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new Planet X Nibiru Video Footage! & Photo's

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posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by dhardeman

I believe the only way it can truly be detected is with radar or something that can track a moving object- I doubt it could be located via optical telescope unless one was extremely lucky to aim in the right direction- if it exists at all.

It could very easily be located by optical telescope, especially with digital astrophotography and software. Many astronomers are interested in searching for new asteroids. To do this, they will take a picture of the night sky one night and then at the same time the next night take another picture. The pictures are then "stacked" to see if any "stars" are moving. If something is found, there are a number of catalogs and organizations that can be used to verify anything new in the sky. This is, in fact, the way Pluto was discovered.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by RusytyShackleford

LOL- caught myself before you got too!

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by Evasius
Here is the latest image from SOHO (The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory):

There's something there. And it's present in all the images over the last 2 days at least.

If it's a lens anomaly, it is very prolific.

Source page:

That is the C3 filter.
Right next to it on this page :
is also the C2 filter shot, which has no anomaly.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 03:20 AM
Substantiated, Subversive ,Secretive Self Righteousnessness and as real as a head on collision !
Iraq goes much farther than any international oil conspiracy for despite anyone having the need to deem me a crackpot is something i can live with comfortably for once we are let go then if we speak up and most usually anomymously we are deemed such but before i continue the atheist always shuns the holy concept until dying then the cries for a God are louder than a thundercrack at 3 in the morning but i am not into religion to set the record flat !
Iraq has the Ziggurrats as well as the nearest avenue to the smooth cliff face temple of Xerxes and is littered with the only relevance to American Elitist Nepotism all the way from a forest in Bohemia where a dozen overweight oversexed alcolholic Masons created the effigy religion of Maarduk !
Now why are we pulling all of these artifacts out of the Iraqi Desert sculpted and fashioned in the 1st century back to the US and these artifacts including the oversized holy shrouded body of many Kings of Persian Influence only !
Has anyone made a connection here yet ancient Persia Xerxes and the artifacts such as the water scope of Marduks Ziggurat beholds the power to manifest and manipulate weather patterns and does anyone think that earthquake in China was a coincidence NO it was a tooled device found and used by amateurs to wreck amd ruin others countries and China will catch on but wait as they keep their threats up the more catastrophic events will take place the scope of Marduk born of fire yet fashioned for water and soil manipulation has the precision to fry one individual anywhere with a bolt after the clouds form of course but the scientists have this i know for i am responsible for its discovery and layman terms i use in respect and unless i am a phsycic Iran will be struck as China once more coincidence NO but after this occurs maybe you will see that i fled to Canada for a reason and the buck does not stop there there is more much much more all i want to leave you with is Persia is the root core of this equation of weather system weaponry and it has only just begun thank me as much as you wish but i am burned out and if i vanish just relay this to the Ops department and thank them for a job well done ?

Despite ther shoddy rambling i am about as important to the few who truly know my job and i am on the run after i ws ordered to return to Iraq and my wife left me after we were on the run the past while and i am now officially desperate and now the beginning is yours beleive it or not either way ignorance is bliss and sheep and cattle is what you are to them so enjoy your milk quite like smoking only incubation factor is well known by them and i know that is old news but the difference is that the Govrnment is very aware and wants the dairy money instead of the cost of its evaporation ?
Think Persia there is soooo much more Out N.H

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by sensfan
Nice lens flare there. If that's planet X, I guess it brought along planets Y, Z XX and YY as well right? There are lens flares all over those pictures.

And how would you be able to see a planet during the day time? And aparently only from Chicago, at that time of day, with his camera? If it's that big, I should be able to see it right this minute, as would everyone else.

Oh, almost forgot, I guess you need to take video through the window too, that adds to the lens flare and reflections.

Use some common sense people.

[edit on 18-5-2008 by sensfan]

I remember that this was the first thing that caught my eye seeing the curveline of flares, I suspended that just for researching it, but by now we know. lensflare with the cute coincidence of Mercury being in that place.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:28 AM
I didn't read all the replies so I don't know if anyone else noticed that before me. In the video 1:21 the camera zooms in to the object. Just under the object there is a chimney or something. As the cameraman moves around, the light object also moves from the chimney left or right while the sun remains still. In my opinion in order to move left or right it REALLY has to be close to the camera.
How about that?

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by Agent Venom

Not sure if you were agreeing with my post but your post was very informative, like you said these type of people who are believing in this BS must love lack of information. I stated I didn't think this was Nibiru at all and if it was anything it couldn't be a solar body. But like you stated it is probably just a reflection. Also in the context of people calling Nibiru a Brown Dwarf wouldn't that mean that the inner solar system would periodically be thrown out of wack because of the immense gravitational pull from a body of that size(talking mass). Also if this planet came anywhere near the sun if it were a Brown Dwarf it would probably be caught by the Sun's immense gravitational pull and we probably would have been blinded by an explosion already. Well either way I suppose we'll know more when someone credible talks about this.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by Lokey13

Exaclty, a brown dwarf star being just four years away would already be having a major effect on the stability of the solar system. You also have to take into account that this object is said to have a 3600 year orbit, think how many times this so-called brown dwarf has ploughed through the solar system, we wouldn't even be here discussing it right now if this was the case. The solar system is stable, as it has been for billions of years. Not to mention it would be reflecting so much light it would be one of the brightest object in the sky.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:19 AM
It is not quite as obvious in the pics but the video clarifys everything....this is a hole in the mesh or the window halfway through the video you can see the thickness of the glass/ mesh. .why does it retain a perfectly circular shape and never causes glare??? come on! try harder next time

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by Agent Venom

i agree with you and lokey. to me it appears like that this matter is paraller to the religious fanatism-- they both want to believe in something, and really do believe, but their 'proof' is often very one-sided, and they ignore the facts what more realistic people generally agree on. they only accept the 'facts' supportive to their hypothesis. i don't know if it is very wise.

[edit on 19-5-2008 by Geemor]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:52 AM
The object changes position relative to the sun between 1:22 and 1:23 (just as the camera moves). I'd say it's a reflection.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by Geemor
reply to post by Melyanna Tengwesta

now you got me puzzled as i started asking questions when i few minutes ago had a clear opinion

You are puzzeled? I'm puzzeled daily when I dive into tgis stuff!!

Anyway it keeps the brain busy and I'm curious about other ppl's theories.

Maybe I'm just totally mental but sometimes I get 'messages' from through the veil
There is a planet out there that belongs to our solar system but where it is or when it will be visible for humans, I have NO idea.

The outburts of our Sun that spread particles (solar cosmic rays/radiation)
that are capable of mutating biological lifeforms (like on human skin: cancer) and plant. Also it has an influence on the Earth's climate.

WHAT now the Sun has many outbursts over the last few years and planet IN our solar system line up in various combination since the late 80S?

Ii think it all has an influence on Life on Earth.

WHAT would be the effect of an other planet that has an orbit of some thousand years? WHAT IF it enters our solarsystme and lines up with the Sun and our other planets?? Is humanity ready for it? That's what i wonder about ....

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Melyanna Tengwesta

even we couldn't see it due it strange radiation frequency, we still would be able to determine it approximate location due the force that it would cause in the form of 'gravitation' in other objects in our solar system. if its a small planet however, it would be harder of course. but generally nibiru is considered to be a star with orbiting planet, or huge planet capable of throwing earth off it's orbit-- that kind of thing we should know about even if we couldn't see it.. or at least i suppose so

to answer you last question, i think that most of us would have hard time accepting it, but generally your guestion is in vain, because if such event would take place, mankind would have to adapt in it.

btw, i don't want to sound like skeptic, and i like to believe that there are people with mental capabilities even my own are non-existent

also i agree that the off-orbit planets are possibility, but not such thing as the common nibiru myth claims. i be meaning the one that is supposed to be a brown dwarf star only 4 years from us now. if it would be real, we would be feeling it already in far more devastating effects that could ever be explained with current earthquakes and tornados..

but then again, what do i know?

[edit on 19-5-2008 by Geemor]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 08:16 AM
if you compare the C2 (red) with the C3 (blue), you will notice it has a different focus.
the planet which is seen in the above shown blue C3 picture might as well be the planet that is seen in the C2 movie, posted here below at 4:20 and the one 6:39

the white circle represents the sun. so there is today a planet visible in the C3, but not in the C2. you will see it later, when the planet is coming closer to the sun (from our point of view)
[edit on 19/5/2008 by rxnnxs]

[edit on 19/5/2008 by rxnnxs]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 08:24 AM
I'm sorry but I just can't believe that Niribu passed by our inner solar system 3600 years ago;that'd be around 1600 AD (unless my math is off), and wiped out mostly all life here on earth? Because that's what would happen if this supposed object travelled through our inner solar system.

So life recreated itself, heck lets even say that just man was wiped out, it takes hundreds of thousands if not millions of years to go from Ape to man. If it does pass by every 3600 years, and we have human fossil records dateing back way, way, wat earlier than that, you Nibiru believers are saying Earth and man on earth has survived hundreds, upon hundreds of Nibiru passings through our local planet group then?

If so I think the odds we'll survive just one more is pretty damn good.

Nothing to fear either way.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 08:41 AM

That's one fast moving Nibiru!

It must be due to the gravitational forces of the sun and maybe a black hole in the center of our solar system.

... um, or it could just be lens flare. LMAO.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Nola213

I think you meant B.C.

or, your math really IS bad.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 11:56 AM
did you hear there voices, how fast they were talking, how excited they were. for the turn out that is. it was only a step.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:14 PM
This poor dead horse is being flogged again?
Look, Nibiru is fantasy. There's no such thing. It was invented to tenuously fit an interpretation of some old documents. It's not a science.
To go over old ground yet again:
Nibiru is claimed to have a 3630 year ORBITAL cycle. The significance of this is that in having an elliptical orbit, it must have a gravitational center of mass that it goes around. Even if Nibiru was invisible, we would be able to easilly detect the central gravitational force. At the very least, because Nibiru passes through our solar system, and is effected by this CONSTANT gravitational mass, we would both be able to witness the gravitational effects on our Sun, and the the entire Solar system of planets, and indeed, any object with mass in our solar system...which we can't.

[edit on 19-5-2008 by cruzion]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by cruzion

Originally posted by Evasius
Here is the latest image from SOHO (The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory):

There's something there. And it's present in all the images over the last 2 days at least.

If it's a lens anomaly, it is very prolific.

Source page:

That is the C3 filter.
Right next to it on this page :
is also the C2 filter shot, which has no anomaly.

The reason that it is in the LASCO C3 is that it's field of view goes out to 30 solar radii. THE LASCO C2 only goes out to about 6 solar radii. Also note the open star cluster the Pliades are also not visibile in the C2. Watch in the coming days and both Venus and the Pliades will be visible.

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