a reply to:
Ha, ha! I wrote you a novelette!
They said all hubby's tests were fine!
Which is the weird thing about it!
But we've both been told that many times before,
for years, when there really was something wrong!
What's nice now, is our hospital just went all hi tech!
All hubby's tests are on-line, we can go on & see everything!
Such a difference from when you had to ask all kinds of questions,
& they still didn't want to tell you anything. "Everything looks normal",
because lay people aren't smart enough to understand !
Everything is still saying 'pending', they're probably off for the weekend!!!
At least we will be able to see if any of the tests are borderline & go from there.
He only had that one short episode, which is weird.
He does get tightness when he's upset about something.
He doesn't handle stress as well as he used to!
But this didn't feel anything like that, that's what worried him!
There was this one, that was fairly close for that size:
M 6.0 - Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
PAGER - GREENShakeMap - ITsunami Warning Center
Time 2014-07-27 01:28:38 UTC Location23.761°N 45.646°W
NOAA is listing it as a 6.6, but it doesn't say what scale that is!
But his pains were 29 hours before that & only lasted a short time.
So that doesn't fit the usual profile!
There was a 2.1 in Virginia about a half hour after his pain.
That's pretty close to us & almost the exact same longitude!
But so small & why would it bother him this time?
So I don't really think it was that.
He does have his eq face on today though.
It's a big vertical wrinkle on both sides of his face.
Guess we'll just have to wait & see again!
I wish you lived close, you'd be welcome to hide out here!
Without old cat here, your dog would be safe!
He growled like a dog when he looked out the window
& saw other cats in our garden!
And once when he was outside,
he chased a huge dog that started to walk through our yard!
Our cats & dogs always got along, but they didn't like outsiders!
Young cat will go hide. She was a stray & is still a little shy!
I loved it when our daughter & her family lived with us!
Especially after they had their twins.
I really got to bond with them!
Hubby's sister came for a visit years ago.
She lived overseas & it was going to be the first time that I had met her.
I was so excited! I thought she would be like him & the rest of his family!
NOT!!! Ha, ha, ha! The only girl in a family of all boys!
Spoiled rotten, with an attitude, & a troublemaker for the fun of it!
She ended up staying for 6 months & ran up a $1,300 phone bill!
So I FEEL your pain!!!
At least they aren't moving in!!!
You can hold your breath for a few days, right?
Or maybe I should say bite your tongue & breathe deeply!!!
Alternately, 'cause I guess there's no way to do it at the same time!!!
Hang in there!
Good luck!