posted on May, 16 2008 @ 11:09 AM
Some people don't talk about what they have seen maybe through fear, fear of ridicule and let's face it, if i were to announce to my friends at work
that since the age of ten i have bieng seeing these 'objects', i doubt very much they would gather around and want to know details, no, they would
laugh and tell me i needed more sleep and to get out more. But the truth of the matter is that i have seen things i can't explain, nor am i mad, then
again, maddness comes with a degree of sanity and a dusting of intelligence.
The firtst ball of light folllowed my father home from work early one morning around 3am, he got me out of bed and i sat and watched it hovering
above the house, no noise, it was motionless...then when an age seemed to have elapsed it darted off. It was bright blue white light, quite large,
that started my questions...what where and why?
I was in my teens when i saw another one, i was getting on a bus at the time, and above me i heard a low rumble, like thunder without a crack, i
looked up and saw the most amazing green light i remember standing there in awe of this thing, it was like a semi circle of colour and it was
vibrating a very low hum and the light flickered with the vibration, i asked the bus driver if he could see this too....he jjust looked at me as
though i was stark raving mad...which made me think maybe i was as he and no one else on the bus saw anything. I started having strange dreams around
about this time, connected to my subconcious, who knows? But i dreamt about a craft as though i was in a massive airport waiting room and this huge
big black thing would move above our heads and with no was a huge oblong i said, dreams are usually thoughts, what you have
read, watched, listened to, said processed througout your sleeping period....some are not.
I was in the algarve one year and saw a ball of light, thought maybe it was the wine, that night i dreamt of bieng in a white clinical room,
strapped to a metal shiny table, with very small men and a really tall guy with a surgical mask on, they were doing something to the back of my
neck....a dream, maybe but when i awoke, i had bruising on the back of my neck. I dont claim anything, i am merley writing what has happened to
me....the balls of light, ive seen them many more times only the last time there were about six of them alltogether, still,no sound...then darting
around. I have spent years just sat watching the night sky looking for an answer. Im not obbsessive about it, nor am i comfortable with it, im the
kind of person that likes to 'know'...and of course there are things out there and here on earth we don't know about, it would indeed cause mass
hysteria to people who don't understand the concept of another civilisation out there and who would run in fear to no where with visions of 'mars
attacks' in the forefront of their minds.
There is talk of underground chambers....of course there must be, then be it true or not, theres the 'Art Bell' phone call from the guy suddenly
without a job at area 51, disscharged a week previous on medical grounds, maybe it was lunacy speaking to Art...or maybe it wasn't and the guy was
genuine, either way total transmission was lost and a back up generater kept the radio show going, they guy did say he had very little time to talk as
'they' would triangulate very shortly......something did and zapped transmission.
Not everyone see's these things, objects....why? common sense as to asertain a degree of intelligence and find a logical explaination? or some
people are not meant to see them and some just plain are, the reason?....i will let you know as soon as i find out.....