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Why are we terrified of the Grays?

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posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Yes I do have a very genuine desire to overcome my fears of these beings, actually I wish to understand them but I can not do this before I loose my fear of them can I.

It is important to remember too MG that people believe in God and live in fear of him too,Others believe in the afterlife, and are afraid of evil spirits. So people argueing over wether Aliens/God exist is for another thread. I think you have really brought up an important facet of how we percieve these unexplained experiences ET, religious or otherwise, we often see fear as a primary response, a motivator and influnce in which our experiences are controlled and what we learn from then distorted by these fearful feelings. I think, also, that the over analyses or guessing at what motivates Aliens/God etc and thus from where our fears arise might be an impossible task and can only and to the anxiety of not knowing the whys and hows when discussing experiences. I think that is why it is important to deal with the things you do know, your feelings, how will i let them dictate my experiences etc. I mean we may not be able to validate the things we believe exist outside of our world, but that does not mean that we cannot address the feelings they generate, and how they effect the way we live and interact in this world.

I do not feel any need to prove anything to anybody anymore. I will of course always come across people who disagree with me but this is fine. It is the manner that we deal with this that is important not the disagreement itself.
Good for you, i think we can all learn from discussing our fears, no matter what we believe or experience. Lets face it, we can't let fear hold us back.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:44 AM
Yes we are all family.

One day maybe you will come to realize that they do have the ability to do things we could only imagine.

I know the Grey's are in the deepest of our waters and "two" good places would be the Mariana Trench and the Puerto Rico Trench areas. Funny these areas are near the Bermuda Triangle and the Dragons Triangle.

There are quite a few species in our waters and as I understand it the symbols made on the Mountains in Peru was a directional locator for the different species.

The ships are air and water you have no idea how cool it really is!

[edit on 18-5-2008 by observe50]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:47 AM
I think what he is saying is in this day and age unles you have a picture to back up your story nobody will believe you. Not in a nasty sense just the way ego works here on Earth

Now has come a time where you have to have proof just to say hello to sombody

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:58 AM
"Havent had any abduction experience or anything like that, havent even seen an ufo, but that picture...i scrolled back up like no tomorrow when i saw it and my heart skipped a beat. I "

Same reaction here.. I'm already trying to be prepared when viewing an occasional picture when viewing a thread like this... but indeed, heart skipping that picture is!

The one with the baseball hat I can watch barely.

As far as I know no experiences or anything like that..nothing to recall, no marks, etc.. but as long as I can remember, I've been terrified of those pictures... and I too have the feeling that it's getting worse. Sometimes when I close my eyes at night I can almost see those faces vaguely appear on the inside of my eye lids... is it my imagination? are they vision-like? I don't know.. but after the first, they become like the pink elephant you don't want to think about. I just visualize that those images are made of porcelain and smash everyone with a big hammer.

I'm interested in the subject (most of all from the perspective of technology.. mankind could be so much better technology-wise!)... but I absolutely hate it when a particular online bookshop tries to be smart and throw the Communion cover in my face as 'suggested reading'.

I like the T-shirt idea.. but I just could not own or wear such a thing myself.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:02 AM
Because they dont exist, people are scared of things that are not real.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by psycho81

Now has come a time where you have to have proof just to say hello to sombody

Yes I realize this is the Alien forum which requires more proof than others which is why I worded my thread carefully. Why are we terrified of the Grays is a question not requiring proof, Im not here to prove they exist am I. I am here to delve into the very real fear felt by many.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

Same reaction here.. I'm already trying to be prepared when viewing an occasional picture when viewing a thread like this... but indeed, heart skipping that picture is!

The one with the baseball hat I can watch barely.

As far as I know no experiences or anything like that..nothing to recall, no marks, etc.. but as long as I can remember, I've been terrified of those pictures... and I too have the feeling that it's getting worse. Sometimes when I close my eyes at night I can almost see those faces vaguely appear on the inside of my eye lids... is it my imagination? are they vision-like? I don't know.. but after the first, they become like the pink elephant you don't want to think about. I just visualize that those images are made of porcelain and smash everyone with a big hammer.

I like the T-shirt idea.. but I just could not own or wear such a thing myself.

Yes that Gray in a baseball cap is very disturbing I wish Id never seen it I think its going to haunt me. Its like staring out from under that hat.

You say you have never had any contact yet I sense a fear from you around wearing the T shirt??

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:23 AM
This has probably been said a million times before but I think just as there are some evil people and some good people there are aliens who want to help and some who don't. Also, just because something looks evil doesn't make it (don't judge a book by it's cover).
However, kidnapping, experimenting, etc yeah bad.
Anyway, personally I think the Gray we see is actually a spacesuit and that's why they all look the same. If you had some strange being in your ship you would want some kind of protection.
I think the reason people are afraid of them is no one wants to be kidnapped. No one wants to have loss of control. If you look at the stories they talk about how the person can't move. No one likes to be under the control of another especially when you have no idea who or what they are or what they want.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:26 AM
I don't think we are "afraid" of the greys at all.

They are supposedly the friendly ones. I believe we are afraid of the other species. Because it's been claimed the reptilians are VERY hostile.


It's not more of afraid its more of personal safety going into affect.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Shakesbeer
reply to post by weedwhacker

If Fetch is quanitified as such:
F= the game of Fetch the Ball
I=identify the location of the ball
R= Retrieve the ball & bring back to "owner's" location

Then F = I + R

But by tricking the dog with slight of hand, you changed the game to be "Identify the Location of the Ball" Which can be expressed like this:


This expression can be used in basic algebra terms to like this

the game being played (Fetch or Find) = X= 3 in a normal game

So by those constants. the normal game of fetch and the expression of it's variables & sum could be shown like this:
1 + 2 = 3= X (easy as 1-2-3

So when we switched the game on the dog, the game turned in "Solve for 'X'" as opposed "add the integers" like expressed below:
X + 2 = 3

How does "solve for X" equal "I" from the first expression?
X= 3 - 2
Which equals 1
1 as indicated above is equal to "I"(I=F-R)

Totally getting Numb3rs up in this mo-fo

And that's why dogs are superiors to cat because you can teach them algebra. jk
But you get my point, the dog doesn't have to know how to read let alone add & subtract on paper to be able to play fetch and learn when recognize when you change the game on him. I think our Extra Terrestrial neighbors or whatnot do the same thing in a sense from time to with the more anomalous crop circles etc.

OMG shakesbeer just when I think I know you you come out with something like this!! Seems I have alot to learn about you

So you think our terrestrial neighbours are doing this to us? Trying to teach us algebra. Yes I agree crop circles are messages but are they from the Grays????


posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:00 PM
What I think it comes down to is the human fears because they don't know, they don't understand, they don't have control of the situation.

With the technology think about it are we ready for there technology with the hostility they know us to have. There may be people that would use this for the good but just look around what our governments think as control, the upper hand the greed.

Look at what is going on by the camera's on our shuttles. To me it appears we are shooting lasers up there trying to shoot them down. As I see it this human race has to be monitored very closely especially when we are spreading our wings and attempting to move on out.

These Grey beings have been made out to be evil bad beings and this is not fair. The Grey's are not all bad. I have written before imagine if we went to a foreign Planet and we only had contact with a small group of beings and they did bad things would it be right to accuse the entire race of beings there all bad?

I suggest you sit and really look at the Grey being with a different eye. Maybe they took you for your own good to help you in some way and when you fought them they used more control because there job to help you had to be accomplished.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Sorry on the pic in the baseball cap. You do know where that comes from right? It's The Unnatural an episode of X-Files.

Mulder and Scully dig up an old case involving a star player in the Negro Baseball League with an unbelievable batting average — and an incredible secret. (from above link)

Nothing to fear. It's a TV show CGI rendering. In fact the main theme of that episode was light comedy.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by observe50

So, observe50, you don't mind coming here and trying to tell people these things are real, without proof?

I think that's quite unethical and unprincipled.

What if these are people with real fears (though not alien-related)? Don't you feel you'd be responsible for upsetting them more?

Just curious.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Badge01
reply to post by Mr Green

Sorry on the pic in the baseball cap. You do know where that comes from right? It's The Unnatural an episode of X-Files.

Mulder and Scully dig up an old case involving a star player in the Negro Baseball League with an unbelievable batting average — and an incredible secret. (from above link)

Nothing to fear. It's a TV show CGI rendering. In fact the main theme of that episode was light comedy.

Funny I loved that show but cant remember this episode. Anyway no problem If I wake in the night screaming of alien baseball players I'll know who to blame whont I.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Badge01

We are sharing our experiences to give input to the thread to shed a little light on our background. The only reason for this is so we can share our views on why we fear/Don't Fear Greys.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Well we all know there's no Crying in Baseball; s'pose there could be screaming.

You're a good sport, Mr Green.

[edit on 18-5-2008 by Badge01]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:29 PM
I can relate to quite a few replies above.

No experiences that I know of here either, but their appearance is just haunting. If they're good, it would take a lot of good deeds before I'd ever start to trust them.

The t-shirt idea is a good one, but personally I don't think I'd ever be able to walk around wearing one. Ever!

I have moments that this fear for this face pops up after reading a lot of alternative material (not just UFO stuff, but other fringe sciences as well). E.g. after reading about leylines for a few hours or so and doing something completely different (e.g. taking a shower) I regularly have to prevent my mind from wandering into the direction where this face image starts popping up.

I like the porcelain idea posted above. Personally I try to swap/morph those head images into balloons or water mellons and popping them.

I've also got this association between thunderstorms and UFOs as well..

Now I am somewhat known among friends for my fast associative memory, but why the above is the case, I've got no clue. As far as I know I'm just a 'regular Joe'.

Scored 65 points on the Starseed Quiz once.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Badge01
reply to post by Mr Green

Well we all know there's no Crying in Baseball; s'pose there could be screaming.

You're a good sport, Mr Green.

[edit on 18-5-2008 by Badge01]

Being British I dont really know much about baseball, its all football here. I do know however they dont have many alien players!


posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by psycho81
reply to post by Badge01
We are sharing our experiences to give input to the thread to shed a little light on our background. The only reason for this is so we can share our views on why we fear/Don't Fear Greys.

Yes, that's cool. But the truth is, not everyone who has scary feelings needs to be convinced or even influenced to believe that their experience is due to actual alien presence.

It's the same as implanting memories in hypnosis.

The aim should be to de-escalate anyone's fears, not give them substance.

AFAIK, nobody has ever been harmed or killed by aliens, or Greys. Thus why fear them? The reason has more to do with humans having an innate repulsion to things like serpents and man-sized insects, than anything else.

Ever wonder why aliens don't manifest as bunnies?

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Badge01

Well I can only speak for myself when saying I didn't have anything probe me to scare me so I don't really fear them I just thank them

I do understand your point though

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