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new Planet X Nibiru Video Footage! & Photo's

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posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by UFOBountyHunter
Wouldn't you all agree, that IF and WHEN, this subject of "PLANET X-NIBIRU" ever proves to be true, and there really is something coming on strong into our solar system, that HEADS will roll from the top on down?
I realize there is nothing that we can do to stop or change it's coming if it is true. But, wouldn't we at least all deserve a heads up and warning about it first? Why, try to hide it, or deny it exists, if it really is there? What would there be to gain?

Personally, I hope it is true! I want to see the ancients vindicated, and to see the deniers eat crow.

Scary stuff, but, scary exciting.

Has anyone been paying attention to the unpresidented earthquake activity around the globe lately? Something is up with our home!
Even animals are being reported to be acting very oddly lately.
If I was any where near Yellowstone Nat. Park, I'd think about getting the heck out of there real soon, and as far away as possible.
That place really worries me! If it blows, we are all FUBAR!
Nibiru won't matter.

In my opinion, I think the powers that be are hiding such an event (if its true), is because of the impact that it would have on our economy. What does our economy have to do with it you ask? A LOT! Those greedy bastards in government couldn't care one way or another about us, but they certainly care more about their money! Take 911 for example. Or why wars happen! Profit! If the government actually told people the truth about a planet coming into our system that could have catastrophic results on Earth, I doubt very much people would just continue on with life like we do with day to day things. Some people would panic and probably not go to work, people would stock pile goods and gas creating a food or gas shortage. Of course they would keep it hidden at the last possible minute, so that they can make their riches. Like I said, we are nothing to them compared to their money! Of course we have the right to know, but come on, when has any of our governments ever been truthful to us?

And yes I have also noticed the frequency in earthquakes, floods etc. Seems a bit peculiar. I read that the closer "planet x" (again, if it does exists) gets to earth, the more frequent earthquakes, floods etc will happen. I also read another theory that ties into 2012. An event that only happens 25,800 yrs is when our planet along with the other plants and Sun in our solar sytem align with the middle of the milkyway. And in the middle of our milkyway, a black hole! People speculate that when this happens in 2012, the north and south poles will shift. And if they shift too fast, catastrophic events will happen on Earth.

[edit on 21-5-2008 by no_pulse]

[edit on 21-5-2008 by no_pulse]

[edit on 21-5-2008 by no_pulse]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by no_pulse

If this is true, why would the PTB, care about economy and money? If there will really be a cataclysmic event, money is not going to do them any good, plus they already have more than enough money and power.

The reason they would keep this quiet, is imo, that if people would know something would happen in 2012, the PTB would have a hard time to finish their preparations to survive the event themselves.

It's better to quietly slip into the bunkers when the time comes, and let the people be oblivious, that would make things more smooth for them.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 07:26 AM
Tuning Spork, I knew what you wanted to say so you and sensfan both get a star.
You're both 100% correct.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by no_pulse
And yes I have also noticed the frequency in earthquakes, floods etc. Seems a bit peculiar. I read that the closer "planet x" (again, if it does exists) gets to earth, the more frequent earthquakes, floods etc will happen. I also another theory that ties into 2012. An event that only happens 25,800 yrs is when our planet along with the other plants and Sun in our solar sytem align with the middle of the milkyway. And in the middle of our milkyway, a black hole! People speculate that when this happens in 2012, the north and south poles will shift. And if they shift too fast, catastrophic events will happen on Earth.

First of all earthquakes and floods are not caused by forces from outer space.
I can guarantee you for a fact that if there was a brown dwarf star (which is what Nibiru is meant to be) just four years from us and already inside our solar system we'd all know about it, in fact I probably wouldn't even be here typing this post right now if that was the case. Earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, bad weather, etc, are a natural part of living on Mother Earth, we live on an active planet. It amazes me that whenever events like this happen people who believe in this Nibiru nonsense point the finger of blame at some mythical planet/star, like earthquakes aren't meant to happen.
There's mountains of geological evidence that shows big earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc, have happend throughout Earth's history. Also does this Nibiru just have a grudge against the Earth or something? Why is it not affecting any of the others? Throwing their orbits out of whack, etc? It appears that anyone who is suggesting this hasn't researched what a brown dwarf actually is. To begin with, a brown dwarf is a failed star that did not have enough mass to sustain fusion in its core. It may not be a shining bright star but it does still emit some light, especially infrared light. If a brown dwarf were in or near the solar system it would give off enough light and reflect enough light from the sun to be seen and would certainly have been noticed by astronomers around the world. A brown dwarf is not a tiny, invisible object which could go undetected as some Nibiru believers claim, and brown dwarfs are much larger than some of the estimates for Nibiru that are frequently banded about. An object like this ploughing through our solar system every 3600 years or so would make it impossible for us to live here, we wouldn't even be here today if this was the case.

As for your other comment about "our planet along with the other planets and Sun in our solar sytem align with the middle of the milkyway.", I'm pretty sure you're talking about the Galactic Alignment. Unfortunately that event was already calculated to have happend, 10 years ago!

The Galactic Equator is a virtual line that describes 0 degrees longitude and 0 degrees latitude, and acts as a divisionary line between the northern and southern hemispheres of the Milky Way galaxy. The precise alignment of the solstice point (the precise center-point of the body of the sun as viewed from earth) with the Galactic equator was calculated to occur in 1998 (Jean Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, 1997 - mentioned by Jenkins at ). This date was further refined by Smelyakov to May 7 1998 ( Therefore, if the significance of 2012 is related to a precise intersecting of the Galactic Equator, whatever that significance would have meant would already have occurred.

Also here:

As for "Pole Shifts", it is a theory

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 09:58 AM
AgentVenom,now,I'm just playing devils advocate here.......what other reason could there be for all of the planets in the solar system getting hotter? Could an approaching star be causing the warming of all our planets?

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Acidtastic
AgentVenom,now,I'm just playing devils advocate here.......what other reason could there be for all of the planets in the solar system getting hotter? Could an approaching star be causing the warming of all our planets?

Where's the evidence for that? Can I have links to sources and citations, please?

You state "all" planets in the solar system are getting hotter, this is false.

There are three fundamental flaws in the 'other planets are warming' argument:

1. Not all planets are warming - some are cooling
2. The sun has shown no long term trend since 1950
3. There are explanations for why other planets are warming

Not all planets in the solar system are warming

Only 6 planets or moons out of the 100+ bodies in the solar system have been observed to be warming. On the other hand, Uranus is cooling (Young 2001)

[edit on 21/5/08 by Agent Venom]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 10:09 AM
This topic has an eccentricity of zero.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Agent Venom
To begin with, a brown dwarf is a failed star that did not have enough mass to sustain fusion in its core. It may not be a shining bright star but it does still emit some light, especially infrared light. If a brown dwarf were in or near the solar system it would give off enough light and reflect enough light from the sun to be seen and would certainly have been noticed by astronomers around the world. A brown dwarf is not a tiny, invisible object which could go undetected as some Nibiru believers claim, and brown dwarfs are much larger than some of the estimates for Nibiru that are frequently banded about. An object like this ploughing through our solar system every 3600 years or so would make it impossible for us to live here, we wouldn't even be here today if this was the case.

Indeed. In addition the nearest brown dwaf star yet discovered in some 9 light years away. If there was a brown dwarf star screaming into our solar system that was less than 4 light years away (the physical maximum distance it could be as stated by this theory--it all reality, if it was true it would be more like 1 light year away max) astronomers would be able to observe it.

Indeed, astronomers are able to detect Jupiter-massed planets as far as 17,000 ly away. This is not insignificant. Brown Dwarfs, typically on the low end tend to be ten times the mass of Jupiter and on the high end up to 85 times the mass of Jupiter. We would know if a brown dwarf was iminent. This theory holds no scientific credibility.

[edit on 21-5-2008 by RusytyShackleford]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:16 PM
That's the reflection of the sun on the inner lens elements making it only appear to be another object. If it was another planet that close in position to the sun, you wouldn't be able to take a photograph of it unless it was during a total eclipse or the sun just went down behind the horizon.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by RusytyShackleford

Exactly. I would also like to point out that when I said "four years away", I meant in terms of date, 2012 being the so-called "return of Nibiru".
Anyway, I just made another thread which comes from someone who has calculated that Nibiru would have to be travelling FASTER than the speed of light in the sense these Nibiru proponents claim. That alone is enough to say this theory is pure trash.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 10:23 AM
I am constantly fascinated by the fear this topic generates, with quotes like "I pray you can disprove me..."

A couple of months back I saw a youtube clip that was taken by a guy who allegedly got the shot from Antarctica because it's "coming from below the earth, which is why no amatuer astronomers can find it." How convenient! Now it's visible and hanging out next to the sun?

All this can be easily translated to read 'BS'. Something that big would be the proverbial white elephant by now, if it were going to coincide with the 2012 conspiracy.

And if the skeptics are wrong, there aint # we can do anyway. I think Nibiru is an esoteric fairytale and the moral of the story is, get off your computer, go outside and put some life into your living.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 03:34 PM

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 09:17 PM
I'm taking a wait and see attitude about Planet X? If it is there somewhere, and is going to come into our solar system, their is nothing we can do about it anyway. To be afraid of it, would be stupid. I am going to die someday anyway, so if a new unknown big brown dirt ball is going come, and do nasty thing to the Earth, well so be it. I can't catch a space bus and go somewhere screw it!

But, I do wonder why the EARTH is a shaken and rock`n more than normal lately? I am up enough on seismology to know that the plates move all the time. But, why are they so active now, and why are ancient dead volcanoes reawakening? Something is up! Is Yellowstone going to blow? I'd like to know, so I can get the hell out of Dodge. I also know, Earth a fickle Bitch. She'll never really tell much ahead of time, if thats what she decides. It is like a evil prank. Quiet for 75,000 years, and then;
KABOOM! Gotcha!

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 03:08 PM
It's not a lens flare. It's not Venus... I do have 4 questions though!

1. Why can't we survive 26 000 year old cycle of death? It would not seem to completly destroy us, if true, it just brings havoc.

2. With the little we know about the universe, and the lack of science we have (or believed to think we have) why is planet x not possible, because it's greater than ourselves?

3. Why don't we have more good evidence like that video? Why the lack in evidence? There's alot of people on this planet.

I'd like to make a comment. If it does exist then obviously we're going to have skeptics that can't accept the truth since, well it's a pretty horrible scenario. Our nature is to disbelieve what is too great for our ego and psychology so we don't go nuts. I think I see alot of that in planet x threads. So,

4. What explanations do we have for the evidence? So far I'm not convinced I'm seing lens flares, venus, comets, or... well, what the hell is it?

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 03:23 PM

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by jpvskyfreak

I look at this and say,"well, well, well". I'd love to say,"hoax", but one has to ask,"what if it's true?" and then look at the data, and if any reasonable person does, he will get a feeling of apprehension. You should. If you get to find this, it is because you have been looking for a duration and are familiar enough to sift the truth from the garbage. But if you get a Jim Smith looking around, chances are, he won't find it, because he doesn't "look into myths" and "crazy stuff like extraterrestrials". Now if you don't look, you won't find it. But even if you find it, you are no better than if you did. There is the cooking pot, there is the fire. I always stop short of mentioning this thing to someone not prepared. They'd have to be prepared before being given this data because it goes against science as it's taught in schools, and it also goes against the belief system and what is pushed by mainstream media and education systems. The only ones who have information on this phenomenon, are those who still are in possession of their own traditions,and if you look, you will find that all data on astronomy was under attack during the time of the inquisition.
Here is what I can say though...push for reforms within your own governments-it's your only chance. Your governments can enhance, or fail to enhance, your survival, but they are YOUR governments. Even with this scenario, you will still find out,if you look enough, that if the governments that serve the citizens, were more truer to their goals, instead of serving private interests and alien agendas, that this issue would be very easy to handle. So, while it's a good thing posting here, you are going too far adrift,the ball is in your alley pal. Even if all of this stuff is true, it's not the most important. Good Luck.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 07:08 AM
I am a firm believer in nibiru and the Sumerian implications of nibiru's return approx every 3600, I just watched the video and I find it very interesting, it would make sense in all reality because of the fact that nibiru will most likely be very visible to most people starting in 2009. I have read several Sitchin books and I am convinced of it's return, the only thing that bothers me is this.

Sitchin estimates nibiru's return in about 1100 more years, by his calculations her last return was in 556 B.C.E, although taking into fact that sitchin and the few others who actually can read cuneiform I would imagine that sitchin is very well used by the government's of the world so in this case he wouldn't be able to come out and say that nibiru will return in 2012 because it would cause mass panic among the societies of earth.

I do believe that sitchin knows her return will happen in 2012 but he has purposely thrown the date off so can save his own skin, but I believe that his allegations have pointed us in the right direction, which is what he most likely what he intended to do in the first place.

All I can truly say on this whole matter is that you people had better wake up and realize what is about to happen, life as we know it will be dramatically changed and up to two thirds of the population are most likely going to die from the events that nibiru's gravitational influence has on the earth. Don't expect to hear about this on CNN or read it in the paper because I can guarantee you the powers that be are very well aware and very well prepared to protect them and theirs, as far as people as a whole they can care less.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:05 AM

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 06:17 PM
i cant take this!its bringing me to tears!people keep saying that the world will end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!they do not flipping know that!!!!!!!!!!!it dont matter if scientists keep saying that "nibiru will crash into earth!i say bull poop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!only the lord above knows when the world will end!oh yeah!never!!!!!!!god will only unleash his wrath on all his non-believers and all the believers will be taken up to heaven!i dont believe all of you believe that nibiru will actually crash into earth!!!!!!!!!!sure scientist have the hubble and all of that, but only god knows when the earth will end but really earth is without end only our worlds in our minds.

so i ask you... do you believe in god?
if you do...
good.keep it that way and i'm sorry for yelling at you,please forgive live out your life as best you can and dont believe everything you see on the internet,theyre not always right. anyway thats for reading my message.bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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