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Reasons for the mass Governmental Cover-up?

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posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 09:13 AM
What I find interesting is how NASA and the military(which NASA is to,military) act as if they are this group of scientists and analysts discovering things for the first time.

In my humble opinion,for illuminated rulers of this planet. They aren't the brightest beings I have ever experienced. Reptilians tend to be wreckless and jump out of the gate on instinct before they think

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 01:29 PM
Could someone please provide me with some proof that the government knows all there is to know about the aliens? And how has this proof been verified.

I find it impossible to believe we can know anything about the aliens other than what they would tell us. I wouldn't classify the aliens as gods, but I do give them some credit for not being blabbermouths that disclose all of their secrets.

[Edited on 7-3-2004 by Boogie]

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 02:14 PM
The only thing I know for certain is that UFOs are seen. Anything beyond that is speculation or psyops, in my opinion. That might not seem like a lot go on, but it actually is. The implications of UFOs are quite staggering. The institutional response to the issue is in some ways even more interesting, for what it says about us.

posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 09:10 AM

You really think humanity could handle suddenly getting technology that is hundreds of years ahead of us????

Hello? People are stil strapping bombs to themselves and recently flew a few airliners into some buildings! We are still having wars over power, ideaologies and resources. Now what do think people would do if they had acess to such technology? Especially it religious or to country. I can't even begin to think what the world would become.

You also claim that that there has been reverse engineering. It could have happened, but there is absolutely no proof to that save for a few books and claims that cannot be substaintiated.


posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 09:31 AM

You really think humanity could handle suddenly getting technology that is hundreds of years ahead of us????

Try more than a hundred years

I believe there is a project underway as we speak trying to leak the information that we are not alone. Im sure it is costing way too much $$$ and effort to keep covering the issue.

I find it interesting in the media a real push for alternative realities regarding the subject of aliens and out of this world technologies.

Close Encounters
Fire In the Sky
X Files(Fight the Future)
The Red Planet(Val Kilmer)
(Another movie about mars regarding the face structure,dont remember the name of the movie)

Documentaries on TLC,History Channel,Sci Fi etc

SG1 (Gekko Productions)
Chris Carters 1013 Productions (10+13="23")
X Files
Lone Gunman
(Series about a rogue government taking over navigation of a 747 to crash into the WTC)
TV Series "Taken" Stephen Spielberg
"Code Name Eternity"
"Earth,The final Conflict"

I think they are appealing to our unconcious with what I call a (controlled disclosure)

Any Thoughts

posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 10:18 AM
"Try more than a hundred years"

I actually posted "Hundreds of years" I was going to write thousands of years, but I figured hundreds sounded better.

THe controlled disclosure theory sounds interesting, but who is to say? The x-files episode was definitely a coincidence. Creepy, but I think a coincidence. The WTC had already been attacked in 93' and was a known potential target for attack again. The airplane method was one method of many.

If they have ET technology, I do hope they do a trickle down release of it until the day of disclosure comes.(if there is disclosure to be had)

Humanity is still too imature for such advanced technology in my mind. When people stop blowing each other up, only then I will change my mind.


posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 10:34 AM

Chris Carters 1013 Productions (10+13="23")

Any Thoughts


" TCP/IP Standard TCP/IP port for Telnet is 23.
" URLs Most URLs for the web contain 2 "/"s and 3 W's"

Trying to read into this is retarded. Is this the state of ufology today? Crap like this and #ty phoenix lights?

True, what with the end of the X files, Mars Global Surveyor showing there is no face on Mars, no apocalypse in 1999 as predicted by dozens of self-proclaimed prophets, etc, the start of the 21st century may of been in a lull, but let's get a *bit* more serious, can we?

posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 12:42 PM
1. Aliens are real, and have came down and gave our government some tech, that tech included free energy. Energy is what is keeping the rich, rich. If we had free energy, there would be no limit to the ammount of products that could be made, shipped, etc. Starvation, poverty, wars, could all be erased, cause we would have so much of everyting, there would be no reason to fight. The government dosen't want that tech released yet, cause they are still selling oil. If you haven't noticed, the prices keep going up. And they will continue to do so untill it runs out. When the oil runs out, WWIII, except they will be ready. With ships, trains, cars (all for themselvs) that run off electricity from our free energy source. While everyone elses tanks, planes, helicopters, etc. will be grounded cause they have no oil to run them. When that happens, the NWO will come into power, with the only working infastructure.

2. Same as above, except the tech didn't come from aliens, we made it. Aliens are the "smoke screen". I remmber hearing someone say "Keep looking for little green men, while I build a bomb right under your nose."

Its all about free energy and the energy monoplies, it gets out, and they loose everything.

posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Wgatenson
1. Aliens are real, and have came down and gave our government some tech, that tech included free energy. Energy is what is keeping the rich, rich. If we had free energy, there would be no limit to the ammount of products that could be made, shipped, etc. Starvation, poverty, wars, could all be erased, cause we would have so much of everyting, there would be no reason to fight. The government dosen't want that tech released yet, cause they are still selling oil. If you haven't noticed, the prices keep going up. And they will continue to do so untill it runs out. When the oil runs out, WWIII, except they will be ready. With ships, trains, cars (all for themselvs) that run off electricity from our free energy source. While everyone elses tanks, planes, helicopters, etc. will be grounded cause they have no oil to run them. When that happens, the NWO will come into power, with the only working infastructure.

2. Same as above, except the tech didn't come from aliens, we made it. Aliens are the "smoke screen". I remmber hearing someone say "Keep looking for little green men, while I build a bomb right under your nose."

Its all about free energy and the energy monoplies, it gets out, and they loose everything.

Great points,and I agree,free energy systems DO exist,they are just being suppressed by the powers that be.I saw a stat once where literally 99% patents filed on free energy devices are TURNED who stands to lose a giant amount of revenue and power is pulling all the strings.

posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 02:07 PM
It's obvious that the primary source of any coverup is the ET's themselves.

They obviously could make friendly contact in public, but they have not, for whatever reasons. This is not particularly nice of them.

Hence if the governments released what they knew, it would become clear the ET's were both powerful and not particularly friendly or respectful.

I don't see mass civilization collapsing with revelation of ET threats---in the fact of external enemies, people cling to their existing institutions that much harder.

If there are any ET's coming here, then I think that it is THEIR responsibility to establish diplomatic relations in a mutually beneficial and friendly and open fashion. They have not done this, and usually malevolent motives prosper in secrecy.

If this were the situation, then I think the governments should attempt as much ET technology transfer to the civilian and open military sector as possible, but hiding the original source.

Thus if ET's finally do something which is plainly obvious we humans will be somewhat less technologically inferior to them and will have more success confidence in our dealings with them.

posted on Mar, 9 2004 @ 02:11 PM
Another thing. I do *NOT* see governmental powers that be trying to hide a clean free energy source from ET technology.

Face it: the military's capabilities are well constrained by fuel needs. With more and more money going to foreign oil producers, many in the military would enjoy nothing more than relegating the mideast back to another poor dusty #hole.

A more likely scenario could be that such powerful technology could be easily turned into a weapon---high energy densities always offer that possibility.

If your vacuum energy powered pickup you sell to Tehran can be turned into a 50 megaton bomb, that would be Not A Good Thing.

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