posted on May, 25 2008 @ 08:45 PM
The one I took DOES look like the one at your link, and what my sister and I thought, it looks like waves, something generated them. They go in two
directions, and we had not seen those types before. I take pictures of the sky, mostly on the weekends is when we have the most 'cloud' activity.
Anyway, I am keeping an eye on my part of the woods too, again, great thread.
I wanted to add, since i have been home, my cat has meowed loudly, nearly nonstop. Not screeching loud, just quite plaintive. Its weird, and I hope
its not related to an earthquake, but thought I would add this just in case. After all it wasnt too long ago I felt the last one.
[edit on 25-5-2008 by hotbakedtater]