Quota was filled... and if an equal or better canidate they have a court case they should pursue... racism should be stamped out and not tolerated). Now, if you are Caucasian, you very well can be the most qualified person applying, and be told "We can't hire you due to Quota".

So, let me ask you... if Racism is strictly choosing one on no other basis than race alone, and Racism is bad... Why are there United Negro College Funds and not United Causcain ones? Why are there Traditional Black Colleges, but it's unlawful and politically incorrect to state you are a Traditional White College? Why can some one that I may be an equal or better canidate than get the job because I'm White?

Don't these things sound just a tad bit like Webster's definition of Racism? They do to me. Except, perception states that Caucasian can't be target for Racism because apparently Caucasian is the root of Racism. If it wasn't for Caucasian then the minorities would never have been enslaved, treated badly, used in sweat shop labor, etc.

Now, let me remind you, I'm Irish, Native American (Creek), Italian and German. As many Irish died making the rail roads under 'we pay you $5 dollars a day... and charge you $6 for the tools of ours that you use a day' days as did Oriental's and African-American's (as they were now in American, so I place the title). We know about Native Americans, there entire land was raided from them, what of it that wasn't swindled by illegitimate deals. Italians were only allowed in the slums until they got very organized in crime (not all, but the most successful found alternate means to suceed as most avenues weren't allowed to them).

Caucasian though I am, most of my forefathers were every bit as oppressed as other 'minorities'. Still, though Webster says I am, I am not protected in any way from Racism, and the littlest thing said or done by me can me slanted to be found Racist. Simply suggesting a Traditionally White College, for instance.

So, that is why the term "Reverse Racism" is used. A Caucasian simply can't (though should be able to) say a Minority Group treated him with Racism and be taken seriously.

[edit on 25-5-2008 by BradKell]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by realshanti
Why do you allow the corporate media to frame your thinking, never stepping outside the box to try to understand how others experience the world??

that's funny. 'corporate media' eh? No buddy ... sometmies a cigar is just a cigar and sometimes an anti-white racist is just an anti-white racist. You are just making excuses for them and you are blaming the victims (US WHITE PEOPLE!!!) for the actions of those who are wrong (The bigots who follow Black Liberation Theology). There is no excuse for their behavior. None. This has nothing to do with 'understanding how they experience the world'. It's just plain anti-white bigotry and their self-segregated world is one of their own making.

your arrogance seems limitless and that is frustrating and sad...

Back atchya. :shk: And I'll even add that you excusing their behavior is pathetic and definately shaped by the liberal corporate media and/or liberal education system.

[edit on 5/26/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Well first off - I'm deffo NOT your buddy - and you a victim of Black Liberation Theologists?? Could you state a more blatant lie???
- doubt it... I revise my original opinion of you as simply arrogant ---------- You sound like a racist spawn of Satan straight up...end of discussion.

Have a nice delusional day...try not to lynch anyone...

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by BradKell

Semper Fortis, I have to call B.S. on something.

You can CALL anything you want to. However, what you CALL in no way changes the definition nor does it automatically make your misinterpretation legitimate.

The definition is what it is.


posted on May, 26 2008 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by realshanti
You sound like a racist spawn of Satan straight up...end of discussion.

blah blah blah. Off topic personal insult. (and dead wrong).
Typical. Can't take the facts so they throw the 'you are a racist' crap around.

Have a nice delusional day...try not to lynch anyone...

again... back atchya.


posted on May, 26 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

That wasn't an insult - it was the truth - - I presented facts, experience, and history to back up my arguments - and you gave me nothing except the endless repetition of how Michelle and Obama and Black Liberation theologists are racist, while sniping at me personally, so turning it on me now won't change the fact that your knowledge of history or current conditions in black communites is absolutely nil...and your arguments are bankrupt...

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

I agree, the definition IS what it is. However, how the word is PERCEIVED AND UNDERSTOOD BY THE MASSES is NOT the same as the Definition given by Webster.

It's like saying, "That was bad, man!" Now, was it bad as in evil... or bad as in awesomely good? Bad means... well... bad, right? It's how it's understood. In today's society Racism is perceived to be purely a minority issue. It is apparent in Media and Law that Caucasian can not be acted upon racially.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 12:28 AM
If I say "I need certain advantages because my fore fathers were wrongly used 200 years ago" does that make me Racist? I'm seeking something soley on Race.

If I say "I need certain advantages because my fore fathers were wrongly used the last 40 years" does that make me a Racist? Again, soley on Race.

Minorities, lead by Lawyers and those that truely profit, have been doing so, as in a small part has Women's Lib (sex instead of Race).

Everyone talks about Equality. No one wants equality, they want better than the other. They don't want "If two guys are equal, logical choice wins". They want "If two guys or equal, or the other is even better than the one that looks like me, the one looking like me should get the nod". That's every case you can find of 'making things right' through the law.

Now, if a Hispanic, African-American, or other Minority uses the approach it's PC. If a Caucasian says such, he's Racist. He's trying to again put his Race above others.

It really is a very confusing issue. How can I say the EXACT SAME THING as some one else... but I be Racist and they not? Want proof? Whites on average can't use the N word with out bringing critisism, when others can make millions selling records doing exactly that, and are thought heroes.

A female can call another the B word with little done. Even in a friendly, fun way (like the N word gets used). Let a guy call a girl that, and see the heads turn.

Are these not open and blatant Racist and Sexist things?

If I get called a Honky, no one thinks twice. Cracker? Never gets banned. Point is, probably won't be censored here on this site, that has rules against such things. Why? It's not considered bad, or racist? Why? It's aimed at Caucasians. Redneck. Bet that shows up, too. A corn bread feed honky white cracker redneck like me can be called this exact line and no one will say "Hey, that's a Hate Crime!" Because I'm Caucasian.

Until proof otherwise, on an equal scale as the reverse to this is shown, then I stand by my statement that what is PERCEIVED as Racism is not the same as the definition you will find in the Dictionary.

(Mods, if you do censor those, I apologize. You know as well as I do those words are often NOT censored as they are not perceived wrong. I won't be offended at my little show failing due to that point, in fact I will be greatly relieved that some have starting to balance out the issue. Either way, thanks!)

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