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a way to infiltrate area51 without getting caugt

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posted on May, 20 2008 @ 07:23 AM
Getting onto Area 51 is a dream and you'd have to be stupid to think that they keep all of the secret stuff out in the open. They have Iris and fingerprint recognition hardware in schools, nevermind a 'secret' military/science/research facility.

You ain't seein' nothin'.

It kills me too but I'm being realistic. I'm not saying that I wouldn't enjoy getting hi res quality images of hardware on display and actually working on a project that involves a mini UAV

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

thats a great idea/....~~~!!!!!

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by Tiloke

ur a real morron .. stupid go suck bush his dick.... #ing dumbo

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 06:57 AM

can we pus a blanket ban on these types of threads?

I mean seriously...

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by AussieNutter
Do you have any Idea what you just said!doing this could make a discovery like finding out that Area 51 is countrold by Free Masons.The simpelest way to get video footeg of Area 51 is to train a local bird to fly around with a 1 inch long camra that has camelflauge or a color that blends in with the bird.The camra and bird would be 1 to 3 miles away from a laptop that would be recording all footed of Area 51.wait for the bird to come back but make sure to disable the camra and terminate the link then put the footeg on a flashdrive, disk or flopy disk... whatever works best. edventaly the bird should comback but smash the laptop and camrae with one hit with a hamer but just one because this should prevent Area 51 from tracking you down and finding any information about you.Go to the middle of nowere and and dig a hole and place what was just smashed in the hole.burn the cumputer and camrae for 10 minets then exstinguish the fire and cove the hole back up and go back home.You've left no evedence behind.

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 02:43 PM
Why not get some moles put some cameras on them and make them dig their way to the lower floors

posted on Jul, 5 2008 @ 03:28 PM
Get some education in a field that the gov't could use.

Apply for work with the gov't, eventally transfer to the Area 51 location.

Work your way up the ladder to Top Secret and beyond.

It'll take a while, but you'll learn some things and get your curiosity satisfied.
Better than spending the same amount of time in prison wishing you hadn't pulled such a dumb stunt when you were young and stupid.

And way better than laying in the Dez, dead with the ants eating on your bones....

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Tiloke
I have said it before, and I'll say it again.

Attempting to perform any of the activities suggested in this thread is a crime.

Thank you, oh great one. We bow to your unlimited knowledge of all things obvious.

Seriously though, do you have to brow beat EVERY thread with these same huge quotes EVERY TIME? You're not cop. You're a just a guy typing behind a computer screen.

We're all big boys here and we don't need you posing as a govt. agent, or any kind authority for that matter. If you have a problem with that, tough. You have no more authority than anyone else on this forum.

If the MOD's had a problem with these threads they would have deleted them already. Please let the Mods handle the legality of this issue. Until then, please be respectfull and allow others their right to free speech and save the sermon for sunday mass.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Desert Dawg

Hmm but he has probably been flagged yes? (along with anyone else who has brought up something to do with some sort of forced entry into Area 51) - so I am guessing he would find it hard to even get a position where he could get his hands on any type of vital information.

Even then working in Area 51 you probably undergo numerous security checks before even going to the toilet
- Internet access is probably not allowed while inside base, phones and such searched upon exit and all that stuff? So even if he or someone else got a job their the chances of getting some sort of information or proff out are extremely low (not impossible - anything could happen).

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 10:32 PM
I think remote UAV with camera sending a feed to a remote location for recording is your only realistic chance. A simple RC Helicopter wouldn't due. You'd need to fab something very high tech. I read the CIA has a prototype RC drone that looked like a 1" bug, with a miniature camera ! I wonder if the Russians ever got any spies inside A-51 ?

But yeah anything really secret would be locked inside vaults with heavy security. You'd need to have connections and basically hire a private mercenary army to assault the place to actually get video of alien tech, if there is even any stored on site.

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 02:10 PM
I don't think it would be worth the trubbel at all just getting a look at the top of A-51. And even IF a bunker door IS OPEN, it's not lightly to be anything to much of interest to see there anyway since the exciting things are happening undergrown, if it happens at A-51 at all. And also as mentioned, put up a signal jamer and all the effort is worthless, and I would guess they already have some sort of signal jamer up and running there to block out any foregin signals. Getting a peak inside is much harder than just brainstorming for a crazy idea for some few minutes before posting, yet another, thread about this issue on ATS.

Hopefully, but not likely, this is the last post of this kind on ATS.

Ofcourse, getting inside A-51 is not impossible as so many is claming. Nothing is impossible, somethings just take a hell of a lot longer to do. The problem is just not getting caught doing it.

There are so many aspects of a task like this that have to be considered, and we need so high end technology that there is no way normal people even can afford the idea of doing something like this. And you'll have to break so many laws before even getting remotly close to be abel to do this so my guess is that your locked up before you even get your shot at it if you want to do it in a well planed way.

Getting such a big task as this is done, is so far of as you might just as well find peace of mind with the idea of this just beeing a dream.

Edit: Context

[edit on 21-7-2008 by TopSecretArea]

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 07:24 PM
You never know, it could actually work.

A few people have posted comments stating that you won't be able to say anything, because all of the "good stuff" will be underground, and not on the surface, but if this is the case, why is it that the closest an unauthorized person can get to area 51 is about 14 miles from it? Why is it that even the air-space over area 51 is restricted for more than 575 square miles?

There is obviously something on the surface that they don't want us to see.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATSbut if this is the case, why is it that the closest an unauthorized person can get to area 51 is about 14 miles from it? Why is it that even the air-space over area 51 is restricted for more than 575 square miles?

in the event that one of the hangars is open? or perhaps if they are currently running tests? or the most likely reason is that they would just rather keep you as far away as possible, regardless if things are underground.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Schaden
You'd need to have connections and basically hire a private mercenary army to assault the place to actually get video of alien tech, if there is even any stored on site.

me thinks that if there were any private mercenaries up to this task, which i doubt there is, they would be smart enough to not even try such a task.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by johneboy

Originally posted by Schaden
You'd need to have connections and basically hire a private mercenary army to assault the place to actually get video of alien tech, if there is even any stored on site.

me thinks that if there were any private mercenaries up to this task, which i doubt there is, they would be smart enough to not even try such a task.

There's truly only one way to get into Area51 under those conditions. You would have to have a group of private mercenaries, who are also insiders at the base and in charge of security over Wackenhut.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Has anyone tried entering area 51 while having an out of body experience? If someone interested in getting in, learned to force themselves to have one, and became experienced with controlling them, it would be an easy way to get inside.

Yes, actually, a couple members have attempted this task. One said he was blocked from entering somehow.

William Burroughs, an OBE specialist, stated in his book "Out of Body Travel" that when you travel Out of Body, you are actually entering a parallell universe, because you are perceiving it from another part of yourself, instead of this dense reality.

At any rate, I plan on attempting this feat myself during every night during sleep in Oct. I will report any findings here.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 07:56 PM
hi how did your out of body thing go?

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 05:32 AM
did somebody just bump

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by NightVision

Originally posted by Tiloke
I have said it before, and I'll say it again.

Attempting to perform any of the activities suggested in this thread is a crime.

Thank you, oh great one. We bow to your unlimited knowledge of all things obvious.

Seriously though, do you have to brow beat EVERY thread with these same huge quotes EVERY TIME? You're not cop. You're a just a guy typing behind a computer screen.

We're all big boys here and we don't need you posing as a govt. agent, or any kind authority for that matter. If you have a problem with that, tough. You have no more authority than anyone else on this forum.

If the MOD's had a problem with these threads they would have deleted them already. Please let the Mods handle the legality of this issue. Until then, please be respectfull and allow others their right to free speech and save the sermon for sunday mass.

[edit on 7-7-2008 by NightVision]

Oh no, thank you oh great one who knows all. Seriously though, why do we need a thousand identical threads with the same lame ideas EVERY TIME?

Actually, I am a deputized law enforcement agent in a county Jail,not "just a guy typing from behind a computer screen", like you. Remember, Deny Ignorance. That means don't spout things as fact when you obviously have no idea what your talking about.

However, you are correct in saying are all "big boys" here, and as "big boys" we should all be accountable to the RULES WE AGREED TO WHEN WE SIGNED UP. Can you show me in the T&C's where it says its ok to openly recruit other members into joining you in illegal activities, even if it is only "planning" and not "actions"?You cant. because it's not in there. Using this logic, it should be perfectly fine to open the following threads, right?

"ATS Group project; How to kill the president and get away with it"

"How to frame your local cops for crimes in order to get them fired"

"How to hack into Nasa computers without being caught, a collaborative effort"

"Help Needed;How can I make my wifes murder look like a suicide?"

After all. we would only be talking about performing illegal activities, not actually DOING them, right?

I find it hilarious that you would tell me to shut up and go away then whine about YOUR free speech rights. By the way, ATS is a privately owned forum and your so called "right to free speech" doesn't mean jack-squat here.

This is simple and straight forward.
1.It is illegal to try and break into Area 51, period. There is NO WAY you could do this legally, NO WAY AT ALL.
2. The Terms and Conditions THAT YOU AGREED TO (Remember, not doing what you agree to do makes you a liar, or a fraud, pick one) specifically state "Discussion of illegal activities are forbidden".

About the mods not closing the threads down;
The only thing I have ever ever seen a mod say in these threads is that it should be closed. I have sent at least 5 UTU's to various mods questioning these threads but have never received a response. I can only assume that it is being discussed in a "Moderator-only" forum as we speak.

[edit on 7-9-2008 by Tiloke]

posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by Tiloke

Just to clear some things up (from a legal standpoint)
-a 'deputized law enforcement agent in a county jail' can mean
---a citizen granted limited police authority by the county sheriff or higher authority
---a city police officer or tribal law officer granted authority to to extend their jurisdiction to the entire county, often for a statute-limited period of time, by the county sheriff
---an employee of the county law enforcement agency that has been deputized by a state or federal organization in order to assist in a particular task, investigation, or internal police action
----any of the above must be limited by the fact that our friend the deputized law enforcement agent is a jail worker, not a field agent, and that those charged with enforcing the law are not given to interpret or apply it, and must act with prior approval or under blanket guidelines in some jurisdictions.

Groom Lake is nominally protected by its inclusion in the Air Force's Nevada test and Training Range, which is restricted federal property. Of course, these restrictions might be called a bit more stringent in enforcement than at other legally similar sites. Trespass is punishable with fines in the thousands, and will of course result in an immediate removal and possible detention when the trespass is discovered. Trespassing is not limited to the person's body, but extends to willfully causing an object to enter property.

Speculation on illegal activity is protected under free speech interpretations, and the government will find it very difficult to charge you with intent to commit a crime that could only be aggravated by the crime being committed on a very ill-defined piece of property; the law as it applies to the property's current standing requires an actual act of trespassing before intent can be considered.

The two of you telling each other to shut up and go away is included in your free expression rights. This forum provides public accommodation, and within the predetermined terms and conditions, that means if limitations were unevenly applied, a free expression case could be made.

"This is simple and straight forward.
1.It is illegal to try and break into Area 51, period. There is NO WAY you could do this legally, NO WAY AT ALL." True--the only way to legally break into anything is under the protection of good samaritan laws--i.e. if your plane crashed near a building at 'Area 51,' you could legally force entry to get access to communication and not be charged with trespassing or any crimes associated in the instant (INCLUDING treason, by the way, as the treason would be in viewing government secrets, a crime dependent on an already protected act).
"2. The Terms and Conditions THAT YOU AGREED TO (Remember, not doing what you agree to do makes you a liar, or a fraud, pick one) specifically state "Discussion of illegal activities are forbidden"." If the terms and conditions say that, and the rule is evenly applied, then so be it.

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